How to Save the WHC



Do you have a better idea?

And don't say putting it on CM Punk or getting rid of it. As much as I am a CM Punk fan, putting the belt on him for the 4th time would be a slap to the face to the 3 previous times he won/held it.

All the mid-card titles are meaningless. The MITB briefcases are more meaningful than the WHC right now. This is a way to make the title more meaningful.

If Sandow or Rhodes win the title at some point down the road. Say when the Royal Rumble comes around, the holder of the WHC has the opportunity to cash in the title for a match for the WWE Championship. Tell me that doesn't make holding the WHC more meaningful.

They should seriously go back to only one MITB match & briefcase.

Yes Really!!

and once again having the WHC a cash in for a match for the wwe championship is one of the worst ideas i've ever heard, It would make the WHC meaningless not meaningful

All the WHC title needs is to be taken seriously by wwe and won by guys like CM Punk and close out shows every once and a while, what killing the championship is the fact it's opens PPV's and fueds are taking a back seat to not just the wwe championship but to other fueds aswell, For example on Smackdown where the WHC is suppose to be the Main Championship of the show and main storylines but at the moment the main storyline on Smackdown is Sandow-Rhodes, and on Raw obviously the Bryan-Cena storyline but also the Wyatt-Kane fued, all wwe do for the World Championship fued is have Del Rio in a match and have Christian interupt or do commentary. There is absolutely no build for this title.

All wwe need to do is make the storylines primary storyline next to the wwe title fued, but if wwe are not prepared to do that then just get rid of the championship now.
Yes Really!!

and once again having the WHC a cash in for a match for the wwe championship is one of the worst ideas i've ever heard, It would make the WHC meaningless not meaningful

All the WHC title needs is to be taken seriously by wwe and won by guys like CM Punk and close out shows every once and a while, what killing the championship is the fact it's opens PPV's and fueds are taking a back seat to not just the wwe championship but to other fueds aswell, For example on Smackdown where the WHC is suppose to be the Main Championship of the show and main storylines but at the moment the main storyline on Smackdown is Sandow-Rhodes, and on Raw obviously the Bryan-Cena storyline but also the Wyatt-Kane fued, all wwe do for the World Championship fued is have Del Rio in a match and have Christian interupt or do commentary. There is absolutely no build for this title.

All wwe need to do is make the storylines primary storyline next to the wwe title fued, but if wwe are not prepared to do that then just get rid of the championship now.

Punk didnt close out shows when he had the WWE Title. What makes you think he will close out shows with the World Title ?
At the end of the day, there's always going to be claims of the WHC not having enough prestige or that it's not being used properly or that the wrong guy has a run with it. If there's one thing I've learned as it pertains to any championship, there's ALWAYS someone with any or all of those criticisms of the title at any given time. Don't get me wrong; that doesn't mean that the criticisms are valid sometimes, but there's never going to be any particular circumstance or wrestler to carry the title without someone, somewhere, crying foul for one eason or another.

The World Heavyweight Championship is never going to be viewed on the same level as the WWE Championship. The WWE Championship has 50 years of history behind it and is the first World Championship in the company. Now despite the revisionist history in which Vince tries to lay claim that the WHC's lineage is the same as the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, nobody's really buying into it. I can only guess that there's some sort of loophole in which WWE is able to make such a claim. I read somewhere not too long ago that WWE is in possession of the original NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt. I don't know if "original" in this cases means the legit, first title that was held by the likes of Orville Brown & Lou Thesz or if they mean the original redesigned belt that debuted in 1973 and was reinstated as the title once WCW & the NWA parted ways. Maybe that's how they're able to make such a claim, I dunno. Whatever the case, WWE doesn't put as much stock into it.

However, earlier this week, there was a story on the main page and several other sites stating that WWE was looking to put SmackDown! on equal footing to Raw. The report said that major angles & general happenings could take place on the show, as such things almost always only take place on Raw. There are rumors of the SD! going to 3 hours. If WWE wants to genuinely end the notion of SmackDown! being the "B Show", then that MIGHT be able to lift the WHC onto a more level playing field. At the end of the day, I think that's really the only realistic means of going about it. As I said, there'll always be people bitching about the WHC for one reason or another, but treating it like it matters as much as the WWE Championship is probably as close as WWE can get to satisfying everybody.
Punk didnt close out shows when he had the WWE Title. What makes you think he will close out shows with the World Title ?

Fair point, but at that time John Cena was bigger than every championship in wwe, wwe championship had less prestige than it does now, wwe brought prestige back into the wwe when they brought Punk back into the main event scene and the fact he became obsessed with holding onto the wwe championship, it was his obsession and the length of the reign that brought prestige back. Now do the same thing with the WHC, have Punk obsessed with it (face or heel i don't mind) and have him proclaim he is the best because he holds the World Championship. Now how Punk does it that's up to creative team.

Its not hard, wwe just need to invest time in it something they are not doing, it is probably the 3rd of 4th storyline at the moment, they need to have it up there with the top 2 fueds, and have it close shows every once and awhile, I like what previous posters have said that wwe one month concentrate on the wwe championship fued and the next concentrate on the World Heavyweight Championship fued.
The WHC is a leftover from the packed roster the WWE had ten years ago, it lacks prestige now because the roster isn't there to support it, simple as that.

When it was introduced it was fought over by guys like Triple H, Kane, Booker T, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Batista and Shawn Michaels on Raw. It was still the second most important title back then but because it was on Raw it was treated as being equal.

As soon as it switched to Smackdown it diminshed slightly, second most important title on the second most important show. That Cena was obviously anointed as the main man in the WWE over Batista didn't help matters either, it seemed like a consolation prize for Smackdown for losing it's top star.

But at least it had Undertaker, Batista, JBL, Edge and others battling over it to keep it important.

These days it's used as a testing ground for potential main eventers to see how they handle it. Some do it well (Bryan), some don't (Swagger), but I think it's obvious that the Intercontinental title could serve that function just as well if the attention given to the WHC was focused there instead.

For that reason I say scrap it, turn the US title in to the definite third title of the company and refocus energies to making the IC battle massively important again, complete with Money In The Bank contract for it and a high mid card of guys like Christian, ADR, Sheamus, Ziggler and RVD going after it
Many have said the WHC championship is what the IC title used to be, and it's the nostalgia in me that wants the IC title to get back to that former glory to give it reason for existing in today's WWE. So what can they do for the WHC? Find a good situation to finally merge it with the WWE title and let it RIP. Make the IC title the second most prized belt in the company again.

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