Theres no NorCal thread, for me to ask my relationship questions about :(

But by no means does joining the military mean that you’re not going to be living in poverty Milky, at one point in time most military members were on food stamps, and we still qualify for WIC.

Yes, I know. But they provide you for a shitload, such as housing, food, etc...I assume I don't have much to spend my money on, no?

If you’re joining, you’re not doing it for the money really, as being in the military isn’t as secure of a job as it used to be.

Personally, I'm doing the 6 years as a test run, honestly. If I enjoy it, I'll re-sign. If not, then I'll just take the college money I'm provided with at the end of my enlistment, and become a teacher.

You could be joining for the benefits or for the feeling that you have to just serve your country.

I can't deny the fact that the benefits aren't whats making me want to join. But, thats not the ONLY reason I'm joining. A lot of it has to do with just the fact its something I've wanted to do since I was 4-5 years old. I've never met a person out of the military I didn't like/respect, and I would be honored to be one of those people as well.

We all have our own reasons, some noble, some seemingly selfish, but everyone has the right to succeed in life and you must arm yourself accordingly.

Yes, I know. But they provide you for a shitload, such as housing, food, etc...I assume I don't have much to spend my money on, no?

Well yes, you'll get paid a housing allowance and a sustaniance allowance, but you'll only get that if you're living off base, which it will be when you make SrA, and it will all be based off your rank. Yeah we get a pay raise every January to our base pay and housing allowances, but until you hit the two year mark you don't see any real significant pay raises and then you only see them every two years, and on the anniversary of your enlistment every year you recieve a clothing allowance to pay for new uniforms.

Medical care is free but I warn you, you get what you pay for. Motrin is like Skittles to the Air Force. I'm not trying to sway you from joining please keep that in mind. But if you want to see what I'm talking about look up the story of A1C Colton Read.

Personally, I'm doing the 6 years as a test run, honestly. If I enjoy it, I'll re-sign. If not, then I'll just take the college money I'm provided with at the end of my enlistment, and become a teacher.

Six years is a long test run for the military really. If you're getting the rank of A1C right out of basic then it's worth it, but otherwise it's not really. You will get the option of retraining into a new AFSC when your first enlistment is up, as well as a base of preference. I'll tell you what everyone is going to tell you right now, it's what you make of it, don't base your opinions of the Air Force on the first base you end up at.

Great thing about that G.I. Bill is that you only have to serve 3 years to receive the full benefit from it, as well as now it is completely transferable to spouses and children. Tution Assistance is a wonderful thing, as an NCO I'm required to tell you to use it as often as you can when you enlist, at least get all the basic classes out of the way.

Oh and you want to be a teacher? Check this out, in case you've not heard of it,

I can't deny the fact that the benefits aren't whats making me want to join. But, thats not the ONLY reason I'm joining. A lot of it has to do with just the fact its something I've wanted to do since I was 4-5 years old. I've never met a person out of the military I didn't like/respect, and I would be honored to be one of those people as well.

Milky, I have to say that if you do decide to go to basic when your time comes up, that I will be proud and honored to serve with someone like you. It always makes me happy to hear that there are people out there that want to serve just because they want to serve. I would actually be proud to be your supervisor.

Edit: I just realized that I didn't actually answer your first question there. You're correct, as long as you're living on base you'll only be out the money from your pocket for phone, tv, and internet. You'll be on meal card so you can eat as the DFAC, and you'll be in a dorm, chances are you'll have your own room but share a bathroom with someone. Once you make SrA you can opt to move off base where you'll get BAH and BAS but then everything comes out of pocket as those get added to your paycheck.

By the way, incase they ask you at MEPS, the Air Force motto is No One Comes Close.
22 months is a long time. If you're with her for 22 months, she'll wait for you while you're away, get excited for your leave, and probably marry you at some point
Does she have epic boobage? Will she make you sandwiches on demand? If you answered no to either of these, then it's a no go.
Well yes, you'll get paid a housing allowance and a sustaniance allowance, but you'll only get that if you're living off base, which it will be when you make SrA, and it will all be based off your rank.

Laymens terms for SrA?

Yeah we get a pay raise every January to our base pay and housing allowances, but until you hit the two year mark you don't see any real significant pay raises and then you only see them every two years,

Fine by me, if I were doing it for the money, I'd just go ahead and go to college to be a doctor or something of that nature. But I'm not.

and on the anniversary of your enlistment every year you recieve a clothing allowance to pay for new uniforms.

Whoa? They don't provide you with the uniforms? >.>

Medical care is free but I warn you, you get what you pay for.

Isn't that the same thing anywhere? I expect full coverage if I'm paying 500$ a month, but I'm only paying 50$ I expect nothing, really haha.

Motrin is like Skittles to the Air Force.

Laymens terms? >.>

I'm not trying to sway you from joining please keep that in mind. But if you want to see what I'm talking about look up the story of A1C Colton Read.

I'll do it when I don't feel like I'm about to puke everywhere. Thanks :)

Six years is a long test run for the military really.

Ehh, 3 seems to be too small of a number, to really see what its like. Who know, 6 years into it, I may love it compared to 3.

If you're getting the rank of A1C right out of basic then it's worth it, but otherwise it's not really.

I'll talk to my reqruiter about it.

You will get the option of retraining into a new AFSC when your first enlistment is up, as well as a base of preference.

My cousin got a 50,000$ re-signing bonus, as well. I don't remember how long he actually re-signed for though.

I'll tell you what everyone is going to tell you right now, it's what you make of it, don't base your opinions of the Air Force on the first base you end up at.

Heh, can't be much worse than working on the USS Constitution in the Navy. That has to be hell >.>

Great thing about that G.I. Bill is that you only have to serve 3 years to receive the full benefit from it, as well as now it is completely transferable to spouses and children.

G.I. Bill? I'm signing for 6, what do I get!? :lmao:

Tution Assistance is a wonderful thing, as an NCO I'm required to tell you to use it as often as you can when you enlist, at least get all the basic classes out of the way.

My cousin is coming out of his next military run with a masters in engineering. The guy is a tech genius, and all he does is sit on a submarine, changing pistons on the thing every now and then. I personally want to work on planes, but if I taught anything, it would be History.

Oh and you want to be a teacher? Check this out, in case you've not heard of it,

Heh, Seems interesting.

Milky, I have to say that if you do decide to go to basic when your time comes up, that I will be proud and honored to serve with someone like you.

Thanks. :)

It always makes me happy to hear that there are people out there that want to serve just because they want to serve.

I was never really sure that I wanted to serve, until I went to Arlington, and saw the Vietnam Wall memorial. I spent about 6 hours in that place, traveling around, watching the soliders change positions every so often. It was probably the greatest experience in my entire life. If I serve long enough, and have it my way, I would love to be burried there. )Do you actually have to die in war to be burried there, or just have to serve in the military for a long time?) When I saw the Wall, I wasa flabergasted at all the names, and how long it was. From those moments forward, I knew what I was going to do, right out of high school.

I would actually be proud to be your supervisor.

I'll tottally sign up on the buddy system with you!

By the way, do they let flat footed people in the military these days?
Well you posted here several times, so you aren't. As well as RVDgurl. Most of the military talk has been between myself and Falcon. Murfish just chimed in though.
Laymens terms for SrA?

Sorry, SrA is a Senior Airman, it's the next rank up from Airman First Class (A1C) and one rank below Staff Sergeant (SSgt).

Whoa? They don't provide you with the uniforms? >.>

There are two times that you'll be provided with uniforms, one is when you go through basic. You'll get four sets of ABUs (Airman Battle Uniform) and four sets of Dress Blues, two long sleeve and two short sleeve, as well as the Dress Coat, the lightweight blues jacket, and the all weather coat (which is a dark blue trench coat). The second time is when you get deployed they'll provide you with all the uniforms you'll need. There is one exception, that is your job, if your job requires you to wear safety toed boots then they will be provided for you.

But replacement uniforms, as ABUs are only made to last you a year, will have to come out of pocket.

Isn't that the same thing anywhere? I expect full coverage if I'm paying 500$ a month, but I'm only paying 50$ I expect nothing, really haha.

Yeah it is, I guess I make a big deal out of it since my wife is an RN and she's completely horrified sometimes by the treatment we get. I've got cronic tendionitis in my left hand and they won't do anything other than give me motrin for the inflammation for it, sometimes they give me a new brace for my hand.

Laymens terms? >.>

Motrin is a cheap anti-inflammitory drug, it's good for reducing fevers and such. Generally unless you have something major you're going to be getting a bottle of Motrin to take for whatever you've got.

I'll do it when I don't feel like I'm about to puke everywhere. Thanks :)

There's nothing gross really, I don't recall seeing any pictures about it, just the story of a young guy who had dreams of serving in the Air Force that could be shattered thanks to our PCM (Primary Care Managers).

Ehh, 3 seems to be too small of a number, to really see what its like. Who know, 6 years into it, I may love it compared to 3.

The general term of initial enlistement is 4 years, regardless you're signing up for 8 total years. The years that your recruiter is signing you up for are active duty years. After your term is up, you are placed on inactive reserve for the duration of the 8 years. Which means that they can call you back into active duty if they need to. That's what Stop-Loss truly is.

I'll talk to my reqruiter about it.

Yeah if you're going to sign for six years you should be walking out of BMT with two stripes on your sleeves.

My cousin got a 50,000$ re-signing bonus, as well. I don't remember how long he actually re-signed for though.

Well that's a possibility, re-enlistment bonuses are determined by career fields. Not all career fields get them, the ones that get them are generally career fields that are under manned, mine doesn't as we're over manned.

Heh, can't be much worse than working on the USS Constitution in the Navy. That has to be hell >.>

Very true, I can't disagree with that.

G.I. Bill? I'm signing for 6, what do I get!? :lmao:

You'll get the G.I. Bill too, see you only get the full benefit from it after 3 years time in service because you have to pay into it during your first enlistment. You'll get the G.I. Bill too but most people wait until they get out to use that as they'll be using T.A. while they're in, which is insanely smart to do.

My cousin is coming out of his next military run with a masters in engineering. The guy is a tech genius, and all he does is sit on a submarine, changing pistons on the thing every now and then. I personally want to work on planes, but if I taught anything, it would be History.

You want to be an Aircraft Maintainer, in that case there's no way I can be your supervisor, however if you do make it in as an Aircraft Maintainer, please remember to treat your Supply guys like a member of your flight.

Heh, Seems interesting.

Yeah I found out about it thanks to AFN (Armed Forces Network) here in Korea. I honestly want to do the same thing when I retired after my 20-25 years in, funny thing too is that I want to teach History as well.

You're very welcome.

I was never really sure that I wanted to serve, until I went to Arlington, and saw the Vietnam Wall memorial. I spent about 6 hours in that place, traveling around, watching the soliders change positions every so often. It was probably the greatest experience in my entire life. If I serve long enough, and have it my way, I would love to be burried there. )Do you actually have to die in war to be burried there, or just have to serve in the military for a long time?) When I saw the Wall, I wasa flabergasted at all the names, and how long it was. From those moments forward, I knew what I was going to do, right out of high school.

As far as I know to be buried in Arlington, you have to retire from the military. I think they will make some exceptions depending on situations.

If you were touched by that, I suggest that you volunteer for Honor Guard. I was only on it for 18 months, but I can tell you that the greatest experience of my career was standing on stage, presenting the colors while the national anthem was played, in front of about a thousand people in the middle of a rock and roll concert. (Was great to go on after the Pussycat Dolls, even more so to get cheered more than they did heh.)

Once the national anthem ended and we went to retire the colors, the crowd erupted into cheers and appaluase, its was the only time I've ever lost my military bearing during any Honor Guard ceramony, and I used to hand the folded flag to the next of kin.

I'll tottally sign up on the buddy system with you!


By the way, do they let flat footed people in the military these days?

Yeah you can join, it doesn't matter what your foot type is. You'll just have to get some running shoes that support your foot type is all. Oh and they provide you with the PT uniform at basic too.
People in the Airforce, Army, Navy get Pussy. Would you rather having the one for the rest of your life, or as many as possible?
If it makes you feel better, I end up getting hammered from all angles by just enough "news" from your country to keep me pissed off on a regular basis.

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