This Is Your Life Segment


of the Le'beau family
Since the magic of the first This Is Your Life between Mankind and The Rock back in the late 90s, this segment has reoccurred several times with little to no success. And they keep trying to do it.

This time is was Alexa Bliss using the segment on Bailey, in what was arguably the most cringy and unwatchable segment of Monday Night Raw since "The Old Day". Only considerably worse than that. This segment was so awful that there's a fair case for firing whoever wrote it. It buried both talent, was really really weird, boring, and it continues the side story that Bailey has never been kissed. What in the hell were they thinking, why was this garbage allowed to air, and what do you think they should do going forward?
They should stop doing these segments about somebody as uninteresting as Bayley. No more This is your life segments and keep the mic as far away from Bayley as possible.
It was funny when they first started but went downhill quickly. Alexa was brilliant in her part, she had crap to work with. As for Bayley, I'm really getting tired of the "Oh you're a WWE fangirl" act.

Bayley isn't nearly as exciting as she was down in NXT, her character which I do think is very much like her, just doesn't scream "Hey watch me". As a matter of fact she comes off boring in a way. If that's all they have for her then it will peter out very quickly.

And please don't do anymore segments like that one the other night. Very few wrestlers could pull it off, Jericho and Owens are two that come to mind.
I feel so bad for Alexa. Bad writing is one thing, but she was put into a position where she had to perform as though everything was her idea.

I think that the writers really really wanted to do a "This is your life" skit, but they realized that they didn't have much time for the segment. Usually the guests are introduced individually, and they do the "Do you recognize this voice?" thing. This time everyone was there, and the joke seemed to be that Bayley has an unhealthy relationship with her Dad.

It was extremely stupid for the writers to think that Alexa's character would even want to do an elaborate production like that. Past "This is your life!" bits involved someone trying to get on the good side of whomever they were admiring, and their intentions failed miserably in comical fashion. In this case Alexa apparently thought that it would be fun to go to the trouble or rounding up people who were close to Bayley so that she could get a cheap laugh at her expense, kind of a pyrrhic victory in that it didn't change anyone's perspective on their upcoming match at Extreme Rules.
Fun fact. This is Your Life with Rock and Mankind was stupid to watch. Yes, it got a record rating, but if you were over the age of ten at the time you probably found it to be stupid, not that funny, and obviously fake. Remember his coach? What was that? The school teacher/librarian or whatever she was? The girlfriend? The clown? Go back and watch that segment in or out of context and it was exhausting. It may have been more entertaining than what Alexa put together but that's not saying much and more importantly...

Alexa is not supposed to be entertaining in that way. She is not supposed to charm the audience or make the audience laugh, she is supposed to make the audience wonder "why someone could be so mean and why is she wasting my time?". Is she succeeding? In a way. She's not getting big pops even though she is far more appealing than most of the other talent to the loudest portion of the audience. She is maintaining her heelness in a day and age when that is hard to do as fans root for the most entertaining performers.

So yes the segment was crap. It is meant to be. WWE could easily do something else that is more entertaining but with Bayley floundering and Alexa succeeding it is not in their best interest. They have a warehouse full of teddy bears to sell.
The "this is your life" sort of segment can be sports entertainment at its worst. I've said lots of times that the primary purpose of WWE's creative team is to produce something that Vince McMahon likes first and foremost, if he doesn't like something then it doesn't go on the air because he has the final say over anything we see on television each week.

The first one with Rock and Foley worked back in the day because not only were both guys insanely over, their promos weren't scripted and the segment itself was a bit raunchy as it was the Attitude Era. It was kind of stupid, though funny at the same time. Segments like that don't work today in large part because WWE's creative teams and the wrestlers themselves don't have nearly the same level of creative freedom that they had during the Attitude Era. Of course, on the flip side, you have the fact that someone would take off onto social media complaining about being offended if the segment had been raunchier, which is what happens these days whenever WWE does something that's a little edgy.

I felt bad for both Alexa and Bayley because it was just a lousy segment that would've bombed with anyone on the roster. Alexa is a great talker and she did her best with what she was given, but what she was given was hot garbage.
They should probably just go ahead and never do this again.

It took two of the top 5 promo guys of all time to make one even passable. Every other time is has been absolute drivel.
Fun fact. This is Your Life with Rock and Mankind was stupid to watch. Yes, it got a record rating, but if you were over the age of ten at the time you probably found it to be stupid, not that funny, and obviously fake. Remember his coach? What was that? The school teacher/librarian or whatever she was? The girlfriend? The clown? Go back and watch that segment in or out of context and it was exhausting. It may have been more entertaining than what Alexa put together but that's not saying much and more importantly...

Alexa is not supposed to be entertaining in that way. She is not supposed to charm the audience or make the audience laugh, she is supposed to make the audience wonder "why someone could be so mean and why is she wasting my time?". Is she succeeding? In a way. She's not getting big pops even though she is far more appealing than most of the other talent to the loudest portion of the audience. She is maintaining her heelness in a day and age when that is hard to do as fans root for the most entertaining performers.

So yes the segment was crap. It is meant to be. WWE could easily do something else that is more entertaining but with Bayley floundering and Alexa succeeding it is not in their best interest. They have a warehouse full of teddy bears to sell.

The segment wasn't crap the way they meant it to be. Alexa's doing a good job overall, yes. But this segment was not suppose to be boring and cringy. It was suppose to make Alexa seem like a total bitch. Instead it just made both talent look bad. She's suppose to look like a good heel. That way when Bayley beats her, Bayley actually beat someone. The idea that the top heel isn't suppose to look good in a segment that they controlled and came out on top in is nonsense. You can entertain an audience with out making them cheer for you. Roddy, Flair, Vince, Bischoff, Heyman. All of them are entertaining villains. And if boring, cringy, and self burial is what they were going for- then fine. But it wasn't. They wanted none of those things. It was clearly a segment that was suppose to ramp up the feud and make Alexa seem like a charasmatic bitch. But the writing was so bad, she couldn't. Bliss is totally capable. But not when she's handed shit. One shot with the kendo stick? I'm sure that'll draw heat. >.> And that kiss thing. Just. Why?
Awful segment. I didnt need to know how Bayley has unhealthy relationship with dad or how her boyfriend wanted her best friend instead. Even if it is true, do the network special about Bayley life and get it there, nobody cares anymore. Meltzer even pointed out to one other thing. So cool kids hang out while she was watching RAW and Smackdown? So WWE things their program is not cool?

And that is one problem you have with Bayley. Eventually that "nerd fan" thing she has wears off. It became tiresome for people to take the jab at it as well as her portraying it. She wears off pretty fast and she either needs something big or she needs reinventing. And Alexa being uber bitch to her just helps Alexa, not Bayley. Especially when Bayley looks kinda weak on mic compared to her opponents.
So yes the segment was crap. It is meant to be. WWE could easily do something else that is more entertaining but with Bayley floundering and Alexa succeeding it is not in their best interest. They have a warehouse full of teddy bears to sell.

It was "intended" to be crap? You're lost. This excuse making for the current product and taking revisionist history shots at the highest rated segment in RAW History (Rock and Mankind) is falling on deaf ears.
The segment wasn't crap the way they meant it to be. Alexa's doing a good job overall, yes. But this segment was not suppose to be boring and cringy.

How do you know? It was supposed to be a segment thought up by Alexa, with insults invented by Alexa, and actors brought on by Alexa. Alexa is a soulless cunt who doesn't care about anyone but herself. She doesn't care about your entertainment. She just wants to embarrass Bayley. She did a poor job because she is a horrible human being with a lack of awareness.

It was suppose to make Alexa seem like a total bitch. Instead it just made both talent look bad. She's suppose to look like a good heel.

Good heels become faces in 2017, it is not in Alexa's best interest to be a face. If that happens she may as well change her name to Bayley Banks and enjoy working a program as Jack Gallagher's valet.

That way when Bayley beats her, Bayley actually beat someone.

I expect Alexa to win but I could be wrong and not relevant to this discussion.

The idea that the top heel isn't suppose to look good in a segment that they controlled and came out on top in is nonsense.

Heels can only be so entertaining in 2017 or they become faces. Do you really think WWE expected that segment to win an Emmy?

You can entertain an audience with out making them cheer for you. Roddy

In the 80's


Not a wrestler and also gets huge pops despite consistently acting like an ass.

Not a wrestler


Not a wrestler

All of them are entertaining villains. And if boring, cringy, and self burial is what they were going for- then fine. But it wasn't. They wanted none of those things. It was clearly a segment that was suppose to ramp up the feud and make Alexa seem like a charasmatic bitch.

Not sure if charismatic is supposed to be part of her character. Maybe charismatic to the weak minded follower.

But the writing was so bad, she couldn't.

They are supposed to be Bliss' words, Bliss is a dumb cunt who doesn't care about anything other than herself and humiliating easy targets like Bayley with her own made up bullshit. The writing was pretty spot on.

Bliss is totally capable.

Bliss the actress is totally capable and willing, Bliss the character may be capable but she isn't going to put out the effort to amuse you. Again, good writing.

But not when she's handed shit. One shot with the kendo stick? I'm sure that'll draw heat. >.> And that kiss thing. Just. Why?

This has more to do with Bayley's failing as a character to you. But Bayley is not for you.

It was "intended" to be crap? You're lost.

Do you really think WWE thought that you would think that segment was anything but "crap"?

This excuse making for the current product and taking revisionist history shots at the highest rated segment in RAW History (Rock and Mankind) is falling on deaf ears.

A popped rating is not an indication of quality. It is an indication of interest. Tell me what you loved about it?
How do you know? It was supposed to be a segment thought up by Alexa, with insults invented by Alexa, and actors brought on by Alexa. Alexa is a soulless cunt who doesn't care about anyone but herself. She doesn't care about your entertainment. She just wants to embarrass Bayley. She did a poor job because she is a horrible human being with a lack of awareness.

Good heels become faces in 2017, it is not in Alexa's best interest to be a face. If that happens she may as well change her name to Bayley Banks and enjoy working a program as Jack Gallagher's valet.

I expect Alexa to win but I could be wrong and not relevant to this discussion.

Heels can only be so entertaining in 2017 or they become faces. Do you really think WWE expected that segment to win an Emmy?

In the 80's


Not a wrestler and also gets huge pops despite consistently acting like an ass.

Not a wrestler


Not a wrestler

Not sure if charismatic is supposed to be part of her character. Maybe charismatic to the weak minded follower.

They are supposed to be Bliss' words, Bliss is a dumb cunt who doesn't care about anything other than herself and humiliating easy targets like Bayley with her own made up bullshit. The writing was pretty spot on.

Bliss the actress is totally capable and willing, Bliss the character may be capable but she isn't going to put out the effort to amuse you. Again, good writing.

This has more to do with Bayley's failing as a character to you. But Bayley is not for you.

Do you really think WWE thought that you would think that segment was anything but "crap"?

A popped rating is not an indication of quality. It is an indication of interest. Tell me what you loved about it?

If boring is what we should expect for "real" heels in 2017, then we can't expect to have a good product. It doesn't work that way in any other media. Lots of people love Loki too, but that's part of what makes The Avengers a good movie. You want heels to be entertaining to add to the product and then down the line eventually be cheered so that they can turn face themselves. And you give faces juicier material so that they can maintain their popularity and make money. If your heel needs to be boring to the point that people have to change the channel, just to make sure that they're not being cheered for- you're doing it wrong. WWE has only made one big heel boring on purpose, and that was Johnny Ace. They care about reactions. That's how I know that they didn't do that on purpose. They don't care if someone actually gets cheered or booed, so long as there's a reaction. Roman Reigns is walking proof of that.
i think that they are trying to recreate the magic that was the first one but they forget that they're not in the attitude era. The reason the first one worked so well was because back then, you could pretty much do or say whatever you want and fans would go wild for it. This was the type of era you we're in. They tried to recreate it a couple of years ago with mick foley and the Rock and it pretty much bomb just like this one did.

The thing is, the fan base as change a lot since the first one happened and are smarter now then during the attitude era. The dirt sheet are pretty much going in the same area were they don't care for this kind of segment anymore.

personally, while i thought it went a little bit to long, i still was entertain by it mostly because Alexa Bliss tried are best to save this segment and was pretty much the only entertaining thing in the whole segment but they can't go back in time anymore and do stuff from the attitude era. That stuff was bad then and it's still bad now but the difference is back then we didn't care as much about the comedy stuff because that's what we like, now it just feel old
If boring is what we should expect for "real" heels in 2017, then we can't expect to have a good product.

Yes, this is part of the problem in 2017. Heels can only be so entertaining or they start getting cheered and end up ruining the story. Alexa has been terrific for the loudest portion of the audience. If Alexa went out there and emitted laughter or real emotion from the crowd they would have revolted when buzzkill Bayley ended the fun. A bad look for Bayley who is having real problems with this loud portion of the audience.

It doesn't work that way in any other media. Lots of people love Loki too, but that's part of what makes The Avengers a good movie.

Professional wrestling has a live audience that influences the home viewers experience. It is also weekly episodic, a big difference from other media.

You want heels to be entertaining to add to the product and then down the line eventually be cheered so that they can turn face themselves.

Yes, I want that too. The problem is that Alexa is too well liked and pushing that point where the fans ruin the story because they start to cheer for her. It happened with Sasha and she basically had to disappear when the Divas Revolution started. Bayley on the other hand is losing popularity. What happened or the fans singing, "Hey Bayley"?

And you give faces juicier material so that they can maintain their popularity and make money. If your heel needs to be boring to the point that people have to change the channel, just to make sure that they're not being cheered for- you're doing it wrong.
What is the alternative? They cater their program to kids but have an adult audience. You can't give both what they want all the time or you lose the other.

WWE has only made one big heel boring on purpose, and that was Johnny Ace.

They tone down their heels all of the time. Do you really think Kevin Owens can't be more entertaining? Have you ever seen The Club? Can Brat Wyatt not really think of anything new to say?

They care about reactions.

Not as much as they tell you they do because noise doesn't pay the bills.

That's how I know that they didn't do that on purpose. They don't care if someone actually gets cheered or booed, so long as there's a reaction. Roman Reigns is walking proof of that.

Roman Reigns is a far different beast than Bayley and Alexa.
Sorry guys. I heard about how 'terrible' this segment was and I went to watch it on youtube to see just how bad it was. And it was excellent. Bayley is like an overgrown kid and Alexa Bliss is a mean girl. It was meant to be over-the-top to get under Bayley's skin. You wrestling fans are strange. You like the stupidest shit and then you dump on Attitude Era-type stuff. You're all just a bunch of morons parroting each other. The segment was well done.
The "this is your life" sort of segment can be sports entertainment at its worst. I've said lots of times that the primary purpose of WWE's creative team is to produce something that Vince McMahon likes first and foremost, if he doesn't like something then it doesn't go on the air because he has the final say over anything we see on television each week.

The first one with Rock and Foley worked back in the day because not only were both guys insanely over, their promos weren't scripted and the segment itself was a bit raunchy as it was the Attitude Era. It was kind of stupid, though funny at the same time. Segments like that don't work today in large part because WWE's creative teams and the wrestlers themselves don't have nearly the same level of creative freedom that they had during the Attitude Era. Of course, on the flip side, you have the fact that someone would take off onto social media complaining about being offended if the segment had been raunchier, which is what happens these days whenever WWE does something that's a little edgy.

I felt bad for both Alexa and Bayley because it was just a lousy segment that would've bombed with anyone on the roster. Alexa is a great talker and she did her best with what she was given, but what she was given was hot garbage.

Wrong again Jack Hammer. I enjoyed the segment and I barely enjoy anything the WWE produces these days. Why did I enjoy the segment? Because it was a parody of itself. Alexa Bliss put her own 'spin' on it. It wasn't meant to be an elaborate, earth-shattering moment that would gain the most ratings in PG era history. It was just meant to be an 'attack' on her opponent heading into a PPV. It was short and sweet and cheesy but appropriately cheesy as Bayley's character is childish. I don't feel bad for either of them. I only feel bad for wrestling fans who watch every week and then complain about one of the very few segments that are actually worth watching. And just because Jerry Lawler or Booker T or some Wrestlezone personality deems the segment 'cringeworthy' means nothing. Wrestling fans 'parrot' each other without thinking. The segment was done well. You guys need to stop over analyzing things.
Maybe there's a huge joke that went over my head, but I thought all "This Is Your Life" segments were supposed to be cringeworthy. I didn't think Rock/Foley was all that good.

Bliss's beatdown was great and received a warm reception. Having Bayley's old friend and ex giving lip service did make me feel a little sympathetic for Bayley. It did everything it needed to do for me, the fan. I am more interested in the Kendo Match.

This sport isn't exactly known for its rich narrative, guys. Can we agree that it was refreshing to see fans boo the villain at least?
I just skipped it. A female "wrestler" pushed and supported for rather transparent reasons who hasn't had a single memorable segment or match in over 2 years has a bad segment. Who would have thought. I'm not into Disney type insults I haven't heard past the age of 11. They somehow made her even worse on Raw, so oh well. More skipping to be held.
Since the magic of the first This Is Your Life between Mankind and The Rock back in the late 90s, this segment has reoccurred several times with little to no success. And they keep trying to do it.

This time is was Alexa Bliss using the segment on Bailey, in what was arguably the most cringy and unwatchable segment of Monday Night Raw since "The Old Day". Only considerably worse than that. This segment was so awful that there's a fair case for firing whoever wrote it. It buried both talent, was really really weird, boring, and it continues the side story that Bailey has never been kissed. What in the hell were they thinking, why was this garbage allowed to air, and what do you think they should do going forward?

I never got the hype of the Rock "This Is Your Life" segment.It is the most overrated segment ever. It was long and boring, and the Rock acted like a complete dick. I wanted Mankind to give the Rock the mandible claw to shut him up. I think people only like it because they firm up over the Rock's stickwork.

The segment never works for me, and I haven't liked any of them, INCLUDING the Rock one.
I felt sorry for both women. They are being horribly written in this angle.
Bliss once again gets the upper hand and we all know she will retain in the match so will Bayley ever have an upper hand?
The only "It's Your Life" Segment that was even remotely good was Foley and Cena, but only because it didn't get too far in before Rock came down and Rock Bottomed Foley.
If Bayley was out there telling them to take their poontang ass out of there or she'll whoop all their candy asses, it might have been decent, but Alexa was out there with horrible writing, awful delivery, 2 random strangers making out. This segment embarrassed both Bayley and Alexa... Alexa should've threw the script in their face and told them to go fuck themselves.. Shame on you creative.
I won't be watching it as I'm not interested in such segments.

But I want to say something about such segments. What I believe that a particular segment doesn't need to repeated again and again over a time period. Be it successful or unsuccessful. Why repeat when you can devise something new? Repeating something will always lead to comparisons and most of the times, the original is the mist acceptable segment. That's all.
The weird thing is that I completly forgot that this segment dated back to the late 80's when they did a this is your life nikolai volkoff on a episode of TNT and it was as horrible as most this is your life segment.

The concept as always been kinda crap, the only reason that the rock/mankind worked was because of the of the performer and the time period.

They got lucky on that one but they really don't need to repeat this segmnt that quite frankly, feel out of date at this point. They tried it in 2011 and again 2017 and both time it bomb even with the level of performers in them.

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