This Is The KillJoy's Thread Of Incoherent Antagonism & Ranting, Dammit!


Lord And Master
Staff member
What the hell is wrong with people!? I work at McDonald's. I'm a fry cook. Like Spongebob. I get the orders on a computer screen and I make 'em. I have gotten everything from angus burgers to salads and there is always some people that don't want pickles or onions. However some people ask for the stupidest of things. One day I was asked for a Cheeseburger. Pretty basic, right? It got more basic. A cheeseburger with no CHEESE!! Why the fuck wouldn't you just order a freaking HAMBURGER!? That doesn't include CHEESE! Extra money? The hell I care, I get paid by the hour. Thats 6 hours of seeing people be stupid (and listening to the damned radio). A few days later somebody orders a bacon triple. OK. Extra bacon, no bacon. :wtf: What in the rowdy blue hell is that!!?? A quarter pounder without butter? It doesn't have butter. A hamburger without the bread? Well it hasn't happened yet, but at this rate I hold some hope. Damn.

The town I work in is a tourist town. Full of lots of nice locations and the beach. So there's lots of "gringos". Most of the time they are some rather attractive blondes. Yet their terrible sunburns and stupidity quickly drives me away. You know what a "mocha latte" is, right? Good. I don't like any coffee but I know what it is. However its a U.S. thing. So when you come to a foreign (Not so) country asking for said thing, you have to expect an odd answer. "We don't have mocha latte's. We have regular coffee". Their reaction was priceless. "Wha...!!??". Yes, ladies. Over here, if we want coffee or whatever the fuck it is that you asked for we go home and do it. Just like our meals. Its called cooking. When you go to a Fast Food, you buy food. Not a mocha latte. You want that, I'm pretty sure your all expense paid hotel makes them. Duh. Starbucks? Yeah, we have one. In the airport. Its 2 hours from here if you want to drive there.

Funny note. My co-worker was at a complete loss when he was asked what a mocha latte is. Welcome to the rest of the world.
What the hell is wrong with people!? I work at McDonald's. I'm a fry cook. Like Spongebob. I get the orders on a computer screen and I make 'em. I have gotten everything from angus burgers to salads and there is always some people that don't want pickles or onions. However some people ask for the stupidest of things. One day I was asked for a Cheeseburger. Pretty basic, right? It got more basic. A cheeseburger with no CHEESE!! Why the fuck wouldn't you just order a freaking HAMBURGER!? That doesn't include CHEESE! Extra money? The hell I care, I get paid by the hour. Thats 6 hours of seeing people be stupid (and listening to the damned radio). A few days later somebody orders a bacon triple. OK. Extra bacon, no bacon. :wtf: What in the rowdy blue hell is that!!?? A quarter pounder without butter? It doesn't have butter. A hamburger without the bread? Well it hasn't happened yet, but at this rate I hold some hope. Damn.

The town I work in is a tourist town. Full of lots of nice locations and the beach. So there's lots of "gringos". Most of the time they are some rather attractive blondes. Yet their terrible sunburns and stupidity quickly drives me away. You know what a "mocha latte" is, right? Good. I don't like any coffee but I know what it is. However its a U.S. thing. So when you come to a foreign (Not so) country asking for said thing, you have to expect an odd answer. "We don't have mocha latte's. We have regular coffee". Their reaction was priceless. "Wha...!!??". Yes, ladies. Over here, if we want coffee or whatever the fuck it is that you asked for we go home and do it. Just like our meals. Its called cooking. When you go to a Fast Food, you buy food. Not a mocha latte. You want that, I'm pretty sure your all expense paid hotel makes them. Duh. Starbucks? Yeah, we have one. In the airport. Its 2 hours from here if you want to drive there.

Funny note. My co-worker was at a complete loss when he was asked what a mocha latte is. Welcome to the rest of the world.

:lmao: I keep forgetting you live in buttfuck PR. Goddamn, it's great to live in the east part :D
What the hell is wrong with people!? I work at McDonald's. I'm a fry cook. Like Spongebob. I get the orders on a computer screen and I make 'em. I have gotten everything from angus burgers to salads and there is always some people that don't want pickles or onions. However some people ask for the stupidest of things. One day I was asked for a Cheeseburger. Pretty basic, right? It got more basic. A cheeseburger with no CHEESE!! Why the fuck wouldn't you just order a freaking HAMBURGER!? That doesn't include CHEESE! Extra money? The hell I care, I get paid by the hour. Thats 6 hours of seeing people be stupid (and listening to the damned radio). A few days later somebody orders a bacon triple. OK. Extra bacon, no bacon. :wtf: What in the rowdy blue hell is that!!?? A quarter pounder without butter? It doesn't have butter. A hamburger without the bread? Well it hasn't happened yet, but at this rate I hold some hope. Damn.

What I find even funnier, is so many returant workers inability to do even the most absolute SIMPLE fucking tasks if it doesnt correspond with a button they can push on a computer screen. If the fucking person asks for a cheeseburger with no cheese, fuck em, give it to them. Don't overthink it.

In my younger days, I used to order a doubel whopper, with cheese, bacon, ketchup and mustard. thats it. No veggies, no special sauces, just simple fucking double bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard. I literally went over a YEAR without one single Burger King being able to get this order right. Not fucking one.

Nowadays, I go to Taco Bell to order off the fresco menu. Thing is though, I dont like vegtables. So I order "fresco steak tacos, no vegtables".....So, idiot, PUT FUCKING STEAK INTO A TORTILLA, COOK IT AND GIVE IT TO ME. When the words "fresco steak taco, no veggies" comes out of my mouth, you would think I was speaking in tongues. I literally had someone with a blank look on their face say "but fresco means vegtables...."

As you can imagine, these folks have been able to get this order right maybeeeee 3 times out of 15, I think

Your job isnt to think, your job is to give me what the fuck I order and pay for
Your job isnt to think, your job is to give me what the fuck I order and pay for

This is like, true and shit. Especially Mickey D's around here. Killjoy, you need to admit have probably fucked up an order or two in your life.
If you want my fucking money, you'll put your goddamn sperm on my whopper.

That being said, maybe I should ask your mother how my sperm tastes. From the look on her face, I would imagine it being sour, yet spicy. Hey, Taco Bell made a Shrimp Taco. I might be onto something here.
What I find even funnier, is so many returant workers inability to do even the most absolute SIMPLE fucking tasks if it doesnt correspond with a button they can push on a computer screen. If the fucking person asks for a cheeseburger with no cheese, fuck em, give it to them. Don't overthink it.

In my younger days, I used to order a doubel whopper, with cheese, bacon, ketchup and mustard. thats it. No veggies, no special sauces, just simple fucking double bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard. I literally went over a YEAR without one single Burger King being able to get this order right. Not fucking one.

Nowadays, I go to Taco Bell to order off the fresco menu. Thing is though, I dont like vegtables. So I order "fresco steak tacos, no vegtables".....So, idiot, PUT FUCKING STEAK INTO A TORTILLA, COOK IT AND GIVE IT TO ME. When the words "fresco steak taco, no veggies" comes out of my mouth, you would think I was speaking in tongues. I literally had someone with a blank look on their face say "but fresco means vegtables...."

As you can imagine, these folks have been able to get this order right maybeeeee 3 times out of 15, I think

Your job isnt to think, your job is to give me what the fuck I order and pay for


Half the time you don't know your order is wrong until you get home, and it's not like your going to drive all the way back. I'm constantly surprised at how fucking stupid some people are. We also have the problem in SoCal where nobody speaks english. Not that I care, it just makes shit difficult when trying to order food.

Good fucking thing I can go to my own place anytime I want and get good food. Well 99% of the time, there has been once or twice they burned by fucking kobe beef burger.
Killjoy, you think you have it bad? Try working in a camera shop and you get people from everywhere asking for things like headphones, mp3 players, sim cards and wiis. I didn't realise we even sold them!
I love me some BK Burger Shots. Most of the time they get my order right. I'm simple. Hamburger, Ketchup only. Only most of the time the cashiers look at me like I'm crazy. NOT a vegetable person
I don't know about everywhere else, but the Burger Kings around here fucking suck. Their oil tastes like mud butt and their burgers are always soggy. If I was going to get a burger it would be The Habit or In N Out.
I don't know about everywhere else, but the Burger Kings around here fucking suck. Their oil tastes like mud butt and their burgers are always soggy. If I was going to get a burger it would be The Habit or In N Out.

Actually it shouldn't. It's pretty much policy for them to change oil. But then again, there are places that are mavericks, and don't keep up with company policy...bastards.
Well, I just got back from work. Let me see what I have here.

What I find even funnier, is so many returant workers inability to do even the most absolute SIMPLE fucking tasks if it doesnt correspond with a button they can push on a computer screen. If the fucking person asks for a cheeseburger with no cheese, fuck em, give it to them. Don't overthink it.

In my younger days, I used to order a doubel whopper, with cheese, bacon, ketchup and mustard. thats it. No veggies, no special sauces, just simple fucking double bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard. I literally went over a YEAR without one single Burger King being able to get this order right. Not fucking one.

Nowadays, I go to Taco Bell to order off the fresco menu. Thing is though, I dont like vegtables. So I order "fresco steak tacos, no vegtables".....So, idiot, PUT FUCKING STEAK INTO A TORTILLA, COOK IT AND GIVE IT TO ME. When the words "fresco steak taco, no veggies" comes out of my mouth, you would think I was speaking in tongues. I literally had someone with a blank look on their face say "but fresco means vegtables...."

As you can imagine, these folks have been able to get this order right maybeeeee 3 times out of 15, I think

Your job isnt to think, your job is to give me what the fuck I order and pay for
I don't have a problem with making the orders. My problem when they are stupid orders. Did you read the one about the cheeseburger? He was told that a hamburger was cheaper, yet the dumbass wanted a cheeseburger without cheese. The hell is that? At least make sense if you wanna be picky.

I keep forgetting you live in buttfuck PR. Goddamn, it's great to live in the east part
Yeah. Great to live in the criminally infested areas, right?

This is like, true and shit. Especially Mickey D's around here. Killjoy, you need to admit have probably fucked up an order or two in your life.
Yeah. I mess up some times. So I make it again. No problem it was my bad.
If you want my fucking money, you'll put your goddamn sperm on my whopper.

That being said, maybe I should ask your mother how my sperm tastes. From the look on her face, I would imagine it being sour, yet spicy. Hey, Taco Bell made a Shrimp Taco. I might be onto something here.
I get paid to cook and assemble whats on screen. Not to care about what you think.

Half the time you don't know your order is wrong until you get home, and it's not like your going to drive all the way back. I'm constantly surprised at how fucking stupid some people are. We also have the problem in SoCal where nobody speaks english. Not that I care, it just makes shit difficult when trying to order food.

Good fucking thing I can go to my own place anytime I want and get good food. Well 99% of the time, there has been once or twice they burned by fucking kobe beef burger.

One time I almost DID go back. They gave me just regular ass steak taco supremes, WITH fucking not only lettuce, but with cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, whole nine fucking yards. Lik honestly, how do i order plain straight up steak meat in a torilla, and fucking end up with THAT? HOW do you fuck that up so fucking much?

if I fucked something up that bady at MY work, numerous people would be dead. Fucking moron.
I don't know about everywhere else, but the Burger Kings around here fucking suck. Their oil tastes like mud butt and their burgers are always soggy. If I was going to get a burger it would be The Habit or In N Out.

I said to fuck with them a long time ago, I only fuck with Carl's JR now. Or gourmet burgers in like a bg ass sit down resturant

Half the time you don't know your order is wrong until you get home, and it's not like your going to drive all the way back. .

We got one yesterday that did it. He ordered a quarter pounder with extra ketchup. We forgot the "extra" part. 2 hours later he returns asking for the "extra"ketchup. Do you see what we're dealing with here?
Actually it shouldn't. It's pretty much policy for them to change oil. But then again, there are places that are mavericks, and don't keep up with company policy...bastards.

I'm sure it's policy, but their managers are clearly also fucking stupid because they hired idiots who can't do their job. I'm sure it's tough sometimes, taking the orders of the elderly and stupid, but more often then not the employees are just as shit.

Trust me I know about stupid fucking people. When I'm at my restaurant and I'm on register or something, people will order shit we don't even have. They won't even look at the menu, they'll order like a fucking cinnamon apple salad with raspberry dressing or something as ridiculous. Mother fucker what makes you think we have that? The worst though is when poeple just walk up to me and say "What do you guys have?" Really? There are fucking menus all over the fucking place. Not to mention the name of our fucking restaurant is called Boars Breath Deli and Grill. Use that information and come up with an idea of what we would sell.
I'm sure it's policy, but their managers are clearly also fucking stupid because they hired idiots who can't do their job. I'm sure it's tough sometimes, taking the orders of the elderly and stupid, but more often then not the employees are just as shit.
Contact health inspection.

Trust me I know about stupid fucking people. When I'm at my restaurant and I'm on register or something, people will order shit we don't even have. They won't even look at the menu, they'll order like a fucking cinnamon apple salad with raspberry dressing or something as ridiculous. Mother fucker what makes you think we have that? The worst though is when poeple just walk up to me and say "What do you guys have?" Really? There are fucking menus all over the fucking place. Not to mention the name of our fucking restaurant is called Boars Breath Deli and Grill. Use that information and come up with an idea of what we would sell.
:lol: Do they ask for internet there? God, today some tourist's came asking for the password to our internet system.
Alright, since you people really work in fast food, I'll get down to the hard-hitting questions.

What nasty stuff do you do to or with people's food?

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