The WWE Future Files - Evan Bourne

I agree with you Burnout to be honest the most sensible thing would have been for Bourne to run down and help Cena but then get beaten down on by NXT rookies that would have totally helped him.

One thing i like about Bourne is he can sell a move.
I think this is great. We don't hear enough about Cena throwing his weight around, but he deserves it. Him using it on a cause like Evan Bourne excites me even more exciting, no-homo. Bourne is a worthy cause. He's a silky smooth high-flier who genuinely knows how to haul ass in that ring, sell like a million dollars, and execute his moves with great precision. He's had little gems during his time in the company against JoMo and Tyson Kidd, and he's had a few WWE tag match of the year candidates on Superstars. Simply put, Bourne's a hungry young trooper who knows his cookies. About time the man responsible for the goodness of Mayweather vs. Big Show gets his break.

In regards to last night, one bad night doesn't spell the end of his momentum. He was on TV and Cena put him over once again. That's better that Bourne was doing two weeks ago.
I wouldn't call one good showing on RAW a push. What happened last night? He was up for a vote and they set up a confrontation between Kane and Sheamus first to make sure Kane won the vote. Don't get your hopes up on a Bourne push.

But after the kane v sheamus confertation , they aired an evan bourne v sheamus "last week flashback" video to pump up a evan bourne vs sheamus match. I do feel they want to push evan , and I actually think there setting him up to start getting a lot of tv time.

Also don't forget they went out of there way after bourne did loose the vote to make sure he still got tv time via that short backstage promo with cena.
So let me get this straight, people criticise Sheamus and Drew because they are liked by HHH and HBK. Which has led them on tv and already on titles etc. Yet when Cena does this with Evan, its ok? Please do tell me the difference? Is it different rules now all of a sudden?
This is a good thing Evan is really talented if you seen some of his stuff outside of wwe. That was really nice for Cena to do that maybe he will get a Intercontial title or United States title push soon. But I don't think he will be in world title matches just yet given time he will do fine.
Vampirek i think you forger Evan Has been around for a bit and delivered pretty well actually without any push.

Plus Sheamus and Drew are the same as folks like HHH, Orton all well built guys.

Cena went in and said they'd waste talent this is when Cena has seen him in WWE unlike HHH who seen them in the UK and a stint in FCW then got dropped into title chases.
I don't think Evan will amount to anything and here's why:

Case 1: Kofi Kingston- Kofi is quite possibly the most under utilized ring talent they have. We saw he can be aggressive and can actually can speak a bit during his feud with Orton. What happened? WWE dropped the ball. Verdict is still out on this one because Kofi has a little something going for him with his feud over the IC title.

Case 2: Matt Hardy- No explanation needed.

Case 3: Santino- Got a huge push in the beginning, got a couple IC titles runs, now comedy jobbing.

Case 4: Kane- Pushed huge in the beginning and has gotten on and off pushes. Wasted his entire career to now use him for jobbing.

Case 5: MVP- I always hear how amazing MVP is. Huge debut, got a decent push... where is he now? Nowhere.

Case 6: John Morrison- Again... huge at some point in his career, had a great decent ECW title run filling in for the late Chris Benoit in that match, had an IC Title run and held the tag titles on a few occassions. Now is pretty much no where.

What do all these people have in common with Bourne? Proven in ring competitors, have had pushes, were floundered by WWE, jobbed a lot at some point if and some do now and none of them (with the exception of Santino!) can cut a promo. Evan is storng, fast and an hes a great in ring competitor but lets face the facts. Vince doesn't like small guys, this isn't Olympic wrestling or ROH. This is the largest sports entertainment franchise in the world... you're not going to get anywhere without being able to talk. Jack Swagger is improving and he can draw some heat, thats why hes doing so well. Give it a month or so... Bourne will be jobbing and eventually future endeavored.
While I don't personally like Bourne I do acknowledge that he's an entertaining featherweight-esque star. He is pretty crisp in the ring and generally does his job. However, his size is a factor that will limit him, undoubtedly.

Regardless, I'm largely indifferent to Bourne's supposed push anyway and would be lying if I said I cared. He'll likely go back to loosing consistently in a mere month or so.
In my opinion Bourne will never have a strong push on raw he will most likely be moved to smackdown were he can compete with the B squad for the title. If anyone should get the push already its christian, miz, or even morrison. They have been amazing on what they do n still they are mid cards n you get a brand new guy sheamus winning the championship early on cause of who he knows...really... If anything for Bourne create the cruiserweight title n have him shine in it.
I think its great that Cena is helping Bourne get a push. He see's the talent there and also realizes that the WWE is moving towards a smaller roster, great move by Cena, really proves what a class act he is.
All this says to me that if one of the wwe's big time stars think you should be used better it could really help one of the younger stars.
Well if Cena's word holds as much water as HHH's, then Evan Bourne will be champ within the month. Lol I think it's great that Cena can actually bring himself to put in a good word to push a good, deserving athlete like Evan Bourne. Not that there aren't possibly better choices for Cena to put in a good word for (Ziggler anyone?). But it's a good start.
See this is another Reason why I like John Cena, He puts over guys time and again to do whats best for the Company. It just too bad the stupid Haters don't see or don't want to see it. They just don't like him because they think he can't Wrestle. Newsflash neither can you Haters but Cena is not a Bad Wrestler.
So let me get this straight, people criticise Sheamus and Drew because they are liked by HHH and HBK. Which has led them on tv and already on titles etc. Yet when Cena does this with Evan, its ok? Please do tell me the difference? Is it different rules now all of a sudden?

Its the fact that Bourne has become a bit of a crowd favourite whilst jobbing through his in ring ability, as opposed to Sheamus and Drew, who nobody knew or cared about before they were given titles largely due to size and look.

Cena gave a crowd favourite who generally wouldnt be given a shot due to his size a chance, and thats admirable... as opposed to Drew, who deserves the chant "you cant wrestle" more than Cena.
I think it's great that Cena put a good word in for Evan. The guy can do some amazing stuff. However, I'd rather see him fight guys around his own size. WWE really needs to have a light weight title. Dont care what they call it, but I think they need one.
The that Cena spoke up for a guy he thought deserved better. Shaemus is HHH friend. That's how he got his. Does that clear it up for you?
Cena is a class act.He has proven this time and time again and has earned the title "face of the WWE" It's crazy how we've been able to watch him grow and mature over the years(Kayfabe wise)from a punk ass suburban gangster to a man of true dedication and courage.Now if only you could get him to do like Jericho and put people over IN FRONT of the camera haha.Just wishful thinking
Cena is a class act.He has proven this time and time again and has earned the title "face of the WWE" It's crazy how we've been able to watch him grow and mature over the years(Kayfabe wise)from a punk ass suburban gangster to a man of true dedication and courage.Now if only you could get him to do like Jericho and put people over IN FRONT of the camera haha.Just wishful thinking

Well, what would the face of the WWE be if he was consistantly losing to talent? The face of the company has to be in the title picture CONSISTANLY, if not the champion.

Although I'm not a big fan of Cena's on-screen character, I must agree that the man IS a class act. He's always looking out for other guys. He truly is what the face of the WWE needs to be, especially in the "PG" era.

I had heard that he told management he wanted Bourne to be utilized better, and sure enough the next monday, Bourne was in the main event. Evan truly is the next Rey Mysterio, but that's why I think he belongs on smackdown, at least for now. I think him and rey could make a damn good tag team, and eventually they could feud, with Rey passing the torch on.

Evan isn't consistant WC material, but (maybe like two yearsish down the raod) he could be in the picture and MAYBE have an occassional, transitional run. Much like other, great wrestlers. (I.E. Rey, Shawn Michaels).

**btw, anyone who says Cena can't wrestle needs to watch his old clips... yes, he CAN. This is coming from a guy who's not a Cena fan.
Aside from Evan Bourne getting a bit of a push, this could actually be pretty big news because it's the first time I've ever heard of John Cena sticking his head up above the parapet, so to speak. I've read/heard about how he's a great guy etc. but also very much the kind of guy who doesn't rock the boat with the higher ups, a bit of a yes man you could say, so we get stuff like "JBL is Poopy" because he doesn't want to go against Vince or Steph's wishes.

The fact that he's gone to management and said "This guy is talented, you're not using him right, do something with him" shows that maybe Cena is a bit more willing to flex his political muscle - which he must have a fair amount of - when he feels the time is right. I'm not saying he's going to go on a rampage, telling Vince who should & shouldn't be pushed, but the fact that he was willing to test the water by saying that Evan Bourne should be utilised better & that WWE agreed with him means that maybe we'll hear similar stories in the future of John Cena arguing that someone needs to be showcased better, or maybe arguing with management's decisions full stop.

As for the "how is this any different than Sheamus & Drew Mcintyre getting pushed?" argument, Bourne has been in one RAW main-event, tagging with the WWE champion. He hasn't been handed a title, and more to the point he's put in the hours, first on ECW, then on RAW. He's jobbed to everybody left, right and centre yet he's still gotten over with the fans as a result of his performances so he deserves a shot higher up the card.
I am not going to lie I like Even Bourne, I think he has GREAT in ring talant. im pretty sick and tired of people saying he is can not go any were beacuse of his size, the guy brings back the meaning of high flyer and im sooo happy that the WWE decided to push him regardles of hows idea it was
That's a heart-felt story and all, and I'm sure Sydal is thankful in real life for John's support, but Bourne is not a main event star by any means, because he lacks the single most crucial aspect that all main eventers carry – a personality.

Sydal is a card-carrying member of the DPC, and as a member it's unquestionable that he's inexplicably vanilla and boring. If other DPC card-carrying members like Morrison and Kingston couldn't get over, what in Sam Hill makes any of you think Bourne will?

Bourne may as well change his name to Shooting-star Press, because it's the only facet of his character anyone gives a fuck about.
It's good for Cena to speak up on behalf of Bourne, but I don't think it's going to lead to a mega-push or anything of the sort. He may get a shot at the U.S. Title if he stays on RAW. I don't see him getting anything more than that in the near future since the RAW main event scene is so crowded. We'll see where Evan's position is by Summerslam and whether Cena speaking up will have a major impact.
It was good to see Bourne in the main event, but TBH I don't really care where he goes from here...Sure Cena did do something nice and was probably the only guy backstage who can...other than HBK, HHH and Taker I can't name anyone else the management would listen to...well that is Cena...
As a guy who hasn't personally been very fond of Cena for years, let me say I think this is great news and I have a new respect for the guy.

I'll try to hit a couple of topics: One, this is much different than Sheamus or McIntyre, neither had been around as much as 6 months in the WWE before getting pushed to the moon (McIntyre was pushed to the moon the second he walked in the door) and neither has an eighth of the talent that Bourne has, and, you know what, I don't even particularly like Bourne.

Two, A lot of people are saying he doesn't have Main event capabilities; he's too small, he can't cut a promo, he doesn't have personality; well, some of that may be true, doesn't change the fact the crowd loves him even though he spends most his time jobbing. Rey Misterio couldn't cut a promo for the longest time; his personality, like Bourne's, came from his ability to get the crowd popping for him in the ring.

Three, they also said they want to push Bourne up to main event levels so people can get used to smaller guys like Bryan getting pushed in the future. How is this not a good idea? Actually displaying guys with actual bonafide wrestling talent highlighting the show instead of slow-moving ogres who do the same song-and-dance every time? For the record, I believe Batista also went to bat for Christian years ago, but he already left for TNA (Again, I believe) before anything could amount from that.

I think there are other talents that need someone to stand up for them. Can Jericho or Edge make a push for Christian? Can Taker tell somebody that Ziggler needs a push? Can Orton go to bat for Kingston? I would love to see this trend continue of talented wrestlers finally getting pushed as opposed to unproven work-out buddies.

Edit: Four, Does anyone really think Bourne's going to stand by after what happened to Cena? I expect him to be a major player in the fallout on next RAW; hopefully getting into a feud with either Wade Barrett or, even better, Daniel Bryan.
I HATE the PG,
So sometimes I HATE John Cena
But when he uses his backstage clout to stand up for Evan who more than likely would still be under utilized,
It's hard to,
It was just a nice thing to do
So first let me just say that i've been an adamant reader for years.

But obviously I'm a first time poster, so wooooooot. lol

But back on to this topic, I personally love the idea of it. And not so much because its Evan Bourne. Don't get me wrong i think he is quite entertaining in the ring, but he does lack the character aspects needed. He's a really good "new age mysterio" Kinda thing for the kids, and I can definitely respect that. The reason i love this push so much is because of why they are doing it.

The fact that this is a way to get the common fan accustomed to seeing small guys in the main event is what makes me so excited about it. Bourne deserves a good little run, sure. But this is to set up some other guys for the same future spots. Guys that have a little bit more character to them.

Daniel Bryan Danielson- I simply can't believe that Vince may be on to using this guy in the right way. I was so excited to see him sign the develpomental and then get the call to NXT, but i still wasn't optimistic on how it would turn out simply beacuse of what we've all seen in the past. Namely, what had happened to another big indy star, Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne. Evan came in and made an impact, then kinda tapered off until recently with this push. So it's makes me all giddy inside to thin that DBD may have the same Main event opportunity down the road.

Kaval- Anyone who has seen him work elsewhere (which is a good portion of us all) knows what this guy can do. Everything about his ring work is exciting. From the moves to the yells to just the way he carries himself in a ring. And his character is that of a someone who is just strictly business, which actually works for him quite well.

I never thought the day would come when Matt Sydal, Bryan Danielson, and Low-Ki were actually gonna get honest runs in the E. If they only coulda got Nigel in the mix. ahhh.

Oh well. I just wish they had felt this way when Gregory Helms was still doing his thing. (and doing it well). But they missed the boat by quite a few years on that one.

BTW---Someone hook me a up with a sig, lol

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