This upcoming week I will not be here

I hear those Mormon retreats get pretty rowdy. Don't you stay up all night praising Jesus and Joseph Smith, you hear!
I'm going to assume this preiod related and will be a monthly occurance.

Watch out for bears and African Land Sharks.
There actually was a bear there. Some of the girls were stupid and thought it'd be "super cool" to see it. They aren't that bright...

I hear those Mormon retreats get pretty rowdy. Don't you stay up all night praising Jesus and Joseph Smith, you hear!

I laughed so much harder at this joke than I should have.

For that, I'll spare you my musings about how JGL has a Dick Grayson vibe to him in certain lights, depending on how much you're squinting.

You're such a dear ;)

Oh yeah I'M BACK!!! What I miss?
Boy do weeks go by fast now.
Speak for yourself. Before the first day even ended it already felt like I had been there for a month

Барбоса;4019787 said:
As a Coco mark, I declare Wicked Valentine to be owning this thread

Damn straight

Sorry, but I'm posting not talking.
Funny how you didn't deny that you were deep throughting Crock though...
Hi, Wicked. :)
Hey handsome! how's it hangin'?

Swell, lil' lady. Did the bear end up eating those girls? Was it one of those weeks?
Swell, lil' lady. Did the bear end up eating those girls? Was it one of those weeks?
No the bear did not. And the week wasn't all that bad. The religious part of it was hard to endure because frankly I think a lot of what they say is bullshit but I did get to blow off steam by doing archery all week. I hit over 6 bulls eyes and killed a picture of a boar and a bunny. The archery leader gave me one of the arrows because I helped him out a lot during the week.
That was my last year as a camper. I can only come back as a staff. But i will be asking the archery leader dude if there are any archery clubs near where I live.

Archery is fucking great dude. The side of my finger is almost raw from holding the arrow and I've got a hematoma bruise on my inner forearm from holding the line too close to my body but I still want to keep doing it and get better at it.

Also me and 2 other girls sang This Is Halloween at the talent show. That was a lot of fun.
Archery is rather impractical for self-defence in the 21st century. Get a gun and find a range. You get a hobby and a useful skill.

I'm thinking about moving to Alberta. I'm learning how to talk like a conservative to prepare me. How'd I do with the gun talk?

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