The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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I know....Have you ever read a Will post :p......Those a creapier then you thinking a picture is hot IMO......
We Have Our Endorsements




Wait, what? I'm in this thing? Huh? What's going on? I don't even know what this is about.

But, if it involves voting for me, then obviously I'm for it.

The truth is there is only two people who's endorsements mean anything. And we've got both of theirs.


Recently Wrestlezone got to catch up with one half of the most unlikely Tag Team in the history of the illustrious Forums... Jonny had this to say...

"What the fuck is going on?"

After Wrestlezone calmly explained to a rather confused Jonny that there was a Tag Team Tournament going on Jonny went on to say this...

"A Tag What?"

After several hours of explaining to Jonny he finally got it and made this statement...

"So I have to team with this Cage character? Who?"

On his opponents C.M. and Mighty NorCal he had this to say...

"Doesn't CM eat babies? And that NorCal character isn't he president of the Wrestlezone Nazi Federation? A Vote for Jonny B is a vote to stop Baby eating and Nazi followers... a Vote for Jonny B is a vote for a better tomorrow."

Jonny finished by saying this...

I will be the young star, that will hopefully get elevated by Jonny. We will form the Evolution of this tournament.

Hey it worked for Orton and Batista, why not me?
I'm having a dilemma. I think that once myself and Shockey defeat Jake, (Who might be replaced by Big Ace) and ED, (But only with YOUR votes, vote for us!) we get the winner here. I don't know who I'd want to take on. I have a feeling that Norcal and CM would be a tougher set of oppponents for us, so I lend my support to the former people's mod and that other guy.
I haven't lied at all yet. The other reason we need to win, is if enough people don't vote for us, I'll post the pics I have of me in drag, and the people here don't want to see that.
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