The Wrestling VS Game

Backlund after countering the Rock Bottom into the Crossface Chickenwing and making Rock pass out.

Backlund vs Flair (I Quit Match)
I'm pretty sure "I Quit" matches are no-DQ, which definitely favors Flair. Flair puts Backlund in a Figure-Four and uses the ropes for leverage, and Backlund screams "I QUIT" in that goofy ass voice of his.

Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk in a No-DQ match, the Four Horsemen are banned from the arena.
Robbie E would win, but then Undertaker would give him a Chokeslam and a Tombstone and Robbie E wouldn't be able to compete, so Undertaker would move on anyway.

Undertaker vs. Mankind in an ECW Hardcore Match.
Mankind after hitting his opponent with the barbed wire block

Mankind vs. Chris Jericho (singles match)
Christian to finally win a world title.

Christian vs Earl Hebner. That's right, Earl fucking Hebner.

Earl after the ref refuses to count Christians pin attempt due to being buddies with Earl. This results in Earl getting the roll-up with a quick pin!! Your new world heavyweight champion Earl Hebner!!!!

Earl Hebner vs Eric Young vs Shark Boy (Blind Folded Tuxedo Street Fight)
Shark Boy because Earl Hebner is not a wrestler, he's a ref.

Shark Boy vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Curry Man
Each member of Nexus grabs one of Hebner's limbs and pulls. He loses all his limbs and is unable to compete ever again. That's right, Nexus totally ended Hebner's career.

CM Punk vs. Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Skip Sheffield vs. Daniel Bryan
Everyone hits their finishers on Earl, start to brawl with eachother over who gets the pin, allowing Hogan to get the pin after punching Flair out.

Next: World Championship: Hogan vs Flair with Hebner BANNED from ringside and Immortal/Fourtune as lumberjacks.
Hebner is banned from RINGSIDE, but he makes it a falls count anywhere and pins Hogan in the bathroom after some... Uhhh.. "favors."

Hebner is PERMA-CHAMP.

Hebner vs Flair. (Hebner can't lose, you do understand that, right?)

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