The Undertaker & Triple H

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
The Game and The Deadman have been on the shelf for quite some time now. Wrestlemania season is upon us, and these two should be making a return pretty soon. Both of these men are two of WWE's biggest stars ever, and their returns should be worth looking forward to, because they both have some unfinished business to take care of:

Triple H: At the Extreme Rules pay per view last year, HHH was destroyed by Sheamus, and he's been on the shelf ever since. Now of course we all know The Game is recovering from surgery, and he did wrestle Alberto Del Rio at a WWE Fan Appreciation show not to long ago, but he hasn't made his full-time return to TV yet.

We all know Triple H will be gunning for Sheamus when he returns. Sheamus has enjoyed a lot of success during HHH's absence. He's had another WWE Championship run, and he won the King Of The King. King Sheamus has been on role, but I'm very interested to see how the inevitable feud with Triple H and Sheamus will play out when The Game returns.

I think Triple H will return at the Royal Rumble. Sheamus could be on a role, as he tosses out every wrestler in his path, and then HHH's music hits. The Game could be the roadblock that prevents Sheamus from main eventing Wrestlemania, and the feud between these two will resume. It's hard to tell when a one on one match between these two will take place. I'm sure both of these men will be in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber, so seeing these two lock up in a one on one match at this pay per view doesn't seem like a realistic possibility. Then there's Wrestlemania. Will these two go at it again on the grandest stage of them all? If this does happen again, then I think Sheamus would need to pick up the win. Going against The Game at Wrestlemania last year was a great opportunity for Sheamus, but I don't think just wrestling HHH is going to be enough this time. If Sheamus is going to be established as one of WWE's top future heels, then a win against Triple H at Wrestlemania could do wonders for him. To tell you the truth, HHH is a 13 time world champion. He really doesn't NEED to come out on top in this feud.

As far as Triple H's status after the feud goes, it's kind of hard to tell what might happen. I'm sure HHH will be involved in some WWE Championship feuds, and I think there's a good chance he could get number 14 in 2011. Triple H is getting older, and his body might not be able hold up much longer, so it'll be interesting to see how Triple H's tenure on Raw 2011 will go.

The Undertaker: The last time we saw The Deadman, he was being buried alive by Kane(with the help of Nexus). The feud with Kane wasn't that great, but you can be sure these two will resume their heated rivalry when Taker returns.

The Deadman's streak has become THE main attraction at Wrestlemania over the past couple of years, and I don't think Taker is going to miss Mania 27. There's just no way it can happen. But if the Taker/Kane feud is to resume, then there's the possibility of a third Wrestlemania match between these two. Would you really want to see Taker VS Kane part III at the big show? I know I wouldn't. It's been done before, and I don't think these two are capable of putting on a classic at their age.

If Taker returns after the Rumble, then there's a strong possibility that he will be in the Smackdown World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber, and I'm sure Kane will be in there with him. So when can the match or matches between these two occur? As I said before, I wouldn't want to see these two wrestle at Wrestlemania again. Taker's streak is something special, and seeing him defeat Kane at the big show AGAIN would be such a letdown. Maybe WWE should put this feud off until after Wrestlemania? It's not the late 90's or 2004. All of the luster and mystique for a Taker/Kane feud isn't there anymore, so I don't think it would hurt to wait. Taker could stalk Kane for a while, and then kane would eventually have to agree to face him in a match.

As far as Taker's future goes, it's hard to tell what could happen in 2011. Taker has been VERY injury prone over the past couple of years, and he's not getting any younger. Sure, he might have a couple more World Heavyweight Championship reigns, but we probably won't see him on Smackdown that much, especially when it comes to wrestling.

With all that said, I have two big questions for everyone:

Who's return are you anticipating more? The Undertaker or Triple H?

Who will have the bigger impact in 2011?

I have to say I'm more excited about Triple H's return. The feud with Sheamus can be something to look forward to, because their Wrestlemania 26 match was very good, and seeing someone kayfabe put Triple H on the shelf is very rare, so it'll be interesting to see how this upcoming feud will unfold. When it comes to Taker, the only thing to look forward to as of now is his Wrestlemania match. The thought of seeing another kane VS Taker match doesn't excite me at all.

I also think Triple H will have the bigger impact, because there are so many questions that need to answered as far him being a Raw superstar goes. Will he be involved with the Nexus storyline? Will he feud with CM Punk at some point? Now that Randy Orton is a face/tweener, will he bury the hatchet with his number one rival? Triple H might not be what he used to be in the ring, but he can still go, and he can surprise us with a good match every now and then.

Taker will most likely skyrocket to the top of the Smackdown's food chain when he returns, and yeah, he probably will become World Heavyweight Champion again at some point, but how long will he stick around this year? Taker is pretty banged up, and his age is catching up with him, so I'm sure he's going to be taking a lot of time off this year. I love The Deadman, but there's a good chance we won't see that much of him this year.
I am 99% sure that Triple H will have the bigger impact in 2011, and i am 100x more excited for his return that Undertaker's. Undertaker in 2010 was just a frail old man trying to keep up with the younger guys but he failed, getting plagued with injury after injury. When he comes back for a WM match, he'll win and then take even more time off to heal the new injuries sustained in his match. No disrespect to the Deadman, he's one of my all-time favorites but he's also way too old and past his prime to be considered a big addition to anything but WrestleMania anymore. I hope he retires immediately after WM28 (if his body doesn't disintegrate before then).

Triple H, on the other hand, was still on the same level that he's been for the last 3 or 4 years, getting random title victories to further cement his legacy. If he does become a wrestler again in 2011, he will still be the main event talent he's been for the last 12 years and he could have classics with the new generation (Miz, Wade, Sheamus, etc.) whether heel or face. All hail the King of Kings and his highly anticipated return

Quite frankly, I'm much more excited for Christian's return than I am for Undertaker's return. With SD's weak main event scene, Christian can come in and give Edge another credible challenger and hopefully (cross your fingers) take the World Heavyweight Championship in a WrestleMania match.
Who's return are you anticipating more? The Undertaker or Triple H?

Who will have the bigger impact in 2011?

On the first question it's a tie for me. I look forward to Undertaker's WM match every year and this year is no different. As for Triple H I'm looking forward to him coming back as well it'll be intetresting to see what they do with him & Sheamus.

The second one is Triple H without a doubt. Taker is injury prone and who knows how much he'll wrestle in 2011. Triple H stands a better chance of having a more productive year then Taker because of that fact. I'm sure Triple H will take the title in 2011 probably from either Miz or Orton and I wouldn't be shocked to see him get it at least one more time that year as well.
I am looking forward to seeing both returns with the same excitement. They are both two of my favorite superstars. HHH has been out longer, but you know when Taker returns he is usually back for like 3 or 4 months and then he takes another break so it is cool to see him for that short time.

As to who will make the biggest impact I think it will be Taker. Yes, HHH will probably be competing for the rest of the year after he returns unless sometime happens, but Taker can make a whole lot happen in WM time. If Vince brings in Brock to face Taker I think that would make more of an impact on the whole year and maybe years to come than what HHH would do by simply coming back. Now, if he can not bring in Brock, I think he could have a fight at 'Mania with Cena. Just imagine the pay per view buys with those two in a one on one finally. I may be day dreaming, but it could always happen.

As for his feud with Kane, I doubt that it will be resumed. Kane already beat him 3 straight times and I think we have seen enough matches between the two of them.
I gotta say I cant wait for Undertaker or Triple H's return. Both have been my favorites. Undertaker fan since Nov 22, 1990 and Triple H fan since Royal Rumble 1997.

Triple H will no doubt have the bigger impact. As stated earlier, Hunter will continue his feud with Sheamus in 2011. Show be great. King Sheamus vs the King of Kings. After Hunter's and Sheamus feud is over, I cant wait to see him face off against The Miz. That will be Miz's real test.

Undertaker's return should be great in 2011, but I m not sure if it will be @ WM XXVII. I hope he doesnt come back at WM because he should recover to 100% vs. coming back way too soon. As far as his future goes, I think Undertaker will be saying goodbye at WM XXVIII. I hope so anyways. (Hope he doesnt pull a Flair or a Hogan by sticking around way longer than he should). His final match should be with Triple H (Legend vs Legend) or against John Cena (only because they havent faced off at WM yet)
I think Hunter will make more impact on Raw on a weekly basis, but then again I really dig Undertaker's different variation of entrances at 'Mania over the years. I'm pretty sure he will be there. Maybe against Barrett, maybe one last crack at Kane, Both ways it should be good.

One thing about Hunter's return will have to be to pick up the relevance for an attack that happened almost an year ago. He and Sheamus have some story to tell, then again the whole King thing is keeping it fresh in everybody's minds right now.
Who's return are you anticipating more? The Undertaker or Triple H?

I'm not a fan of either but of the two I guess Taker as his streak deal is more important to Wrestlemania.

Who will have the bigger impact in 2011?

Triple H simply because he'll be around more and will be more likely to help get the younger talent over, personally I think a heel turn would be for the best as I'd like to see him try and elevate Daniel Bryan and John Morrison.
I am looking forward to both returning but for me, it will have to be HHH.

The Undertaker, because of his lighter work schedule kind of goes away and comes back quite a bit, and although his is THE Wrestlemania attraction, Triple H has been gone close to a year, and people want to see him fight King Shaemus.

As an attendee of Wrestlemania 27 this year, I'm not sure I want to see Triple H Vs Shaemus. I mean, I'm sure it would be an awesome match, I just think that these two have very similar styles and that they would clash, much like they did last year.

It is difficult to figure out where the Undertaker fits into Wrestlemania this year. Not so much him, but his opponent. The only logical opponent at the moment would be John Cena. Purely because Cena is a credible threat to Taker's Mania streak.

Most definitely looking forward to Triple H's return more though.
I'd say that Triple H will probably have the bigger impact in 2011. Triple H's absence from the WWE almost always comes with very severe sports injuries, usually along the lines of muscle tears. Over the past few years, The Undertaker's injuries have ultimately started to catch up with him. He's well known for working through injuries for extensive periods of time rather than taking time off and it's caught up with him.

As a result, Taker's return won't have nearly as special of a feel. It'll be great to see Taker come back, the man's dedication is a huge reason of why so many fans respect him even if they're not huge fan of him overall. It'll be a far different tale with Triple H. When that guitar riff hits and Lemmy Kilmister's gravelly voice comes out over the speakers, the fans will erupt in a chorus of applause so energetic that it'll put chills in your nuts
I actually woud like to see Mania without these two. Don't get me wrong, both HH and Taker are HUGE drawns for the PPV, however I would like to see how the E manages to go through a Mania without them. How could they make the event attractive without these two, who could fill their respective Mania roles?

I'm not one of those guys that misses someone when he is retired or is injured. There are two times when I "missed" someone Edge two years ago and Randy Orton three years ago I think. Being that said I can live without these guys however if I had to pick one it would be Triple H. While Taker is big as hell, he doesn't have many doors open for feuds beside Kane. I mean he could feud with Ziggler, ADR, even Drew Mcintyre but I don't think it would be classic matches.

On the other hand HHH after he's done with Sheamus he could go after Punk, Jericho, JoMo, Bryan, Miz etc. and it would be awesome feuds to watch. So yes HHH will have the bigger impact in 2011, plus like the OP said, he could go for a 14th world title.
I am looking forward to the return on HHH far more.

Undertaker is a fucking legend but his body is falling apart. I personally think even when he returns to full health again and has his match at WM he should remain away from the WWE until next years WM, where his return will be even more anticipated and give his body more time to recover. Hell, the guy is old now and doesnt need to be wrestling on a regular basis. Just do the big show now Taker and relax in your time off. You are a wrestling God and that will never change, but you simply cannot put on an epic match regularly now if your body is fucked.

As for The Game. Yeah his quad is weak now, but I certainly think HHH has alot for to contribute to the WWE. He will be wrestling full time again after his return and thank god for that, we need him back. He is still capable of being the best in the business again, and I look forward to seeing the world title back around his waist. It has been too long, and he is the right man to hold the title after he inevitably destroys Sheamus.

I think the pop for a HHH return will far outweigh the pop for an Undertaker return right now
@The Neutral I agree: As much as I love The Undertaker as a favorite wrestler I'll have to go for a more Triple H return this year. C'mon The Game has been out for like 3 Quarters of a year. While The Undertaker is out fo what 1-2 months. The longer the absence the stronger the bulid-up! Let The Undertaker only return @ Wrestlemania so he can have more time to recover & ave a better bulid-up for his return. Let's face it Taker's returns over the last 2-3 years haven't been exciting as it supposed to be & I think that's sad considering the fact that Taker's a legend in the business. Plus he's being more injury prone due to too many inmediate returns. He should stay out longer & recover from his injuries better. That way he won't have to come back only for 3-4 months (To which can be pretty annoying). Please WWE let The Undertaker's returns be more valuable then what they already are.
Who's return are you anticipating more? The Undertaker or Triple H?

Triple H hands down. He's been out longer, and with a bit of luck he's not gonna be the one limping around and looking like someone who should've retired a while ago. Undertaker is great, don't get me wrong. But he's 45 and nearing 46 in the first half of 2011. Triple H on the other hand isn't as old just yet. He'd still most likely be able to go. And as we all know, Triple H has a history of some pretty damn good storylines, sure Undertaker has them as well, but I'd like to think that Triple H's are better.

Who will have the bigger impact in 2011?

Like I said, Triple H tends to have the better storylines. He has the bigger feuds sometimes as well, and overall I just think that he has the bigger potential to make something great out of 2011. Maybe another title reign, maybe just a lot of great feuds to establish stars, or maybe he'll simply go on and have some pretty decent feuds throughout the year.

Undertaker is at a stage where, sadly enough he'll most likely end up being injured, or taking time off already after Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules again. And I doubt 2011 will be a big year for The Undertaker.

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