This "Sting hasn't signed" stuff is ridiculous. Of course he has.

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Okay so he's been appearing on the Network. He's in the new game, and appeared in a vignette on Raw to promote it. He has a WWE DVD coming out. WWE Shop is selling his merchandise. In his Mirror interview he says he's "part of the WWE family" and when asked if he would promote the game live on Raw, answered: "All for it, just put it that way. I'm all for it". In Triple H's weekly interview, Cole asked if Sting would appear live (so Sting's impending debut is now officially a storyline), and Triple H replied with a smirk, "Never say never, if it's best for business".

He still hasn't signed though, of course. :suspic: JR strangely moved the Sting podcast back two weeks from July 15 to July 29 for a reason: The Undertaker and Sting will appear in their home state on the July 28 Raw for the long-awaited face-off. Okay, that bit I'm not 100% on, but Sting is absolutely signed with WWE. Make sense to deny it for the big surprise, I suppose.
It made sense that Sting signed with WWE ever since he first appeared on the WWE YouTube page to give tribute to Ultimate Warrior. He also gave a hint 24 hours before WrestleMania 30 in one of his Q&A Sessions.
Definitely agree, I don't believe dave meltzer. Sting has signed. otherwise all this wouldn't make sense, I have no idea why wrestling observer keeps putting that out maybe for discussions/attention.

The HHH sit down interview was pretty much all the evidence you needed, when in talks if Sting refused to compete or WWE had no interest in him wrestling Cole wouldn't have even asked HHH the question, its obvious, there putting the feelers out there.

The funny thing is theres a few fans saying Sting's too old etc, but did you see him on WWE's facebook page his body looks in awesome shape now looks like his training program has done well, I will bet my bank account that we wont see him compete in a t-shirt this time when he faces Taker at Mania 31.

Sting was the last one Legend WWE had to acquire and now they finally have him, Vince couldn't do it but HHH could.

Now he has the machine behind him it just makes you think of how epic the promos/entrances/builds will all be, he dosent even have to put on 5* matches and people know that.

Just imagine the staredown between Sting and Undertaker...

Sting's LIVE WWE debut needs to be done right, he is the LAST Guy EVER who has built his own legacy without any help from the machine, any other guy who debuts now, WWE will have involvement in some way being it development/NXT etc... Sting is the only guy who is one of the greatest of all time and hes done it on his terms and he can debut and the fans (as heard) will give him an amazing pop, dosent even matter where they do it, but if they do it in his home state or any down south states the crowd will go nuts

He is the last of his kind, and I'm ready to see him wrestle! Sting vs Taker WM31
So, for 30 years, Sting has been known as a pretty prudent businessman, someone that invested his money, never lived TOO frivolously, and we are expected to believe that he suddenly, in 2014, signed away the rights to Sting, his likeness, his trademark, and basically his cash maker just for shits and giggles? Anyone believing Meltzer is fucking stupid.
brock lesnar was in wwe 12 despite still being under contract with ufc and not able to sign with wwe. the video game has no correlation to signing a talent contract with wwe. lots of legends are signed to the video games without having talent contracts. ill believe sting before i believe fans on the internet
And I'll believe that Sting isn't stupid enough to sign over the rights to Sting without a contract, and that just about 100% of what happens in wrestling is a fucking work.
this whole smoke screen deal is to keep his debut and stuff a surprise people dont need to know everything he is a wwe guy now thats all that matters the rest will come in time just enjoy the ride dont need spoilers on everything remember how cool it was when rock first came back yea thats cause wwe maintained a surprise
And I'll believe that Sting isn't stupid enough to sign over the rights to Sting without a contract, and that just about 100% of what happens in wrestling is a fucking work.

so judging by your logic virgil has a talent contract since he was in the last wwe game.
I agree. It just seems like there's too much correlation between Sting and the WWE for me to believe that the man hasn't signed a WWE contract. As OP mentioned WWE is showcasing Sting on the Network, he has been featured in a vignette on Raw, and WWE Shop is selling Sting merch for crying out loud! Also Sting has said on more than one occasion, that he is a "WWE guy" now and he's in the "WWE family" and WWE even welcomed Sting "to the WWE family" on Twitter. NONE of this would be happening right now, if Sting wasn't in some way linked to the WWE... Hell the only thing Sting hasn't done is show up in person on WWE programming and I see that happening very soon.

One of the main reasons why Sting had doubts about signing with WWE and Vince Mcmahon in the first place is because he didn't want to give up all rights to the Sting name and gimmick and now I'm supposed to believe that Sting is letting WWE use his name and persona to endorse their product without protecting himself by signing a contract?

Of course it's possible that I could be wrong, but I believe the WWE wants to make Sting's debut one of their HOLY SHIT moments, so it would make sense to leak false info until after Sting shows up on Raw.
I believe that sting has worked a deal thru 2k with WWE for a limited use of his image and likeness ala what EA sports does with sports games. Think of it as Sting is nothing but a AD place in the game. Of course i could be wrong and he could completely signed or not at all but understand what Sting does is play the market and look out for number 1. All this saying he is part of the WWE family can have many meanings like 1) he is signed,2) he's close friends with guys in the back, 3) WWE own WCW type family. I wouldn't worry to much it will work it's self out soon enough after summerslam since ther is more money to be offered.
The WWE owns certain gimmicks. Don't be dense.

After reading this..

So, for 30 years, Sting has been known as a pretty prudent businessman, someone that invested his money, never lived TOO frivolously, and we are expected to believe that he suddenly, in 2014, signed away the rights to Sting, his likeness, his trademark, and basically his cash maker just for shits and giggles? Anyone believing Meltzer is fucking stupid.

You have no business calling anyone dense. Allowing your likeness to be used in a video game does not mean that you've signed over your rights to it. He was offered a deal for his likeness to be used, he obviously accepted it. He was offered a deal to appear in the commercial. He accepted it. Whether or not he's signed a deal with the WWE remains to be seen.
if wwe signed him they would announce it

Would they? There have been a lot of big returns/debuts over the years, and I sure don't remember all of them being plastered on the front page of

Okay doubters, feel free to ignore the Network appearances, DVD, Raw vignette, video game, merchandise and all the hints by Sting over the last year. But I challenge you to address the fact that his impeding debut is now officially a WWE storyline, yet Meltzer says he hasn't signed.
After reading this..

You have no business calling anyone dense. Allowing your likeness to be used in a video game does not mean that you've signed over your rights to it. He was offered a deal for his likeness to be used, he obviously accepted it. He was offered a deal to appear in the commercial. He accepted it. Whether or not he's signed a deal with the WWE remains to be seen.

So. In the WWE's history, Sting has never allowed his likeness to be used in a video game. For the last 10+ years, he's been with TNA. But, now, suddenly, he has signed over his likeness, he's been on WWE products on the Network, he's been on Raw in a promo for 2k15, but he has not signed a deal with the WWE, so there's basically no protection for him or the Sting likeness, and we're expected to believe that.

That, or you're being worked. I'll take the latter, since I've paid attention to pro-wresting EVER.
So. In the WWE's history, Sting has never allowed his likeness to be used in a video game. For the last 10+ years, he's been with TNA. But, now, suddenly, he has signed over his likeness, he's been on WWE products on the Network, he's been on Raw in a promo for 2k15, but he has not signed a deal with the WWE, so there's basically no protection for him or the Sting likeness, and we're expected to believe that.

That, or you're being worked. I'll take the latter, since I've paid attention to pro-wresting EVER.

signed over the likeness? and you know this how? even if sting signs a talent contact he isnt; going to give wwe ownership of the name sting, thats just asinine. hogan and flair were in tna when they appeared in legends of wrestling, doesnt mean anything regarding a talent contract. look at all of the legends in games recently, most of them never appeared on tv. ddp for example, was in one of the games, he didnt sign a talent contract, still owns the right to use his name. you've got nothing to back up your argument except for pure speculation.
Number 1, retired wrestlers and Legends do not count. Number 2, Sting has hinted as to wanting an active wrestler contract. Number 3, Sting OWNS Sting, Flair and Hogan do not own their rights the same way. Like I said, this is a work, but I don't expect IWC marks to see a work happen in front of their faces, afterall, most of the IWC thought Daniel Bryan was getting buried, that CM Punk was coming back, and that Kurt Angle can still wrestle a WWE match. It doesn't matter, the IWC marks cannot for the life of them see a work when it happens.
Number 1, retired wrestlers and Legends do not count. Number 2, Sting has hinted as to wanting an active wrestler contract. Number 3, Sting OWNS Sting, Flair and Hogan do not own their rights the same way. Like I said, this is a work, but I don't expect IWC marks to see a work happen in front of their faces, afterall, most of the IWC thought Daniel Bryan was getting buried, that CM Punk was coming back, and that Kurt Angle can still wrestle a WWE match. It doesn't matter, the IWC marks cannot for the life of them see a work when it happens.

Hogan does own the rights to his name. If he didn't he wouldn't have been able to use it in WCW and TNA and legally sell merchandise and such.

Same with Ric Flair.

CM Punk is also one of the few modern stars who didn't sign away the rights to his name.

As far as video games go last year when Warrior appeared on the game it was said that the video game companies offer separate contracts from the WWE. Warrior had taken WWE to court several years before and was awarded the copyright to the Ultimate Warrior character. When he agreed to be part of the video game he didn't have to negotiate with WWE at all.

All that being said I'm still inclined to believe Sting has signed some sort of deal. Whether it be a legends contract or otherwise. Maybe some sort of short term agreement until they decide if he wants a longer deal and if he wants to sign as an in ring competitor or not.
They do own them, in a different way. That's why Flair and Hogan can be in games and Sting has never been.
Would they? There have been a lot of big returns/debuts over the years, and I sure don't remember all of them being plastered on the front page of

Okay doubters, feel free to ignore the Network appearances, DVD, Raw vignette, video game, merchandise and all the hints by Sting over the last year. But I challenge you to address the fact that his impeding debut is now officially a WWE storyline, yet Meltzer says he hasn't signed.

Sting could be appearing on WWE Network, because WWE own all rights to WCW, and show all the WCW ppvs, which Sting appears on. So, Sting appears on the WWE Network because he was in WCW, and WWE own WCW now.

As for the rest, it depends what Sting has actually signed. My understanding is that he signed a Legends contract. This allows WWE to have a DVD about him, and he can go into the HoF. Plenty of Legends have Legend contracts, but don't appear on "Raw". Austin missed Raw 1000 and Raw XXth Anniversary, yet he has a Legends contract. So he may be able to be paid by WWE, without actually ever appearing on TV.

As for the video game, Ultimate Warrior signed a seperate deal with 2K, to allow his image in their video game. Sting may have the same arrangement, where he has signed with 2K for use of his image, but not WWE.

Look, maybe Sting might show up, maybe he won't. He has held out for so long, so I will not believe Sting in WWE, until I see him standing in a WWE ring. I'll believe it when I see it.

So, none of us really know if Sting has signed or not. All we know for sure, with Sting is, that nothing is for sure.
Number 1, retired wrestlers and Legends do not count. Number 2, Sting has hinted as to wanting an active wrestler contract. Number 3, Sting OWNS Sting, Flair and Hogan do not own their rights the same way. Like I said, this is a work, but I don't expect IWC marks to see a work happen in front of their faces, afterall, most of the IWC thought Daniel Bryan was getting buried, that CM Punk was coming back, and that Kurt Angle can still wrestle a WWE match. It doesn't matter, the IWC marks cannot for the life of them see a work when it happens.

because when it disproves your point it doesnt count.

that makes no sense, and it is easy to see that you have no idea what youre talking about. so despite jr, sting himself and countless others saying sting hasn't signed, theyre all wrong and you the fan who knows nothing about the situation is right. yeah, sure
. so despite jr, sting himself and countless others saying sting hasn't signed, theyre all wrong and you the fan who knows nothing about the situation is right. yeah, sure

So you think there is no chance that Sting and the WWE are working the internet marks? Don't take everything at face value on these dirtsheets.
As for the recent TMZ junk, nowhere in it does Sting deny having signed. Awful "article". If he had actually stated "I have not signed", I still wouldn't buy it, personally. Pretty sure Jericho did the same thing, since it's kinda cool to have your return/debut a surprise.
At least Sting can maintain his name and likeness if he chooses to do porn like Chyna.

I don't know if Sting is signed beyond what I have seen. I'll take his word for it that he isn't signed on as a talent and that he really wants one more match with Taker. He seems very enthusiastic. Maybe he is signed and will be running a gimmick where he invades WWE events from the rafters (too soon and too late?) looking for a contract from HHH. I don't know, dude looked bad at the end of his TNA run, he needs to sign a membership with a gym regardless.

The only reasonable explanation for all of this is that Sting is abusing drugs again and has started worshipping the devil. Please share this information as fact with all your friends.

If it is a work, what is the benefit?
At least Sting can maintain his name and likeness if he chooses to do porn like Chyna.

He can't be a singer though.

I think they're saying too much that he's not signed, it doesn't make much sense why he's still not signed. I'm sure WWE would have him for 1 match, they have to, don't they?

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