The WZnWo

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I can kind of understand it, if they are similiar to eachother, then I can understand, merging them creates less clutter on the same topic in a sense. So it's not to bad. No worries Paradox, just think of it this way, most of the posts that come after the merger are still highly likely to be about your thread anyways.

the two threads had one thing in common, Muhammed Hassan, but thats where the common denominator dwindled, my thread was about what the WWE could have done differently with the Hassan character and where they justified in firing him.

the thread it was merged with talked about it being four years since his departure and if he was one of the biggest heels in the business, that my friends is not the same thing, dont people read anymore?
You just had to bump this thread, huh?

For that, o you will lose the match. I have control. Mwahahah!

And yes, I am slightly drunk.
You just had to bump this thread, huh?

For that, o you will lose the match. I have control. Mwahahah!

And yes, I am slightly drunk.

Of course I am going to bump this thread... and if you have control... well then sir I believe it is time to offer you a bribe... how about some rep, I have a whooping 4 points. lol... JUST JOKING EVERYONE! I would't really bribe him.
What is up everyone?

I'm not feeling too hot. Got all dehydrated today walking around a Renaissance Fair, and I still miss my ex. Totally fuckin exhausted.

On the plus side, three-day-weekend ftw.
Well i'm not in the best mood. Doc, My birthday sucked... Like no one gave a shit... Today I was doing homework all day... Then hung out with people, but didn't have fun. Because one of my closes friends kinda ignored me, but didn't so I don't know what to think about that. Plus my school is fucking ******ed. We have classes on Monday so I have to get up 6:30... and go to class. Dammit!!!!
It's cool, man, everyone needs to vent. On another forum I go to there's a "How Are You Feeling" thread and it's the most popular thread there.
Well I probably shouldn't post here- not really being affiliated with the WZNWO or anything- but as Doc says, everyone always likes a how are you feeling thread, so hopefully you will forgive me :) I did a bit of exercise today so my legs are killing me, and my brother got involved in a little bit of a fight so I have had to talk it all through with him for a bit, while simultanously be afraid he might get hurt in the future. So yeah, my day hasn't been great either :(

Anyone any thoughts on how monday will go? Despite general consencus of PG being a work I am interested to see what actually will be done :)
What exactly is this? The WZnWo, WTF?

It has my arch rival in it. How would one join?

Old news, bud. It was fucking great when it was happening.

So yeah, my day hasn't been great either :(
Bad days ll around :(

Nitafrong said:
Anyone any thoughts on how monday will go? Despite general consencus of PG being a work I am interested to see what actually will be done :)

So am I. I love stuff like this.
Any thoughts on what our mods have planned? (hopefully something :)) Will they actually temporarily ban some people in order to get the general population to believe? Are some threads going to be removed? I can't really think much past that myself :)
It's old news? Man, I have actually been apart of this site since 2007, but I went a coons age without posting because, IDK why. I'm back with a vengance and I miss the WZnWo? WTF!

I could be a great heel, let's do a WZ Main Event Mafia!
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