Their Best Year: The Undertaker

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
There are so many series out there like 'Criticizing the Best' that I enjoy looking at so I'm gonna take a chance and start my very own series here on WrestleZone. In 'Their Best Year' I'll name a legendary superstar and you have to decide which year was the best of their career.

For legendary superstars this feat will be difficult, because all hall-of-fame worthy wrestlers have more than just two or three good years. That's why this thread is necessary, so that we can try and decide which year stands out from the rest as that star's best year.

In third edition of this series, I'm going to name one of the most respected men in the history of professional wrestling:

The Undertaker
Demon of Death Valley
Since 1990 this man has wreaked havoc on the WWE. He completely skipped the midcard, went straight to the main event, and has almost effortlessly managed to stay there with his amazing in-ring, mic, and charismatic abilities. For all those years in the main event, which was his best?
1997 was the year for me, he was in the main event of WrestleMania 13, walked out with the WWF title and held it for 5 months. Then, even after losing the title, Undertaker was still in the main event of most shows that year due to his co-existing feuds with Shawn Michaels and the newly debuted Kane. It was also this year when he and Shawn fought in the first ever Hell in a Cell match
Since 1997 was already mentioned, I'm going to go with 2002, the year of Big Evil. Undertaker was the Hardcore Champion entering into 2002, having just switched to his Big Evil persona after the collapse of the Alliance and forcing good ol' JR to join Mr. McMahon's "Kiss My Ass Club". After an elimination from the Royal Rumble by Maven, Undertaker made him pay by a brutal beating through the arena, ending with Maven going through one of those glass popcorn machines.

Undertaker then lost at No Way Out against The Rock due to outside interference by Ric Flair (then co-owner of WWE). Undertaker repeatedly challenged Flair to a match, with Undertaker going so far as to assault David Flair and threatening Flair's daughter to make him accept. Undertaker defeated Ric Flair in a No Disqualification match at WrestleMania 18, and this could be the first time the streak was truly mentioned.

After costing Triple H the Undisputed Championship against Triple H at Backlash, Undertaker won the title from Hulk Hogan at the next PPV Judgment Day. He then successfully defended the title against Jeff Hardy in his first Ladder Match, but made a face turn by raising the hand of Jeff Hardy in a show of respect afterwards.

He lost the title to The Rock then moved to SmackDown, where he had a great feud with Brock Lesnar in a Hell in a Cell match.
I gotta go with '97. Physically, he was in his prime. The Dead Man persona had evolved to the point where his move set was expanding and he was getting more opportunities to flex his mic skills. It was the last gasp of his initial run with Paul Bearer by his side. It was truly shocking when Bearer betrayed him. The debut of Kane was obviously one of the most memorable moments in the past 20 years. A special mention goes out to '98. For the first time since his debut, he was a heel. Still, '97 gets my vote.
Since 2002 has already been mentioned, I'm going to go with 2008.

I never got bored or tired of watching The Undertaker in 2008, I loved his ongoing feuding with Edge, and all of the stipulation matches definitely made the feud much more entertaining than having regular matches.

I felt that The Undertaker was, despite his career coming to it's closure, on top of his game. Hear me out. He was healthy, ready for a fight, and looked completely fresh. He never got tired and worn out after 5 minutes of action, and if he did, he hid it superbly and fought through the rest of the match.

I enjoyed seeing him as World Heavyweight Champion, and I enjoyed the match thoroughly at WrestleMania XXIV. His TLC match at One Night Stand 2008 still stands out to me as one of The Undertaker's greatest matches, and is one of my personal favourites ever. Summerslam 2008's Hell in a Cell match was brilliant all the way through, and Undertaker was still fresh and urging to fight, still with Edge I might add. The ending to the Hell in a Cell at Summerslam 2008 was great and brought back memories of the old Undertaker from the Attitude Era during his Ministry era, how he would give people up in a sacrificial manner.

I've only been watching Wrestling since 1999, so I haven't had much oppurtunity to watch The Undertaker before then, but from what I hear, those were his golden days. I very much liked Undertaker in 2002 aswell, even though it's already been mentioned, and I liked him feuding with CM Punk. Both men working brilliantly together and I enjoyed every second of it.

So as a quick finish up, here are my top 3 Undertaker years, in order.

2008, 2002 and 2009.
Though I would usually go with '97 this time I gonna choose 1998. Why? 'Cuz Taker became even more evolved. He went over classic battles with superstars such as his brother Kane, Mankind & Stone Cold. Plus Not only did he turn heel but went to a "Darker Side" while at it. Interestingly enough this would start a Pre-Ministry mode for Undertaker. I believe that it was this year that set The Undertaker new standards.
Taker's best year would have to be 1999 with him as the leader of The Ministry and Corporate Ministry. and his feud with Stone Cold which saw Austin get sacrificed to his symbol and almost getting embalmed. and including Taker's "wedding" with Steph and Mideon's initiation with Taker slitting his own wrist.
gotta go with 2008, his feuding with edge was golden and it was the first time he could hold a world title in a while, the WHC was made for him because that Damn spinner belt would look stupid with him... But all in all i must say, was there ever really a bad year?
'97 definately gets my vote. The reason? Because it's one of the first wrestling events I've seen and remember = Kane's debut. I was about 4-5 and I'm told I loved Undertaker... lol (xD). Then Kane comes in kicking his ass... yeh... I still remember that...

Then I've recently watched over highlights etc of the year and what a year for the Phenom =].
1991-1994 those years you believed the undertaker was a deadman. Nothing could keep him down.
-from jack the snake closing the casket on his hand and him not letting up to royal rumble match with yoko and 10 to 15 wrestlers interfering and he kept getting up, this was undertaker at this best. Over the year the undertaker has changed but for me this was the best undertaker..
1998 is going to get my vote for the sole fact that that year contained one of the most memorable hell in the cell moment with Mankind being tossed off the top of the cell. That rivalry was so intense, and showcased Undertaker at his best IMO
I would also say 1998 as well. Not just for the "Hell in the Cell" which is clearly a big part of it, but also that's back when the feud with Kane was actually a feud that was able to grab interest. Not to mention the fact that 'Taker drew BIG money that year with Austin.
I think 1998 was his best year and probably my most favorite from The Undertaker. He was in ALOT of big feuds with guys like Shawn Michaels, Kane, Mankind, The Rock, and Stone Cold. He also created many moments in that year and went from babyface to heel as well, becoming darker and introducing the Ministry of Darkness. He was at the top of his game and became one of the strongest characters at a time where WWE was getting destroyed by WCW.

Second picks would be 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2005.
I am going to shock some people, but i believe no greater year for the Dead man was 1991. Ok hear me out he became the youngest world champion at that time beating the greatest pro wrestler in the history of the business in his prime, Hulk Hogan. How many guys can say they have done that? you can count it on your hands. He feuded and beat Snuka, slaughter, savage, and Sid. He was one of the top heels in the business after only being there for a year. He showed the business how good he was going to be for more than two decades.
1998 is best year for Undertaker playing big role in WWF and involved in Austin vs Mcmahon fued to get WWF on top and beat WCW. from what i hear Undertaker became locker room leader around that year.
Agreed with everyone saying 1998. He fought Shawn Michaels at Royal Rumble 1998 in the match where Michaels infamously broke his back.

And then three legendary matches in one year. Two with Kane in Wrestlemania 14 & Unforgiven. One with Mankind at King of The Ring.

And then the feud with Stone Cold, although I always find their Summerslam 1998 match to be overrated and over-praised.
2007 was also great for Taker. Taker won the Rumble, and had a fantastic feud with Batista, and the epic Edge/Taker feud was built up from this year. Their match at Wrestlemania was brilliant, and then a Last Man Standing at Backlash and a Steel Cage Match on Smackdown, that involved a Mark Henry return and a Edge MITB Cashin, screwing Undertaker out of the WHC and 5 months of his career. At the same night Taker returned to beat Mark Henry and Batista won his third World Heavyweight Championship, leading to another great match at Cyber Sunday. At Survivor Series, Batista and Undertaker once again met in a brilliant Hell in a Cell match that also involved the return of Edge, who screwed Undertaker a second time to further hype a epic feud that would happen between The Rater R Superstar and The Deadman.

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