They're still with WWE?!

Which one should WWE do something with?

  • Curt Hawkins

  • Yoshi Tatsu

  • JTG

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Leading A Revolution
So i was looking at the WWE roster page today for some reason, and saw some names that had you asked me before I saw it, I literally could not have told you if they were still under contract with WWE unless I checked online. Those three guys are Curt Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, and JTG.

So simple question. Which one of the three do you think WWE should do something with, and could get the most out of? Or do you think WWE is just waiting for all their contracts to run out and then send them on their way?

For me, my pick is Curt Hawkins. Seems like he can go in the ring, and I expected more out of him, and Ryder for that matter, after they teamed up with EDGE. Heck Hawkins has to be somewhat good in the ring, considering he helped train with the Rock to get him ready for his return to the ring. You think that would get him some kind of rub backstage, but I guess not. I personally think WWE could do a lot more with him and think he has some talent.
I gotta go with the former tag team champion Curt Hawkins

The only thing I could see happening with him is that he gets paired up with Ryder to reform their tag team.
I would rather like to see Curt Hawkins reform a tag team with Zack Ryder, I loved when they were the Major Brothers, and as the EdgeHeads.

JTG was done as soon as Cryme Tyme folded, which I found hilarious at the time, he has no merit on his own to stand out.

Yoshi Tatsu I have always liked, and that entrance song is stupidly infectious, I wish he became a big star, coupled with foreign recognition, but it never clicked.
Yoshi is still employed because, to be frank, he is WWE's only Japanese "Ambassador", just like Khali is employed only because he's a God in India, just like Otunga is employed only because of his connections to Hollywood (thanks to his wife). JTG? He doesn't even show up on the house show results or the NXT shows. Either he's got some major dirt on someone high up, or they literally forgot that they're paying him. As for Hawkins, the man is good enough to train the Rock for one of the biggest WrestleMania matches in years, but they can't find a spot for him? If it's not gonna happen, do right by the man and hire him as an NXT trainer. Hawkins gets my vote.
Yoshi is still employed because, to be frank, he is WWE's only Japanese "Ambassador", just like Khali is employed only because he's a God in India, just like Otunga is employed only because of his connections to Hollywood (thanks to his wife). JTG? He doesn't even show up on the house show results or the NXT shows. Either he's got some major dirt on someone high up, or they literally forgot that they're paying him. As for Hawkins, the man is good enough to train the Rock for one of the biggest WrestleMania matches in years, but they can't find a spot for him? If it's not gonna happen, do right by the man and hire him as an NXT trainer. Hawkins gets my vote.

I'm not sure if it was both of them but I always heard Curtis Axel's name as the one who trained the Rock for WrestleMania. I agree with Hawkins being the one to do something with. JTG I agreed was done when Cryme Tyme broke (which was a stupid decision) and when they split I thought Shad was the star but they fired him and JTG is hanging on by a thread. Whatever they do for Hawkins I think he has more of a chance than the other two.
In my opinion it depends on if the wwe want to have bigger expose.
If they do they should pick tatsu to give the japanese fans a reason yo watch.
But the one that should br puahed is clearly hawkins.He is good in ring performer and decent on the mic and would be a good mid carder.
These three, along with Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder. WWE are not fools; they are still there because they have the potential to be of use in the future. Ever since Triple-H has started running most of the things, we have seen a lot of 'future world champions' rise... Hopefully he will be able to something for these lower card guys as well. Talent wise, they are all talented.
WWE doesn't release people anymore, they just wait for their contract back up and if they don't want you back, they won't renew it.

It's a far nicer, and in my opinion better way to get rid of someone.

Out of the three you mentioned though, I always thought Curt Hawkins had a great look... it's like a modern version of 1980's HBK. But I don't think they'll do anything with him.
Curt Hawkins is easily my pick out of these three. He had some success back in his tag team with Ryder when they were Edge imposters. Then there was his short lived tag team with the INTENSE Vance Archer as The Gatecrashers. If they give him something interesting he could be able to make it work. Ryder under his Woo Woo Woo You Know It gimmick became a bigger star, until the Kane feud and he did absolutely nothing for 2 years. Perhaps it is time for them to reunite as a tag team. Regardless of if it is a gimmick change or forming another tag team, they should do something with Hawkins. As for the other poll options.... Yoshi is fine for a jobber, he can be in that role. Then we have JTG. Who, unless someone mentions him in these types of threads, I forget that he even has a job at WWE. I honestly think Kamala316 may be onto something. Suggesting that JTG kept his job through blackmail is pushing it a bit, but you never know. There's no WAY he should have lasted this long when he never does anything for this long.
Create the 3 Man Job Squad World Order, though even that may be too big shoes to fill with how far down the card they've been driven.
I don't remember Yoshi Tatsu ever being a major part of anything. I don't think anyone would miss him. WWE has plenty of choice they could recruit from Japan when the time is right.

I still think JTG and Curt Hawkins could be relevant. JTG as a face is fun. He had a goofy hoodrat gimmick. Bring back Cryme Tyme minus Shad. His gimmick could be something similar to Eddie Guerrero's where he either cheats or tricks his opponents into losing.

Curt Hawkins is a great tag team wrestler. With the revival of the tag team division, he could easily play a part in keeping it alive.
I didn't vote. I read those 3 names and I get no feeling of "yeah, they should really come up with something for this guy". Those are 3 guys who belong in NXT, helping the young guys develop. Some of the names that get thrown out there as being "under-utilized" are legit, not this time.
I wish they would reunite Hawkins and Ryder. The tag-team division really need some help after the recent downswing that it's experiencing. Face or Heels, just do something with them.

Yoshi is good as a jobber. He will never be more than that. He was actually pretty popular at some point. People were chanting his name a lot in his first year or so and he put on very nice matches on superstars. It's a shame he doesn't speak good enough english.

JTG. Man this guy in my opnion, can go in the ring. And he seemed to have enough charisma and mic skills to hold his own. I really think they never gave him a shot as a singles competitor. I have no clue if they are ever going to do something with him now that they have Xavier woods and R-truth will look the same even at 60 and Titus so JTG might never be needed.

If anything I'm glad for JTG the man. He isnt being used at all, and is still earning a paycheck. A smaller one but its still a WWE-small paycheck.
I have no problem with Yoshi, JTG, and Hawkins still being in WWE. They're still young and could be repackaged. And if not, wrestling will still always need jobbers. I have a much bigger problem with the likes of Kane, Big Show and Christian STILL being on the roster. Or as I like to call them "The Past Their Prime Time Players".

Kane has been here since 1997, that's 18 consecutive years of Kane. No major injuries or time off during that period either. In fact Glenn Jacobs has been around since 1993. Daniel Bryan is now defending the title against a guy who's first feud was against Bret Hart. That's crazy. Big Show is not much better as he's been around since 99, same goes for Christian. The problem started when WCW folded and there was no where else for talent to go when their characters got stale in WWE. Instead of switching feds they simply hung around like an old relative over staying their welcome on Thanksgiving.

These older guys are dead weight. They are played out. How many times can we see the three of them do the exact same thing year in and year out? At the most they should be working a part time schedule similar to Undertaker, Brock or RVD. But they're not. They never go away and I don't think they ever will. Every time I see Christian going for the IC or US title, I can't help but think that could be Sandow or Dolph instead. Every time Kane or Big Show get an obligatory once a year heel turn push resulting in a title shot, I think that could be Cesaro or Reigns or any number of new stars.

Jobbers hanging around don't take up any space. Guys like Kane, Show and Christian do. I can't get sick of JTG, Yoshi and Hawkins because you can't get sick of seeing what you never see.
ive always thought hawkins should reform his tag team with ryder in a new age outlaws / acolytes sort of way...
why not start throwing some of these guys into tag teams... the wrestling world can always use more teams...
What about Evan Bourne and Ezekiel Jackson? They haven't been in years, it seems.
Curt Hawkins should reteam with Zack Ryder but they need a new gimmick.
Yoshi Tatsu should be paired with Sin Cara and Emma.
JTG should follow Titus O'Neill around!
What about Evan Bourne and Ezekiel Jackson? They haven't been in years, it seems.
Curt Hawkins should reteam with Zack Ryder but they need a new gimmick.
Yoshi Tatsu should be paired with Sin Cara and Emma.
JTG should follow Titus O'Neill around!

Evan - Apparently he had won a match on a NXT live event last month, which isn't saying much but it's still better than the 3 people in the poll
Jackson - Contract expired, wasn't resigned

As for the guys in the poll, I went with Tatsu since he's probably the best of the 3 in-ring. (Granted it's been so long since I've seen any of them it's hard to remember) I actually think his English should be ok at this point considering how much time he spent in the US, plus I would imagine it being pretty hard to train NXT guys if you can't speak the language. I don't expect any of the poll guys to get any mic time anyway so not really important.
I went with JTG, that guy has some potential, he was very charismatic tag team wrestler. Maybe they can give him a new partner and add him into the growing Tag-Team Division. Darren Young or Titus O'Neal are two possibilities, I see those two having great chemistry with JTG.

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