U.S title > I.C. title

I'm a big fan of MVP but his United States title reign has become meaningless due to a lack of title defenses/disputes over the gold with anyone other than Matt Hardy and whereas in the old days when a challenger was sidelined somebody new took his place in the feud it seemed creative couldn't be bothered and just decided to throw MVP to Ric Flair for a month or so.

WWE could very easily have inserted someone into Matt's role for a feud with MVP than removed them when Matt returned but having a champion rarely defending the belt discredits it.

When Matt becomes U.S champion I sincerely hope the belt becomes the centre of attention and the focus point whenever he is in a feud/match unlike how the Intercontinental belt was ignored/forgotten about when Jeff Hardy was pursuing the WWE title.

Although limited I'd like to see Matt win the belt,settle things with MVP in a rematch so that the ballin' superstar can move up to the main event then go into a feud with Chuck Palumbo who management seem pretty high on.
Exactly. MVP's reign has lost its luster since Hardy went down with an injury.

It was almost as if they were too lazy to come up with stuff for MVP to do in that time period (with the exception being the Flair feud).
The US title deffinately means more at the moment. But with Jericho gettting the belt, it could add something to it....... except for the fact that he had held it 7 times before. With the draft coming up, there will be alot of more fueds for the belts and they will deffinatley have more competition.

The US title still exceeds the Intercontinental because of the fact the MVP and Hardy fued give it something to fight over and, at least bring some competition to the belt. There will probably be some better competition for the Inter after the draft though. So we will see which one is better after that.

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