Crossroads (Serious to Me)

Usually, yes.

The fact he has a job is great. Making more money = less job security. The more you make, the bigger the risk of getting axed. Also, the more responsibility, the better the chance someone's small fuck up leaves his kids without a pot to piss in.

I'm sure Will would do great, but there's more than just his job that he'd be changing.

I agree with all this. But, there's ways to do that, without adding a risk factor. Except for the 8 months I was away from my current job, I've been working here a total of 4 years. I have no title, but I make almost as much as the supervisor's and have been asked many times to fill in for other departments, train new employees in other departments, and do some of the supervisor's duties when they're not here. I have phenomenal job security, and wouldn't change a thing.

Your situation and his are apples and oranges, similar but different, he's staying with the company that already likes him and being promoted from the inside so he already has a rep going forward. Plus his new job will have a higher pay than his current one true, but it will be in line with whats expected of the position and commensurate with his experience and track record within the company so the extra money isn't less job security. They have a job that pays X dollars, and some one will -no pun intended- have to take it, might as well be him the guy they know that does great work to take it rather than some no name.
If you he has the talent and the skills -and I believe he does- he'll get the new customers and employees to like him like the old one do. For me, personally, I always take new opportunities when they come my way and try to do my best. He doesn't have to follow my advice. I wish him the best of luck though.
Your situation and his are apples and oranges, similar but different, he's staying with the company that already likes him and being promoted from the inside so he already has a rep going forward. Plus his new job will have a higher pay than his current one true, but it will be in line with whats expected of the position and commensurate with his experience and track record within the company so the extra money isn't less job security. They have a job that pays X dollars, and some one will -no pun intended- have to take it, might as well be him the guy they know that does great work to take it rather than some no name.
If you he has the talent and the skills -and I believe he does- he'll get the new customers and employees to like him like the old one do. For me, personally, I always take new opportunities when they come my way and try to do my best. He doesn't have to follow my advice. I wish him the best of luck though.

This is almost never the case. With today's economy, company's cant afford to pay anyone more if they make even the slightest of mistakes. I'm sure he wouldn't be a major fuck up, but if he makes one mistake, or someone under him does, than they may see the advantage in hiring someone for less to do the same job.

Corporate America is a fucked up world...
This is almost never the case. With today's economy, company's cant afford to pay anyone more if they make even the slightest of mistakes. I'm sure he wouldn't be a major fuck up, but if he makes one mistake, or someone under him does, than they may see the advantage in hiring someone for less to do the same job.

Corporate America is a fucked up world...

I think you misunderstand me. What I mean is that Will makes what he makes, and by nature of the position he is being offered, he is going to make more. The position would have a base pay commensurate with the experience that people who would be suitably qualified to do the job as a standard. The company may have a pay range but it won't be large, and that said they will have to give that money to someone; in fact someone right now is making that money, when/if he leaves, that position and its accompanying pay will still need to be filled regardless of who it is. So all I ask is "Why not Will?" I personally know a handful of people, as well as myself who have received promotions in the past year and though it meant a bit more work none have been sorry that they have made the switch. You can't low ball pay too much because you ultimately get what you pay for and won't get the experience and quality you need. Smart businesses know they need to maintain high standards of quality to make sure they retain if not increase their customer base, and you can't do that with a shit staff that get shit pay because they gullible enough to take it. I definitely see your point, but I think that it's safe to say that not everyone in business responds the same way. Yes it's a risk but it's one I would be willing to take so that's why I'm giving the opinion that I am.
Will, think of it this way.

First of all, you have two kids now. So more money would definitely help.

Secondly, most Asst. Manager jobs are nothing more than training for a manager's job. So, I am guessing that the plan is for you to train at the other store, only for you to get moved back to the store you're at once that manager decides to leave. Always remember, every step higher you are on the ladder, the better view of the scene you have.
I want to thank everyone for their input thus far, and their Pro's and Con's. Believe me, I've ran through every situation in my head a lot over the course of the past day. And I'm sure I'll continue to do so..

In the end, nothing will hurt by going to the other Store and covering shifts, filling in for the current Asst. Manager and seeing what it's like to have that role, even for a limited time.

I think the most important thing I've said before, is what I'll say now.

This is a job that would only be truly considered career worthy, if you were a Manager or even higher, (District Manager) within the Company. All of the regular spots are mainly for People who come and go for the most part. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule (you're looking at one) however there is no harm in just testing the water (so to speak) before jumping in.

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