The Welcome Thread


Plump, Juicy User
Leafy just welcomed a new member in the welcome thread, and I thought to myself that is was a little early for him to be welcoming new members. However, it appears I welcomed new members a mere 2 months after I joined, which seems rather stupid.

What is the proper etiquette for the situation? It probably should only be a mod or someone of that nature hazing the new members, but isn't it hard to stand by and watch a poster's first post go unanwered for so long? You can just imagine them in tears because no one likes them.

Personally, I don't really care enough to do it anymore, but the few times I did, I got the most satisfying sexual pleasure.
My first welcome was on the 3rd of May. Just about 2 months after I joined.

I also have 26 welcomes, only 15 people have more.
I once welcomed JackAttack to the forums, because I'd seen his posts and thought he was good. Then a bunch of mods made fun of everyone who was welcoming people so I didnt do it again, the *****.
I do it every once in a while, though I might do it more often to let the noobs know to stay clear of Juicy... he'll just drive them away in thousands.
Anyone can welcome anyone.

Unless you have under 1500 posts, 2 years on the forum, full rep, and vbucks =/= 500.
I did it a while ago before that. It shows a rookie perspective on the web site encouraging more rookies.
I don't welcome anyone. You need to do something to get my attention. That's why I still don't know who Lariat is.
Can anyone tell me why I can't post a new thread yet. I have 10 posts as outlined earlier. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank You!

Seriously you guys need to learn how to read...this question has been asked a thousand times.

Sometimes it take a bit longer than you getting your 10 posts, patience is a virtue. Have a read around, see if the thread exists, chances are it does.

Okay here's the thing mate. I just read the FAQ'S, the posting rules etc. and found that it said after 10 posts which is why I came here to ask. Also, I was very courteous and thanked anyone for their help. On the other hand you found it necessary to insult people who have been on the forums for a couple of days. Thanks for your help man.

Lariat and I were on the same page.

Hence, our page rocks.
I didn't post in the welcome thread when I signed up.... I went straight to the WWE section the instant I got my account lol.... talked about the current champions on each brand in my first 5 posts or so.

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