My earliest sexual urges happened while I was watching Remington Steele


Mid-Card Championship Winner
As a youngin', my parents enjoyed the peace and quiet they got when they left me with my favourite babysitter, television. And as a fella whose social life didn't really kick off until about the tenth grade, it was up to the nefarious boob tube to teach me many a thing about the ways of the world. Batman: The Animated Series taught me that it was cool to have a deep voice. Shawn Michaels taught me how to dance. And syndicated repeats of Remington Steele taught me about sexuality and the ways of love. It taught me how to how to talk with a woman, how to playfully banter. It taught me how to whisper sweet nothings to a lady I desire in a smooth Irish accent. But most importantly, Pierce Brosnan and Stephanie Zimbalist taught me the beauty of a kiss. Their kisses awakened something inside of me. So long. So deep. So passionate. "That's what love looks like," thought four-year-old Coco.

At the age of sixteen, about a week after a school dance where I'd woo'd a potential future ex Mrs. Coco The Monkey with my Michaels-esque fleet-of-foot, I found myself alone with the girl in her home after school. One thing led to another, as it normally does, and we ended up locking lips. Not knowing what to do as my experience had been limited (read: non-existent) up to that point, I went for the full-Brosnan. "Face-sucking" wouldn't do this justice. I full on face-raped her. I put my back into it. Her knees trembled out of fear. My knees trembled out of... excitement. My tongue had somehow gotten upside down. In all of this exploration, somehow both of our eyes had opened. But I kept going. My mouth was drying out. I was breathing heavily. For some reason, I kept moving my head and searching for a better position. It's what Brosnan would have done. "Clocks" by Coldplay was roaring in the background the entire time. All things considered, not bad.

How has the media shaped your interactions with your fellow humans?
It made me think you had to work a woman's breasts and nipples for a significant amount of time before you could move on to the nether regions. It also made me think you had to give each breast an equal amount of attention.

Regardless, I would never give the time I had with Skinemax.
I don't think media has ever influenced me to the degree you're talking about. I remember seeing an episode of Daria in 4th grade and really enjoying the way Daria's sister talked, and as such I probably have been more forgiving of people with stupid voices than I should have been.

Perhaps I can attribute my self-deprecating sense of humor to the countless episodes of Seinfeld and Friends I've watched.

Барбоса;4223105 said:
Not sure I have ever watched an entire episode of Remington Steele.

I am so sorry, Coco.

You shouldn't apologize to Coco. You should apologize to yourself.
Wooing a short brunette valley girl with your martial arts prowess is bullshit. Though it might also have to do with the lack of green spandex and a giant dragon robot.
Television has distorted my views of real-life relationships to the point where normal people bore me. I've dumped two girls in the last year, and refused to date another. All of them were fine, decent human beings. But part of the reason I can't move on from the big, life-crippling breakup I had post-high school is my obsession with "perfect" relationships and how they always work out at the end of TV show. Cory and Topanga get married. Charlie and Claire reunite in the afterlife. Ted marries...I don't know yet, the show isn't over for another few months. Point is, I grew up with certain shows and got attached to certain characters, and now my expectations of relationship are impossible to attain. Most real people are just not entertaining enough for me to want to be around all that often.
Remington Steele was the shit, but I kinda leaned to the mannerisms of Dallas. That and I started watching porn at 8. So once I started getting down I was ahead of the game in regards to foreplay.
Television has distorted my views of real-life relationships to the point where normal people bore me. I've dumped two girls in the last year, and refused to date another. All of them were fine, decent human beings. But part of the reason I can't move on from the big, life-crippling breakup I had post-high school is my obsession with "perfect" relationships and how they always work out at the end of TV show. Cory and Topanga get married. Charlie and Claire reunite in the afterlife. Ted marries...I don't know yet, the show isn't over for another few months. Point is, I grew up with certain shows and got attached to certain characters, and now my expectations of relationship are impossible to attain. Most real people are just not entertaining enough for me to want to be around all that often.

The media has never influenced me like you have described. But I will admit that it was an episode of The Simpsons that led me to the discovery that there are naked ladies on the internet.
Wooing a short brunette valley girl with your martial arts prowess is bullshit. Though it might also have to do with the lack of green spandex and a giant dragon robot.

Or not having a knife that's called a flute but sounds more like a trumpet.
Cartoon villains taught me that being a dick is awesome. Especially if the people you're being a dick to are annoying loudmouths and lameasses.

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