The Undertaker To Make Wrestlemania Announcement

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According to, Hulk Hogan won't be the only one popping up on Raw tonight with an announcement concerning WrestleMania. The Undertaker, generally a man of few words, will take the mic in hand to make an announcement of his own. I see three possibilities:

1. Announcing he'll induct Paul Bearer into the WWE Hall of Fame - Given how important Paul Bearer was to Taker's career and the fact that he's been one of Taker's closest friends since breaking into the business, it seems only fitting for Taker to make his first ever appearance at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony to induct his late friend and manager. Since the WWE Network is carrying the entire HOF ceremony live this year, having Taker make his first ever HOF appearance is likely to draw.

2. Announcing that he accepts Brock Lesnar's challenge - Even though we all know that it's gonna happen, the match isn't "official" so far as I know. Commentators haven't been plugging the match on WWE programming, so Taker formally acknowledging that he'll face Lesnar is possible, though it'd be kind of a letdown since we already know it'll happen anyhow.

3. Announcing that WrestleMania XXX will be his last match - I think this is the least likely to happen, but it's still possible. By the time WrestleMania XXX comes around, Taker will officially be 49 years old and it's become common knowledge that he's banged up and that the wear & tear of the business has caught up to him with a vengeance over the past 5 years or so. The notion of this being Taker's last match could draw additional viewers to WrestleMania XXX, but it could also disappoint fans as well. For instance, I know that a lot of fans like the idea of Cena going after the streak and IF WWE does go forward with the notion of Daniel Bryan being one of THE top guys in 2014, which is the plan according to some reports, then going against Bryan next year is a match that could draw a lot of interest.
1) This would be my guess. The Undertaker comes out to talk about Paul Bearer, and he's interrupted by Lesnar either in a face-to-face confrontation or, more likely, a Titan Tron promo...

2) Lesnar had an open contract for WrestleMania. The Undertaker signed the contract on Raw two weeks ago, and then he stabbed Lesnar with the pen. At least, that was my understanding of the segment.

3) I could be wrong, but I don't see his last match being with Lesnar. My guess is that Cena will get the last crack at The Undertaker before he officially retires. My logic behind that isn't because I 'like the idea,' but because it's a more relevant match-up. Cena is the face of the company - has been for nearly a decade - and he's the guy that should have the honor of wrestling in 'Taker's last match.
I'd imagine that he will declare what match it will be. Something like this needs to be more than just a singles match.

Maybe it will be a NO-DQ match, Hell In A Cell, or maybe a buried alive match (god how I've missed those)
I have a hard time buying into Taker breaking character to induct Paul Bearer. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, because Taker is at the top of the list for people, who SHOULD induct Bearer, but Mark Calaway is very serious about maintaining the mystique for The Undertaker's character.

He doesn't have a Twitter account, and on top of that, Taker goes into hibernation after Wrestlemania every year, and in every "normal" photo, Calaway takes incognito precautions. From what I remember, WWE didn't show the footage of Taker's tribute to Ric Flair on the Raw after Wrestlemania 24 on live TV. They saved it for Flair's DVD, and Taker was still in character during his tribute to Flair.

I'm pretty sure Taker will challenge Brock to a No DQ match at Wrestlemania XXX. Last week, Brock used Mark Henry (again) to send a message to Taker with an F5: He's not intimidated. Taker fires another shot at Brock tonight with a No DQ challenge. Taker raises the stakes to add some more intrigue to the feud, and Brock (or Heyman) accepts the challenge.
Undertaker breaking Kayfabe and inducting his late great Friend into the HOF is the most likely scenario out of the three.. With the HOF being on the network,(On a side note it appears that the Techs have almost gotten all the bugs out of the network)the HOF if taker makes his first ever appearance,the viewer ship will sky rocket..

Undertaker is one of the few characters who has kept in character for his entire career. Paul Bearer was huge to the undertakers career. We all know he will accept Brocks Challenge,so that match is a lock without it officially being a lock..

As far as the announcement being this will be his last WM,i think its not out of the realm of possibility as some may think. Since WM24 or so,this business really has taken a toll on his body.. He disappears into hibernation after WM,he doesnt have a twitter account or a FB account. The man is always in character. I think Taker will induct Paul Bearer into the HOF,the way it should be IMO. Just a one time appearance for the HOF for taker,this is a special cause
The one to induct Paul Bearer should by rights be Kane, after all, Bearer was Kane's storyline "Father", and it would allow Taker to not have to break character, and at the moment, Kane is HHH's bitch, so it would not hurt his character either.
I'm guessing it's either a no dq or a submission match. The No DQ options is good because it gives the brawling type match that these two need to have & a submission match is interesting, Undertaker's Hell's Gate vs Brock Lesnar's Armbar.

I wouldn't rule it out being the Undertaker's last match, being WM XXX & Bearer being included in the HOF. Depending on how this match goes, I think next year is more likely to be his last.
I don't know but possibly announcing that he will be inducting Paul Bearer at the HOF. This would be the respectful thing to do, more so than Kane IMO. It's OK to break character for one night out of respect and honor for Paul Bearer. If it's not to induct Paul Bearer then I am assuming he will add a stipulation to the Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker match at WrestleMania.
I really hope he announces that he's going to induct Paul Bearer/Percy Pringle. Since Taker so rarely breaks character, having him give the induction speech would give it that much more impact.

On the other hand, more needs to happen between Taker and Lesnar. What happened two weeks ago seems like a blow-off event that ends a feud as opposed to something that begins a feud. The match sells itself, but still needs more development.
I'd imagine that he will declare what match it will be. Something like this needs to be more than just a singles match.

Maybe it will be a NO-DQ match, Hell In A Cell, or maybe a buried alive match (god how I've missed those)

Yeah, I'd go along with this. A Buried Alive match is a bit farfetched, but I don't see this match being a regular wrestling match with disqualifications and count outs.

The match is certainly official; Undertaker signed the contract and if I'm not mistaken, they ran an Undertaker/Lesnar graphic on last week's Raw along with an Orton/Batista graphic. He could induct Paul Bearer into the Hall Of Fame, but that doesn't seem like the sort of thing that a big deal would be made out of nearly a month away from the induction ceremony. It can't be ruled out in regards to tonight's announcement though. As for the possibility of Wrestlemania XXX being Undertaker's last match, it would be shocking if that was in indeed the announcement - more so that he had chosen Lesnar to be his final opponent - but again, I suppose it's something that can't be ruled out entirely.

I suspect it will be an announcement in regards to a stipulation for the match with Lesnar, though.
The problem I have with the 'stipulation announcement' is that any stipulation added to the match at this time would be meaningless. There's simply nothing to this program yet. There's nothing personal for The Undertaker to work off - so there's no reason to request a cage, HIAC, buried alive or casket match. So those matches are intended for programs that are personal - or, dare I say, actually developed.

Hell, there's been one face-to-face confrontation since Lesnar returned from an 8-year hiatus, and that was an encounter two weeks ago where The Undertaker got the upper-hand by stabbing Lesnar's hand and choke slamming him through a table. If anyone should be requesting a stipulation, it's Lesnar. He's the only one that has any personal stake in this program right now. If The Undertaker walk out tonight and says, "This has gotten personal. And the only way to settle it is with a (insert stipulation) match," most would find it absurd.

So please, someone tell me: Why reason - other than a lack of ideas on the part of the WWE writers - is there for The Undertaker to walk out tonight and announce a stipulation to the WrestleMania match? Shouldn't we wait for the program to actually reach a personal level for one of the two wrestlers before throwing out stipulations
As a lifelong fan, is it bad that I'm sorta hoping Undertaker announces this will be his last match?

I have been a fan of the Undertaker for his entire career. I understand the streak adds value to "The Showcase of the Immortals". At the same time, his last few returns just haven't gotten me excited the way they once did.

I do not really expect him to announce his retirement. Like a lot of people, I think Taker's last ride will be with John Cena. Still, the fact that I even have these feelings makes me think the finish line is coming this year or next. Undertaker is an amazing performer and he can go for as long as he likes. But, I hope he does not hang on too long.
The problem I have with the 'stipulation announcement' is that any stipulation added to the match at this time would be meaningless. There's simply nothing to this program yet. There's nothing personal for The Undertaker to work off - so there's no reason to request a cage, HIAC, buried alive or casket match. So those matches are intended for programs that are personal - or, dare I say, actually developed.

Hell, there's been one face-to-face confrontation since Lesnar returned from an 8-year hiatus, and that was an encounter two weeks ago where The Undertaker got the upper-hand by stabbing Lesnar's hand and choke slamming him through a table. If anyone should be requesting a stipulation, it's Lesnar. He's the only one that has any personal stake in this program right now. If The Undertaker walk out tonight and says, "This has gotten personal. And the only way to settle it is with a (insert stipulation) match," most would find it absurd.

So please, someone tell me: Why reason - other than a lack of ideas on the part of the WWE writers - is there for The Undertaker to walk out tonight and announce a stipulation to the WrestleMania match? Shouldn't we wait for the program to actually reach a personal level for one of the two wrestlers before throwing out stipulations

Yep, fair points. It wouldn't make a great deal of sense; I'm just struggling to think of something that does.
Maybe he has something to say about Paul bearer there was talk he was going to or maybe just to confirm the match or his retirement as was said earlier but it will still be an intersting announcement the only interesting thing to be on raw. Except for hulk hogan's announcement I think he will confirm the match between Triple h vs Daniel Bryan. I will be furious if ryback doesn't appear on raw and has a singles match of some kind and wins. I'm expecting a face turn the night after Wrestlemaina I'm not watching raw or smackdown again if this doesn't happen. Enjoy raw everyone RYBACK RULES and FEED ME MORE (it's not your fault ryback wwe screwed you)
Going off of justinept's point:

The only logical thing to do here would be to have Taker start a promo on Paul Bearer's induction, only for Lesnar to come out and destroy him about one minute after he starts talking.

After Taker got the upper-hand at the open-contract signing, booking 101 dictates Lesnar needs to get some of his heat back so some fans believe he is the unstoppable force that will doom Taker's streak.

Side-note, there is probably going to be very little substance in his announcement. He was supposedly scheduled to be on RAW last week so whatever he was going to do was pushed back to this week. Not exactly breaking news, I know.
I think it might be a combination of things, such as:

'Taker comes out to the ring and starts talking about Paul Bearer passing away and getting into the HOF, then just before he makes his announcement, Paul Heyman comes out and talks about what happened a few weeks ago when Undertaker "attacked" Lesnar. Maybe Heyman tries to make it seem that 'Taker is afraid of Lesnar, which is why he chokeslammed him. Then (even though a lot of people may not know or remember it) Heyman ties in what happened 11-12 years ago that Lesnar owned 'Taker in their rivalry, including his own match, the Hell in a Cell. Heyman then taunts him, saying he knows 'Taker is afraid of Lesnar because he couldn't beat him back then, so how can he possibly defeat him now? I dunno, just how I'd like to see it go down tonight if they want to try and make this match have any meaning
Regarding taker breaking character to induct Paule Bearer, just take a look at the last few years of taker, he has been breaking character a lot.

Hell, even in the last Triple H documentary he is totally out of character and kayfabe. And speak as a regular dude.

Moreso in Mr. Wrestlemania dvd, shawn michaels refer to him by Mark.

So i think that at this point of his career, breaking character to induct Paul Bearer wont do any kind of damage to his in-ring persona.
Taker talks about Paul bearer.
Paul heyman comes out with Brock.
Pays homidge to Paul bearer for a minute silence even
Brock bowls his head in a sign of respect and all 3
Are greeted with a loud cheer. Paul heyman lets
Undertaker finish his speach. Taker accepts
Brocks challenge in memory of Paul bearer at mania.
Lights flicker, they go out, spotlights are in the rafters.
And spot a shadowy figure. But only can see a
Dark hood. Lights come on. And taker is greeted
With a f-5. wwe always does something
Different regarding the streak, as I some how can picture
Lesnar dislocating both of undertakers shoulders
With the kimora to make people think
Undertakers actually going to lose, because
Everyone already thinks they know the outcome. But
That would strike fear in the fans seeing a sick grin on
Lesnars face. How ever I'd have Kane come out with
A remote and point at the big screen as Paul bearer
Highlights play.Lesnar plants taker with f:5 . Taker kicks
Out. With out being able to move his arms. Does his trade mark
Sit up as lesnar freaks out and falls back in shock.
Taker, still sitting looks at Kane. Kane does a slit the throat
Taunt. Undertaker pops both his own shoulders back in place.
Does slit the throat taunt. Lesnar charges. Taker
Greets him with a choke slam. Followed by a tombstone.
Brock kicks out which shocks taker. Lesnar gets angry. Classic Clothes line
Taker and runs to the floor and f-5 on Kane. Puts taker in another
Kimora. Making lesnar look like a beast. Everyone thinks
Its the end of the streak. Taker lifts lesnar from the ground
But instead of slamming him he falls on his own back
And applys hells gate making lesnar pass out and winning
By knock out after 3 hand raises. Classi. Undertaker rises to his feet
The same time as lesnar.both get a standing ovation.
Lesnar smiles and nods in respect. shakes takers hand. As crowd cheers
Lesnar and heyman on the way to the back greeted by
A pat on the back from Kane. Kane walks to the ring
With a Mic and says "you know what you have to do brother"
Taker grabs the Mic, thanks lesnar, family, wwe and fans,
And is greeted with loud "no" chants. Taker says "I"
then suddenly lights go out, creepy whispers
Fill the arena, lighting etc. Lights come on and taker
Is face to face with sting. To the loudest wwe pop
In history. Lights go out. Both of them gone.
Crowd starts holy shit chant. Igniting an intense long fued
I have to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what the Undertaker's announcement will be on Monday night RAW tonight. While I do hope he does turn out to be the one to induct Paul Bearer into the WWE Hall of Fame, I really don't believe that the announcement tonight will be regarding this fact. The Undertaker has never broken character in WWE television before, ever. You cannot count the whole biker American bad ass Taker, because that wasn't a case of breaking character, but rather, changing the direction of the character altogether (erroneously in my opinion). The whole Undertaker character has never broken free from his persona on television, and I simply don't see it happening this evening, especially just a couple of weeks removed from his annual eerie supernatural return. Plus, there's not need for him to be the one to announce it; WWE could simply announce that in his behalf. So I really don't think it's that.

The match with Lesnar is already signed sealed and delivered, so I also don't think he is going to make an announcement concerning that match or any stipulation involving it. Again, the folks at WWE can simply announce that, or Lesnar (or Heyman) could suggest something without having to break character.

Personally, I think he is going to announce (legitimately or otherwise) that this will be his final Wrestlemania. This will go hand in hand with the build for this match, and will bring a greater prominence to the match with Lesnar which has otherwise been put together pretty spontaneously. It will add to speculation that this indeed could be the year that the streak is brought to an end, something that many of us don't believe that Brock has much likelihood of doing.

And of course, it would lend itself nicely to a set up for a future match. He announces that this will be his final match in the WWE, only to be confronted by some newly debuting Icon who confronts him and says "not yet Deadman, you still have some unfinished business". This would provide an excellent mark out moment, not to mention an excellent way to finally tie up some loose ends on some otherwise iconic and phenomenal careers.
Basically just accepted Heyman and Brock's challenge. Didn't say much really.

Watching that segment made me feel like plans had changed since WWE put out the hint of an 'announcement' earlier. There was no acknowledgement of an announcement by any of the announcers during the buildup to the segment, and Undertaker certainly didn't 'announce' anything during it.
So RAW has come and RAW has gone, and when it came right down to it, there was no actual announcement by the Undertaker, other than to say he plans to make Brock Lesnar rest in peace.

Speculation over, thread closed.
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