The worst videogame/s you have ever played?


Championship Contender
Which games have left you feeling cheated out of time or money? left you dumbstruck as to how they ever made it into the shops? A game that you would warn everybody to stay clear of at all costs?

I don't mean just cheesy or so bad it almost becomes fun type of game. I mean what really is/are the worst videogame/s you have ever played.

For me I am going to go with a wrestling game and that game is WCW Backstage Assault. I really do not understand why anybody would think it was a good idea to release the game. A true horror of a videogame and the worst wrestling game I ever played. I actually paid money for it but took it back to the shops the next day and pretended it was a present for somebody who already had it. Everything about it is a joke and anybody who played it would surely side with me in my negative feelings towards every aspect of the game.

I am interested to know if anybody did actually enjoy the game?

I never played Superman on the Nintendo 64 but that is alway mentioned in worst games lists as a shocker.
Tge worst game I ever played was Goldeneye Rogue Agent. I figured it would be another great 007 game but goodness was I wrong about that one. The controls were awful, graphics weren't much to write home about, unimpressive music, and already within the first mission it severely ticked me off. I tried to let the game redeem itself in multiplayer when my roommate and I played a round. He said dude this game is awful. I agreed with him. That game was the worst I have ever played because it had no redeeming qualities and was the only game in my entire life that I returned to the store the same day I bought it. Stay away from that game!!!!
I never played Superman on the Nintendo 64 but that is alway mentioned in worst games lists as a shocker.

With good reason too. I had the great misfortune of playing this game at a very young age, where my sense of which games sucked and which didn't wasn't exactly developed. Because of this, I think I actually played through the entire game. Looking back, I remember it being very frustrating, and I now know that that was due to how poorly designed it was. I have no clue who made this terrible abomination, but they deserve a medal or something for making a game this broken. Easily the worst game I have ever played.
Call of Juarez:Bound In Blood, crappiest game I've ever played. I didn't have extremely high hopes for this game in the first place but still I was hoping it would be enjoyable. Well unfortunatly for me it was not, in any way. The graphics are halfway decent but the controls are stiff, the characters are lame and the weapons choices are limited. I love western games and I will put up with a few bad things to enjoy them but compared to Red Dead Revolver/Redemption and Gun, this game is the epitome of shit. Hell Red Dead Revolver came out several years before Call of Juarez and it's still better in every way, if you want a good western game go out and get one of the Red games or Gun but don't ever waste your money on this shit.
I would say Shaq Fu.. I played it in my older cousin house.. he was a big fan of Shaquille O' Neal and was trying the game, he just did boughted it for his Gameboy, so he and I were looking for how the game was.. Holy crap, even I that were a young kid in that time founded that the game was terrible! A basketball needs to rescue a boy for a mummy!? oh boy.. I hope that I will never see something like that EVER.
I feel somewhat ashamed here. I have seen horrific games on AVGN, plenty of them, even the obscure ones like the CDI games I have learned about. The history and the plethora of shit games are something I am quite educated in. From Superman 64 to Zelda on CDI to ET on Atari 2600 I know them all: but have never played any of them.

Due to that I am inclined to say BOLT for the Nintendo WII. It is no where near as mind blowingly poor as some of the games I have seen on, nor on youtube, but it sucks. The controls are like any other WII game (too reliant on motion controls), the story much like the movie is load of turd, and it is just boring to play in general. I was reluctant to play it, but my little brother being a fan of the movie (he is within the demographic that the film was targeted towards) I had to help him through the game. Pretty much like any game just made to cash in on the release of the film, it is an inadequate excused for a video game.
Superman 64. The reason why it is listed as one of the world's worst games is becuase IT IS. You can't even find a game that's worse even if you made one.

I hired it because I thought it would be an easy platinum. Big mistake! Awful Camera and controls saw me turn it off after 20 minutes. :banghead:

I try to avoid bad games, so I can't really remember any other ones. But this is my pick!
How about the great classic: Noby Noby Boy? It's more of an interactive, mass social experiment over the Playstation Network than it is an actual game, but dear god is it terrible! Especially if you're expecting something cool and arsty in the same vein as Katamari, and boot up that gem to discover one of the stupidest gimmicks video gaming has ever seen...
Which games have left you feeling cheated out of time or money? left you dumbstruck as to how they ever made it into the shops? A game that you would warn everybody to stay clear of at all costs?

You wanna talk about getting cheated out of money? I have the perfect example.

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.

I didn't have a PS3 at the time and the game price was lower for the PS2 than the 360. My fault, right? I don't know about that. This was what the game cover looked like.

I don't know if this was my fault or whatever. This game looked interesting and thought it could be one of the best Spider-Man games of all time. I didn't expect the graphics to be as amazing as the 360, but I expected the same story, same gameplay, but with lesser looking graphics I guess. Right?

I buy the game from the store and bring it Home and what do I get?


In the words of The Miz...Really? Really? REALLY? I had to pause the game and stare off into space and re-think what I just did. Is this really the game I brought Home?

I felt like I was playing a REALLY old Spider-Man game. I'm talking "Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends" old. I thought I was just made a fool of. The gameplay was Spider running in a straight line the whole time.

And the voices? Do NOT get me started.

I was trying to make the best of it, but let's be real, this isn't the game I bought. I didn't even bother finishing it, or even make through 10 minutes.

I returned to the store the next day, returned that miserable game, and shelled out 50+ for the 360 Game.

You know the worst part of it? Didn't even get back the full price for it.
This one was easy. The worst game I played was


I only bought it for $3 used at gamestop so I'm not to beat up at how much I don't like this game.

The graphics are ok not the best I've played on the 360 but not awful. The storyline I actually like as well. What killed this game for me and gives it the title of Worst game I've ever played is the navigation. I kept getting lost for literally 20 minutes or more not having any idea where to go. I can deal with shit graphics and a horrible storyline but just wondering with only the vaguest idea of where to go and no idea how to get there just kills any game for me and this is the only one I have that problem with.

I was actually surprised when I found out they were making a 2nd one. It does make me want to give this one 1 more chance though.
Mine is without a doubt:


Christ almighty you will never experience a game more broken then this. It's honestly unplayable. The only good thing about this game are the fantastic cutscenes and a pretty decent comic inspired story but the gameplay is so bad you will likely never get to it. To give anyone who hasn't played this an idea of how bad it is it's review score in GameInformer was 0.75/10
I'm old school, during my teenage years the SNES and Genesis were popular, so with that said I present you a Sega game.

Awesome Possum... Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt

Terrible game, was nothing but a ripoff of Sonic The Hedgehog. Replace Sonic with an environmental friendly possum as the main character. Instead of collecting golden rings you're collecting cans for points. Battle the evil scientists army and fight the scientist. Bad way of ripping off a classic, also a waste of money as I purchased this game shortly after its release in early 90s. Too bad I couldnt come online and read reviews.

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