Things I Don't Understand

The Brain

King Of The Ring
The title of this thread is so vague the topic could be limitless. Politics, religion, science, technology, sex, yo-yos, pop culture, law, finances, I could go on and on. This thread isn’t about one specific topic though but rather my observations of human behavior in daily life. I assure you it will really be quite meaningless. I guess you could say it is Seinfeld-esque. I might post in it daily, multiple times a day, randomly, or I may forget about it immediately and the thread will die after tonight. Anyway, here’s my first random thought.

Why do people answer their phones when they are not available to talk? This happens all the time and I have two specific examples that I witnessed this week. A few days ago I was in a meeting for work. Somebody’s phone rang and he quietly answered immediately saying “I’m in a meeting. Can I call you back?” Yesterday I called my friend who was at work. He answered by saying “Hold on a second.” He then proceeded to finish up what he was doing while I listened to the background noise before hanging up after about a minute. Why did either of these people answer their phones in the first place? They were both clearly busy with other things. Why not ignore the call and return it when available to talk? Not to mention they both have voicemail. I just don’t get it. A ringing phone does not have to be answered.
Because he stabbed John Cena in a night club in 2004.

I supposed so, though I only do so to be polite... everyone assumes I'm being a douche if I don't.

Probably would be better off texting... while driving... with an opened bottle of Jack
I guess it is just common courtesy for them to answer the phones. I don't check my voicemail and I answer it when it rings. I feel like if I miss the phone call odds are I won't return the call back to whomever it was who called.
I supposed so, though I only do so to be polite... everyone assumes I'm being a douche if I don't.

Probably would be better off texting... while driving... with an opened bottle of Jack

I thought it was much more doucheish of my friend to answer and tell me to hold on while he went about his business. Had he not answered I would have just assumed he was busy. Instead he wasted my time by having me wait when he just could have called me back later.
I thought it was much more doucheish of my friend to answer and tell me to hold on while he went about his business. Had he not answered I would have just assumed he was busy. Instead he wasted my time by having me wait when he just could have called me back later.

I guess it just differs amongst friends and family. I personally wouldn't be offended either way, as long as someone returns/acknowledges the call and I don't have to keep calling them. Hate having to do that.
I guess it just differs amongst friends and family. I personally wouldn't be offended either way, as long as someone returns/acknowledges the call and I don't have to keep calling them. Hate having to do that.

That's another thing. I hate when someone calls me multiple times in a short amount of time. If I didn't take the call the first time it's because I was busy. I have bothe voicemail and caller ID. I will return the call when I am able to.
That's another thing. I hate when someone calls me multiple times in a short amount of time. If I didn't take the call the first time it's because I was busy. I have bothe voicemail and caller ID. I will return the call when I am able to.

That's what I hate the most, If anything I'm going to answer my phone to tell that person that I'm busy so that they WON'T call me again. And again.
For one Jesus was real, it is the thing called GOD that isn't real.

God is a myth like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. What I don't understand is how you guys thought Jesus is the myth.
Yeah, you just went "Lol, Jesus aIn't real!"

How would you like it if I said you were gonna burn in hell for not trusting Jesus? you'd be pretty pissed off too.

My position is fairly well documented, while your theoretical one is pure conjecture.

And I'd be mildly tickled, at best.

Start a new thread in the bar if you feel like continuing, I won't hijack Brain's thread further.
People who blow up my cell phone all the time should burn in hell. I hate when people call when you actually are doing something of importance and when you are sitting around bored ass hell no one calls. The minute you start to do something the phone starts ringing!!!!
People who blow up my cell phone all the time should burn in hell. I hate when people call when you actually are doing something of importance and when you are sitting around bored ass hell no one calls. The minute you start to do something the phone starts ringing!!!!

It's like Gah! Can't even *********e without someone calling me.

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