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the verdict on shelton benjamin



this has been in my head for a while, regarding shelton benjamin and why he cant get over yet. despite the fact that he has just as much ring ability if not more, than anyone in wrestling period. this kid is so talented, i believe that he has the most ability and athlectisim than anyone in the wwe right now. but the reason why he cant get over yet, is because their is still the gimmick era, in the wwe right now. wwe is all about gimmicks rather than in ring talent and ability, thats what i was trying to tell that kid who posted the whos better, flair or hogan. thats easy, its flair, because flair had far more ability and ring talent than hogan. but hogan just had the better gimmick, and gimmicks bring in money. now back to shelton. hate to say it, but he might not suceed in the wwe, because he lacks the gimmick, and mic skills, but in a promotion like tna, he would shine, because i think tna is more focused on the talent aspect rather than the gimmicks and mic skills. i dont think this is shelton's fault, but thats just how the wwe is now. i think their trying to make an effort and work with him on his mic skills, and gimmick, but its a shame that the wwe wont display his talents in the ring, or anyone's talents. wwe is all about gimmicks, enough said, they always have been. thats why wrestlers such as triple h, have flourised, triple h doesnt have that much talent and ring ability to me, even before the knee injury. he just has a good gimmick, mic skills, etc......

but what do you guys think about shelton, and do you believe in the gimmicks, or ring talent
To me, it's all about the ring talent. If you think about it, gimmicks don't make much difference to the fans. They want to see wrestling ability. Look at Benoit. They call him the "Rabid Wolverine" and have called him the "Crippler". But you don't see him walking down to the ring in a X-Men Wolverine suit do you? Guys like him and Angle have gotten by just fine on wrestling ability. Shelton's time is coming up soon. He'll get his chance to shine in the big spotlight. And as for the Triple H comment, he is one of the best in the ring today. He's not a 5-6 move guy like Cena, and he sells moves the best if better than 95% of the guys in WWE or TNA.
I'll agree with v14ever,
when talking about Triple H.
He is the best in-ring guy in the buisness right now period.
He always sells his bumps better than anyone on either promotion and he knows hes "That Damn Good" so he calls himself "The Game" or "The King of Kings"
Can you imagine anyone (mostly heavywights) in the ring with HHH, people like Sting, Jarrett, JBL, Goldberg, Alpha Male.
He can make, or already has made these guys look spectacular in the ring!
Even ask Flair, he'll tell ya, lol
I really agree. But I think with this new gimmick, he might get over a little bit. I mean he really showed a lot of passion in it, it was really good until Jeff Hardy came in and ruined it. I could see him going to ECW. They need some guys who can wrestle and I think he would fit in over there. And his new gimmick would definently work over there, seeing as he'd be the only black guy on the roster.
Shelton Benjamin is hands down one of the best wrestlers I have ever seen in my life. This would be all he needed if it was 20 years ago, he would be a god. However this is 2006 and nowadays it's just a cold hard fact that you have to be as good on the mic as you are in the ring. and honestly anytime he picks up the mic it makes me nervous. He looks like a deer in headlights. so while i'm wowed everytime he steps in the ring, until he puts more of an effort, or the give him an angle where he can't talk i don't think he's going too far. and that really sucks. There is however a very easy way to fix all of this, simply get Charlie Haas away from the most worthless wrestler alive today, and put The World's Greatest Tag Team back together.
garee said:
Shelton Benjamin is hands down one of the best wrestlers I have ever seen in my life. This would be all he needed if it was 20 years ago, he would be a god. However this is 2006 and nowadays it's just a cold hard fact that you have to be as good on the mic as you are in the ring. and honestly anytime he picks up the mic it makes me nervous. He looks like a deer in headlights. so while i'm wowed everytime he steps in the ring, until he puts more of an effort, or the give him an angle where he can't talk i don't think he's going too far. and that really sucks. There is however a very easy way to fix all of this, simply get Charlie Haas away from the most worthless wrestler alive today, and put The World's Greatest Tag Team back together.

agree i like the guy in the ring that match he had with HBK is just great and some of his old matches with HHH is cool aswell.

Shelton Benjamin is one on the best superstars on Raw.
Shelton even said it on the last episode of Raw, "I'm the best athlete on Raw today."
I have always loved Shelton since day 1, when he was part of the Worlds greatest tag team with Charlie Haas. Shelton is by far my favorite wrestler in the WWE today, and i think he should get the spotlight. Who cares about gimmicks anyway, i mean for god sakes WWE is literally turning into a soap opera. Shelton could be the next HBK, and maybe become better than him. Shelton should go to ECW and he would shine their and do some creative stuff if they put him in Extreme Rules Matches. They could also make him champion on Smackdown because you dont really need to have mic skill to be a star on Smackdown, I mean look at Batista he is so bad on the mic it is not a laughing matter, and Bobby Lashley is the No. 1 contender and he's barely said a word on Smackdown. WWE need's to get over the Big guy, No talent Era, and focus on just Talent, because Shelton is all talent and I personally dont give a crap if he's good on the mic or not. Shelton Benjamin is the best Wrestler in the WWE and should be WWE champion sometime soon, very soon, cause the WWE needs a good in ring performer, and not an absolute joke like John Cena. Also Shelton shouldn't go to TNA because TNA is garbage, and I dont see why everyone thinks it's great, because all I see when I watch TNA is a WCW clone which is not a good thing. Shelton Benjamin hands down best wrestler in the biz today.
v14ever said:
To me, it's all about the ring talent. If you think about it, gimmicks don't make much difference to the fans. They want to see wrestling ability. Look at Benoit. They call him the "Rabid Wolverine" and have called him the "Crippler". But you don't see him walking down to the ring in a X-Men Wolverine suit do you? Guys like him and Angle have gotten by just fine on wrestling ability. Shelton's time is coming up soon. He'll get his chance to shine in the big spotlight. And as for the Triple H comment, he is one of the best in the ring today. He's not a 5-6 move guy like Cena, and he sells moves the best if better than 95% of the guys in WWE or TNA.

Yeah but Angle and Benoit have some sort of Mic skills. Shelton is terrible.
Shelton is held back. He has had numerous times to step up but was held back because he doesn't have great mic skills. He isn't bad, but I have read he doesn't remember his lines very well.
WWE is all about what creates money and makes people tune into RAW. For the most of wrestling genral audience gimmicks are just as important if not more than wrestling itself. Thats just the way it is, and for WWE to change that wrestling fans in general would have to change from their roots.
I hope he re-unites with Charlie Haas, they are both great athletes and the tag division is pritty poor. If they re-unite the Hardy Boyz and re-unite Worlds Greatest Tag Team then the tag division will start to get better.
I think there going to re-unite Shelton with Haas to form TWGTT... Which is a good idea.. Them and Cryme Time could have great fueds. Shelton was only held back due to his lack of mic skills.. He has everything else.. Seeing on Raw... They seemed to improve.. He looked comfortable in front of the camera talking. So I dont see why they wouldnt give him a push now.
Thats what I was thinking... But on Prowrestling.com it said they maybe reforming TWGTT which would help the Tag Div. Alot... Tho the WWE is dumb and they probably will end up using Shelton in a controversial angle dealing with Race and etc.
Me 2 I've always admired Shleton for being able 2 bust his butt day in and day out in the ring with his in ring abilities and I knew from then on he was going to shine!! I hope wwe gives him the opportunity though to make a name for himself in the wwe once they see he has the best in ring abilities and he is a fighter. He just has this it factor in the ring as always.

As for Triple H,U guys are so right about him 2,Man I remembered he didn't want to quit fighting when he still had the quad tear,He gave his Best in the ring! ^_^
That's what I've been thinking for a while. That's why I've always said he'd be more appreciated in an ECW ring (by real ECW fans...not the fans who usually show up at ECW events), in TNA, or in Japan. It really pains me to see what they're doing to him...
it annoys me that this guy beat hhh twice and now hes jobbing to likes of eugene[i think it was the dark match in unforgiven,right?]since he lost that ic title its all been downhill for shelton.
It pains me to say it, but Shelton will end up in mid-card status for quite a while if and when they re-unite him and Haas. And it's terrible cause Benoit has never been all that good on the mic, and look what he has accomplished. WWE needs to give him that same opportunity.
I know this is going to sound crazy but the only time he is going to be a heavyweight champion will be at TNA. Why does't vince listen to the fans we are the ones keeping him in buisness.
Professional wrestling itself, WWE and TNA, rely on gimmicks. Every wrestler has one. It is your character. And without character you don't get over. The problem with Shelton is he is just not good at the talking thing. Don't criticize WWE for being in the "gimmick era" when the entire history of pro-wrestling has been the "gimmick era." Look at TNA, they are loaded with them. Abyss, Monty Brown, Eric Young, Sting, AMW, The Fallen Angel, Shark Boy, wrestling is all about gimmicks.

Vince is in it to make money and like it or not a guy with a great gimmick but no in ring talent is going to sell more merchandise than a guy who can wrestle but has a poor gimmick. Don't believe me? Who sells more merchandise: Cena or Benoit? Cena. And you may say yeah but thats just women and children, the real fans are just looking for good wrestling. Well thats great, watch the guys you want to see wrestle, but until then Vince is trying to make money and he is going to push the money makers as far as he can.
He is an amazing athlete, just needs the storyline to get him back up the card.

With the right push and angle he could easily be a top superstar in WWE for many years to come.
Shelton Benjamin just needs to polish up on the mic skills. He has the talent to challenge for the big title. He is great talent that wwe is waisting away. Shelton Benjamin had great matches with HHH and HBK showing his skills. I think that Shelton vs Hardy on Raw had better potential than what happened. Give these two a open ring and let them go at it and see who wins..shelton would show that he deserves to be on top
deez428 said:
this has been in my head for a while, regarding shelton benjamin and why he cant get over yet. despite the fact that he has just as much ring ability if not more, than anyone in wrestling period. this kid is so talented, i believe that he has the most ability and athlectisim than anyone in the wwe right now. but the reason why he cant get over yet, is because their is still the gimmick era, in the wwe right now. wwe is all about gimmicks rather than in ring talent and ability, thats what i was trying to tell that kid who posted the whos better, flair or hogan. thats easy, its flair, because flair had far more ability and ring talent than hogan. but hogan just had the better gimmick, and gimmicks bring in money. now back to shelton. hate to say it, but he might not suceed in the wwe, because he lacks the gimmick, and mic skills, but in a promotion like tna, he would shine, because i think tna is more focused on the talent aspect rather than the gimmicks and mic skills. i dont think this is shelton's fault, but thats just how the wwe is now. i think their trying to make an effort and work with him on his mic skills, and gimmick, but its a shame that the wwe wont display his talents in the ring, or anyone's talents. wwe is all about gimmicks, enough said, they always have been. thats why wrestlers such as triple h, have flourised, triple h doesnt have that much talent and ring ability to me, even before the knee injury. he just has a good gimmick, mic skills, etc......

but what do you guys think about shelton, and do you believe in the gimmicks, or ring talent
ring talent is way more important to me i think shelton has goten over with the fans but is hard when every time your not ic champ your off tv as far as tna being a better fit for shelton look at what they are doing to there best sell point the x division they turned the whole division into a joke one big "jacka**" gimmick and tna is putting more and more gimmicks out there so not sure if he would fair better there either i think shelton will become the star everyone wants him to be it is only a matter of time as far as hhh he is one of the most talented true wrestlers in years how can you say ric flair is talented and say hhh can't wrestle? that's crazy

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