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Should WWE Unify/Remove some titles?

Should the WWE remove or unify some championships?

  • Yes, I think WWE's title picture is too cluttered

  • No, I think it's fine the way it is. More titles, more opportunity

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I think they should keep the titles they have.

RAW: They have the WHC, the IC title, the Tag titles and the Womens title. This many titles on RAW gives everyone a title to shoot. The Main Eventers, Mid-Carders, the Tag Teams and the women. No one is left with out a title to go for which makes for very good TV.

Smackdown: They have the WWE title, US title, the Divas title and the WWE Tag titles. Again this gives evey one on the show a title go for.

: They only have the ECW title but they can go after Smackdown titles if they need to. ECW is pointless in the first place, nothing more than a glorified Development teritorry anyway.
I can't decide really

In some ways I think it would be good if there was only:

One WWE Championship

IC - Top RAW belt
US - Top Smackdown belt
ECW - Top ECW Belt
One Womens Championship
One Tag Championship

However I still think the current system is good. I think that in the WWE creative teams minds - the more titles the better - they are a selling point for PPV matches.
I look at WWE like this: 3 rosters, that present themselves as a territory of sorts (except a fair amount of the money each of those brands generates goes to the same board of directors etc). Smackdown is supposed to compete with Raw, and as for ECW.... well, that's the odd one out.
Think of Raw as WWF, Smackdown is WCW and ECW is still the 3rd company but has a better wrestling to talk ratio (much like the good old days).

Raw has 4 titles, in order for us to believe that Smackdown is comparable to Raw in a competitive standpoint, they need just as many titles. TBH ECW needs a second hour a week, and additional titles, however that's unlikely to happen, and that's why ECW will be seen as nothing more than OVW with national tv time.

I know they have interpromotional PPVs again now and occassionally have interpromotional matches, but that is very rarely these days and i think if they had talent chopping and changing between brands, then it would just become too confusing, plus some guys would end up wrestling 3 times a week like Kane was just before the draft and with guys as injury prone as they have been, i don't think Vince would consider it worthwhile.
Honestly, with the recent firings (Braden Walker, James Curtis, Nunzio, Shannon Moore, Big Daddy V, Domino) and the potential/supposed soon-to-be firings coming up (Khali, Bob Holly, a few others)...on top of two incredibly suffering title divisions out there...I can't see them having a point for the entire ECW brand itself, let alone its title.

Right now, what are the tag teams in the WWE?

RAW: Cryme Tyme, Rhodes/DiBiase, Highlanders (who never show up and are jobbers)
SMACKDOWN: Hawkins/Ryder, Jesse/Festus, Kendrick/Ezekiel (if they decide to do it)
ECW: Morrison/Miz

Not nearly enough for tag team divisions. But even if you combined the titles, that still doesn't help much. The reason these divisions suck is because the WWE isn't willing to use some of their talent as tag team stars. They'd rather just have them as floaters in the undercard. For instance...

RAW: Chuck Palumbo, Snitsky, Deuce, Hacksaw, Charlie Haas, Paul London, Paul Burchill, Santino Marella, Jamie Noble, William Regal, Matt Striker, Val Venis
SD: Carlito, Kenny Dykstra, Funaki, Kozlov, Super Crazy, Jimmy Wang Yang, DH Smith
ECW: Bourne, Burke, Delaney, Dreamer, Estrada, Finlay, Chavo, Knox, Neely, Ortiz, Richards

How many of those are really being pushed? Six, seven tops? So why not tag team some of them? Some people would say "but then, who would be used to fill in the midcard title scene?" Well, easy...the same guys! They can pull double duty. When there was the tag team of Yang/Moore, were they banned from wrestling singles matches? Nope.

You wouldn't need to team up too many of them. But for instance, Regal and Burchill. Both could be used in the midcard scene (Regal in the upper midcard as well). But they could also wrestle as a tag team, correct? How about having Chavo and Neely as a legitimate tag team to put Neely to good use, instead of paying him to stand outside the ring? Chavo can still have singles matches now and again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you want a better lineup for the IC/US/Tag Team titles out there, you need to get rid of ECW and merge all of their talent into Raw and Smackdown.
I wouldn't do a complete overhaul and unify any titles on the same level to be left with just a few. The world titles are fine as is in my book, the ECW title is nothing more than a midcard title anyway. IC and US titles let midcarders on all shows be involved. Though there is a lack of competition, I'd say the tag titles are in a good place for now. They could def. use some unused or little used talent and spice up that division a good bit and make it seem more worthy of having separate tag titles but I like have real teams like Priceless and Hawkins/Ryder as champions right now, makes them seem more real.
Now what I think is pointless is the Divas championship. Let's face it...there are only a fraction of these girls that are even deserving of being a women's champion, the other's are there for looks, managers, etc. Combine the Diva's and Women's titles and let not just the champ but all divas be on all three shows and have cross-brand feuds, which would make for a solid women's division. Clearly the Diva's title is brand new, so that won't be happening anytime soon, but hopefully they deem this a failure and combine these titles.
All I care about is the fact the WWE cannot have more than one womens championship. The division isn't strong enough for it. There aren't enough females who are legitimate challengers for one belt, making 2 makes the scene even harder to follow, as well as adds divas into it when they shouldn't be there.

There also aren't enough wrestlers for it, good or not. In order to strengthen the division, which I thought they were trying to do, it makes sense to have all their major talent battling it out, giving them more experience and giving us better matches.
Well the fact that all of the titles represent something else on the brands is a reason to keep them. Raw and Smackdown each have a Tag Team title, a Midcard title, a Woman's title and a Main event title. ECW just has a main event title. ECW should act as a training camp for the future Raw and Smackdown, so the ECW title is good where it is. The only way they could eliminate a title is making either the Womans (Even after making a Divas Championship) on all the shows. Its possible, if the Womans Champion would appear on Raw and Smackdown, but only a few house shows. There are enough other Divas who could appear at other house shows. The same could happen with the Tag Team Championship.
All I care about is the fact the WWE cannot have more than one womens championship. The division isn't strong enough for it. There aren't enough females who are legitimate challengers for one belt, making 2 makes the scene even harder to follow, as well as adds divas into it when they shouldn't be there.

There also aren't enough wrestlers for it, good or not. In order to strengthen the division, which I thought they were trying to do, it makes sense to have all their major talent battling it out, giving them more experience and giving us better matches.

I totally agree with you there. The women's division is weak and would be much better with one overall champion. I also think the tag teamn division is in serious need of an overhaul and a unification might help it.
I wouldn't mind having seperate titles for each brand, if each division was strong enough to hold the titles. The thing is with only having 2-3 tag teams in a division cannot properly showcase a belt. If each brands belt divisions would get a couple more "good" competitors I can see why they would want to keep all belts, but if both the tag and women's division countinue to flounder I say in order to keep any prestige that is left in those belts, they must unify.
I think a limited unification is the answer.

First off, ECW should really be taken out of the picture. Give Dreamer the belt and then match him up with a heel WWE Champ, unify the titles and end the brand.

With that done, a talent share between Raw and SD can occur more logically; say the women's division and the tag team division is allowed to wrestle both shows.

Then match up your Women's Champ and the Diva's Champ (say, Beth and McCool, respectively), and make them a single women's title. Hopefully keeping the Women's Championship name and belt.

The same idea for the tag division, pair up the World Tag Team Champions and the WWE Tag Team Champions in a unification match, and make them the World Tag Team Championship in a unified form.

The Intercontinental Title has way too much prestige and purpose to even consider a unification, really. The Raw midcard is filled with hot talent (Kofi, Cade, Burchill, Santino, etc., etc.) that needs that belt. I daresay the European Championship should even be brought back to give the guys on the level below that to compete, or alternatively, a new Television Championship or some such. A title for guys like Haas, Deuce, Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble, potentially Hardcore Holly and so on to fight for. Gives them TV time and even the chance to open a PPV on occasion.

On the SD side, the US Title has an even longer history although perhaps not as much prestige, having spent a good deal of time in the WCW, but nevertheless it has an active midcard division that needs it. Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick (although perhaps one of those men will be moving up in the world), Kennedy (if he sticks around, which I hope he does), Umaga, and even Koslov in the near future, potentially, all need this title. In the same vein as the Raw idea for the returning European Championship, the Cruiserweight title could definitely serve a purpose. Guys like Funaki, Helms, Jimmy Wang Yang, and several more could use it, and frankly I think it could have kept some recently released stars like Moore around with something to compete over.

Even a return of the Hardcore title could be used, although that might be a little too much.

So, basically, while the Tag and Women's division could probably use unification, I feel that all the singles titles should stay and even third-tier championships should be returned.
This is what i believe:

1)They should unify both brand championships, the IC and US Champion as well as both tag team titles and divas titles.

2) Then, create an overall World Championship that is greater than both champions on either brand. Have that champion only wrestle for the title on Royal Rumble, Summerslam, Wrestlemania and Survivor Series.

On a side note, Why hasnt the WWE brought back Starcade PPV !!!!
This is what i believe:

1)They should unify both brand championships, the IC and US Champion as well as both tag team titles and divas titles.

2) Then, create an overall World Championship that is greater than both champions on either brand. Have that champion only wrestle for the title on Royal Rumble, Summerslam, Wrestlemania and Survivor Series.

On a side note, Why hasnt the WWE brought back Starcade PPV !!!!

You know, I actually really like your ideas. It leads to the thought the WWE should go back to having only one brand, something I think would be a really good idea. The only problem with this is that the average WWE fan doesn't like people to have lengthy championship reigns. I mean, even die-hard Cena fans I know where getting annoyed at his championship run. If the title was only defended at those 4 PPVs I think people would get bored of seeing him as champion, as the reign would really go on forever.
Ive expressed these veiws many times, but ah well, I feel like posting.

Unify all the world titles. Triple threat Iron man match. Something absurd like that. One big champ, who can compete on all three shows. Rarely appears on ECW

keep the US and IC titles, make them exclusive to RAW/SD respectively, althought SD! stars are allowed to compete on ECW, so the US title would indirectly be ECW's main title.

Unified Tag titles, which are also defended across all three brands. Give is some depth in competiton for the belts again finally. Unify the womens title, if you even absolutely need to have one. Certainley not have two of them.

This is more about the belts regaining prestige. and also widens the feilds of people competing for the titles. I feel like less is more when it comes to title belts, as of right now we have contender feilds of 3, or 4 people, which doesnt make the belts seem all too soughtafter, or desirable. This also makes it easier to book ALL the titles on PPV, Which also makes them appear more prestigous.
As far as the original question goes, Should the WWE remove or unify some championships, YES.

The Intercontinental division is almost non existent, you get a couple guys like Jeff Hardy and Umaga and they run that program into the ground having the two swap the title back and forth over a relative short period of time.

Also, Raw doesn't have enough depth imo to have a solid IC division, same goes for Smackdown and the US belt. Could you imagine the two combined? While it wouldn't be anything like the old days of the Rock and HHH battling it out for the title, but it would be so much more than it is today and would add some much needed prestige to the IC belt.

Same reasons for the Tag divisions; a complete lack of depth on each respective roster, combine the two and it makes for more compelling action in any of the aforementioned divisions.

As far as the World titles go, WWE, World and WWECW, a unified title wouldn't hurt either but it is far more needed in the other divisions more so than the World level current state.
Of course the WWE should remove some titles, that's a no brainer. They won't, but they should. There should only be one "World" championship in any company and the WWE should only have one, like they did when they first made the brand split. Each brand can have their own individual championship unique to that brand, but there should only be one World title. RAW could keep the Intercontinental championship, Smackdown could keep the US championship, although I'd prefer they bring back the Cruiserweight championship and make it a valuable title with a thriving division, but that's never going to happen so keep the US championship which has some very great history and prestige. Keep the ECW championship, not as a World title at all but as ECW's own unique title (they could even have it defended specifically under ECW rules). Get rid of the Diva championship (which should've never been made in the first place) and unify it with the Women's championship and that could even be the unique championship strictly on the Smackdown brand, or it could be a championship defended on all brands like the World title would be. Unify the tag championships into one belt, because there's no need for two on separate brands when there's no real tag division on ANY of the brands. Have the tag championship defended on any brand. That would bring down the number of titles greatly and organize them in a much better way then the clusterfuck that is WWE right now with titles they don't even need or ones that are pointless. That's my two cents.
Merge the world Titles (Things on raw and smackdown)
Merge the tag titles
Grab mc'cools silver thing, get all the useless talent on all the shows. Put them in the middle of no where. Drop a Nuke. That ends the useless title and all the useless talent the WWE has (you all know who they are right) L.

Now we have

WWE Championship (Defended on Raw and Smackdown)
ECW Championship (Exclusive to ECW)
World Tag Team Championship (DEfended on Raw, Smackdown and ECW)
Intercontinental Championship (Exclusive to Raw)
US Championship (Exclusive to Smackdown)
Womens Championship (Defended on Raw, Smackdown and ECW)

Thats 6 Titles, Why have I made the WWE and ECW Championships separate... because they are two different things. If your on ECW you want to go for the top price in ECW, being the ECW Championship, not the top price in WWE, being the WWE Championship. The Tag team/Womens can be defended on all brands. No reason why they should be limited to 1 show. The IC and US can stay on raw/smackdown. So the mid cards have something to do while.

I would enjoy the show more like this. But it will never happen

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