AS for title changes....
1.) Tag Titles: I know WWE wants Kofi relevant but Truth isn't doing that and between Primetime Playas, Epico&Primo, Hunico&Camacho, etc. There are PLENTY of ACTUAL tag teams or ones that atleast look like a teams, that can have solid runs with the titles until Evan Bourne returns to reunite Air Boom.
Keeping the titles on Kofi & Truth could add some stability to the titles in the long run. For a long while now, the tag titles have been irrelevant and it looks as though teams have held the titles just for something to do. The fact that Kofi & Truth, Epico & Primo and the PTPs have actually been in a threeway feud for the titles is a refreshing change. I like that neither of these teams have taken the title yet. As for Kofi & Truth, they're both pretty over. They consistently get good responses from live audiences wherever they go. As for Evan Bourne, don't expect Air Boom to reunite. Bourne has really screwed up his own career and I don't look for WWE to trust him with anything for a very, very long time, if ever. It'll be something of a surprise if Bourne isn't future endeavored.
2.) Divas Title: With no Kharma returning and no reason to keep the title away from Beth, why is Layla champ?? Beth, Natalya, AJ, Eve all better options. Even a Kaitlin or Aksana would be better for a change.
One reason why Layla is Divas Champion is because she's loyal, has heart and is a hard worker. The Divas Championship is pretty worthless, as are the Divas as a whole, so it's mostly just a comment of her standing in the company than anything else. Layla is someone that's always tried her best at something. Even if whatever she's done hasn't been very good, she's always given it her best effort rather than piss & moan about it. Coming back from being off for almost a year after tearing both her ACL & MCL is impressive. I think she's tougher than most of the other Divas and they'd have hung it up if they'd have suffered such injuries. I'd have no problem with WWE putting the title on someone else, but it's not gonna happen. Beth & Natalya have already had it and it didn't really do much. Eve could be fun as a heel champion as she's much better with her current character. AJ doesn't need the title right now, it'd probably be something of a demotion for her right now as she's already the biggest female star in WWE. Kaitlyn & Aksana...yeah no, neither is anywhere near ready. Kaitlyn is coming along well but Aksana is horrible, she's better off as arm candy for Antonio Cesaro.
3.) U.S. Title: WHY ISN'T RYDER CHAMPION?!?! OR BRODUS CLAY?!? Santino lost ALL his momentum. Even Alex Riley, Jack Swagger, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Tensai, Antonio Ceasro, David Otunga, etc. would ALL be better champions. I get it, he is funny and doesn't get hurt. But he is hardly over, STALE, and irrelevant. The thing I hate most is that even when Santino defends the title, it's a quick silly match that doesn't even feel like a title defense. Why not a Kidd/Tensai feud for the belt? Why not Clay or Ryder carry it for awhile and ACTUALLY do something with it?!!!!!
I agree that it's high time that WWE put the title on someone else. However, to be fair, to say that Santino isn't over is massively wrong. Santino always gets strong pops whenever he comes out. People are genuinely happy to see him, so that does count for something. The fact that he's also someone that's always done his very best at whatever he's been given by Creative has helped his spot in the company immensely. The WWE has a strong mid-card at this point in time with lots of wrestlers that show promise and could do a lot with the title. Santino's gone as far as he's going with the title in his current character.
4.) I.C. Title: I like Christian as champion but I think Damien Sandow as IC champion & a feud w/Christian would be PHENOMINAL! Could have a great, long program together! And if WWE thinks it is too soon to push Sandow, I wouldn't mind seeing The Miz(take) making a solid run at the title and maybe winning it around Summerslam/NightOfChampions.
Among the mid-card titles, the WWE has done a very solid job all in all, in my opinion, with the IC title over the course of the past year or so. I have no problem if WWE wants to keep the title on Christian for a while, he's got the ability. However, he also has an IC title match on the 1,000th episode of Raw tonight, but we don't know against who. I could see a couple of scenarios here: In one of them, he simply goes up against Cody Rhodes in another rematch. In another, I could see a brand new talent debut and challenge Christian for the purposes of making an impactful statement if nothing else. I read a few months back, when the hype for tonight's Raw was getting started, that new talent would debut on tonight's show. I don't know if that'll happen or not, but I could see Dean Ambrose making a debut and a memorable one. Even if he didn't win the title, he could still make a grand statement by giving the reigning IC champ and multiple time World Champion a competetive match. A third scenario would possibly involve Daniel Bryan. Again, no clue if this will happen but Bryan could hold a grudge against Christian as he did, somewhat, belittle Bryan & AJ's upcoming "wedding" on the Peep Show this past Friday on SD!. He could also believe that Christian set him up via his match with Kane.
5.) World Heavyweight Title: Sheamus is a HORRIBLE face. I think he needs to lose the belt to an Orton, Kane, or Mysterio (or some other established face) & go on to win it back as a heel. I would also really like to see a feud w/ CM Punk and maybe "re-ignited" feuds w/ Cena & Bryan with Sheamus as a heel. Otherwise after Del Rio, Jericho(if he sticks around), The Miz, The Big Show(which would be TERRIBLE) & an almost face Ziggler that gets cheered more than him, he has no one else to feud with as a face.
I like Sheamus better as a heel but, a horrible face? Nah, I don't see that at all. Like Santino, Sheamus consistently generates and gets a strong response. I've got no problem really with Sheamus holding the title for a while, he's shown himself to be a strong, resilient & fighting babyface champion. Just putting the title on Orton or Mysterio isn't going to do much of anything besides give two guys a title run that they don't need at the expense of an already over star. I look for Sheamus to hold the title for the rest of this year, maybe losing somewhere very, very late in 2012 and probably to Del Rio at that.
I'm happy HHH has noted he wants title reigns longer, but not REALLY long, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! That is called stale and boring. People want to see titles change hands, just not every 40 seconds and not in 18 seconds!
I'd say some of the titles will change hands in the near future before the winners go onto have long runs. At the same time, again, I've got no real problem with most of the current champs in WWE. Establishing a sense of stability is something that several WWE titles need right now. In the past, it's not been uncommon to have 5, 6, 7 or even more title changes in a single year. Fans have gotten used to that, I think, so it'll take some time to adjust, especially if the current champion is someone that some of them are just not really into.