Would you welcome a Mr Kennedy return?

Kennedy isn't in WWE for a reason.

The guy not only sucks (both in how annoying his character is and how horrible he is in the ring), but he has heat with a lot of important people in the WWE.

He's the worst part of TNA too. It wasn't easy to see when the whole show was garbage, but now that TNA is much better, Mr. Anderson sticks out as the worst part.
I watched The Undertaker's Deadliest matches DVD and Kennedy had TWO big time matches with Undertaker, and even beating him in one of them. Even though the first match was because of MVP's interference, it goes to show you that the WWE, at one time, was willing to invest in Kennedy being a big time player in the WWE.

Then it was realized that he was injury prone, sort of tough to work with, and he was actually a liability that was responsible for putting Cena on the shelf and nearly put Orton out of action, both during big time storylines for both Cena and Orton.

So, no... Kennedy won't be welcomed back to the WWE anytime soon. KENNEDY!
At one time I enjoyed Mr. Kennedy and thought he had loads of potential. Over the years, and throughout his time in TNA, I've come to realize he's really nothing special. Don't get me wrong, I still think most who bash him underrate him greatly, but he really is just an average wrestler, with an average look, who is GREAT on the mic.

Now, mind you, if he wasn't injury prone or a liability in the ring because of a lack of skill, I think he could've taken that great charisma and mic work he has and become something big. Lots of wrestlers with little in ring talent but lots of charisma and personality have. Unfortunately for Kennedy his weaknesses have been flaunted too much and stood out too great and he's unable to get past them now.

I think part of his problem in TNA has been poor booking, though, as well. The guys a great, natural heel, and he should remain as such. But instead TNA just jumped back and forth with him so many times, because of horrible booking decisions and a lack of direction, that no one gives a shit anymore about Kennedy.

Back to the thread topic, though: I wouldn't care either way about Kennedy returning to the WWE. I think it's entirely impossible now, though, and will never happen. WWE could forgive past heat and problems, but only if they thought the talent would offer their roster something. Kennedy doesn't really offer anything at this point, so they have absolutely no reason to be interested or desire to bring Kennedy back.
In my opinion, Anderson/Kennedy is someone that's overrated. He's overall a solid wrestler, he's solid inside the ring and has great mic skills, but he's not some new standard by which all other wrestlers should be and will be measured. He's not nearly that good, not even close. If he was that good, then he'd have set TNA on a whole new level in terms of ratings and audience size.

Exactly. I did enjoy his act, however, when he originally came to TNA, they gave him the ball, and he didn't draw. Case closed.

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