The Wrestling VS Game

Hebner is banned from RINGSIDE, but he makes it a falls count anywhere and pins Hogan in the bathroom after some... Uhhh.. "favors."

Hebner is PERMA-CHAMP.

Hebner vs Flair. (Hebner can't lose, you do understand that, right?)

How can Hebner 1, change the match and 2, insert himself into it?

And I know Hebner can't lose, but I want him to. Triple freaking H has put over more people as champion than Hebner!
Actually it seems to be that Hebner just wins every other match.

Randy Savage vs. The Rock in a steel cage.
The Rock after he rolls away from an Elbow Drop from the top of the cage and goes out the door.

The Rock vs Edge (Last Man Standing Match)
The Rock due to Batista being a fucking plug.
The Rock vs Stone Cold vs Randy Orton vs John Cena vs Triple H: championship scramble.​
Undertaker gives Hardy a Last Ride from the top of the ladder.

Undertaker vs. Abyss vs. Kane in a hardcore match.
Mr. T doesn't lose because Mr. T eats his vegetables, stays in school, and doesn't do drugs.

Mr. T vs. Hulk Hogan in a 3 stages of hell match, an arm wrestling match, a boxing match, and a wrestling match.
Mr. T doesn't lose because Mr. T eats his vegetables, stays in school, and doesn't do drugs.

Mr. T vs. Hulk Hogan in a 3 stages of hell match, an arm wrestling match, a boxing match, and a wrestling match.

Slick Johnson beats them in an arm wrestling match and knocks them
both out in a boxing match.

Slick Johnson vs Ted Turner (boiler room brawl)

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