The worst kind of Liberal

I'm perfectly open to accept that European prosperity is based on a longer, more severe history of exploitation and persecution. I wouldn't want you thinking I was saying, "The United States of America is unique in the way it has benefited from the suffering of others!" The question was why American liberals experience 'white guilt' and I was attempting to explain that.
I'm perfectly open to accept that European prosperity is based on a longer, more severe history of exploitation and persecution. I wouldn't want you thinking I was saying, "The United States of America is unique in the way it has benefited from the suffering of others!" The question was why American liberals experience 'white guilt' and I was attempting to explain that.
I wouldn't want you thinking I am in denial of American history, I am fully aware of some of the less than positive aspects of this countries history. My point was Europe is no different, and in fact a nice amount of our negative history is connected to Europe. We all have something to be guilty about if you look for it. I wouldn't want you to have any sense of guilt over your nations past, no should I have a guilt over mine. Neither of us had anything to do with it, so we really have no reason to.

(BTW, I have seen way too many Europeans actually proud of their past and what they did to others. Even to Africa and hate on them claiming they were just trying to help. If you know my ancestry you should understand my judgmental nature over this.)
Who's more racist, black people or white people.

Black people, cause we hate black people too.

The fact is, the media coverage does what they do because it creates drama and whites will watch, but no one will cause an uproar over it like the other races would.

I think you might be missing the greater point here. The long time concept of doing something like booking the news just for what the whites want was thoroughly shattered in this election. There is nothing self loathing about calling attention to something that historic.

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