The Undertaker's Protoge

The whole "Son of the Undertaker" idea would work in wwe for a while. After the feud with Kane there could be a feud with one of the other established sons on wwe, saying Taker still has bad blood and his son is taking revenge. I would also get Taker out of the ring but still keep him on tv because we all know hes getting old.
Kevin Fertig aka Mordecai/Kevin Thorn was supposed to that guy but he never got over for some reason cause when he was Mordecai he was like the White Taker. So if they can bring back him then I would approve off him as the protege.
I was thinking this like undertaker giving his powers to a up and commer.... but who could be another deadman like character
You obviously couldnt pull the wool over the viewers eyes by just replacing Mark Calloway as the Undertaker. Doink = yes. He's had 2/3 different people play him and suppose it works in soaps and films (Batman anyone?).

The son idea works pretty well though. He could carry the legacy. Mannerisms. Powers. Same music. Same moves....nice idea.

Wouldnt be hard to find someone who was big and could act dead.
I'd really like to see this happen. I think it would be a great idea except for one thing: whoever replaces the Undertaker will most likely live in his shadow for his entire career. On top of that, this replacement will have a lot to live up to if he's gonna truly take the Undertaker's place. I dunno if I'm too fond of this person ending the Wrestlemania streak especially if it happens to be a newcomer (because as you correctly mentioned, Undertaker's career IS winding down and I don't think there's anyone on the roster that can "replace" him).

However, if booked correctly, this can be a great idea. I don't see it as being feasible at the moment but I would like to see it nonetheless.
I like the idea but I guarantee you that a lot of people probably wouldn't. The new guy would have gargantuan shoes to fill. Even if Undertaker put him over and personally passed the torch onscreen, the new character would be viewed as being not as good as the original. There will never be another Undertaker. They could build up some new "dark" character, have him feud with Undertaker (but NOT at Wrestlemania! Leave the streak out of it.) and then have Taker put him over as one of his last feuds. Then the torch could be passed, quite litterally even if they use those Taker Druid torches lol, to the new guy. Some fans will be against it at first but it would be a phenominal opportunity for whoever this new guy would be. I'd like to see it happen because somebody is going to have to step up once Undertaker is gone. That's the blunt truth and every single one of us know it.
A clear NO from me.

My reason? Because Undertaker is on his last limbs of his wrestling career. Introducing a protegee while you are already ready to retire is just not good business. This protegee would have to be:

A. Hella over with the crowd, and I mean the hype should be completely legit.
B. Have the dedication that Undertaker and Kane have had with WWE.
C. Be a fresh, marketable dark character that will appeal to today's audience.

None of these will happen. You can't hype a character to its breaking limit when he has just been introduced. They tried McIntyre, and the audience waved off the hype. They did the same to Mordecai/Kevin Thorne. WWE has gotten in their heads that we want a quick rising superstar to take over everything; but they can't be more wrong. A short fuse quickly dies out. We want someone with experience to take the reigns of any kind of legacy; not just Taker's.

And while we are on experience, let's go the extra mile with how dedicated this cat would have to be. I mean you have to trust this guy not to just head his ass over to another company, or quit altogether (remember Nathan Jones? Many don't). And in today's wrestling that's virtually impossible to find that one talented guy that can play this role to it's best and still be trustworthy.

And finally, do we really need a dark gimmick for a family show now? Undertaker and Kane have had an extensive history so they are practically forgiven for playing their roles of the undead and the hellbound. They've been around for quite a bit. But adding a new face to their story can't be that good. For WWE to do that, they'd have to come up with a gimmick that isn't too disturbing and not too cheesy as well. So with all of the time to come up with a guy that could stand in the shadow of Taker, and still be faithful and child-friendly, it's near impossible.

I'd rather Taker's legacy go out with him on a solo path anyways. He started on his own with Paul, he should ride into the sunset with Paul.
I don't think there will ever be another character like the Undertaker. Kane comes close but still isn't Undertaker. WWE has already tried in the past and failed. Remember the Boogeyman and Kevin Thorn/Mordecai? The both failed as spooky characters.
four names can fill that spot:
1.)orton - i really think it can be executed perfectly if he will feud again w/ taker & beat him then make it appear that he have absorbed the "dark powers" (similar to capcom vs.snk 2's rugal storyline when he absorbed akuma's powers lol).
2.)cm punk - can be similar to my orton idea but relate it with his straightedge gimmick where it will show that living a straightedge lifestyle allows you to tap unknown powers .
3.)christopher daniels - maybe he can appear as the chief druid but in the end betray the undertaker.
4.)judas mesias - the 3rd brother gimmick can work for him.
I don't like the idea at all.

The Undertaker is one of wrestling's GREATEST characters. His longevity and career are stuff of legend. I wouldn't send him out with a "protege" or "son".

What I would do...Have a buried alive match at Mania...Him cleanly beat Kane...Reveal a second plot...Undertaker stumbles in...lays down...sits up...does the throat slash thing...lays down...pulls the cover tight...lights go strikes a claw full of dirt and it goes down onto the caskets...Ending both of their careers. Brothers...buried next to each other. It's beautiful...fitting to the storyline, and respectful to both of their careers.
Everybody keeps on thinking that this is a great idea. But I don't think so. The undertaker is a one of a kind gimmick. nobody could do it better then Mark, and f they bring in somebody to take over or replace him, it will just end up tarninshing the legacy that is the undertaker. come up with a fresh new idea, not continue with this one.
I remember a thread like this and a brother would be bad, I thought about a son, cause it cant be just some guy, but really they should have it be someone brand new to wrestling, Matt Morgan? hell no, it needs to be a new young guy in his 20's who can last a long while in the business from his 20's through his 40's or 50's thus us having another 4 or 5 decades of darkness

But yeah, a son. And I also thought it cool if he had a streak at Mania but the issue is I wouldnt want it to overshadow Taker's thus maybe he could get defeated and disgrace Taker thus having him go out that way instead of him having a protege too, that would work

I would like to see a female though, a son and daughter, boost the Divas Division shit why not have a Taker like female, Beth and then bring back that 6'9 giant Isis along with Melina, Natalya, LayCool, (hopefully Naomi wins NXT as she's the best talent of the 6) and others you have a good Division then that could see new ones come in and be better for it

but getting back to Taker, I have also stated in that other thread that he could come back once a year for a match to take on one guy even after he retires either WM28 at 20-0 or WM30 at 22-0

he can come back for 1 damn match, it wont hurt and it is ok for guys older than him to do it so yes I dont even wanna hear the bullshit, it's totally do-able to have him return once a year for a Mania match until WrestleMania 50 at 42-0 if he wantes to, or retire at 50-0 at WM58

most logical thing-

wait 10 years or so after The Undertaker's retirement and have his son emerge

it should be a thing they dont rush, take time to find a decent young guy in his 20's and have this guy emerge after Taker has been gone for quite some time so when he comes in, it's new to younger fans who dont know Taker, it feels new for those of us who do remember and have his power be similar but they need to be different too and he needs new things to add a different spark about him

and in a sister, I just see it as a plus of why not have them both come in as a force and later fight over who's honoring their father's legacy more

I think Taker's kids would be nice in a storyline kayfabe

And hell, why not have the baby that Lita lost have been secrety preserved somehow in spirit by Kane and have the baby come back with the UnDead corpse of Katie Vick as the step mom!

then you've got Katie vs Taker's daughter as a potential match and Kane's son vs Taker's son

The Cousins of Destruction could be a stable down the line

or The Trio of Tribulation, I dont know... let's just do it
I dont think anyone needs to take Taker's place. With the direction the business is going in these days, I just dont see the need for another supernatural character. With WWE competing with new forms of entertainment like UFC and other MMA promotions, I think WWE is going to gradually take a more earthly turn and focus more on the "sports" side of their business. We've already begun to see less and less of the ridiculous storylines we used to see, and with WWE losing more and more of its fans to "real" entertainment, I think the return of Paul Bearer and the possibility of Taker having his last match at Mania is a great opportunity to put all the supernatural stuff to rest. It had its run but what used to draw in the fans is now turning them away. Let Undertaker's legacy be and have him signal the end of and era he helped start.
Ok so I was thinking about this while searching WZ and I saw where a thread was posted about Jackson Andrews in FCW. I saw where WWE had signed him hear while back but I never seen any of his work. So I watched a few of his matches and this guy is a beast. SO I think he should be the protegy of the Undertaker. But when he first came up to WWE he could work a feud with Taker and Kane, he could come out wearing Kanes mask and say that it is his mask now. He would need a good demented name, maybe like Blackout or something, I don't know. But I don know it would call for the perfect storyline.
Andrews would have to be billed as a relative to Kane and Undertaker but I don't know what he could be, a younger brother I guess. Here's how he could debut.

He would come out at the TLC ppv and cost Kane the World Title while wearing Kane's old mask. Kane would come out on Smackdown and demand his mask be brought back to him. Andrews would come out and say the mask has been passed down and it belongs to him now. Kane then asks Paul bearer where Andrews got the mask because it was put up in a safe place. Then they would feud and have a match at the Rumble with the winner oowning the rights to Kane's mask. Andrews would beat him with the help of Paul Bearer, thus screwing over Kane and turning him face. The next friday on Smackdown, Andrews will take off the mask and give it to Paul Bearer beside a fire. Bearer throws the mask in the fire and tells the whole world that Andrews is his youngest son. Andrews and Kane can continue feuding until the ELimination Chamber where they have a casket match. During the match, Andrews will try to put Kane in the casket and when he opens it The Undertaker appears. Undertaker sets up and takes out both men then puts them in the casket. It is announced a few weeks later that there will be a triple threat at Wrestlemania. Obviously Taker will win. The triple threat would help him since he is injured and would have to do less work.
four names can fill that spot:
1.)orton - i really think it can be executed perfectly if he will feud again w/ taker & beat him then make it appear that he have absorbed the "dark powers" (similar to capcom vs.snk 2's rugal storyline when he absorbed akuma's powers lol).
2.)cm punk - can be similar to my orton idea but relate it with his straightedge gimmick where it will show that living a straightedge lifestyle allows you to tap unknown powers .
3.)christopher daniels - maybe he can appear as the chief druid but in the end betray the undertaker.
4.)judas mesias - the 3rd brother gimmick can work for him.

This is one of the most fucking ridiculous posts I have ever seen.

RANDY ORTON?? Inheriting the Undertakers powers? WTF??? I know when you watch wrestling you are stepping away from reality but REALLY?!

CM Punk? So you are seriously telling me he has to go out to the crowd and say that because he is drug and alcohol free that he now has superpowers that noone else has? What about the other people in the crowd who are straight edge? They can rise from the dead too can they?

Christopher Daniels? More realistic as long as he didnt take Taker's supernatural powers. But he would have been in the WWE long before now if Vince had ever wanted him, so this is a no go.

Judas Mesias. Probably the most likely option, but I just cannot see the WWE wanting to bring in a 3rd brother. We already had the long lost brother storyline with Kane, and so this would be an ever longer, loster brother. Why would neither Kane or Taker have mentioned this guy over the last 10 years?

So, overall NO. There should not be anyone taking the role of Undertakers prodigee, the character should die with Taker, and if he ever comes back for a one-off appearance/match, he would need his powers surely? What would he do? Go and ask Randy Orton for them back lmao?!
A replacement for 'Taker is definitely not a good idea, as has been said many times in this thread, it would only serve to tarnish his legacy. But introducing someone to carry on the legacy would be different, and that's something that could work. Now, I've always been a huge horror movie fan (& have been lucky enough to work on several), and I've always thought that a movie based on their back story would be awesome. Hell, I've even written up some ideas for one that I had an agent pitch directly to WWE. So maybe I'm a bit biased towards this concept. But that being said, I would definitely like to see some kind of progeny brought in to inherit the role that those two play so perfectly.

Please don't confuse that with bringing in a clone or a rehash of the character, because there is a distinct difference. Another brother wouldn't work & quite a few guys have already explained why. Even a son would be pretty hokey, and a cousin, well, no offense to anyone who suggested it, but that would be just plain ridiculous. The guys who hit on the idea of a student or a disciple, however, got the nail right on the head in terms of a plot that's both as realistic as possible given the characters, and plausible. There are a number of ways such an idea can be executed, and with an idea like this, it's the execution that will make it either successful or a failure, not the concept itself.

I feel the way I would go about it is not only plausible, but would also go back & tie up a loose end from a few years ago that left many of us scratching our heads, thinking, "WTF was the point to that?" I'm talking about the Fake Kane storyline they ran with Drew Hankinson/Luke Gallows. When it started, it was an interesting idea, as it delved back into the history of the Brothers, but it ended so abruptly, it was given minimal explanation, and was so anti-climactic that it's now looked upon as forgettable & stupid. Still, the idea of a character who was with Kane in the asylum, that even he fears, is the perfect foil for Taker to bring up to continue his reign of darkness once he decides it's time to rest in peace himself.

Have him be the one behind the fake Kane attacking the real one for the purpose of either finding or creating an even bigger monster that would be worthy of having the powers of darkness bestowed upon him. And get a different performer to take on the role as well - - since Gallows wore the Kane mask, they could get away with using anyone as long as they're younger, the right size, committed to the part, and can convincingly execute the moves and mannerisms that Kane & Taker have in common. I definitely would NOT want to see Gallows reprise the part, and don't think the character should return wearing Kane's mask either. Maybe a variation on it, coupled with ring gear similar to Taker's. Have him utterly destroy Kane, at which point, Taker can claim, "Now, you're ready".

A cool visual to symbolize the passing of the darkness & introduce this character (or re-introduce him): Taker gets buried in a casket. Lights go out. Lightening begins to strike, thunder rumbles. The Druids come out carrying torches & surround Taker's grave. The ground shakes & a fist bursts forth from the dirt. A large, dark figure hauls himself out of the ground. The audience is expecting it to be the Deadman. He raises his arms in familiar fashion, lightening hits, columns of fire erupts, the lights come up and it's the Undertaker's prodigy. Taker appears on the Titantron, imploring him to go forth, wreak havoc & spread the darkness....

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