The WWE Titles will NOT be unified.


WWE Attitude Era Champion
Wrestlezone is reporting that according to several sources, this idea has been nixed and will not be a topic of conversation for the time being.

Officials feel that with the expansion of Raw to three hours, along with Smackdown, that there are just enough championships on the roster. Expect the WWE Intercontinetal Championship to be defended more on Raw over Smackdown. This was already noticed when the WWE had an open vote of the IC Title to be defended on Raw this week. Christian will defend the Intercontinental Championship against an unknown opponent.

The United States Championship, still held by Santino, is expected to be used more on Smackdown. Officials feel the Intercontinental Championship is the more prestigious title, and if defended more on their "A" show, the fans will be drawn to assuming that belt more important.

Also, there is no plans of unifying the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships either.

So how do you feel about this? Personally I think it is a smart move. There are too many contenders for the belts right now, and if the titles were to get unified, not many people would be given opportunities that they deserve.
I don't mind that they aren't going to unify the IC/US Championships, but I really feel that not unifying the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships is the opposite direction they should be going. They don't have as many contenders, and the ones they do have, if they were all to be fighting for one major Championship, it would make it worth something again and we could actually have some memorable #1 Contender storylines again. Not to mention the champion being the main man, not having 2 main men.
Well, with all the titles you already have, not too many people have the opportunity to do anything as well. Combining the belts is a good thing. You no longer have the two shows or separate rosters. In addition to that, it's already a clutter with all those belts.

The value is shot with all those titles. You have too many of them. I would rather see feuds that have meaning. Some of the feuds out there are just awful. Then with all the belts, they just throw a champion in the mix, or the belt itself, and it doesn't enhance anything.

Hell, with two world titles, the Royal Rumble doesn't mean anything anymore. We all know the winner is going to face the WHC champion, it won't even be a main event match. I remember when winning the Royal Rumble, you were on your way to being a main event star. Now, your lucky to be top mid-card... And that's because with all belts.

I know I will get blasted for saying this, but sending WHC and the US belt to FCW. Those belts can build the future of the WWE, instead of being used a poor props with the active roster.
the WWE and the world titles should NOT be unified anyway. You need 2 guys carrying each belt and those two top tier talents, carrying each brand. although I'm glad the brand extension has quietly suffered it's demise, Which is a good thing.
They should unify all the titles. I mean who is challenging for the US Title? Santino & A Ring announcer? The world title is worthless. Think of it this way if they unified the mid card titles then we would have... Christian,mcintyre,santino,ryder,sandow,rhodes,Kidd,Brodus all going for 1 title. It would mean constant fresh fueds. Then for the WWE Title we would have... Orton,Punk,Kane,Show,Cena,Sheamus,Ziggler,ADR,Miz,Mysterio,Y2J.

Then at PPV's they could have personal mid card matches.
A mid-card match for the IC Title.
A divas match
A tag match
A main event personal fued.
Another main event personal fued.
A low card fued.
Then the main event for a title.

If you unify titles it would make them more prestigous like the 80's & 90's. Since the brand extension it is stupid, I mean how can you have 2 world titles?
It's not going to be a big deal if their going to unify the intercontinental title with the U.S. title and make it only the intercontinental title.but they're not going to unify the wwe and the world heavyweight titels because it is not a smart move for the titles in the wwe {there will be one main title remain {the wwe title} and the intercontinental title return to be the second important title in the wwe}.
Certain titles needed unifying, and both of them have. The divas devision is below sorely lacking, so the need for two championship's for the divas to compete over is an illogical decision. One will do. As for the WWE Tag Team Championship in the tag team divison. Even if the WWE decided to make something out of the four or five tag teams and vastly expand on that, there is still no need for two titles. All those teams fighting for one title makes it seem more prestigious.

On the flip side, I feel you can't have just one world title. There are so many stars WWE want to build up and I feel the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship is half of that story. If you had just one world title, so many stars would miss out on lengthy title reigns. Two World titles allows for two world champions and two contenders battling it out, so it provides more oppertunity and more in-ring action for those titles.

Same here in this situation that they won't be unifying the United States and International Championships. Again, too many contenders. I know it may not seem like it, but with guys like Alex Riley, Damien Sandow, Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel, The Miz and plenty others doing nothing, two mid card titles can do a world of good. WWE don't utilise it like they should and I think that is why a lot of people want them unifying, because WWE don't do anything with them, but they have so many options, and in the end oppertunities, yet don't use them.
I'm not sad about hearing the US/IC titles won't be unified because there's no need for them to be. This gives more mid-card superstars a chance to get more exposure, become contenders for these titles, and maybe even win them and make a name for themselves.

I DO, however, think it's time for the WWE and World Heavyweight titles to be unified.

I remember a time when the World Heavyweight Championship was seen as an equal to the WWE Championship. Back when guys like Triple H, HBK, Chris Benoit, Undertaker, Batista, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle held that belt, it was just as prestigious as the WWE Title.

But now, it's become nothing more than a secondary title. Ever since the RAW Supershow started and everybody's been appearing on both shows lately and single branded ppvs are a thing of the past, the World Title has been seen as an afterthought. CM Punk is the man that has the Championship that everybody wants. The World Heavyweight Championship Match at WrestleMania lasted 18 seconds. That goes to show how much they care about that title. You might as well label Sheamus' title as the European Championship.

When Triple H was the World Champion, and JBL was the WWE Champion around 2004-2005, you really felt like they led their respective brands as "The Man" but I can't say the same for CM Punk and Sheamus. I say CM Punk is "The Man" because he's the WWE Champion. Sheamus is the World Heavyweight Champion and I like the guy, but who cares? The Championship is just as important as the guy holding it.

I think it's time for the brand split to finally be over and have just ONE Champion.
Would it kill them to think of something else for somebody to do than chase a belt? Titles should be the ultimate goal. One that most never reach, otherwise what's the point? Instead of being the jackpot, winning a title now is more like winning another scratch ticket. I love when people throw "Fans like title changes" into the discussion. No shit they like title changes. I like seeing my team win superbowls, but it's going to mean a hell of a lot more considering they haven't won one since the early 1970's.
If they don't want to unify the WWE and World Title then that's fine but at least make it seem like they are equals. Maybe have the WHC Close a PPV and a RAW show from time to time.

But then again the WWE Title hasn't closed a PPV since December as well. But I guess ultimately they need to make the title as equals no more opening WM with the WHC Match.
I find it sad that I simply DON'T CARE about the US or IC title anymore. Unify them, don't unify them I couldn't care less simply because WWE gives me no reason to care. Since Santino won the US Title who has he feuded with over that title? And I'm not talking defended against or had a little shouting match in the ring I mean a feud as in what is going with Sheamus and Del Rio or with D.Bryan and Punk. We have more shows than ever now on TV yet neither midcard title ever is shown to be important, there are no feuds, no number one contenders matches, even the champions themselves don't seem to care lets face it we can all see on Christian's face he wishes that was a big gold belt on his shoulder instead of a big white one.
I would rather they have just one World Championship. Which defines one man as being the top guy for both RAW and SmackDown.

Also, I don't think they need two World Titles for House Shows. If they have Cena main eventing even when he doesn't have a title, he could easily main event one brand and have the champion main event the other brand.

Cena is proof that you don't need a title to matter in the WWE. There are lots of legends who have never held the WWE Championship, or any championship in the WWE. Creative just needs to work on making Superstars look important rather than slapping a belt on them and saying "Look, he has a belt. Cheer for him please."

However, that's not to say that they should have less belts.

My ideal title hierarchy would be this...

1. WWE Championship - The most important title in the company. The Champion would be able to move between both brands.

2. Intercontinental Championship - The #2 title in the company. Able to move between both brands. It's given to upper midcarders, established veterans, and World Title contenders with nothing to do

3. Light Heavyweight Championship - Less focus on the "Light" and more focus on the "Heavyweight". Give it to the smaller sized heavy hitters like Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, and The Miz. It's basically a "World Title with a weight limit". It would actually be booked as somewhat equal to the IC title.

4. United States Championship - The general mid card to lowcard belt.

5. Hardcore Championship - Used mainly for midcarders to compete in gimmick matches. The Hardcore Championship would allow both brawlers and high fliers to shine.
Good. If they're really smart they would do this to not confuse new viewers:
Let Smackdown stars come on Raw but don't let them mention the championship belt. Let them feud about other stuff on Raw.

Don't let the Raw stars on Smackdown anymore. Make Smadown "Smackdown-exclusive" so to speak.

This way there's no confusion surrounding the two belts other than on PPV's any only real marks watch PPVs anyway and they know what's going on.
I don't mind that they aren't going to unify the IC/US Championships, but I really feel that not unifying the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships is the opposite direction they should be going. They don't have as many contenders, and the ones they do have, if they were all to be fighting for one major Championship, it would make it worth something again and we could actually have some memorable #1 Contender storylines again. Not to mention the champion being the main man, not having 2 main men.

The way I see it, the World title is the "foot dipper" title. It's that title that sits right at the top of mid-card but sits just barely below a WWE title push. It's that title where WWE gives it to the person to see if they'll work in a WWE title picture. Take Daniel Bryan for example, he was a perfect World champion and did an amazing job. WWE saw this and put him over to Raw.

As for the US and IC titles not unifying, I like that idea as well. People forget that even in the attitude era, there were a lot more titles than there are now with nearly half the roster. WWE can easily put on matches and storylines for these titles and with Raw going 3 hours, a new show coming in October, Superstars on, NXT across the globe, and two hours of Smackdown... I think that WWE has plenty of time to put interest into storylines.
The Only belts that need to be unified are the WWE Championship & The World Heavyweight Title and that isn't happening ANYTIME soon.....IF EVER!!!!!!!

I think the move to have the IC title regularly on RAW and the US title regularly on SD is GREAT!!! More exposure and pushing the titles on what I feel are the correct brands.

AS for title changes....

1.) Tag Titles: I know WWE wants Kofi relevant but Truth isn't doing that and between Primetime Playas, Epico&Primo, Hunico&Camacho, etc. There are PLENTY of ACTUAL tag teams or ones that atleast look like a teams, that can have solid runs with the titles until Evan Bourne returns to reunite Air Boom.

2.) Divas Title: With no Kharma returning and no reason to keep the title away from Beth, why is Layla champ?? Beth, Natalya, AJ, Eve all better options. Even a Kaitlin or Aksana would be better for a change.

3.) U.S. Title: WHY ISN'T RYDER CHAMPION?!?! OR BRODUS CLAY?!? Santino lost ALL his momentum. Even Alex Riley, Jack Swagger, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Tensai, Antonio Ceasro, David Otunga, etc. would ALL be better champions. I get it, he is funny and doesn't get hurt. But he is hardly over, STALE, and irrelevant. The thing I hate most is that even when Santino defends the title, it's a quick silly match that doesn't even feel like a title defense. Why not a Kidd/Tensai feud for the belt? Why not Clay or Ryder carry it for awhile and ACTUALLY do something with it?!!!!!

4.) I.C. Title: I like Christian as champion but I think Damien Sandow as IC champion & a feud w/Christian would be PHENOMINAL! Could have a great, long program together! And if WWE thinks it is too soon to push Sandow, I wouldn't mind seeing The Miz(take) making a solid run at the title and maybe winning it around Summerslam/NightOfChampions.

5.) World Heavyweight Title: Sheamus is a HORRIBLE face. I think he needs to lose the belt to an Orton, Kane, or Mysterio (or some other established face) & go on to win it back as a heel. I would also really like to see a feud w/ CM Punk and maybe "re-ignited" feuds w/ Cena & Bryan with Sheamus as a heel. Otherwise after Del Rio, Jericho(if he sticks around), The Miz, The Big Show(which would be TERRIBLE) & an almost face Ziggler that gets cheered more than him, he has no one else to feud with as a face.

I'm happy HHH has noted he wants title reigns longer, but not REALLY long, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! That is called stale and boring. People want to see titles change hands, just not every 40 seconds and not in 18 seconds!
The way I see it, the World title is the "foot dipper" title. It's that title that sits right at the top of mid-card but sits just barely below a WWE title push. It's that title where WWE gives it to the person to see if they'll work in a WWE title picture. Take Daniel Bryan for example, he was a perfect World champion and did an amazing job. WWE saw this and put him over to Raw.

That shouldn't be the case. When the World Heavyweight Title was first introduced, it seemed equally important to the WWE Championship. That's what midcard titles should be for. If you want to test a guy as a possible world champion, just have him work programs with main event level performers, and if it catches on, then give him a shot at one of the main titles.

There shouldn't be TWO world titles if they aren't going to be treated equally.
The way I see it, the World title is the "foot dipper" title. It's that title that sits right at the top of mid-card but sits just barely below a WWE title push. It's that title where WWE gives it to the person to see if they'll work in a WWE title picture. Take Daniel Bryan for example, he was a perfect World champion and did an amazing job. WWE saw this and put him over to Raw.

As for the US and IC titles not unifying, I like that idea as well. People forget that even in the attitude era, there were a lot more titles than there are now with nearly half the roster. WWE can easily put on matches and storylines for these titles and with Raw going 3 hours, a new show coming in October, Superstars on, NXT across the globe, and two hours of Smackdown... I think that WWE has plenty of time to put interest into storylines.

People also forget that in the Attitude Era each belt had a purpose. There was one World Title, one Midcard title, one Lower card title, a Hardcore title and a Light Heavyweight title. Each title had their feuds, wrestlers in each group, some times swapping but had a role to play. Now we have more wrestlers, more hours than every before and yet the titles are meaningless. There should only ever be one title for each section of the roster, having two for World Titles and two for Midcard and nothing else doesn't work. The World Title and US title need to be retired and stay in the history books, in return bring in a lower card title for Santino etc and the Cruiserweight Title if they want to invest in Sin Cara.
this is what i can't figure out: they feel the IC title is more prestigious than the US title yet they let it sit on Santino which makes it a joke. look at the history of who has held the US title. It is just as good as the IC title. get the belt off of Santino and onto someone credible and the belt will be credible. it's simple. just imagine if you heard that they were going to give Heath Slater a 6 month run as WWE champ. would that elevate Slater or bring down the title? give the title a believable champ and the title will be believable but have a joke as the champ and the title is a joke.

personally, i never thought they should unify the IC and US title. If anything, the WWE and World championships need to be unified as there should be one top title in the company. you can then have 2 secondary titles, one for each show. unifying the US and IC titles never made sense to me because why would you have guys fighting for a secondary title and then split them up for either the WWE or World title? it seems backwards to me. unify the 2 top titles into one main title and then use the US and IC to push top talent. one of the good things about having 2 main titles is that guys like Punk, Bryan and others who would not normally get a title run are able to have one. but it does seem to water down the value of the titles. bringing them together would make the title important but then certain guys just wouldn't get a push. they have put themselves in a bad position in that respect. unless a ton of your top talent just disappeared from the wwe, you can't really unify the top titles anymore.
I have said this in other threads as well. I don't mind that they aren't going to unify the IC and US title, but please please start defending them more. If they are going to keep the belts around at least make them mean something. I like the idea of the IC being defended on Raw and the US on Smackdown. Another idea would be if both are not going to be defended on ppv then at least alternate. IC one month. US the next month. It will only help the wrestlers holding the title if said title has more prestige.
I say do away with both titles and introduce the Raw Heavyweight Champion Title and the Smackdown Heavyweight Champion Title.

This would be a bad idea! It would take away the prestige and the lineage of the two other titles that are in existence. It is hard enough to introduce a new title much less introduce two new main event championships! However it would create a tournament on both shows which would create some pretty good competition on either show!
I gotta say I'm not really happy about this, I say it is a must to unify the mid-card titles because let's face it, they'e barely defended anyway. When was the last time the U.S. Championship defended, or the Intercontinental? I got a better question, who is feuding for those titles anyway?

I do want the World titles to be unified, but then again I don't. The reason I want them to be unified is because it would make it more prestigious if everyone was going for one major championship. The reason I'm glad they aren't being unified is because some guys would be lost in the shuffle, guys like Ziggler, and Christian.
I'm a little upset to hear that apparently the WWE are not thinking about unifying the WHC and WWE title or the IC and US titles.

I do like the idea that WWE seems to have that the IC title will be more of a Raw title because I do believe the IC title is and always will be more prestigious than the US title. Thus, why I think they should either drop the US title down to NXT or just unify it wit the IC title and keep the IC title.

The thing is, when there weren't very many Raw SuperShows (and SmackDown SuperShows, for that matter) it made perfect sense to have a top and mid-card title on both Raw and SmackDown because the rosters were very specific to those shows and you need some titles for the Superstars to strive for.

But now, with so many SuperShows having two top titles looks kind of silly. It reminds me of when CM Punk won the WWE title last year and 'took it with him' and the next Raw they had a WWE Championship tournament to crown a new WWE Champion, which Cean would win and CM Punk would show up and they both held up their WWE Championships. It made for an interesting storyline but that's because it was going somewhere. But now you have Sheamus and CM Punk showing up on both Raw and SmackDown with their titles and both want to believe theirs is most important but we all know it is the WWE title that is most important.

On the other hand, I like having two top titles because without them I doubt that guys like Kane or Mark Henry would have had the title runs they had on top and I was such a huge fan of both their title runs it would have been a shame if there wasn't that 'other title' for them to have, since the WWE title is occupied by CM Punk.

But, whatever. If this news is coming straight from the WWE that they have no plans to unify the WWE and World Titles or even the IC or US titles then PLEASE, AT LEAST make each title seem meaningful again.

Have Superstars actually SAY that they want to win the US or IC title and start an actual feud with the champion. Or, step it up more and have 4 or 5 Superstars say they want a shot at the IC or US title. That would instantly make those titles appear imporant and you could even put them on the PPV card as a PRE-advertised match that people might actually want to see instead of throwing your IC and US champs into a non-title match.

That's my biggest hope right now: Treat each title as important by virtue of the fact that Superstars continually state they want to win those titles.
Well I really didn’t care either way. I think they need the extra belt for all the air time they are going to have now. Plus they need to go back and remake the tag belts again they are horrible.
I’m not saying they can’t unify the belts and then separate them for better or enhancing storylines. I think that would mix it up a little more. As I said before when Jericho came back that would have been perfect timing for unified titles.
*Jericho comes back says neither them are worthy yada yada yada
*triple threat (Punk,Bryan, Jericho)Punk wins belts at Wrestle mania
*Triple threat again. (same people)Next PPV or Summer slam would be a good one. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho on Punk and Bryan applies the Yes Lock on Punk, Punk taps, no clear cut winner, boom we have two titles again. (WWE's creative team sucks)
As others have said, unifying the WWE and World titles, would make the unified belt more prestigious. It would make it appear to be a lot harder to be a champion and more prestigious when you're finally a champion.

Right now, I just can't view the world title as an equal title to the WWE title. I just can't. If WWE doesn't want people to view Smackdown as a "second tier" or "lower" show than RAW, then they shouldn't have a separate belt for that show. They should have the unified title as the main belt and when a smackdown guy gets it, it makes people want to see that show and makes it more prestigious.

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