Many are saying that Evan won't be a main eventer now but will instead move up to a bigger mid-card slot BUT what is the Pay-per view coming up that is named after a match which creates stars? That's right Money In The Bank! Now I'm not saying that is what the PPV will be doing but I've read reports that it will feature two 4 man MITB ladder matches for each brand. Either way this is a great thing for Sydal. He jobbed week after week to the likes of Jack Swagger, Ted Dibiase & The Miz and what happened this week? He opened and closed RAW facing a former champion(Which at first looked like another squash for poor ole' Evan) at the begining of the show & pinning a former WWE champion at the end of it.
The sky's the limit for Evan(No pun intended)
The sky's the limit for Evan(No pun intended)