The WWE Future Files - Dolph Ziggler


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Yes indeed, the WWE Future Files thread series rolls on with another superstars in it’s very demanding spotlight. This time, it is the turn of “Hi” I’m Dolph Ziggler”. One of the most promising superstars in the WWE roster that should be a big deal in 3 or 4 years… Right? Let’s find out, as we dive head first into the WWE Future File of Dolph Ziggler.


Does anyone remember a short time ago when Dolph Ziggler made his debut? I certainly do and I would be lying if I told you that I thought he was ever going to be a star in the future. However, the road into his future is extending with every angle that he has been involved in and I what’s more, I actually like him. In fact, if truth be told, I really like him! To me, he came into the WWE on a very shaky gimmick and a shakier pedestal on which he could ply his trade. You see it so often it’s not true, people come into the main WWE roster and have a poor gimmick. Within a few weeks, or months, that very same superstar is main eventing their nearest FCW show. Its how wrestling works and I was sure that it would be the same treatment for everyone’s favourite Arian

For me, Dolph Ziggler has proved all of his doubters wrong and he has done so with very little effort and material to go on. For some reason, I thought the “Hi! I’m Dolph Ziggler” gimmick was pretty funny and all it ever was, was a way of introducing himself in more way than one. Hell, I would be surprised if he didn’t shit himself when the creative team told him that he would just be introducing himself repetitively every week. But Hell, he ran with it and it paid off.

I think Dolph Ziggler has all the credentials to make himself successful in the WWE. Sure, he is not the best in the ring but he is better than a lot of people that are currently employed by the WWE, he is certainly not the worst. When it comes to the microphone, he is doing better and better. I would be telling a lie if I thought he could use some work but again, I don’t think he is one of the worst guys to start talking. He’s not the Rock but he’s certainly no Titus O’Neill, is he?

The less that is said about The Spirit Squad the better, quite frankly. However, Ziggler has had his fair share of ups and downs since he came back to the WWE under the ring name of Ziggler. He, of course, had his on-screen relationship with Maria Kanellis, that lucky bastard and then started his feud with, no, World Champion Rey Mysterio. I mean, he has had chances to get over but so far, nothing has really stuck. Perhaps he should have won the intercontinental Championship against Mysterio last year but ultimately, it wasn’t to be and since then Ziggler has really just hung on for a while. Nothing has really set him apart from the other guys that are in the same boat as him. I am looking at “Drew – I have no charisma – McIntyre and MVP. Both of whom, have been floundering around the mid-card of the WWE for a while now.

As of late though, he really hasn’t had much luck. I don’t recall him being in any good matches that come to mind easily and to make things infinitely worse, he has Vickie Guerrero as a valet/manager now… That poor guy. Personally, I see big things in his future but, like the last Future Filer, Evan Bourne, he just needs something to set him apart from the rest. The way I see Ziggler’s future going is one of two ways:

Option 1

Ziggler ditches the bitch (Vickie) and goes it alone. This could result in him not being universally hated by the fans of the WWE and not repulsing me when I think of how he managed to get Vickie involved in his plight at all… Eww! Anyway, he could either make it very big as a singles wrestler and go up a notch and finally grab his first gold in the WWE. Or he could fail and just end up out on his ass again.

Option 2

He sticks with Miss. Guerrero and she takes the captain down with the ship, so to speak. Let’s face it, no one is buying into Vicki Guerrero any more and she is basically doing more damage than good to poor old Dolph. Her character just seems to overshadow him, unsurprisingly and he might just get lost in the shuffle with her moving onto pasture more green.

Either way, Dolph Ziggler desperately needs something to get him over and fast. He is not as lucky as Evan Bourne who has got a major push from Cena and has pinned a couple of big names in recent weeks. If Ziggler is going to be big, he needs to do it on his own and he needs to do it quick. I say give him McIntyre and let him take the Championship. Give him a decent run with a Championship that means something and see how he does.

Anyway, I have a couple of questions for you fair people:

-Is Dolph Ziggler ever going to make it in the WWE on a major scale?

-Does Dolph Ziggler need a Intercontinental Championship run to legitimise what could have been against Mysterio?

-How do you see Ziggler’s next few years with the WWE going, if he is to have those years? Or will it be “Goodbye! I was Dolph Ziggler”?
-Is Dolph Ziggler ever going to make it in the WWE on a major scale?
i hope so, i see real potential in ziggler, i think he needs to work a bit harder

-Does Dolph Ziggler need a Intercontinental Championship run to legitimise what could have been against Mysterio? maybe we could see a kofi/ziggler fued as it looks like hardy/mcintyre are going to continue their fued, kofi has no one to feud with

-How do you see Ziggler’s next few years with the WWE going, if he is to have those years? Or will it be “Goodbye! I was Dolph Ziggler”?

if ziggler doesn't start to work a bit harder he'll head in the same direction as carlito
-Is Dolph Ziggler ever going to make it in the WWE on a major scale?

I do think that Dolph Ziggler has the potential to make it somewhere in the future, I do not see him right now accomplishing anything in the major scale which I would assume you mean the main event picture, a world title that is.

I do think however that Dolph Ziggler will accomplish greatness in the mid-card, and that seems rather obvious that it will happen, he's being paired with Vickie Guerrero which means somewhat of a push, they have faith in him and I think he will ultimately make his way past the feud with Christian, into a mid-card championship feud, Kofi Kingston most likely.

-Does Dolph Ziggler need a Intercontinental Championship run to legitimise what could have been against Mysterio?

I do not think Dolph needs it to legitimize himself in any way, he has been doing good in "tearing" through the roster with the sleeper, he has defeated a fair hand of the mid-card on SmackDown, some of the current RAW mid-carders as well, and it spells good for Dolph, I think Dolph was shown that he has everything going for him during his feud with Rey Mysterio, wrestling some of the best matches during that period of time.

Dolph will become legitimate, even more legitimate that is through a championship reign, he cannot go all the way without a championship reign, and something tells me it is within reach, Vickie Guerrero being his "manager" and Dolph defeating a fair hand of the mid-card on the whole WWE roster.

-How do you see Ziggler’s next few years with the WWE going, if he is to have those years? Or will it be “Goodbye! I was Dolph Ziggler”?

I think at best he will be an upper mid-carder, hopefully something of Chris Jericho style, he will have some kind of main event feud, he will accomplish greatness and get over through great matches, but ultimately he will be stuck in the mid-card, after his first reign.

I think Dolph Ziggler would make a great young Chris Jericho, he has the in-ring ability to make his opponents look great, he has all the potential in the world to carry divisions and make the belts look great.

Rey Mysterio made the Intercontinental championship look great during the summer, John Morrison as well, but it was also due to Dolph Ziggler putting on great matches and being on the verge of legitimately seeming like he could win time in and time out.
Once again a great thread idea by Dave, great stuff. Moving on, I LOVE Ziggler, when he first came on some "Hi, my names Dolph Ziggler" shit, I was laughing my ass off and enjoying every minute of it. Then, when he got in the ring I was thouroughly suprised that this man could work his ass off! (Turns out all those Spirit Squad matches/feuds with DX and whoever else payed off). Do I ever think Dolph will suceed in the WWE on a large scale? Yes, I think that he could be a strong upper-midcard guy his whole career and then eventually break into the ME picture and maybe even earn a title run. He's got great skills on the mic, he's got a great look that (if turned face) women and little girls will cheer, and like I said, not to shabby in the ring. At first i wasnt to thrilled about the pairing with Vickie but now i realise it means they have at least a little faith in him, I think that their are 3 things they can do with this whole Vickie thing, have him turn face after ditching Ms. "Cougar", keep him with Vickie, have her get him title shots, cheat to win etc., or just have him leave her as a heel and keep him in the midcard. No matter what happens I will be a Ziggler fan and I'm very excited to see where his career is headed.
-is Dolph ever going to make it in the WWE in a major scale
i hope so i really like Ziggler at first when he came a hated this guy but now i really enjoy him this is something that i am finding myself alot while i watch smackdown is that i like the heels better on Smackdown than thier faces like Ziggler,Swagger,gate crashers,punk,hell i kinda actually like Mcyntire too im not saying i dont like thier faces but thier heels are really good

-Does Dolph Ziggler need a Intercontinental Championship run to legitimise what could have been against Mysterio?
i do belive he should have won the title of Mysterio as he would have something to show that he is going to make it big in the WWE also this would been good he could of had a mid card title so you could really produce good storylines with him

-How do you see Ziggler’s next few years with the WWE going, if he is to have those years? Or will it be “Goodbye! I was Dolph Ziggler”?
I see in the next few years he will have 4 or 5 mid card titles then maybe 4 or 5 years later i truelly do see him as a main eventer possibly head lining WM
It's hard to say with Ziggler... Man i hope something works out for him... this will be his 3rd gimmick with the company that didn't get over completely (He was Kerwin White's Caddy, and of course Spirit Squad member Nicky)

I've always enjoyed his matches, I just think they need to give him a finisher that makes the fans believe he's winning the match. The Zig-Zag is a joke, and the sleeper hasn't been a recognizable finisher since about 1994.

Best of luck to him, I don't like the Vicky storyline... But maybe they felt it was the only way to save his character before its to late.

Also: I felt Rey should of dropped it to Dolph to put over the younger talent last year. What did he end up having.. 25 tries at the belt?
I think the WWE should keep him with Vickie and have him very slowly turn face. As it stands right now he doesn't want to be with Vickie, but he's with her to help out his career. This is something that fans can feel sympathy towards him for and is something that some fans can respect since he's willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top.

As it stands just keep having him reluctantly do things that Vickie wants him to do. This will just continue to gain him sympathy. Eventually have him say "enough is enough" and leave her, and that wa-la you've got yourself a decent face. Maybe he could do better as a face.
We don't need to get into whether he CAN be successful, or has the ability, this that and the other thing. If he didn't have the ability and the tools to make it we wouldn't even be talking about him on this level. The real question is WILL he be successful, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't see it panning out for Ziggler. Why? I don't know why, but he hasn't been used to his potential thus far and that leads me to believe they don't have any plans of doing so.

False hope is a plague that the WWE has injected into it's fans as it pertains to the success of certain superstars that we would like to see be successful. Ziggler has the stuff, but there is only so much room at the top, and not every person can be the champion we envision them to be. I always wanted to see Razor Ramon as the World Champion but that never happened, I wanted to see Mr. Perfect as World Champion and that never materialized either.

I think best case scenario, we see Ziggler get a hold of one of the mid-card titles at some point and maybe have a few runs there. Worst case scenario he becomes complacent and they use him as needed much like they did with Carlito. I think it's kind of fucked up that little Rey Mysterio is perfectly fine to be in the title picture, but a average sized guy like Ziggler is stuck under the boots of guys he is at least as good as in the mid-card area like Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston. This however is the world of wrestling and this is the way things go. I'm sure he'll be around for a while, but I can't say that he will amount to much in the future.
I like Dolph too just hate that name. 'Dolph Ziggler'....Like who thought of that? He should just go by his real name or something better then that....Anyone agree?
I really like Dolph Ziggler. I look foward to seeing him every week on SmackDown. He is a real talent both in the ring and on the mic. When I first saw him I thought "Dolph Ziggler? Is he a fucking cartoon character?". But i've come round to his name which I quite like. His character is the best thing about him. He is a ruthless, agressive young guy. Or he was.

For me, his alliance with Vickie Guerreo is flagging a little bit. When it first came about I thought it might be so weird that it could work. But it hasn't really. Vickie is the star of the show at the moment, and that needs to change. I also think this angle has taken away some of his edge, he lacks that aggresion. I don't want to see him in tiny shorts backstage. I want to see him make dwarves unconcious.

Is Dolph Ziggler ever going to make it in the WWE on a major scale?

Depends what you define as a "major scale". Intercontinental Title? Only a matter of time. World Title? Never say never. He's been in WWE for two years, not long at all. He still looks a bit green at the moment and could maybe do it in a couple more years. I hope he does. I'm a big fan.

Does Dolph Ziggler need a Intercontinental Championship run to legitimise what could have been against Mysterio?

Not necessarily. Title runs do help legitimise wrestlers, I think that's a fact. Ziggler will get a secondary title very soon, he's a solid mid-carder on SmackDown so it's inevitable.

How do you see Ziggler’s next few years with the WWE going, if he is to have those years? Or will it be “Goodbye! I was Dolph Ziggler”?

His future is up in the air. These next few months are going to be crucial for him. He could move up the card by going over against Christian, improving his angle with Vickie and getting a championship run. Or move down if Vickie continues to get more attention. I want to see him be a part of the future of the WWE along with Evan Bourne, The Miz and Kofi Kingston and get a world title even if it is through MITB.
. The Zig-Zag is a joke, and the sleeper hasn't been a recognizable finisher since about 1994.

I'm with Money Inc on this one - never been a fan of the sleeper hold at all, at least as a finishing move. Just that whole "arm flops down... arm flops down... arm flo.. nooo! *enter jawbreaker here* " moment that usually follows that ruins the whole move for me.

But anyway, a minor gripe, seems like a decent lad, had a good look (if you go for that kinda thing) and one can see him being popular with the laydees! Best of luck to him I say.

One minor omg moment for me reading this thread - he was the caddie? sheesh! well spotted whoever mentioned that!

oh, and cracking topic Dave old son, keep 'em coming. :worship: Have a deep fried mars bar for your efforts =)
I love me some Dolph Ziggler. I honestly think they should have capitalized and had him win the IC title against Mysterio last summer. However that was not the case. I would also say he should have won the vacant IC title, but I like the choice of Kofi going with it and Kofi has been crazy over as of late. And now it comes full circle. I think Dolph needs a feud with Kofi for the IC title, which Dolph goes over and finally captures the gold. I think Kofi could be poised for a main event run soon and with MITB coming up he could be a viable option to win the SD case and Dolph would do a fine job replacing him as the IC champ. I'll have to say though that if Dolph isn't IC champ by year's end then I'd be worried that his future could be in jeopardy. Of course I hope that isn't the case as I enjoy Dolph's work and want to see him succeed in the E.
Dolph Ziggler had me at "Hi!" I enjoyed seeing him introduce himself every week and loved his debut match with Batista. I was rooting for him to finally go over Rey Mysterio and win the Intercontinental Championship last summer. For some strange reason when Mysterio was suspended they totally overlooked the feud he was having with Ziggler to have him drop the title to John Morrison? They could have let Dolph go over during the episode of Smackdown then feud with Morrison while Mysterio was suspended. When Dolph was feuding with Rey he looked like a future main eventer with possibly the worst name in all of the WWE to work with.

I still think that if they transitioned the Zig-Zag into a set-up move similar to the Side Effect that Matt Hardy uses and give him a good finisher, then Dolph Ziggler would have a greater chance at making it to the proverbial top of the mountain. He has more of a cocky heel feel about him, and could breathe a breath of fresh air into the upper mid card and occasional main event scene.

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