You've never played...?

I've never played any of the Metal Gears Solid, Uncharted, Silent Hill, Mega Man, Final Fantasy or Zelda games. There you have it.
Never played any Metroid, unless frequently using Samus in SSB counts. (It doesn't). Hmmm, that's the big one that came to mind. I've never played any Half-Life even though I really want to and own them. Just haven't gotten around to it. No Silent Hill or Resident Evil either, though that's by design since I just do not do well with survival horror games. I feel like I've hit damn near everything else at least once. I've played Zelda but I never got into them as a kid because I couldn't figure them out. I'm appreciating them more now but I just don't have the time to game like I used to and I'm more of PC man these days, so. I've played a shit ton of Mario in my day. Actually I've never played a Tomb Raider game. They just don't look particularly appealing to me. Oddly enough I've never played Prince of Persia despite owning all of them. Steam Summer Sales kill me. No Duke Nukem if you really count that as a big franchise. I was too young for it in its heyday and they tell me the new one is garbage. I guess this is a good enough list.

So, as for the whys. Metroid is a weird one that passed me by. I had a Gamecube for the entire life of the system and never played Prime. I might have to rectify this issue shortly. Half-Life is just a time issue, I'll get to it eventually. Like I said, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, I can't do it. Scary games aren't my thing. Tomb Raider also just kind of passed me by without a glance. Duke Nuke the same.

Metroid and Half-Life I intend to play. The rest, unlikely, unless they pop up absurdly low in a sale or something.
I have never played World of Warcraft. I never plan to either. I understand its popularity but it's just not for me. I detest the MMORPG concept and everything about it. If the wifey can't even convince me to play, then nobody can. I put my foot down stating that I'm staying out of the MMORPG genre until it goes away, and I'm sticking to my guns on that one. Too time consuming, and too much interaction with annoying people. There aren't any major series at the moment that I'd like to play or feel I am missing out on because I either own or have tried just about everything unless it never appealed to me or I'd never heard of it. Feel free to recommend series I might enjoy though. I'm always up for something new, unless it's an MMORPG. No offense to those who like that genre.
Dias, I highly, highly recommend Mass Effect 1 & 2 if you haven't tried them.

Now to explain why I haven't played any of my previously listed games. Metal Gears Solid simply doesn't look all that good and I don't have a PS3. Same for Uncharted. Never been interested in the look of Mega Man, Silent Hill was before my time (or during it, I just preferred Resident Evil) and when Homecoming came out recently it seemed like a they were just trying to make a little cash of the franchise.

I've never played a Zelda game because I had a GameCube given to me in 2010 by a friend who wanted me to try Super Smash Bros (or whatever it's called) and I didn't have a Zelda game with it. I barely touched my GameCube after that afternoon I spent playing Smash Bros because I was well into my Xbox 360. I do still have it though. When I had a Zelda (I didn't buy it, my brother borrowed it off my cousin) game for the Wii I had zero interest in my Wii so I pretty much ignored it.

I've always been interested in the look of Final Fantasy when I see gameplay clips of it but I simply never got around to buying it. When the latest one came out I had no cash and it was the most eager I've been to play a Final Fantasy game. A thought always plagues my mind too when I think of Final Fantasy; I've like, missed thirteen games of it even though that doesn't at all matter if the story isn't linked which I thought it was.
God of War


Call of Duty

Tomb Raider


Prince of Persia

Final Fantasy


I figured I would re-visit this list since I've played a few of them since, when was this written February?

Anyways, I've played the God Of War games. I've acquired both a PS2 and PS3 this year and played all three of the main GOW games. I also played the second Bioshock. I could not find the first one at my local EB games and the second game was there for ten bucks so I got it. I very much enjoyed the God of War games. I really enjoyed everything about all of them and am currently playing my second play-through of GOW III on Titan mode and getting any of the trophies I missed.I thought Bioshock 2 was O.K., but on the whole I found it to be quite forgettable TBH. No real complaints about it, just isn't really something I think I'm ever going to visit again or even think about much.

While it isn't on my list I also would like to note that I played the first Gears of War. It struck me the same way that second Bioshock did in that I thought it was fine playing through it, but really didn't find it to be much of a big deal. I'm not really much of an online player though so that might be why.

Of the games remaining on my list there is a good chance that I won't play any of them. Quite frankly, I don't find any of them even slightly appealing with the exception of Uncharted, which I might get around to eventually.

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