Things That You Find Or Would Find Romantic As A Man

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Simply put, this is a thread to talk about the ways a woman gets (or could get) to your heart. We always hear about flowers, putting the toilet seat down, and whispering sweet nothings as ways to make women swoon. But, it is now time to talk about you. I'll start:

If a woman could, while I'm inside her, squeeze my schlong with her vaginal muscles to tell me in Morse Code that she loves me, she'd be a keeper in my book.
A home cooked meal every time I come home, a freshly shaved vagina every day, and of course, inviting her sister over for a three way.
Typically in that case, I wouldn't be paying attention to morse code.

So, if you were in bed with your significant other, and they told you to pay attention, because they had something special to tell you with their va-jay-jay, you wouldn't listen? Man, I am no expert when it comes to the opposite sex, but when someone that's giving me some tells me to pay attention, I pay attention.
Things I find romantic are just little outfits shes picked out, or candles, and rose petals. Damn that's just fuckin perfect.
So, if you were in bed with your significant other, and they told you to pay attention, because they had something special to tell you with their va-jay-jay, you wouldn't listen? Man, I am no expert when it comes to the opposite sex, but when someone that's giving me some tells me to pay attention, I pay attention.

That would require knowing Morse code in advance... way too much effort. I think taking the time to listen and pay attention to you is romantic. Some people say flowers, but not sure why they do. Ok, yes, they say something, but why do I want them
I'm a simple man. I love a girl who will just lay beside me and watch some wrestling.

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