The Importance of Your/You're

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Girl: really (my friend) thinks your hot

Me: my hot?

Girl: yeah

Me: what does she think about my hot?

Girl: I don't know because I showed her a picture of you...she's 19 and single ;)

Me: What does my hot have to do with me?

Girl: I don't know...your confusing lol

Me: what about my confusing?

Girl: what?

Me: you keep talking about "your hot" and "your confusing" and I'm trying to figure out what these objects are that I apparently possess

Girl: goodnight hot confusing guy!

Me: tootles

Your = you possess
You're = you are

:lmao: Yeah, that kinda pisses me off.

Someone should make a chit chat thread on whether or not the use of good grammar, spelling and punctuation is REALLY necessary on the internet.
Going back to your old roots Big Ace, be happy you didn't do that in the name change thread again:p
Yeah, but the thing is, that they often use the excuse that this is the internet and it isn't necessary to speak..erm...type properly. And that's just a stupid excuse...I can understanding shortening words, but not things like using "your" where you're is supposed to be, that's just annoying.
Its amazing what a few wrong letters can do

I lit you're baby on fire compared to I lit your baby on fire doesn't make sense
I know the difference between your, you're and yore. But, I type so much and type so quickly, many times I'll find myself going back over an old post and noticing that I messed it up.

Usually, it's more because I have multiple thoughts in my head at one time than because I got it wrong.
Yeah Sly, mistakes are understandable, especially when you're typing as quickly as possible, but some people, repeatedly make the same "mistake" at which point, I conclude that it isn't a mistake and the person's just dumb.
I got "you're" and "your" down, I understand "there," and "their," and I even get "then," and "than," but for the life of me I can't figure out "affect," and "effect." My LA teacher tried to explain that "effect" was supposed to be used with nouns or something (mind you this was a few months ago and my memory isn't the best), but I just can't seem to grasp the concept right.

Grammar fails. Or you know I do when it comes to grammar.

Flames Out
effect is a noun

affect is a verb

What effect will Bischoff have on the locker room?

How will Bischoff affect the locker room.

There's your answer.

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