This is always been a big problem with a relatively easy solution. All WWE needs to do is follow these steps:
1. Defend the damn belts more often.
2. Stop having the reigning champion job in meaningless non-title matches. They're supposed to be big deals, not fodder for main-eventers and flavors of the month. Especially face champions. If they have to lose, have it be due to cheating or interference. Only under VERY special circumstances should they lose cleanly.
3. Bring back the concept of earning #1 contendership by having challengers beat other mid-carders and THEN challenging the champion. I'm so sick of "wrestler pins champ in random non-title match, immediately granted title match (and likely lose)".
4. Create stories and feuds centered around those belts that are actually creative and interesting. Imagine something like Ambrose/Rollins but with the mid-card belts as the prize. We need more substantial storytelling and less "You are champion and I want to be that so we now have beef" (though that's okay on occasion).
I'm completely against unifying the belts but it may be the only way for one of them to get the attention it deserves. Ever notice that whenever one of those belts gets hot, the other is completely neglected? It's VERY rare that both titles flourish simultaneously. It's apparent that Creative simply doesn't know how to properly book two midcard belts at the same time, and it's a shame.
Also, I wholeheartedly agree with the poster who said the IC title should take the place of the World Heavyweight Championship as the #2 belt. I actually thought that would happen once the world titles were unified, but that sadly hasn't been the case as of yet.