Evan Bourne: Speaking from his beliefs or his job?


I bring the meat even if ur a vegan
So I got done reading the interview Evan Bourne did with The Sun where he judges the new ECW to be better than ECW on TNN. I wanted to know what you guys thought about the piece. Personally I think Evan Bourne is shrinking the legacy of the original ECW too far. ECW had alot of personal growth between 1995 and before the start of the TNN program in 1999. Also when you look at the ECW/TNN program and ECW on SCIFI I actually see alot of similar themes, No legit bloodshed or legitimately long angles. If you want give me your feedback on Evan's interview or my assessment on the TNN program vs. SCI FI program.
What else do you expect him to say? He's a employed by the WWE and is currently on the WWECW. I'm not sure if he actually thinks that it's better than the orginal, but it doesn't matter. If he said that the original ECW was better he'd get ripped apart and Vince would be none too pleased.
Well, if you're going by ratings, he's right. McMahon's ECW has been much more successfull than Heyman's and he's even doing it with hardly using any big stars. I'm not a fan of the new ECW and didn't really watch the old but if we're talking business-wise, Bourne's right.
The TNN product, maybe.
He's Evan Bourne, currently employed BY the WWE ON the ECW show. He's probably just saying stuff so as to not piss off the WWE.
Well, if you're going by ratings, he's right. McMahon's ECW has been much more successfull than Heyman's and he's even doing it with hardly using any big stars. I'm not a fan of the new ECW and didn't really watch the old but if we're talking business-wise, Bourne's right.

Yeah, but let's face it. That is only because the WWE name is on this version of ECW. It is more so that, and the exposure Vince gave it, than the public thinking the product is any good.

Just look to the original version of WWECW, and look at the ratings anticipation for that show, with the public thinking Vince was really going to bring back the original ECW. That show produced a 2.8 rating, which is not only far superior to what the show does today, but also far superior to even what Smackdown does today. Smackdown has been reduced to only pulling in the upper 1's.

Furthermore, Mr. Bourne had this claim about the rating for the show he returned from injury on:

"You have to look at ratings as a long-term picture, but I did notice that the week I made my second debut was one of ECW's highest rated shows.

Um, either Bourne doesn't follow ratings very closely and is simply talking out of his ass, or he is just flat-out lying.

He made his return on March 17th, 2009. That show drew a 1.4 rating. Now, if he wants to add a few words to the statement and say that "a 1.4 was the highest rating the show received for the 2009 year", he would be correct. However, ECW does no where near what it used to do when it originally debuted under the WWE banner, when fans were led to believe Vince was really going to bring back the original ECW.

Plus, Mr. Bourne wants to make the asinine claim that ECW would be drawing in the number of fans it does, if it weren't for the fact that it was taped at a RAW TAPING?

"They were wrestling in front of 4,000-5,000, whereas WWE's arena shows attract 10,000.

Give me a break. I guess WWECW is just so successful, that this is why they canceled their stand-alone House Shows years ago. Whereas I never attended a WWECW house show when they were running them, a merchandise contact of mine said they didn't even draw 1,000 fans when they were running them.

This kind of spin absolutely drives me crazy. We talk about "insulting one's intelligence" in the IWC, this is one legitimate case of it.

"And I think we're going to see a slow increase coming up."

Think again, Evan. The ratings trend is deteriorating every week. Not going up.

Evan Bourne was recently interviewed by The Sun in the UK. Here are the highlights:

The new ECW vs. The original ECW: "You can't make a direct comparison between the rosters, as we're so different. But if you compare ECW now to the old ECW on TNN - we blow that show out of the water. Every week we blow it out of the water. I have tons of respect for Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Super Crazy and Tajiri - as they were the guys I idolised growing up. I loved ECW. So that's why I'm so proud to part of the current ECW, to make sure the name has the same feel and fans feel the same way I did at that age."

On differences between now and then: "The main difference is that the original ECW's events weren't as large as ours. They were wrestling in front of 4,000-5,000, whereas WWE's arena shows attract 10,000. That makes a huge difference as you have to adapt to your crowd and give them the best show. Also ECW had no rules, you could use any language you want. I loved the promo Tazz cut on Steve Corino, where he cursed for 10 minute straight, but we can't do that. We're a PG product and I'm proud to be a part of that. I love doing it for the kids, but I never want to forget about that 18-24 male demographic that needs ECW to be like EXTREME Championship Wrestling was back in the day. Me and Tyson Kid can easily be the Super Crazy/Tajiri or RVD/Jerry Lynn of the new ECW. "

On the poor ratings: "You have to look at ratings as a long-term picture, but I did notice that the week I made my second debut was one of ECW's highest rated shows. And I think we're going to see a slow increase coming up. I measure more by live crowd reaction and how it looks on TV. I don't make any money off ad sales, so ratings are nowhere near as important to me as having a good product."

All I have to say is, I had a lot of respect for Evan Bourne until I read this. What an arrogant prick. These are the words of a person who is obviously speaking from his job and not from his own views. I bet if he had anything to say about the original ECW that was better then WWECW, Vince would explode all over him. The only "advantage" that this ECW has, (if you want to call it that) is that it is a show for "newbies" to get their start and get TV time. Other then that, it is a complete disgrace to call it "ECW." I find it surprising for a guy who supposedly grew up watching the old ECW and admired it so much, would talk down on it and say that it can't compare to the new one. I'll tell you one thing, if I was an ECW original and I saw Bourne running his mouth belittering a company I helped make, I would punch his lights out...fact.

What is you reaction?
I have to admit it does sound like Bourne was reading from a script hand written by McMahon but the thing is Original ECW and WWECW cant be compared directly because the only thing that remains remotely similar is the name.

Original ECW was a great product with a fantastic roster and matches and feuds full of blood and guts. WWECW is a stepping stone for young wrestlers to Smackdown or Raw, completly different IMO.
While I don't like the fact that Bourne is saying what he is saying, nor do i agree, I really can't blame Bourne for not bashing the product.
He is ,after all on the WWE payroll and it would be foolish to bash or critique the product, especially at this very early stage of his WWE tenure.
Were he to go out there and criticize the product, he would likely be fired, despite his budding popularity. Nobody is indisposable to Vince, look no further than the release of Kennedy for proof of that.

The man has enough sense to know what side his bread is buttered on and while I disagree entirely with his perceptions of the mutant "WECW", it'd be foolish to expect him to say anything otherwise.
I understand where you are coming from, being an old school ECW fan myself, but it would be the acme of foolishness for Bourne to bash the product he works for, that's just buisness.

As for his comments themselves, I could not disagree more.
Matt Sydall is a terrific preformer, but if he believes he and tyson Kidd could be the next RVD/Lynn, he's delusional. As for his wanting to pander to the kiddies, well i would suggest that is more "his master's voice" if you get what I mean there. Anyone who watched old ECW knows it is no place for the kids, thats what smackdown is for, thats why ECW comes on at 10 on a niche cable network and Smackdown comes on at 8 on national TV, and i'm sure he is aware of that too, it's just more corporate puppetry.

But again, don't knock Evan for knowing his role and doing his job. He's gotta make a living after all, and i'm sure his living there is a damn sight better than the living he would make in TNA.
Why can't that be his belief? If I were part of something that was being compared to something else, of course I'm going to say that my version/team is better. It's about being proud of what you're doing if you feel you're doing your best. Plus he starts off saying that you can't directly compare the two, because they are so different.

Speaking from personal experience, when I was younger I really enjoyed the old ECW, I still respect what those guys did, putting their bodies on the line with such a passion. Looking back on it, though, I know that I wouldn't enjoy it today. The "stunts" were ridiculously dangerous and I wouldn't want to see someone risking so much. Bourne may feel the same way, he respects the men for what they did, but likes what they're doing now better.

He does sound a little arrogant with his comment about the ratings, though.
I think people need to lighten up. They did this with JR too. Everyone said "poor JR" after wrestlemania. They said he should quit because of the Satina skit, and then when he defended WWE, you all turned on him. Some said he was sucking up and selling out and what not. Ridiculous.

Basically, you guys get it in your head that something is right, and then when someone you pick up for disagrees, instead of saying and admitting you are wrong, you turn on them and call them sell outs.

We don't know for sure they are reading from a script. Jim Ross, I feel, is right in the situation. He did what he had to for his job. You don't just leave your job because of something like that especially when it is deemed entertainment and your job is to "entertain". He has a family. And when some people on these boards (and others) realized you were wrong and he defended himself, you got all defensive. NOW as far as Evan is concerned, I don't think he's a prick or anything. Even IF he's doing this because he has to, well that's his choice. I mean, he makes a good point regarding ratings and he has picked up for the original guys. I think the OP just got upset because he read something he didn't want to. Get over it. Not everyone agrees with you.

I, for one, don't. I feel the new ECW is a really sweet show and it has been ever since giving Morrison the title. I have been watching some amazing matches on that brand. I loved the original ECW and always will but it's dead and gone.
Crap. The two do not even compare. The original ECW had more heart, originality, excitement, more entertaining wrestlers and far better matches. To even suggest that the new ECW has 'the same feel' is a joke. As the poster above pointed out, WWECW is a:
stepping stone for young wrestlers to Smackdown or RAW.

They were wrestling in front of 4,000-5,000, whereas WWE's arena shows attract 10,000.

Yeah, they might only have performed to a few thousand fans, but those few thousand fans sure as hell cared a lot more about the product then the 10-20thousand 9 year old WWE fans today do

Whether this is from Vince's mouth or Evan Bourne's, it really does highlight the poor attitude the WWE has with the past. ECW gave the WWE Benoit, Eddie, Mysterio, the Dudleyz, RVD and countless others who all contributed to cementing WWE's status as the premier brand of wrestling. I agree with the poster of this thread, if I were a part of the original ECW I would definitely feel slighted by these comments.

As for Infant Finite, I totally agree with you on Evan Bourne having to make a living but he can show he has respect for the old ECW without it being a slight on his own product. I'm just trying to express my frustration that the WWE feeds us this crap about today's WWE being the best there ever is and was, regardless of what has gone before it.

What I'd like to know is how Tommy Dreamer, the last remaining ECW original, feels about his ECW being 'blown out of the water every night'.
I think Bourne is speaking from a script handed to him from Vinny Mac himself, but what truly can a guy do in his situation? Bourne obviously loves his job, and being apart of the WWE and for his own sake he can't exactly come out and say "I think that ECW or whatever you want to call this piece of trash Vice McMahon throws all of the rookies and guys he hates *cough* Christian *cough* is a piece of *hit." He would lose his job instantly! So rather than putting the hate on Even Bourne, how about you direct the attention and anger where it belongs..that boss head.
I have to admit it does sound like Bourne was reading from a script hand written by McMahon but the thing is Original ECW and WWECW cant be compared directly because the only thing that remains remotely similar is the name.

Original ECW was a great product with a fantastic roster and matches and feuds full of blood and guts. WWECW is a stepping stone for young wrestlers to Smackdown or Raw, completly different IMO.
That doesn't mean that Bourne doesn't like the new ECW better or is just using McMahon's words. The new ECW has a lot of great, overlooked action on a weekly basis and doesn't have to sink to the depths the original ECW did to get a reaction on a regular basis. I think the new ECW, the talent that is better a chance to shine there, and the underrated product they put out is something that deserves a lot of pride. It wasn't long ago that Mark Henry and Christian were getting shit booking, and indy scrubs like Matt Sydal and CM Punk were destined to be nobodies in the big leagues. ECW offers a chance to correct or avoid the mistakes that the other brands would or had make/made (Man... that sentence was awful...). I agree that this ECW is better than the old. Heck, before SmackDown got retooled in awesome fashion in the draft, ECW was easily the best WWE show most weeks.

Anyone saying this one is better is not being fed lines. The opinion holds legitimate weight.
Old ECW and new ECW are very, very similar.

old ECW is where new unknown guys got their break in the usa (eddie, jericho, dudleys etc) New ECW is where guys get their break (kofi, punk, morrison etc) before moving to one of the top 2 Only difference is, is that the top 2 are now SD and Raw instead of WCW and WWE.

Both ECWs put on great matches and had great talent. ECW gave guys a chance to showcase their style before moving onto bigger audiences.

How many of you actually watched original ECW and how many are just going of smark shit they have read? (personally i never watched ECW as im too young, but from what i have seen (which is quite alot now) it is stupidly over rated.
What Evan is saying here is absolutely not a reason to rag on the guy. If in fact he does believe that this ECW is better than the original, then that's his opinion. I don't see how that makes him

codebreaker212p said:
an arrogant prick

That's just way over the top and uncalled for. He's entitled to his opinion, and if you don't agree with him, that doesn't give you the right to put him down. If it's not really his opinion, then you have to consider the possibility that he has his hands tied. He's doing well for himself. Why would he mess that up by offering negative criticism of his employer? If he's just saying what Vince wants him to say, I completely understand that and support it. I wouldn't want to get myself on Vince's bad side, either.
Originally posted by BreakTheWalls

"If it's not really his opinion, then you have to consider the possibility that he has his hands tied. He's doing well for himself. Why would he mess that up by offering negative criticism of his employer?"

Tell me then why Dreamer has spoken more positive on the old ECW, yet he is in the main event for the brand? Whether this may be his last match or not, Dreamer has spoken down on the New ECW and hasn't recieved much heat from Vince for it. I'm convinced Evan is speaking from his job, and people should have the right to suggest improvements for their company whether they work for it or not. I know Vince has the, "Im the boss and what I say goes" attitude. But that doesn't mean people can't give Vince a reality check that some of his ideas for whatever the cause don't always work.
I would understand if Evan was saying it, because he didn't want to risk his job. But ECW was the best wrestling promotion of the 90's. In my opinion. It brought Lucha Libre to the states, hardcore wrestling, almost every big name wrestler went through it. RVD, Jericho, Benoit, Mysterio, Mick Foley, hell, even Stone Cold Steve Austin.

To Say that the current day ECW equals to, or is greater than the original is completely stupid. I Wish ECW would have lasted, it gave us a great alternative. I was a little kid when i started watching wrestling 11 years ago, probably 4, and watched WWF. I didn't know what ECW was until the invasion, and really wished I would have watched it on TNN. ECW had it all.

Oh, and if that is Bourne's personal opinion, not his business statement, than,

I think he feels it is superior because it succeeds in a way that the old ECW never did. I'm not an anti-ECW guy, I loved it and think Rise and Fall is the best documentary in the business. Some of the most revolutionary stuff took place there.

But let's be real here. The success of a wrestling promotion depends on two things. Firstly how much money it makes. Old ECW struggled from day one and only just over 1000 people went to see their first PPV, new ECW has the financial backing of WWE and arguably people only pay to go and see it live because they want to see Smackdown, but until they tape them seperately that's just speculation. As much as it sucked balls, December to Dismember drew just under 5000 fans.

The second way to measure success depends upon getting a television and/or PPV deal. I can't find any figures for how much ECW on TNN drew other than at one point it was the top show on that network, but I do know it managed 97 episodes whilst current ECW has 156 and counting. TNN was never that huge a network but from what I understand it's got a bigger audience than Sci-Fi so you can't pin ratings issues on that.

As for PPV buys, well old ECW ran a lot of PPVs and the new one has only had one single-branded one, but that's the decision of Vince, if he wanted to make it a truly successful stand-alone brand rather than on-air development he could, but it's his business decision to not do so.

The difference in the quality of content is of course a massive win for the Old ECW, but the new one does better ratings, draws more fans and has enjoyed greater longevity. So whether Bourne's been told to say that or not, you can see why he might think it genuinely himself.
Dreamer has only recently risen back up to the Main Event as an actual threat. So much damage has been done to his reputation that most people don't believe he has the slightest chance of winning the title this weekend. I don't believe that has anything to do with his speaking out about ECW, I think that is more a by-product of his being jobbed out.

Bourne has a right to his opinion just like anyone else, and is it really so hard to believe that his doesn't exactly fit with yours? He is on this ECW show and I beat he genuinely feels it is better than the original, whether it is or not is unanswerable as it is a matter of opinion. Just don't be blinded by yours, as Bourne is a great talent and his opinion of the old ECW doesn't change that.
I don't know if he honestly believes what he's saying or not. I think to just come right out and say that he's full of shit for saying it an example of someone projecting their own beliefs on the ECW product rather than Bourne's. Personally, I feel that if Vince could somehow mesh the old with the new, then it could be decidedly better than the original ECW. I'm not really a huge fan of ECW at any point. Vince's ECW just gives me the feel that it's not a huge priority to Vince and could be made loads better than what it is. Then there's the old ECW which, to me, was a novelty that I got tired of quickly.

There's hardly anyone on the WWE roster, with the exception of a small handful of guys, that could get away with publicly bad-mouthing any WWE product and Bourne is sure as shit not one of them. Now, while I said that ECW isn't a huge priority to Vince, a WWE employee putting it down is something he'd take as a personal offense. Seriously, that old man's ego is out of control at times. As long as Vince himself is happy with it, then that's all that matters as far as he's concerned.
Is it really ok to call him a prick for stating his opinion? Even if it isn't, he didn't say anything worth calling him a prick. Hell I agree with him, am I a prick? Don't answer that. I think the new ECW puts on really good matches. The old one does to, but the new can do it without risking death everytime. I love spots, but not an entire show with spots as its basis.

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