Things to do...

FOTH 3:16

Occasional Pre-Show
at McDonalds. In case you ever get bored there.

Things to do at a McDonalds drive thru!

1. Stand close to the speaker and yell your order, using colorful expletives in ways which would embarrass the patrons inside.

2. Drive through backwards.

3. Belch your order.

4. After ordering, cover the speaker and mic with transparent tape. Watch as customers and order-takers are unable to hear each other and, thus, each raises his/her volume.

5. Barter. Offer a Whopper for a Big Mac.

6. Walk through.

7. Speak a foreign language (make one up if you have to). When the manager comes to the mic, speak English and inquire as to why the order taker had such difficulty understanding you.

8. Repeat everything the order-taker says.

9. Attempt to take the order-takers order ("Hi, may I take your order?") before they get a chance to take yours.

10. Order confusing items, i.e., "Hi, I'll have a large orange Coke and a small medium fries, please".

11. In a crowded drive-thru line, place a HUGE order, then slip out of line and watch the fun as the person behind you is handed 40 bags of food.

12. When you arrive at the window to pick up your food, hand them several bags of garbage & ask if they'll dispose of it for you. Make sure it smells.

13. Drive through with a carload of naked people.

14. Speak in such a garbled fashion that the order-taker will think there is a problem with the speaker and ask you to order at the window. When you arrive at the window, speak in the same garbled, incomprehensible fashion.

15. Drive through with someone on the hood to accept the food.

16. Bring along a Mr. Microphone. When the order-taker speaks, aim the mic at their speaker but do so while aiming the Mr. Microphone speaker at the mic to produce excruciating feedback of their own voice.

17. One word: Flatulence!

18. Have a friend hide in the trunk. When you approach the window to pickup your order, have him start yelling and banging his fists on the trunk.

19. If you are a male, have a female friend place the order by speaking VERY seductively and suggestively into the speaker. When she finishes, have her hide and pull up to accept your order. See how many of the order-takers fellow employees have been called over to the window to "check out the babe".

20. Change a flat tire in the drive-thru lane
I would do that stuff, but all of the stupid kids in town work at Mickey D's. The Stoners work at Taco Johns, and the losers work at Hardees. Oh yeah, and the circus freaks work at Burger King. Shit, they even have a midget. lol

1. Stand close to the speaker and yell your order, using colorful expletives in ways which would embarrass the patrons inside.

Laugh at you, and yell back. "K.F.C. serves ******s, thats why they have bowls of food that gets mixed, so you won't have to think."

2. Drive through backwards.

Your back window will be blasted with ketchup packets.

3. Belch your order.

They'll tell you to pull forward, then give you a cup with ice. Nothing else. But not before you pay for it, thinking its something else.

4. After ordering, cover the speaker and mic with transparent tape. Watch as customers and order-takers are unable to hear each other and, thus, each raises his/her volume.

Cameras work wonders. When they realize they can see what you're doing, you'll be met by the maintenance team and brooms.

5. Barter. Offer a Whopper for a Big Mac.

You'll get a Big Mac w/ no middle bun, Quarter Pounder meat, and covered with spit.

6. Walk through.

Remember those ketchup packets? You won't have a window blocking them.

7. Speak a foreign language (make one up if you have to). When the manager comes to the mic, speak English and inquire as to why the order taker had such difficulty understanding you.

Our manager won't give a shit that they can't understand you. They'll direct you to one of several international food restaurants in town. If you don't understand what hes saying, you will when someone comes out and points you off the lot.

8. Repeat everything the order-taker says.

That'll happen all of once. They don't repeat themselves. Literally, even if you ask them to.. they'll tell you to pull ahead, and say please.

9. Attempt to take the order-takers order ("Hi, may I take your order?") before they get a chance to take yours.

They'll tell you what they want. In a way you'd assume they couldn't.

10. Order confusing items, i.e., "Hi, I'll have a large orange Coke and a small medium fries, please".

You'll get a small & med. fry, along with a drink thats half coke and half orange.

You'll still be charged for two drinks though.

11. In a crowded drive-thru line, place a HUGE order, then slip out of line and watch the fun as the person behind you is handed 40 bags of food.

Again, remember those cameras. When things get really busy.. whenever someone places a huge order, they tag your plate. When they realize what you've done.. you'll get Police tracking you down. Then the real fun begins.

12. When you arrive at the window to pick up your food, hand them several bags of garbage & ask if they'll dispose of it for you. Make sure it smells.

They'll simply close the window, and if you don't move.. someone will come along to move you.

13. Drive through with a carload of naked people.

THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE!!! :lmao: I was there when it did, it was great. We talked one of them into coming in to order inside. It was great.

14. Speak in such a garbled fashion that the order-taker will think there is a problem with the speaker and ask you to order at the window. When you arrive at the window, speak in the same garbled, incomprehensible fashion.

1. They won't give a shit if the speaker is broken. Your problem, not theirs. They'll give you what they think you ordered. Again, your problem, not theirs.

2. You'll be laughed at and talked about as if you were ******ed with the window being closed. If 10 different co-workers randomly come to the window for no reason.. now you know why.

15. Drive through with someone on the hood to accept the food.

Again, this has happened. They were stoned.

16. Bring along a Mr. Microphone. When the order-taker speaks, aim the mic at their speaker but do so while aiming the Mr. Microphone speaker at the mic to produce excruciating feedback of their own voice.

They'll simply stop talking, and wave you forward.

17. One word: Flatulence!

Two Words: Mac Sauce.

Understanding: It won't be what it normally is.

18. Have a friend hide in the trunk. When you approach the window to pickup your order, have him start yelling and banging his fists on the trunk.

They'll ask if you have someone in the trunk. If you say yes, they'll ask if he wants anything. Its how they make extra money.

19. If you are a male, have a female friend place the order by speaking VERY seductively and suggestively into the speaker. When she finishes, have her hide and pull up to accept your order. See how many of the order-takers fellow employees have been called over to the window to "check out the babe".

Again.. camera. You'll be laughed at, and the only amount of individuals who rush to the window is to look at the guy with the female voice.

20. Change a flat tire in the drive-thru lane

How is that funny to you and not them? You'd be looked upon as a dumbass for not pulling out of drive-thru and YOU'LL be the one changing the tire.

You know how most people drive by others on the side of the road without stopping? Do you realize how many people make a snide comment about them? How many people do you think will look at you in the same way, only worse??
Will, thank you for sharing your words of wisdom to help us not listen to FOTH's advice.

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