There is no possible way they can do Batista vs Orton at XXX.


Occasional Pre-Show
First off let me say, that I am content with HHH vs Bryan and Taker vs Brock. Really, it's not that bad to me. I wouldn't say I would be pumped for it but I will say at least hhh vs bryan makes sense. Taker vs Brock, sure it will be good but we all know what Taker match we want at mania. Which brings me to this just absolutely garbage main event for the title. This isn't just my personal opinion, it's a fact that batista has turned the fans off. He has been booed since he won the rumble as a baby face. Fuck the Cena logic, Cena is one of the biggest draws ever and is this generation's top guy. Batista is far from Cena on star power. Orton is the top heel in the company, so casual fans boo him because they hate him and smart fans boo him because he is stale as hell. Batista has been getting x-pac heat in every arena he has been in since the rumble. Not only do the smart fans hate him because he is just not daniel bryan but also the casual fans do to because DB is THAT over. WWE even plays video packages during commercials with Batista practically begging to be cheered and that only adds to the fans hatred. So if you have the two most hated superstars on the roster right now, why even put them in a match on fucking raw, much less WRESTLEMANIA, when you know the fans HATE BOTH GUYS and DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT AT ALL!!! People would change the channel on Raw during that match right now, what makes you think they want to buy a network subscription to see it? They have nobody in this match to cheer for. Why watch a match when you hate both guys? I just don't see how WWE can actually sit there and not think that the fans in attendance won't shit all over this or even walk out during this match. There has to be a third guy added to the mix and it doesn't even have to be bryan. Shit throw sheamus, cesaro, punk, even the fucking brooklyn brawler, ANYBODY in this match. Give the people someone to cheer for in this match. For fucks sake, tonights segment with Batista and Orton PISSED ME OFF MORE THAN ANYTHING, knowing that I had already bought my mania ticket in December with excitement about going to my first Wrestlemania and now I just want to go to just to throw a bag of shit in the ring during the main event. If WWE actually does Batista vs Orton then it will go down as the least anticipated mania match in history.
This match would have been say great around Wrestlemania 22-26 during the height of both their runs but all these years later it just doesn't cut it. The fact that it's the world title match is what really ruins it. If it was just a speciality match at this years mania it would have worked just fine. With all that being said, you are right, they are both basically heels and if it closes the show it will get booed out of the building. I could even see Orton getting cheered during this match over Batista just because they prefer him. I'm really hoping Vince is able to bring back CM Punk from "sabbatical" and put him in this match to make it a triple threat. That way CM punk gets his wish to be in his first ever main event at mania that closes the show and everyone is happy that they have someone to cheer for. I would have him return when Chicago is hosting Raw which I'm not sure is next week or two weeks away. This is just wishful thinking on my part but still a fairly decent shot at becoming a reality
This match would have been say great around Wrestlemania 22-26 during the height of both their runs but all these years later it just doesn't cut it. The fact that it's the world title match is what really ruins it. If it was just a speciality match at this years mania it would have worked just fine. With all that being said, you are right, they are both basically heels and if it closes the show it will get booed out of the building. I could even see Orton getting cheered during this match over Batista just because they prefer him. I'm really hoping Vince is able to bring back CM Punk from "sabbatical" and put him in this match to make it a triple threat. That way CM punk gets his wish to be in his first ever main event at mania that closes the show and everyone is happy that they have someone to cheer for. I would have him return when Chicago is hosting Raw which I'm not sure is next week or two weeks away. This is just wishful thinking on my part but still a fairly decent shot at becoming a reality

I wonder would creative consider a double turn for Orton/Batista. Orton was once the #2 star before Punk/Bryan blew up. There was even comparisons about being compared to Stone Cold.
It looks like that's what they're indeed going for and, as I've said in many posts, WWE management will have nobody to blame but themselves once the New Orleans crowd hijacks this match and shits all over it.

As someone else alluded to, this match would've been more than fine it if was set back in 2006 or 2007. However, too many years have passed. Batista's been gone for almost four years, fans have moved on & embraced other guys and they feel that Batista has been pushed ahead of guys they feel deserve the spot much more. Fans are more interested in fresh faces and "the future" of the company at this point, so it doesn't help Batista that he's 45 years old and is in abysmal ring shape. Don't get me wrong, he's still pretty muscular, though not nearly as much as he once was, but his cardio definitely isn't up to par. He was so gassed after his match with Del Rio that it's a wonder they didn't wheel out an oxygen tank for him. As for Orton, he's still a young man at only 33, but the problem is that he's been on top soooooooooooo consistently for sooooooooooooo long that people are just bored with him. How can you keep a guy fresh that won 6 World Championships before he was even 30 years old?
It's going to happen and only the grace of God can save us. Oh well, as long as it doesn't close the show I think the fans will ultimately have time to forget about it. And hell they might shock us and put on the MOTY (aha...)
I'm still not buying that it's going to be a singles match... I'm just not. I might be blind and ignorant but I refuse to believe WWE would actually go through with it, there is just no possible way it could turn out good. Orton matches get hijacked as is... now you add someone that's even more hated than he is? It's a disasterwating to happen. Bryan could still very well be added, or possibly even pull double duty (I doubt it though). Punk POSSIBLY could be added, because the more I think about it, the more I kind of does make sense... (but there's a lot of factors into that, mainly you know... the one about if Punk wants to come back?). However, with all that said, I cannot see the final product being Orton/Batista for the title.
To add to my statement earlier in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't get Punk to return and they may try to add Chris Jericho to the match instead. Storyline wise they could say he is the first undisputed champion and he wants to be the unified champion or something along those lines. I would be fine with that.
I'm still in the "there's no way they will actually do it" camp. I think there's still plenty of outs for them. They might add a stip to Bryan/HHH that if Bryan wins he gets put in the title match. Or Hogan could add Bryan to the match since he's the WrestleMania host. The WWE doesn't always make the right decision, but this is so obviously the wrong decision that I refuse to believe they'll go ahead with it. I'm really hoping they at least start out with Orton fighting Batista at Mania, only for Bryan to come out. Letting the fans shit on it for a little bit only for Bryan to come out and save the match would be a really smart way to play with the emotions of the fans.

Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is how Orton and Batista feel about it themselves. I'm pretty sure neither of them want to go out there and die in front of 80000 people for 20-30 minutes. I'd suspect they want Bryan in that match as much as the fans do.
I'm still in the "there's no way they will actually do it" camp. I think there's still plenty of outs for them. They might add a stip to Bryan/HHH that if Bryan wins he gets put in the title match. Or Hogan could add Bryan to the match since he's the WrestleMania host. The WWE doesn't always make the right decision, but this is so obviously the wrong decision that I refuse to believe they'll go ahead with it. I'm really hoping they at least start out with Orton fighting Batista at Mania, only for Bryan to come out. Letting the fans shit on it for a little bit only for Bryan to come out and save the match would be a really smart way to play with the emotions of the fans.

Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is how Orton and Batista feel about it themselves. I'm pretty sure neither of them want to go out there and die in front of 80000 people for 20-30 minutes. I'd suspect they want Bryan in that match as much as the fans do.

I seriously doubt that they want DB in that match. The problem with putting DB in this match is that, if he is in it than HE HAS TO WIN, or the crowd will react worst than if he wasnt in it at all. I say leave DB out of the match. There's no reason to put him in it, just change the match order and let Taker-Lesner go on last. Hell, id even throw around the idea of the title match starting the could do heel vs heel so than the booing will feel natural and play into the match. My point is that there are so many other options than to have DB inserted into the match.

Do you really want to see DB wrestle HHH in a physical match for 20-30 mins than see him wrestle in a triple threat match with Batista and Orton for another 20-30 minutes cuz I dont. The Orton vs Batista match is already going to be bad, but now we are gonna make it a triple threat match which usually suck, and throw a probably exhausted guy in the match that the crowd has already watched do a 20-30 min match....IMO that seems like a terrible idea. Let DB beat HHH, than win the title on Raw the next night if its really that serious for him to win it.
If there is anybody that can do it, it's Daniel Bryan. He has wrestled 60 mins several times in his life with no breaks. I think it would be awesome if they did the stipulation where if Bryan beats hhh then he gets in the title match later. How many people in history can say they've wrestled twice on one wrestle mania and won the title. It'll be a historic moment and something people would remember for years. Instead we could possibly get the least interesting main event in mania history
TheVolFan52 said:
I think it would be awesome if they did the stipulation where if Bryan beats hhh then he gets in the title match later. How many people in history can say they've wrestled twice on one wrestle mania and won the title.

If they do that then the answer is 2. Bret Hart did it at WM 10. Incidentally, at the other landmark mania (number 20), it was a triple threat, so they are essentially combining Mania 10 and 20!

I think it is fairly obvious this is what they are going to and I am amazed that people are talking like Orton v Batista is going to happen - of course it isn't. Bryan has been wrestling twice a night for a few months now (it's sort of become his gimmick) and at the end of the Elimination Chamber, Cole was constantly going on about how Bryan was screwed "yet again" so instead of sweeping it under the carpet like they did at the rumble, it's now the storyline.
Also, if he beats HHH and goes on to beat Orton and Batista, they could go with the storyline of having to go through every member of Evolution who is currently actively wrestling.
I would love for Orton/Batista to go on last. The IWC is pissed....and Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere to retain the title.

After a minute of celebrating..."No Chance in Hell" hits and Vince finally makes his return to the big one, Wrestlemania 30. The creator, the man...walks down the isle and grabs the mic. Says the authority has screwed Daniel Bryan time and time again...and now Vince is here to make things right. To give the fans what they want, and to give Daniel Bryan the chance of a lifetime.

Out comes Bryan to a thunderous pop. Him and Orton go at it for 10 minutes. Bryan counters the RKO and hits the flying knee. champion and Mania ends the RIGHT WAY.
Orton/Batista is a PPV nightmare. They both are terrible on the mic so the lead up will suck. Batista is a terrible worker in the ring. Orton isn't good enough in the ring to carry Batista. If there is any sain person on the creative team, DB will be apart of this match.
I seriously doubt that they want DB in that match. The problem with putting DB in this match is that, if he is in it than HE HAS TO WIN, or the crowd will react worst than if he wasnt in it at all. I say leave DB out of the match. There's no reason to put him in it, just change the match order and let Taker-Lesner go on last.
Yeah there's no reason other than the overwhelming fan support he has. It doesn't matter what you want, it doesn't matter what I want, the general consensus of the fans is what's important. The fans have chosen Daniel Bryan as the top babyface, the logical story is for him to chase the belt and finally win it at WrestleMania on the grandest stage of them all. There's actually no reason to not put him in it. Having Daniel Bryan in the main event is the smart move. He's the guy, and you're damn right he has to win.

Putting Taker/Lesnar on last is pointless and counter-productive. Both are part-time stars. Mania should close with a future star being built, and Daniel Bryan is that star.

Hell, id even throw around the idea of the title match starting the could do heel vs heel so than the booing will feel natural and play into the match. My point is that there are so many other options than to have DB inserted into the match.
There is never a positive to having everyone involved in a match get booed out of the building. The fact that you think its a good idea to purposely have a title match that will get shit on is astoundingly dumb. You say there are so manu options yet the only option you propose is putting Orton/Batista on first to bury the Undisputed Title and start Mania off with a horrible match no one wants to see. Great plan.

Do you really want to see DB wrestle HHH in a physical match for 20-30 mins than see him wrestle in a triple threat match with Batista and Orton for another 20-30 minutes cuz I dont.
Once again, it doesn't really matter what you or I want specifically. It's what the fans in general want, and they want Daniel Bryan. If the WWE had even a little bit of foresight they could've avoided this whole situation and Bryan wouldn't have to wrestle twice. Also, i don't care if he does wrestle twice. Bret an Yoko did it at Mania 10, it's not a big deal.

The Orton vs Batista match is already going to be bad, but now we are gonna make it a triple threat match which usually suck, and throw a probably exhausted guy in the match that the crowd has already watched do a 20-30 min match....IMO that seems like a terrible idea. Let DB beat HHH, than win the title on Raw the next night if its really that serious for him to win it.
So you ACKNOWLEDGE that Batista/Orton is terrible but somehow think that adding in a guy that the fans will at least be able to cheer for will make it worse. That makes absolutely no sense. Also, Bryan can easily wrestle for an hour in a single match, he's hardly going to be exhausted by the time the main event rolls around.

That was honestly one of the worst posts I've ever responded to. Nothing you said made any sense whatsoever.
Yeah there's no reason other than the overwhelming fan support he has. It doesn't matter what you want, it doesn't matter what I want, the general consensus of the fans is what's important. The fans have chosen Daniel Bryan as the top babyface, the logical story is for him to chase the belt and finally win it at WrestleMania on the grandest stage of them all. There's actually no reason to not put him in it. Having Daniel Bryan in the main event is the smart move. He's the guy, and you're damn right he has to win.

Putting Taker/Lesnar on last is pointless and counter-productive. Both are part-time stars. Mania should close with a future star being built, and Daniel Bryan is that star.

There is never a positive to having everyone involved in a match get booed out of the building. The fact that you think its a good idea to purposely have a title match that will get shit on is astoundingly dumb. You say there are so manu options yet the only option you propose is putting Orton/Batista on first to bury the Undisputed Title and start Mania off with a horrible match no one wants to see. Great plan.

Once again, it doesn't really matter what you or I want specifically. It's what the fans in general want, and they want Daniel Bryan. If the WWE had even a little bit of foresight they could've avoided this whole situation and Bryan wouldn't have to wrestle twice. Also, i don't care if he does wrestle twice. Bret an Yoko did it at Mania 10, it's not a big deal.

So you ACKNOWLEDGE that Batista/Orton is terrible but somehow think that adding in a guy that the fans will at least be able to cheer for will make it worse. That makes absolutely no sense. Also, Bryan can easily wrestle for an hour in a single match, he's hardly going to be exhausted by the time the main event rolls around.

That was honestly one of the worst posts I've ever responded to. Nothing you said made any sense whatsoever.

Im sorry that I like wrestling to make a little sense...the wwe has been building DB vs HHH for months now so that is the match that should happen. I stated that there is no reason to put him in the match because his storyline doesnt call for it. DB being put in the title match would be completely random. I agree that the logical story would be for him to chase the belt than win it at Mania but that isnt what the storyline has been. It was ALWAYS HHH vs DB. Are you suggesting that he just starts his title hunt now? Thats Stupid. Instead of rushing in to something that wasnt planned, the wwe should just chill on the DB thing and do it at another time. Ive said multiple times that I dont give a damn who the wwe champ is, and its not just me because I go on other wrestling forums besides this one and there is a lot of people that agree with me. We care about match quality, and DB being in two matches will most likely hurt his ability to perform his best. Db needs to be in ONE match like everybody else and that match that makes the most sense is DB vs HHH.

What the fans want and what you want seem to be the same thing. You have no facts to support a statement that MOST fans want DB to win the title at Mania. So how about we stop generalizing and throwing around biased opinions. I love DB and I think he is great BUT the match that makes sense for him is the one with HHH. I love how everyone complains about the wwe being too predictable but you want to see DB vs HHH and if db wins he gets put in the main event. So you want two main event matches to be the most predictable matches in history?

And this building stars concept is nonsense....DB is as big as he will probably ever be right now. WWE is considered lame by the media, its fans are considered to be nerds and children. Nobody can be a HUGE star in this era because wwe isnt popular and Db isnt going to change this. Cena is as big as it gets and DB winning the title at Mania isnt going to change that.
"The final shot of Mania 30 will be HHH and Bootista fleeing to an escape helicopter as the Superdome descends into a full fledged soccer riot
Admit it. Some of you want to see that shitstorm."

The above was a hilarious comment I read on another Wrestling site.
What if that really happened, how would you guys react? It would be pretty intriguing and pure entertainment,lMO. It would obviously mean HHH going over D-Bry at Mania and Batista winning the World title as well...

Here is a reply to that comment:
"They'll say it was a work.
And the crowd was all paid off."

Im sorry that I like wrestling to make a little sense...the wwe has been building DB vs HHH for months now so that is the match that should happen. I stated that there is no reason to put him in the match because his storyline doesnt call for it. DB being put in the title match would be completely random. I agree that the logical story would be for him to chase the belt than win it at Mania but that isnt what the storyline has been. It was ALWAYS HHH vs DB. Are you suggesting that he just starts his title hunt now? Thats Stupid.
He competed for the Title at the last PPV and got screwed out of it, he was repeatedly screwed out of it before that at multiple PPV events. So no I'm not suggesting he start his Title hunt now, he has been in the Title hunt. Also, I never said to not do HHH/Bryan. They could do HHH/Bryan then if Bryan wins he gets his shot in the main event later that night. It would make sense. Bryan gets his revenge on the guy who fucked him over, then goes on to finally accomplish his mission of winning the Title. If you don't think that makes sense then I don't really know what to say.

Instead of rushing in to something that wasnt planned, the wwe should just chill on the DB thing and do it at another time. Ive said multiple times that I dont give a damn who the wwe champ is, and its not just me because I go on other wrestling forums besides this one and there is a lot of people that agree with me. We care about match quality, and DB being in two matches will most likely hurt his ability to perform his best. Db needs to be in ONE match like everybody else and that match that makes the most sense is DB vs HHH.
So you claim that match quality is the most important, yet you advocate for Batista vs. Orton, a match that the crowd will shit all over, thereby ruining the atmosphere and making it suck. Go ahead and continue to cite all your friends on wrestling forums, I'll cite the legions of fans that chant YES in arenas across the country. Also Bryan isn't going to be gassed man, as other people have said he can easily wrestle an hour in one match, never mind wrestling two shorter matches with a break in between. Batista would like blow up before Bryan does even if Bryan had a match before.

What the fans want and what you want seem to be the same thing. You have no facts to support a statement that MOST fans want DB to win the title at Mania.
Yeah nothing except for the ridiculous pop he gets every single week, and the continuous chanting of his name. He's the most over guy, the fans clearly want him as the Champion. That's how this works. You seem to suggest that they would prefer someone else as Champion right now. Who? Batista?

So how about we stop generalizing and throwing around biased opinions. I love DB and I think he is great BUT the match that makes sense for him is the one with HHH. I love how everyone complains about the wwe being too predictable but you want to see DB vs HHH and if db wins he gets put in the main event. So you want two main event matches to be the most predictable matches in history?
You wanted the main event to be Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, you don't get to criticize me for wanting a predictable main event.

And this building stars concept is nonsense....DB is as big as he will probably ever be right now. WWE is considered lame by the media, its fans are considered to be nerds and children. Nobody can be a HUGE star in this era because wwe isnt popular and Db isnt going to change this. Cena is as big as it gets and DB winning the title at Mania isnt going to change that.
I never claimed Bryan was somehow the saviour of the business that would bring it back to mainstream respectability. You kind of just went off on a random tangent. All I said was Bryan is clearly over as a babyface and he should probably win the belt at Mania so the Title match isn't a disaster. Bryan is over with the WWE audience, my position is that they should respect their audience enough to listen to them and give them an awesome moment at WrestleMania. It's still fair to say Bryan is a future star, he's never headlined a WrestleMania, he's never had an extended face run with the Title. He still has untapped potential as a babyface and he's relatively fresh as a top guy.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.
If WWE actually does Batista vs Orton then it will go down as the least anticipated mania match in history.
As much as it pains me to say, I actually disagreee with this. Not only has there been some awful undercard matches throughout WM history (who could possibly forget Michael Cole w/Jack Swagger vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler?) but Rock/Cena II is still at the top of my list of main events I couldn't possibly have cared any less about & Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam at Mania 11 is still one of (if not thee) worst Mania main event ever.

As for the question of why or how the WWE could go through with this main event? It's simple. To make a point.

When Orton vs. Batista for the title takes place at Mania are people going to just get up & leave? Are they going to demand refunds? Is the WWE going to be effected in any way, shape or form except for not getting the desired reaction they wanted? NO! Actually the very fact that Orton & Batista will demand any sort of reaction at all is exactly why the WWE will go through with this match & won't change a thing.

Even if Orton/Batista is booed out of the building the WWE isn't going to lose a cent & it will most likely just become some funny story they tell on a DVD years later.
He competed for the Title at the last PPV and got screwed out of it, he was repeatedly screwed out of it before that at multiple PPV events. So no I'm not suggesting he start his Title hunt now, he has been in the Title hunt. Also, I never said to not do HHH/Bryan. They could do HHH/Bryan then if Bryan wins he gets his shot in the main event later that night. It would make sense. Bryan gets his revenge on the guy who fucked him over, then goes on to finally accomplish his mission of winning the Title. If you don't think that makes sense then I don't really know what to say.

So you claim that match quality is the most important, yet you advocate for Batista vs. Orton, a match that the crowd will shit all over, thereby ruining the atmosphere and making it suck. Go ahead and continue to cite all your friends on wrestling forums, I'll cite the legions of fans that chant YES in arenas across the country. Also Bryan isn't going to be gassed man, as other people have said he can easily wrestle an hour in one match, never mind wrestling two shorter matches with a break in between. Batista would like blow up before Bryan does even if Bryan had a match before.

Yeah nothing except for the ridiculous pop he gets every single week, and the continuous chanting of his name. He's the most over guy, the fans clearly want him as the Champion. That's how this works. You seem to suggest that they would prefer someone else as Champion right now. Who? Batista?

You wanted the main event to be Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, you don't get to criticize me for wanting a predictable main event.

I never claimed Bryan was somehow the saviour of the business that would bring it back to mainstream respectability. You kind of just went off on a random tangent. All I said was Bryan is clearly over as a babyface and he should probably win the belt at Mania so the Title match isn't a disaster. Bryan is over with the WWE audience, my position is that they should respect their audience enough to listen to them and give them an awesome moment at WrestleMania. It's still fair to say Bryan is a future star, he's never headlined a WrestleMania, he's never had an extended face run with the Title. He still has untapped potential as a babyface and he's relatively fresh as a top guy.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

um embarrass myself??? This is a forum idiot. Nobody knows who I am. Am I supposed to be embarrassed that some wrestling fucktard nerds think that a guy by the name of "kidpolean" has a dumb opinion. A stupid name that I made up in like 10 seconds before I signed up here lol...ok guy im seriously embarrassed lmfao

why am I even arguing my opinion with you? I don't think db should be in the main event this closed. You can do your typical IWC shtick of talking down to people to make yourself look right or smart if you want but it really doesn't effect me. Guy those are my opinions, feel free to keep attacking my opinions if you want too but they won't change. The WWE is clearly going with DB vs HHH and Orton vs Batista. Thats not my decision I don't work for the WWE. Thats what they feel is best and if you don't like it than stop watching WWE, or you could stop bitching and sit back and enjoy the show. Honestly, I don't give a rats ass what you do but people like you are why this forum is shit and why people hate the IWC. All youre doing is saying im right, than you bitch and moan, than you say im right again, and bitch and moan some more. But hey, good luck with winning all your future wrestlezone forum arguments, I hope you win a trophy for being so smart.
It looks like that's what they're indeed going for and, as I've said in many posts, WWE management will have nobody to blame but themselves once the New Orleans crowd hijacks this match and shits all over it.
Surely not though, right? Like, surely not? After the gruesome reaction both men have been receiving, don't you think WWE knows better? I see what you're saying; there's no indication that they have a different plan, but still, surely there's got to be another route.'s going to be a shit-show and merciless crowd.
I am pretty certain this will be the main event and if the crowd shits on the main event, then WWE will absolutely LOVE IT.

Twitter will explode. Facebook will explode. The forums will explode. People will be talking about the product and the mainstream media, like the Rumble, will pick up on this.

Bad press is good press nowadays. WWE have no scandal and have broken no laws. Just a huge hoard of virgins protesting because they didnt get what they want.

They will still subscribe to the network and still watch the product. WWE knows this and is playing them.

WWE have nobody to go to war with, so they are going to war with the universe. This is putting Bryan over and over by the day but the ******s on here don't even realise what is happening.
Bad press is good press nowadays.

Can definitely understand your point, yet I'm not convinced WWE would agree, especially as it pertains to their biggest PPV of the year. They might be content to absorb negative media press for one of the minor, less talked about monthly events, but Wrestlemania needs to be a smash.... a happening that's talked about for months afterward, and not in a negative way.

Given the feeling of many fans that WWE's thrust these days should be: "All Daniel Bryan. All the time....." I think the solution is simple in concept but difficult to execute:

Either find a way for Daniel to be inserted into the Orton-Batista title proceedings....... or make Daniel's match against Triple H the main event. The first solution would surely thrill the legions of fans who believe the short guy is being short-changed if he doesn't win the world championship at WM30......and the second solution is not the best due to the notion that Triple H has absolutely nothing at stake in the contest; he could win or lose and nothing in WWE would be affected, save the idea that Daniel Bryan is striking a blow against the Authority.

Yes, I understand that the topic of this thread is that WWE can't successfully put Orton-Batista over as a main event; but in many ways, the reason for that is the popularity of Daniel Bryan. Still, the surprising and unexpected (to WWE management) unpopularity of Dave Batista has things in a bind: how can they justify putting him in the main event of the biggest PPV of the year? Hell, even if the fans were really into his return, it was most likely a bad decision to elevate him to the top of the roster from the moment he got back. Even in his heyday, he was never that friggin' popular.

And Randy Orton? He's got the pedigree (no pun intended) and experience to headline a Wrestlemania, but not the personal appeal. I think he's done a better job on the mic these past months than ever before in his career, but he simply doesn't inspire enough passion to be in the main event, unless he shares the star billing with John Cena or.....well, Daniel Bryan.

If ol' Daniel isn't going to be a part of Randy's match, they have to somehow involve the Authority in this contest, which makes sense since Randy is the corporate champion and Trips/Steph have been yanking him back and forth since installing him as the top dog.

Of course, if their plan is to somehow pull Batista from the match, they'd better get on with it 'cause time's a-wastin'. It's almost March, already.
Still, the surprising and unexpected (to WWE management) unpopularity of Dave Batista has things in a bind: how can they justify putting him in the main event of the biggest PPV of the year? Hell, even if the fans were really into his return, it was most likely a bad decision to elevate him to the top of the roster from the moment he got back. Even in his heyday, he was never that friggin' popular.

This sums it up nicely. To me it seems like th WWE higher ups were expecting the crowd to welcome Dave back with open arms. It's like they thought he was on the level of Rock or Austin or Taker or something. Um big wake up call.

Dave's return was luke warm at best. There was a pop when his music hit but that died out quick.

Dave won the royal rumble and has been booed heavily ever since. HA!

Just shows how out of touch WWE is with the fans these days. The fans are into the future; D. Bryan, CM Punk, Reigns etc. Not these has beens that come in and just steal the spotlights and collect a check.

Anyway, I really think Orton vs Batista is going to happen. WWE most likely brought Dave back with promises of a fat paycheck, a title win at WM, and a title run after. But it looks like Dave is going to have to play the heel champion fueding with D. Bry.

Here is what I would like to see at WM.

HHH vs Bryan opens the show. HHH doesn't see DB as a threat (B+ player you know) and just wants to get it over with and ge back to his "important" work. Match goes 20 minutes DB make HHH tap.

Orton vs Batista ends WM. Crowd is crapping all over it like at RR. Dave wins, crowd boos more. Dave runs his mouth to the crowd. on and on. Daniel Bryans music hits, he runs down and confronts Batista. They trade words, Dave swings and misses, Daniel lays him out with the knee knocking him out of the ring. Daniel stands tall in the ring with the belts leading a massive YES chant. Sets up next night on RAW and the future fued for the title.

I think D Bry taking the title off Batista would be a huge moment for the fans.

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