The WWE Future Files - Evan Bourne


Gone but never forgotten.
I was absolutely shocked to see Evan Bourne, of all people, get the nod and main event Raw beside John Cena. But to make things even more interesting, Bourne got the pin and won the match. Now, if my memory serves me correctly, this only happens when a wrestler is about to get some kind of push. It's looking like Evan's time.

What do yo guys think about this move?
Damn I wish I had bandwidth right now so I could check that out. Love Evan Bourne, wouldn't mind seeing him get a push. And main eventing with Cena is pretty good. What happened in the match?
I think he has the fan support, but we shouldn't call him the next Hardy or Mysterio. Remember, John Morrison was once getting wins over guys like Hardy, Punk, Mysterio, etc. but look at him now. I look at it as Raw being unpredictable. Tonight, Raw had a sense of unpredictability. From the chaotic start of the show, all the way down to the Fox turning on Ryder, Raw just had a sense of "different" to it tonight. I kinda felt the same way you did tonight, but I think we should wait and see just before we make him out to be the next breakout superstar. He has the talent, fan reaction, and look. But anything could happen at any time. He could shit in a bag or insult the way CM Punk dresses.
Evan Bourne is a great wrestler and I was very surprised at the shit a lot of people took on him in the LD tonight. I thought he was a IWC darling?

Anyways, I'm liking the time he was able to get tonight and hope that he continues to be on the rise on the Raw Ladder. I don't see him as a ME champ just yet, and I'd like to see him in a match with R-Truth for the U.S. title sometime.
While tonight was pretty awesome I'm not going to jump all over this quite yet. It was only one match and a tag match at that. I admit I do like Evan Bourne but I was as suprised as anyone that he got his name called tonight. Next Rey Mysterio? Maybe, only time will tell, but the guy is over and there is no arguing that. But like I said I'll hold off on jumping his bones as the next World Champ, or even U.S. Champ(which is much more likely) it's just too early to tell.
This reminds me of the beginning of Jeff Hardy's push back at Survivor Series 2007, where he scored the winning pinfall instead of Triple H. Obviously, this is Evan Bourne, not Jeff Hardy, and on RAW, not a PPV, but a win is a win and this win was pretty good.

I don't see a huge main event run or anything for Bourne, but it would be nice if he got some kind of push. Many have already brought up Rey Mysterio, and I do think that Bourne could receive a comparable push, just minus the WWE title and perhaps the US title instead. Maybe this is just the beginning of Bourne as a upper midcard talent instead of a throwaway spot monkey. I seriously hope it isn't just a one week thing, but personally can't see him wearing gold anytime soon.
i think he does have the potential to be the next Rey Mysterio... one of the "biggest little guys" in the company. i too wouldnt jump to any conclusions but only time will tell
Love the fact they are even remotely pushing him on RAW. I was bummed when he didnt go to Smackdown and was sure he was gonna be barried for the next year. It adds excitement and diverseness to RAW if you have Evan in there even for a month or two with the big guys. Have him be a Underdog like character similar to Mysterio and Jeff Hardy have played in the past before they ever got close to a world title. Have him be a underdog but handle his own in the ring. Maybe have like some fueds with Edge or Shamus and ally with Cena.
I am going to go in the complete opposite direction. I have a feeling that this is going to be a short term push, and then it is going to be back to forgotten Bourne.

Here's my train of thought:
WWE needed someone to take the place of Orton tonight. And POSSIBLY at Fatal 4 Way. Evan Bourne is someone who can bring excitement to the main event and keep the fans happy. You could not insert Miz, or Jericho here because of the heel factor. Morrison is hurt and R-Truth already wrestled. This leaves Evan Bourne. WWE needs a guy to plug into who has nothing else to do right now. I feel this will be a very short term thing and then Bourne will go back to the midcard. MAYBE get a US title run in the future, but I dont think much will come from this.

Come see me in a few months...
I don't think it was a push at all. He was the only guy free for the most part. It's obvious Orton is hurt, so to keep him relevant they used him like they did and Bourne just happens to be one of the only Faces on Raw that's not involved in anything at the moment. Don't think anything major will come of this, it's WWE using their spare parts.
I not gonna lie, as a huge Evan Bourne fan I was flipping out tonight. I was flipping out when he started the show with Edge, when I found out he would replaced Orton and when he won the match. I am first going to state what I hope will happen, thinking as a huge Bourne fan, then I will state what I think will probably happen.

Thinking as a huge Bourne fan, I would hope that the feud between Edge and Bourne continues and that Ortons injury doens't heal in time for Fatal 4 Way. Bourne would then replace Orton at Fatal 4 Way and have his first Main Event Pay-Per-View match in the WWE. He obviously wouldn't win the title, but would have one hell of a match. (BTW, other than Evan Bourne, Randy Orton is my favorite WWE wrestler so i hope that he isn't seriously injured and can continue his awesome work on RAW and hopefully make it to Fatal 4 Way.)

What I think will probably happen is that WWE will have Bourne in a match with either sheamus or edge next week not in the main event, but in the 2nd biggest match of the night, (actually with viewers choice this is a huge toss-up) and then the week or two after that and maybe a win and loss to Shemus or Edge, Bourne will go to the mid-card and compete for the US Title and maybe win it.

I just hope that in the long run Bourne will be mid carder and above and stay out of the jobber status that he has been in since being traded to Raw.
I am going to go in the complete opposite direction. I have a feeling that this is going to be a short term push, and then it is going to be back to forgotten Bourne.

Here's my train of thought:
WWE needed someone to take the place of Orton tonight. And POSSIBLY at Fatal 4 Way. Evan Bourne is someone who can bring excitement to the main event and keep the fans happy. You could not insert Miz, or Jericho here because of the heel factor. Morrison is hurt and R-Truth already wrestled. This leaves Evan Bourne. WWE needs a guy to plug into who has nothing else to do right now. I feel this will be a very short term thing and then Bourne will go back to the midcard. MAYBE get a US title run in the future, but I dont think much will come from this.

Come see me in a few months...

The flaw in all of this is why would they have Truth wrestle earlier in the night if you knew Orton couldn't go tonight? Orton isn't hurt though and if he is Bourne would have been in that match anyway. The whole thing was set up from the opening segment with Edge and Bourne, it was just made to look like it was thrown together at the last minute. Not much that goes on in the WWE is on the fly, and this definatly wasn't one of those few cases in which it was.
I'm VERY happy Bourne got a some much overdue shine tonight. However, this just means that next week he'll get the crap kicked out of him by Edge and/or Shemus and either be put our of action or made to look like a total chump.
The flaw in all of this is why would they have Truth wrestle earlier in the night if you knew Orton couldn't go tonight? Orton isn't hurt though and if he is Bourne would have been in that match anyway. The whole thing was set up from the opening segment with Edge and Bourne, it was just made to look like it was thrown together at the last minute. Not much that goes on in the WWE is on the fly, and this definatly wasn't one of those few cases in which it was.

I understand that. You can't have R-Truth in the match because he needs his own spotlight right now. He just won the US title. Having a match with Jericho and winning can arguably do more for him at the moment. WWE is building R-Truth, putting him in this match wouldn't have been a good idea.

Therefore, WWE had to make a choice. I know nothing is done on the fly, Im not new to this. Everyone who COULD have been a replacement was either involved in a separate storyline, or injured, or "injured". Evan Bourne was basically the only guy who could have been put in this match.
This match was without a doubt the best match I've seen in the main event in quite some time. It was unpredictable and predictable at the same time I was actually intrested at the end of raw instead of my normal channel change. I think cena matches and edge matches are boring most of the time I really have grew imune to getting thrilled by many of the matches they are in. I dislike sheamus when he is in the ring with Cena. For some reason Bourne came into this match and made it great. He proved he can work really well in the ring to freshen up overused matches. Personally I think Bourne and Cena had better chemistry together then some partners who been together for many years. I hope Cena and Bourne start working together on a constant basis. I don't necessarly want him as a main eventer but I want him working with Cena because for once in about 4 years I gave a shit about Cena.
I think it was a refreshing change of pace having Bourne participate in the main event. He looked pretty good out there amongst the much more sizable contestants of the match. I think he can use a push,but he needs more mic time.
I have a feeling this could go one of two ways. Number one, Evan Bourne gets a push, and might even take Orton's spot at Fatal Fourway. I don't care about Bourne either way, big spot monkeys have never been my deal, but I could see it happening. WWE is really trying to give us some kind of surprise each week as of late, and they keep pulling unexpected things out of their hat. This is possible, maybe not likely, but possible.

Or, Bourne could go right back to jobbing. I don't think Orton is going to stay out of Fatal Fourway, but if Bourne can be a part of this feud, even a small part, it's good for him. Will he go back to jobbing after? Probably. But hey, this is better than having him lose to Sheamus in a two minute match. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I really do hope that this is a push he already has that fantastic style and finishing move and the fans love him he has the look of a face so why not give him a title runn or to it could make raw unpredictable and interesting
I saw a lot from Bourne tonight. He has the pop from the crowd (but, anyone has pop with SuperCena by their side). Bourne had quite a bit of ring action, he looked really legit fighting Shame-us and The Rated F Superstar. (WTF was with that spear attempt... GTFO Cena and Edge)
Not to be all "smarky" but I totally saw that main event coming. Orton isn't going to see any serious action until F4W.
The only problem with Bourne is... What moves is he going to pull off against the bigger talent? He's not Rey, he doesn't have near the moveset that Rey does. Some hurricaranas and an enziguri was all I saw tonight. (Let's not forget the kicks).
I think we shouldn't jump to conclusions with Bourne. I have a feeling it was a one time thing. Let's rediscuss this topic in a few weeks to a few months.
It's my opinion that the WWE is currently trying Evan Bourne out in a main event position, rather like they tried Kofi Kingston out in his feud with Randy Orton. I think they want to see if Bourne has any staying power in the main event. If he manages to impress enough and goes long enough without an injury or botching a major spot (even more difficult for him being a cruserweight rather than a heavyweight) he might just make his move to the main event, possibly by a tag-team or mid-card title.

Frankly, I like Bourne. Perhaps he's a little one-dimensional in terms of his character as yet, but he's got a lot of room to build and his ability in the ring is dynamite for cruserweight style. The guy sells like it's going out of style (nobody sells a clothesline like this guy) and can work the deep down toughness angle with the best of 'em. He's a very likable underdog and with a bit more depth to his character, he just might make it. Still, he's got to prove to WWE creative that he's worth the time and effort it'll take to make his character into a real winner, and that's gonna be tough. Still, Cena seems to have taken a liking to him which may be his ticket into the big leagues. It worked for Sheamus with his friendship with Triple H, after all.
Oh please, for the good of wrestling, don't put bourne in the main event. It is like putting Amazing red in the TNA main event. Sure they can do flips and shit, put they cant wrestle. I dont think this should happen. All he can do is flip, and sell
I understand that. You can't have R-Truth in the match because he needs his own spotlight right now. He just won the US title. Having a match with Jericho and winning can arguably do more for him at the moment. WWE is building R-Truth, putting him in this match wouldn't have been a good idea.

Therefore, WWE had to make a choice. I know nothing is done on the fly, Im not new to this. Everyone who COULD have been a replacement was either involved in a separate storyline, or injured, or "injured". Evan Bourne was basically the only guy who could have been put in this match.

Really? Because I thought for sure it was going to be Mark Henry. He hadn't done anything all night and he's been an ally to Cena as of late, it would've made sense. I'm not saying that's what I wanted, I would much rather see Bourne do his flippys than see Mark wallow around the ring, But Mark was an option. Kinda strange actually, first time I haven't seen him on Raw in a while.

I really don't see much coming out of this. I've always thought Bourne has been misused for the most part since coming to Raw, but I can't honestly say he's worthy of being anything other than a mid card talent. Maybe upper mid card, but I really don't think he has any business near the Main Event. On nights like this, where it was a one off kind of thing, it's perfectly acceptable. It's pretty cool to see a new guy get the spotlight. But in the end, the effects will wear off and he'll be back to where he was before.
I'm not sure whether Evan Bourne will be getting any push, we thought he would be getting somewhat of a push when he wrestled Randy Orton when he got drafted to RAW, we though Mark Henry would get a push when he defeated Randy Orton in the same night.

While I'm not gonna place my bets on anything before I see any signs of it actually being a push, or just a one time match, I do think it's a possibility, trying to give us a new established Rey Mysterio kind of guy on RAW, without the mask, and in the end, I really can't see him doing anything more than that, he won't be getting into the main event I'm certain about that to say the least, he could challenge for a world championship at one point, but I don't see him ever winning it.
It was a great bight for Bourne, from the beginning he made his presence and got attacked...and then comes in later as surprise partner for Cena...unfortunately i don't think it's the start of a push...we'll have to find out next week if he even does anything...i think he'll be involved in a match but not near the main event...i think he needs a feud with Ted Dibiase...maybe next week...

I think the raw writing team just thought, why not throw him in the match tonight, see what reaction he gets...and well i have to admit..he got a hell off a chant...
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME. I never saw Bourne as a main eventer (and I still don't), but this was a perfect way to get him more over. He associated with one of the biggest stars in wrestling today. The crowd was solidly behind him. Him being Cena's partner was logical and interesting. He was in the main event of a Monday Night RAW surrounded by some big stars! This has raised his stock tremendously!

I thought it was a great move by the E. Someone new was put in a main event spot, and it made for a very exciting match. I see him becoming an upper midcarder now. Whenever Sheamus needs someone to squash to look dominant, Evan is there. And Evan can win the US Championship or something, or go around defeating midcarders, and be cheered for his flashy offense.

Great move by WWE, to put Evan in the spot they did. It worked brilliantly and the crowd ate him up with a spoon.

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