This Is A Confusing Decision

If you;re not going, I totally will.

I'll skelp the pussy off her for you.
Yeah. Crack jokes all you want, but I got her number without having to go to the beauty show. There, bitches.
Well she's calling me. And its the same number she gave me.The whole "dying my hair" thing is freaking me out though.
She walked with me to one of my classes. It was a 15 minute walk. Really, I fail to see why she tried to lure me to that show. If that was her job, mission failed. I was too distracting. Score one for me.
No. We are both in college. She gave me the invite in one of the campus buildings. The show is being held by some salon she works in.
Not really. I'm gonna stick to the phone and meeting at college for a bit. Too low on cash to go out.

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