[OFFICIAL] Intercontinental Title Discussion

No. They should get rid of the US belt and give the IC title what little push that belt has. The Intercontinental title isn't worth shit, but it does have a legacy that people look back fondly on. The WWE US title has only been going for 6 years, but it's taken over from the IC belt as the ''premier'' mid card title. Problem is, it'll take years for people to really hold the US title in the same regard no matter how it's portrayed on TV.

I'd say this just means that the Smackdown! writers are better than the Raw writers, if they are different people of course. The IC Title just needs to be booked better I'd say, it's always been on a different show to the US Title so I don't think getting rid of the US belt is necessary.
I'd say this just means that the Smackdown! writers are better than the Raw writers, if they are different people of course. The IC Title just needs to be booked better I'd say, it's always been on a different show to the US Title so I don't think getting rid of the US belt is necessary.

No. It means there's more time on Smackdown for unimportant things like title matches. Raw has all the biggest stars and angles. Other than matches nothing really happens on Smackdown. As suck the champions can defend their titles regularly.
I think the IC reigns need to be a bit longer like they used to be. It has suffered massively since the introduction of the US title and the ECW title which both have more appeal - especially the ECW title which usually triggers a push.

I agree, especially with regards to the ECW title. I also think MOTB has caused the IC title to suffer.

If Rey Mysterio feuds with a couple of guys but still retains the belt then suddenly it will regain some of its importance. Some of the big guys need to win it too. All the guys primed for a big push should win the IC before imo, and that doesn't always happen anymore.

I dont think Rey should be the one to rebuild the IC titles image. He is just too much of an underdog to have a long title reign. JBL would have been perfect but as we all know he is now gone. I think the title should be given a new look and then the WWE should give somebody the title for a LONG time to help rebuild its image because currently the title is little more than a joke.
first off main reason intercontinental title went down hill when they changed the look to that shiitttty looking belt. the old one looked great and you wanted that title on your favorite superstar.

2nd it was either a bringing up superstar to the next level or around the waist of a top face who wasn't the champ or couldn't beat the champ. either route thats not what they've done lately.

change the look back give it to a returning batista, give the whc to orton. and have batista turn heel and align with orton. have the competion go through batista and win title to get shot at orton and poof credibitlity back. all while whc doesn't get defended much, doesn't lose credibilty because it never will, and you have a whc title match worth watching because nobody can get through batista so when they do it means something.
I think the Intercontinental title is still a good thing cause of the history & it has a who's who list of people holding the belt. I think what needs to happen to the belt is having an actual feud that involves the belt like a Rey/Morrison feud, Rey/Miz feud(that's a bit of a stretch but it's a feud), Rey/Kofi feud & Rey/Punk feud. They need to have Rey & the Intercontinental title feud with guys that are Rey's size instead of making Rey do that David vs Goliath storyline all the time. Basically the title just needs to get booked better & everything will be good.
I find it kind of ironic that people complain about the midcard titles not being defended very often, maybe a few times a year when in the late 80's/early 90's, no title was defended often cause there weren't enough PPVs.

But I guess in those days they also took time to build feuds... which WWE haven't been doing for a few years now...
But Mysterio is a guy who appears on every Raw. If they just make like every 3rd match he has for the intercontinental title, and use the other 2 weeks to build a feud somehow, then maybe we'll see a good future for the IC title!
But I guess in those days they also took time to build feuds... which WWE haven't been doing for a few years now...
But Mysterio is a guy who appears on every Raw. If they just make like every 3rd match he has for the intercontinental title, and use the other 2 weeks to build a feud somehow, then maybe we'll see a good future for the IC title!

People have been saying that with the last couple of guys. When Regal won, people thought it was going to have prestige because he had won the Royal Rumble, and creative dropped the ball on him. So Punk won, and since he was a former world champion and a likable guy, everyone thought he'd bring prestige to the title, and creative dropped the ball. JBL, same deal. Rey, same deal. Nothing is going to change, regardless of who holds the title, unless the creative team puts in the same effort for the title that they do with the main two titles. It never matters who is holding the title, but rather what is done with it. Regal would've been a great IC champ if they made the feud matter, but they didn't. There wasn't even a feud between Punk and JBL, JBL won at a house show, only to lose to Rey Mysterio in 21 seconds after a couple weeks of build up. It's all on the shoulders of the creative team, and they simply don't put the effort into it for whatever reason.

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