The WWE Future Files - Evan Bourne

Many are saying that Evan won't be a main eventer now but will instead move up to a bigger mid-card slot BUT what is the Pay-per view coming up that is named after a match which creates stars? That's right Money In The Bank! Now I'm not saying that is what the PPV will be doing but I've read reports that it will feature two 4 man MITB ladder matches for each brand. Either way this is a great thing for Sydal. He jobbed week after week to the likes of Jack Swagger, Ted Dibiase & The Miz and what happened this week? He opened and closed RAW facing a former champion(Which at first looked like another squash for poor ole' Evan) at the begining of the show & pinning a former WWE champion at the end of it.
The sky's the limit for Evan(No pun intended)
RAW began and ended with Evan Bourne which was obviously a little shocking. Of course, I was loving it- come on, 2 ROH alumni- Bryan Danielson and Evan Bourne- get clean pins over established WWE talent. Tremendous.

I don't know what the future holds in the way of a proper push for Evan Bourne, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. The guy doesn't get enough credit. He is unjustly thrown into the category of "spot monkey" simply because his finishing move comes from the top rope. Bourne rarely uses other aerial moves as he is a solid technician with believeable strikes and kicks. He gets a great reaction from the crowd every time he performs and John Cena even has some kind words regarding Bourne. He held his own in a match where the other 3 participants were significantly larger than him- he didn't look out of place.

I say let the push continue.
I was also shocked to see Bourne in the main event last night. The crowd popped for him like crazy, and the tag team match was pretty exciting. Although, I don't think this will mean big things for Bourne. WWE is trying to keep Orton out of the ring until Fatal 4 Way, and Bourne was just probably another replacement. Sure he had the opening segment with Edge, but again, WWE's trying to keep Orton on ice, so I think he was just another random replacement. I just can't see him having feuds with Sheamus and Edge. Sheamus is being built up as the next top guy on Raw, and Edge is also going to be involved in the WWE title picture, and I just can't see Edge feuding with Bourne.

So yeah, I don't think this a big deal. Bourne will most likely go back to jobbing, and he will be fed to Edge and Sheamus soon enough.
I think there might be a lot more Bourne in the future. I don't see him going for the world championship any time soon, but he'll most likely gain prevalence now that he's pinned the Celtic Warrior. He might even come out as a contender for the United States title. He has the potential to be mid-card royalty; he's good at what he does and the fans love him, but he's not main event material. He couldn't possibly take down Shaimus, Edge, Orton, or Cena on his own. He's simply too small in stature. However, I do see a push in Evan's future, just not a push into the world championship spotlight.
Next week will be key to this, it depends on what happens with him and Sheamus.
He pinned Sheamus and obviously Sheamus has destroyed him in the past. So it depends on a) how its presented and b) if he continues to hold his own. I dont want him to be the new decades version of Spike DudleY. Meaning, being able to do ok against big guys with someones help but being slaughtered on his own, and having the patronising "its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog".
Maybe WWE realised that with Rey being out and his knees going, they need a new exciting high flier to replace him and Evan Bourne could be that guy.
he looks to be pushing him too No 1 Contender .....Of a Us champion or A interconterional .

once Evan has achived .. us or intercontial he can become a contender for wwe title or a world champ.. it would be .. a great exprince for wwe .. and for evan .....

Teaming with cena ferquently as well would boost confincdce and poupritly .....

once cenas gone .... Evan could become Cena type gimmick ...\

I hope he gets a push but he wont. hes not big enough and he is NO WHERE NEAR Rey Mysterio's level. Maybe a U.S. title run but hes just gonna be a transitional champion.
I think he'll get a nice midcard push, but anyone who believes he'll get anything more than that is deluding themselves.

Evan Bourne is an excellent high flier and sells moves better than anyone but his character is terrible. He's just... SUCH a generic face. It's almost as if he's a parody of generic faces. Comes out with all energetic and is all "YEAH!! I'M A GOOD GUY!!!". It's just lame as hell and I can never take him seriously.

Evan Bourne is a small guy and up until maybe 2 weeks ago, a lowcard jobber. He was pretty much barely above Chavo, Masters and Primo. You can't just go from that low to main event in a week or so. And before anyone tries to bring it up: do NOT try and say thats what happened to Swagger or Sheamus because neither of them we're already established as jobbers and each one of them had some time to be built up in the mid-card (I could Sheamus's time in ECW as mid-card time, albeit brief). Not only that but Sheamus and Swagger are freaking jacked and look way more credible by looks alone.

Overall though, I'm happy that RAW pulled such a shocker with Evan Bourne winning a main event -- defintely made things interesting. Hopefully this gives Bourne a nice midcard push (maybe against DiBiase? or Miz? ....Jericho even?) and let him develop his character into something interesting. I'm not holding my breath though.. very rarely am I interested in face characters =/.
I think that there's at least a possibility of Bourne being pushed. On Superstars last night, they showed an Evan Bourne hype video and, so far as I know, it's the first sort of montage of Bourne's "greatest hits" I've seen. Some are wondering if what happened on Raw was a fluke and if Bourne will just go back to being fodder. However, the WWE doesn't generally create hype vids for wrestlers that they've got no interest in pushing, so that's a good sign.

Of course, plans can always change at the last second. But, as of now, Bourne's future is beginning to look bright.
I think that it was probably just a one night thing, though I do like Evan I don't see this going to anything immediatly. But what Jack-Hammer said about a hype video about Bourne does make me think there might be a possibility for him. But tons of guys have had pushes before him like John Morrison and MVP but nothing ever came out of it. I really hope Evan is getting a push, he's an amzing high-flyer and has a fun to watch move set. I won't be surprised if he doesn't go anywhere but I'll be happy if he does.
I think that there's at least a possibility of Bourne being pushed. On Superstars last night, they showed an Evan Bourne hype video and, so far as I know, it's the first sort of montage of Bourne's "greatest hits" I've seen. Some are wondering if what happened on Raw was a fluke and if Bourne will just go back to being fodder. However, the WWE doesn't generally create hype vids for wrestlers that they've got no interest in pushing, so that's a good sign.

Of course, plans can always change at the last second. But, as of now, Bourne's future is beginning to look bright.

Superstars always has hype videos. I've seen em for multiple talents on all spots of the card. I don't think there's anything to really be stoked about with that. Bourne is a mainstay, he'll have a job for at least another year or 2 if he just stays at the level he's at.

On the other hand, I have a weird feeling that with all the hype this move is getting all over the internet, the E might just be thinking of capitalizing on his popularity. If they just keep him away from Edge and Sheamus and don't feed him to one of them this week on Raw, maybe let him get a win over someone with a little bit of credibility, like Regal or Ryder, they can test the waters a little bit. Just have the announcers constantly brag about him getting a pin on Sheamus. He can definitely start to build some momentum.
I think the WWE is actually trying to push Evan Bourne. If u look on the power 25 you will see that evan bourne is number 13. Which is kind of high for him getting one win. A tag team win at that.
I saw a lot from Bourne tonight. He has the pop from the crowd (but, anyone has pop with SuperCena by their side). Bourne had quite a bit of ring action, he looked really legit fighting Shame-us and The Rated F Superstar. (WTF was with that spear attempt... GTFO Cena and Edge)
Not to be all "smarky" but I totally saw that main event coming. Orton isn't going to see any serious action until F4W.
The only problem with Bourne is... What moves is he going to pull off against the bigger talent? He's not Rey, he doesn't have near the moveset that Rey does. Some hurricaranas and an enziguri was all I saw tonight. (Let's not forget the kicks).
I think we shouldn't jump to conclusions with Bourne. I have a feeling it was a one time thing. Let's rediscuss this topic in a few weeks to a few months.

Evan Bourne has wrestled for a LONG time. Matt Korklan (Bourne's real name) knows ALOT more moves than what we see him do. Nearly half of the moves he knows though are against WWE policy because of risk. I've seen some videos of him doing some INSANE stuff. Remember when Hardy took that dive onto Orton? Yeah, Bourne would do that. Except he'd do Air Bourne.

Bourne has worked in TNA, ROH and a few other smaller promotions since he was (I believe) 16 or 17. He turned 27 earlier this year. That's about ten years of experience.

Now, the reason why I know all this crap is because I live in St. Louis, and I'm friends with one of Evan's high school buddies. (By the way, speaking of Orton, I see him around town every now and then).

But, as the lunatic said, I wouldn't expect a push. I hope it happens in some capacity, because I really enjoy Evan's matches and honestly beleive he has more potential, but i doubt it will happen.
Ok... after last night since WWE didn't even give him much more than an appearance...

I think the company may be done with Bourne's push because they want to focus on the NXT guys... but we'll see.
I am of the impression that is about time Evan Bourne is given something. Whether that is a push towards The US Championship, or just into the mid-card, I am happy either way. Getting a run from John Cena seems to work wonders for people's WWE tenure. The Miz did it and then went on to win the US Championship and the Unified Tag Team Championships. Jack Swagger did it and eventually went on to win the World Heavyweight Championship. It excites me that Evan Bourne is getting this attempt to roll with the big boys but I definitely don't see him mixing it with them in a competitive fashion for the WWE Championship. He is just too small and people like Sheamus and The Big Show would absolutely obliterate him, given the chance.

That being said, I look forward to seeing how well he can do with this. He looked really good against Edge and Sheamus last week and managed to get the pin on Sheamus. If that is not a signal of intent on the part of WWE, then I have no idea what is and it is not before time. He really has been through the wringer and nothing has stuck as of yet. I think that if you just let him go out every week and do his thing, the fans will buy into it. Give him something solid and not just a Diva on his arm and he will run with it. He definitely has the talent to go up a level in the WWE but the WWE needs to commit to that and just give him a chance like they did with The Miz and Swagger before him.
Another card-carrying member of the DPC (Dialtone Personality Club)...

Evan Bourne is a shooting-star press – nothing more. There's very little he has to offer IMO to deserve or warrant any type of main-event push, simply because his character doesn't support it at all. He's the WWE's equivalent to TNA's Amazing Red, who I'd pay money not to see near championship gold or a main event of any kind.

Main eventers like Orton, Edge, Cena, etc. all have one thing in common above all else: they have definable and often likeable/hatable personalities. They're throwbacks to what it really means to be a professional wrestler. While more and more vanilla midgets (thank you, Kevin Nash) are being thrust into the pro-wrestling world, fewer and fewer real wrestling characters are being created, which in turn produces less care for the product overall, which in turn creates lazy booking, which is the only way for vanilla midgets like Bourne to "get over".

If the WWE still had a cruiserweight division, I'd have very little issue with Bourne, but because that's now obsolete, so too is Bourne's purpose IMO. I truly hope he's not being pushed, because if he is, it'll be yet another segment I'm forced to fast-forward through when trying to watch RAW every week.
Alright this is my first post and it is relating to a report from this website that claims John Cena approached management and Mr McMahon and told them they were wasting Evan Bournes talent and may miss the ball on this potential main eventer which led to Evans push on Monday night, what is everyones thoughts?
Could care less. hopefully Cena is out a month so that the NXTers can really get this thing rolling. Been a casual followers after being a hardcore follower during the real Monday Night Wars.

WWE screws this up and I am done with them.
I think it was a nice thing he did for Evan Bourne. He was right Evan was not getting the push he deserves and Luckliy Cena came and reconginized his full potential and Now hopefully will become world Champ. IMO it was a good thing Cena did.
I am happy to see Evan finally getting a push, and if John Cena has to approach the WWE Management, then you know that Evan will be a future main eventer. I don't expect Evan to be a World Champion for the next two years or so, but at least its a start. WWE need to push some of their midcarders so they can carry the company several years down the road. WWE is already testing the waters with R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Drew, and Sheamus. We're likely to see the stars of NXT to get big pushes soon as well and other mid card talent.
i have the same problem ppl had with rocky maivia back in the day... cant stand the goody goody smiling wrestler... just annoys me, couldnt care less for bourne to be honest
Cena stepping up and actually sticking his neck out on the line is a huge deal. That's better than an on screen rub from most stars. When the face of the company goes to the boss and management and calls them out on their shortcomings it's a BIG deal. Now the only thing that's left is for Bourne to rise to the occasion and deliver! If Bourne fails now, consider him future endeavored! But it speaks to the credibility and the class act that John Cena really is. I mean I've heard of him being a great guy in person but this really speaks measures of his character.
This is a geniunely good thing regardless if you like Bourne or Cena he's got a push for a guy who's Cruiserweight material and i think he can prove that these guys can entertain enough at the top level. I'm sick of it always being Rey who gets the chances if they come to replace people.
I wouldn't call one good showing on RAW a push. What happened last night? He was up for a vote and they set up a confrontation between Kane and Sheamus first to make sure Kane won the vote. Don't get your hopes up on a Bourne push.

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