I Shouldn't Be Proud About This

Not five minutes ago,I just witnessed my brother put his fiancee in the Walls of Jericho...and I couldn't help but wonder why she's marrying this tool,so I stepped in and made him tap out to an armbar.I love my family :lmao:
You must spread some Reputation around before you can give it to Rodricks again. ^^

My sister made me turn blue in a rear naked choke before. I didn't tap. I nearly had my fiancee in the walls last weekend but i gave up trying to turn her around.
Couldn't find a folded steel chair.

So. Use a frying pan or plank of wood. If he/she's holding something close to the face, kick it in!

Not five minutes ago,I just witnessed my brother put his fiancee in the Walls of Jericho...and I couldn't help but wonder why she's marrying this tool,so I stepped in and made him tap out to an armbar.I love my family :lmao:

Why were you watching your brother doing foreplay?
You people are terrible. I beat up a hobo who probably couldn't even afford a knife and you cheer it on. You're worse than the Crucial Crew.

who says he didn't make himself a shank. Prisoners have virtually no money, yet they make knife-like stuff?

Plus, he could easily have stolen a knife form someone.
So. Use a frying pan or plank of wood. If he/she's holding something close to the face, kick it in!

Too much effort, I'd have to climb something, hope I manage to jump far enough to hit the object and slam it in his / her face.

There's so many other moves that would take less effort and time to perform I'm certain.
Too much effort, I'd have to climb something, hope I manage to jump far enough to hit the object and slam it in his / her face.

There's so many other moves that would take less effort and time to perform I'm certain.

That's a Van Terminator/Coast To Coast. I meant the one were he tosses you chair and then Spin Kicks it to your face.
That's a Van Terminator/Coast To Coast. I meant the one were he tosses you chair and then Spin Kicks it to your face.

No the coast to coast is the one where he jumps from the top rope to the other side of the ring.

The Van Daminator is the spinning wheel kick.

wikipedia said:
* Five-Star Frog Splash (frog splash, sometimes while turning in mid-air)[1][2]
* Split-legged moonsault[1][2] – 1996-2001, 2010–present, used as a regular move from 2001–2010
* Van Daminator[1][2] (Spinning wheel kick to a steel chair held in front of the opponent's face)
* Van Terminator[1][2] (Corner-to-corner missile dropkick, usually with a chair positioned on the opponent's face)

Yeah, it was easier that way really.
I've always wanted to walk away from a fight/confrontation only too hit Sweet Chin Music followed by a crotch chop. Sadly i'm not flexible enough.

The closest i've got is my brother putting me in the Crippler Crossface when we were about 8 and 10. I always tapped out.
The kick was a little over kill but their was nothing wrong with what you did.In the same situation i would do the same thing.

I mean it could be worse.He could have knocked you out and alot of people would make jokes about how u got your ass kicked by a homeless guy
He has a point. There was a fine line... but now there's probably going to be some douchebag who makes comments about how you kicked the crap out of a homeless guy, seeing as how his life wasn't bad enough... But I'm above such things :p

Personally, I would rather be the guy known for laying down some sweet chin music on the bum, rather than the guy who got beat up by the homeless guy... You win.
Going with Norcal. Anytime a wrestling move is successfully used in a fair fight. Instant Win. He obviously has mental issues, or drug issues. Or both. He was a potential danger to the customers and could have been armed. I busted out a powerslam in a real fight, like.. Randy Orton-esque quick powerslam. Still proud of that.
I love how, no matter what it is, almost 99% of wrestling moves will instantaneously end a fight. Except a Hogan leg drop... That will probably get you jumped faster than a naked stripper at an Ecstasy party...
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2090658]I love how, no matter what it is, almost 99% of wrestling moves will instantaneously end a fight. Except a Hogan leg drop... That will probably get you jumped faster than a naked stripper at an Ecstasy party...[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ. Landing your ass on somebody's head isn't exactly something you get up from.
Nobody is exactly prone to lying still long enough for you to leg drop them though, either... And if they're in a position to get leg dropped, might I suggest a Texas Cloverleaf? :) A Macho Man elbow drop would suffice as well... just make sure you point at the sky first!
Nobody did a Van Daminator? I'm even more ashamed.

Done that with a sketch book. you know the big ones you use in Art class?.

I almost pedigreed somebody one time in a fight, I snapped out of it beforehand though thank god. I hate getting into fights I always go for the wrestling moves for some reason. If I don't want to fight I go straight to the ground for a submission move until the other guy gives up, Or is it a face buster? the one Jeff hardy used to do alot?

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