The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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Not irony. teribleness. Me and CM are in a bloody feud right now. unfair

well if you don't want to be partners with him, trade him away. even if you can't trade with Will/Brian, you can still trade CM away, if CM agrees. Technically, without CM's approval, you can't trade at all. Like me, Echelon isn't even involved in this, so I probably couldn't trade my partner, if I wanted to, that is.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on the 2008 WrestleZone Tag Team Tournament:

Mr. Sam & Pete Rose Haircut v. Colamania & Luther_Hull: In the first official match announced, somehow the luck of the draw completely worked in favor and against Luther all in one. First, he clearly gets teamed with his good friend and anal lifemate Cola "mocking deathes is funny meds" Mania. While at the same time, many may vote against his team for his Partner's misfortune.

Meanwhile, Sam gets paired with a virtual unknown made famous only because of his outlandish name. In the end, it could very well be the name and the Haircut that carries Sam & Pete to a victory. Although, in a rather interesting upset (if it could be called such) I feel Luther and the former tool turned criminal will steal this one.

Mr. Friday Afternoon & TheOneBigWill v. Slim Pickens & A.J. In the second official match announced, the unlikely duo of Slim & A.J. have found great success already as they get the luck of the draw of facing off against one half of quite possibly the greatest teams in WZ history, ever. ;) TheOneBigWill..

The wildcard in this match will indeed be what Mr. Friday Afternoon brings to the table. A possible trade is in the works, which could set this entire tournament on fire and turn it upside down. Will the first round ignite with such a trade.. or will this match be just another Friday Afternoon??? Stay tuned to find out.

Cage917r & Jonny B. v. Mighty NorCal & C.M. The dark horse of the tournament may very well be the unlikely pairing of NorCal and C.M., however you can never count out just how much Jonny B. brings to the table.. even with a relative unknown for a partner.

Will this mystery partner prove to add that little extra that Jonny needs? Will NorCal & C.M. find a way to pull one out? If popularity carries the match, Jonny might just have what it takes to work a handicap style match. However, if members look deeper inside what each member does.. NorCal's tremendous posting ability combined with C.M.'s frantic solo job in the W.Z.P.C. might be just enough to out-do Jonny's solo (yet heavily underrated) job as admin.

KlunderBunker & Shockey v. Eternal Dragon & Y2Jake In quite possibly the match of the first round! While its set in Tag Team format, the definate head-on car wreck waiting to happen is Shockey v. Jake. Both bring their own huge amount of quality to their team. With Shockey far surpassing Jake in wrestling posts, yet Jake eclipsing Shockey in bar room threads.

The true story here will be the dead even head-on collision between these two monsters, however when widening the view.. it might come down to happy-go-lucky Dragon, against the unknown in Klunder. If I had to pick a winner, I would say popularity would carry the edge to Dragon & Jake, even though in Jake's eyes, I'm sure he'd believe Shockey to be the better man. Truly, a must-see contest!

Brahma & Shadowmancer v. Skullz Crack'em & Yoko Romo The who's who of underrated posters. Brahma is best known for his sports posts, while Skullz has made several classics within the wrestling section. Shadow is best known for his Wrestler of the Week thread, while Wes' mouth carries him through ANY battle.

This will be a hard hitting, smash mouth style of technical against flat out brawling, as Shadow's overall wrestling knowledge collide with Wes' overall big mouth and great mic skills. If I had to pick a winner, while it may very well be too close to call, I'd say Wes will find a way to help talk his way to a victory for his team!

Derf & Echelon v. BamBam & Steamboat Ricky The founder of the WZ Tag Team tournament finds quite possibly the biggest luck of the draw, as not only does he land a solid technical expert in the underrated knowledge and pregnancy fetishes that Ech holds within.. but they face roughly the two most unknown, yet big names in this tournament.

While Ricky may be a mod, the only thing most know him for outside of the e-fed, is for being that crazy guy who always says the weirdest things. While BamBam's best posts have all come in the Old School thread. Derf & Ech have a solid victory in my eyes, unless Ricky & BamBam have an ace up their sleeve that I'm unaware of.

Polley: Wanna Cracker & IrishCanadian25 v. Justinsayne & Slyfox If not for the Shockey/Jake match-up, this would be the most looked to match-up in the entire first round. Infact, I wouldn't doubt if it doesn't get even more attention.

Irish is our sole victor from the last WZ Tournament, thus cashing in his glory to team with Polley, an underrated yet over looked poster. While the unlikely duo of Justin & Sly, bad friends, worse enemies have found the worst luck of the draw. Can the hot headed Justin find a way to keep his cool, while teaming with the always challenged yet never wrong Sly?

Justin & Irish have had quite the storied rivalry in the passed, as have Irish & Sly. I personally can't wait for this mega first-round match-up! I'd suggest Justin & Sly pullout the unlikely upset, to move on.

Total Impact & RKO Orton v. HBK-aholic & Papa Shango Scrapping the bottom of the barrell for talent, this greatly overlooked match-up has quite possibly the best personal and heated rivalry of them all.

Recently HBK-aholic & Total Impact had it out with a difference of opinion, almost landing both in the "Teddy Harted" line. While either man/woman be capable of holding their furious hatred within? Will their emotions over flow and erupt into this match up? With RKO Orton being roughly unknown, I look for HBK-aholic & the former Prince Albert, turned Papa Shango to take home the victory!

Monkey_Mania & xfearbefore v. Precip666 & Dewey Cox In the final first round match-up, quite possibly the worst team in the entire tournament of Precip666 & Dewey "Don't call me Coco" Cox will take on the often enraged, never banned for flaming, xfearbefore & the newly joined Monkey_Mania.

Personally I don't see a match as Co/cox is working as a handicap against his own partner. Sorry Precip666, I guess I didn't get screwed AS bad as some others.

Overall Thoughts: As my good friend and pal, NorCal, would say.. this tournament is rather laborious. I think if no trades happen, this will definately be anyone's tournament.. with the likely powerhouse, randomized teams of..

Y2 Jake & Eternal Dragon possibly facing Justinsayne and Slyfox in the finals.
Dude if Ricky doesn't mind, ill team with CM if that will make NorCal happy.... Either way Im happy with Ricky, CM, or NorCal. Let me know. Either way Im in it to win it. And Derf you left out RVDgurl.......:doh:
well if you don't want to be partners with him, trade him away. even if you can't trade with Will/Brian, you can still trade CM away, if CM agrees. Technically, without CM's approval, you can't trade at all. Like me, Echelon isn't even involved in this, so I probably couldn't trade my partner, if I wanted to, that is.

Wait, so you're saying if "I" wanted to trade places with C.M., I'd have to get the approval of NorCal, C.M. AND Brian?

Well thats awfully controlling. :lmao:
Dude if Ricky doesn't mind, ill team with CM if that will make NorCal happy.... Either way Im happy with Ricky, CM, or NorCal. Let me know. Either way Im in it to win it. And Derf you left out RVDgurl.......:doh:

Uhm.. excuse me. NorCal is my unofficial partner. A trade is in the works thank you very much. :lmao:
Oh Shit! I forgot Dragon! I feel so bad now :( When this is done and over with, we'll have to have another tourny down the road, and that will be the one where we pick our own partners lol
IrishCanadian and Polley_Wannacracker

The Right Choice in the Tag Team Tournament

First of all, I want to thank YOU, the reader, for taking a moment to read this thread. This is a thread dedicated to the campaign of IC25 and Polley in the Wrestlezone Posters tournament.

Second of all, we would both like to extend our hands to our first round opponents, Justinsayne and Slyfox. There is a lot of history in this match-up, even some perceived "bad blood," but it's all respect when the day is through.

1. IC25 and Polley were the first, and possibly most successful, participants in the "Master Debater" thread.

When Jake decided to run this thread idea, pitting two posters, one on one, in a debate style match, IC25 was the first person to step up to the plate, and even handicapped himself by suggesting the topic (Do Superheavyweights Ruin Wrestling?) and offering whomever his opponent was to pick which side they wanted. Relatively unknown newbie "Polley_Walley" stepped up and accepted the challenge.

The results of the debate shocked many, not by IC25's accounts, but Polley's aptitude in the face of his first major board challenge. The results and winner wasn't always clear, as many people forewent the vote for a winner to rather appreciate the efforts of both men, and embracing the talented newcomer.

2. The Santino Fan-a-Club Effect.

Shortly after the Master Debater dust settled, IC25 returned to his stomping grounds - the Santino Fan-a-Club meeting room. Greeted by fellow executive board members Wes, Freedom, Mr. Sam, Gene Yuss, and Y2Jake, IC25 found a new member of the team requesting a Santino sig - Polley. Once again, Polley's catalystic effects were instantaneous, as he became the new VP of Sandwiches.

As a side note, the Santino Fan-a-Club management realizes that not everybody likes the Milan Miracle (especially Justinsayne, who, despite his distaste for Mr. Marella, hung out IN the fan club thread more than anyone else, seeking attention) but look at the post counts in the Santino Fan-a-Club room. Approaching 1,000 - by far the largest thread in the Spam Zone.

3. Thread Legacy.

Look at the threads that have been a result of this team. Best of the 90's, Underrated or Overrated, Santino Fan-a-Club, the Wrestlezone Rock Tournament, Best Wrestling Country, etc.

4. Wrestling AND Non-Wrestling Influence.

The team of IC25 and Polley have a strong level of influence in both the wrestling AND non-wrestling sections of the boards.

5. Proper use of punctuation, capitaliztion, and grammar.

Self explanatory. For a contrary example, see: Konnan.

6. Pity Votes.

IC25 had to mod the Exclusives.

7. The Vader Effect.

Whether or not YOU supported Big Van Vader in the Wrestlezone tournament this year, IC25 and Polley were two of the men largely responsible for his trip to the final 4, and being 4 votes away from the finals. Although IC25 is given much of the credit, if you look back at the Vader threads, Polley did MORE than his fair share of work and backed up the Vader campaign VERY impressively. You cannot deny this accomplishment.

Thank you all for your kind attention...happy voting.
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