The New Age Outlaws' Wrestlemania Status


According to a report from, there's some news on the future of the NAO participation in WrestleMania XXX. The report says that Road Dogg is legitimately suffering from a back injury, no details are provided, but it explains why they didn't compete against The Usos on Main Event last week. As a result, there's talk of simply going ahead with The Usos defending the titles against them at WrestleMania XXX. There was talk a while back of doing some sort of multi-team match involving the tag titles, but that was before the announcement of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

All in all, the notion of the tag title match being a rematch between The Usos and The New Age Outlaws seems a little underwhelming. I'd say it'll be, or at least it can be, a pretty good match if they're given enough time. I'd have personally preferred a multi-team match, but at least the tag titles aren't being buried.
Personally I have zero interest in seeing the New Age Outlaws compete for the tag team championship at WM30. For that matter I have virtually no interest in seeing them compete in the ring anymore at any time. Look, I'm all for a little nostalgia from time to time, but in moderation. The NAO made their return to the ring, held the titles for a little while, but we've been there, done that, and it's time to move on. It's time for someone new to come up and assert themselves in the tag team scene. I'm not really sure who I would like to see challenge the Uso's for the title at WM30, but I'd prefer it to be someone from this decade.

Nostalgia is OK from time to time. It's been great seeing Hogan make brief appearances in a WWE ring, but I don't want to see him every week, I don't want to see him compete in a match, and I don't want to see him front and center on every episode of WWE programming (as it might force me to double check what day of the week it is, what station I'm watching, etc.,). Same goes for the Outlaws. Sure they can still go in the ring (although after a brief return, Road Dogg has already got a bad back, which makes one wonder). But their day has come and gone. Let's see the Uso's defend the titles against someone new, as the WWE continues to try to resuscitate the fledgling tag team division.
oh for the love of god, please don't book this match for WrestleMania...add 2 more teams and make it a Fatal 4-Way Match, like the ones we saw at WM XX...

it should be The Uso's vs. New Age Outlaws vs. Cody & Goldust vs. Harper & Rowan
The New Age Outlaws have done their part. There is no desperate need to have them at Mania especially if Road Dogg is injured. They seem to be splitting up a lot of the teams meaning The Uso's are short of opponents. I'd like the titles defended at Mania so The Rhodes, Rybaxel or The Wyatt Family will have to step up. Even a combination of those teams. Ryback and Axel are likely to be in the battle royal; The Uso's just won the belts so The Wyatt Family are likely to lose meaning The Rhodes are a good choice. Face v Face isn't a big issue to me. Two talented teams that would put on a very good match. Plus Cody and Goldust get to team together at Wrestlemania which would be massive for them.

If the NAO can't make it then there are other options but the titles should be defended. They were perfect transitional champions and it was great seeing them back but their job is done.
I'd agree with the notion that New Age Outlaws not being involved is probably the preferable option. It's nice to see them as a special attraction, but I feel like their short reign as champions took a lot of steam out of the division just when I was most interested in it. The work that The Rhodes Brothers, The Usos, The Real Americans, The Wyatt Family, Big Show/Rey Mysterio and even Rybaxel was thrilling on a week to week basis, and while Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are good at what they do, I feel like their slower paced matches have taken away from what was making the division something of a unique attraction - something to look forward to on a weekly basis.

That being said, I can see the logic in letting a popular tag team in the New Age Outlaws put over a younger, exciting tag team in The Usos one more time, on the biggest stage of them all. Unless they put it on the pre-show (which I can totally see), in which case that logic sort of becomes redundant.
I would have to agree with everyone else and say that if NAO are going to face the Uso's at Wrestlemania, Then it should be as part of a Fatal 4 way with the Rhodes Brothers and The Wyatts also added to the Match. Also having two other teams added to the Match will take some of the presure off of Road Dogg with his back injury.
In hindsight, there wasn't much of a reason for them to have won the belts in the first place. Now they don't have them, there's not much point in them even being on TV.

If they have a multi-team match at Mania, by all means throw them in. Otherwise, why waste the spot?
As everyone is saying, the nostalgia run was fun but they need to let it go, I see no reason for a rematch at Mania, they've emptied the well. Given the Usos have just won the titles I'd say a 4 way match makes the most sense instead of trying to develop one team as a rival in the next 3 weeks.
Really don't want to see the New Age Outlaws ever again, even in cards from the past that I am watching on the Network. Never really liked either man, especially Road Dogg.

I'd look at The Usos v The Rhodes Brothers with the champs coming out on top, have them go 12-15 minutes of fun face v face for the sport of it, the crowd like both teams and I am sure it will be an entertaining match. Let's try and give the tag titles a sense that people want to compete for them again, in recognisable 'teams'. Maybe you can tease a non-acrimonious break up for the Rhodes from that defeat.
I was a huge NAO mark from their inception to when they broke up. The dudes had chemistry and will be remembered as one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Billy Gunn's ability to perform was hit or miss during his tenure, he really found himself in this gimmick. Billy was stellar in The Smoking Gunns, for me, but he started to slip when he went solo. Jesse was a great hype man and he had a great mentor in Jeff Jarrett. For me, their tag team made the show easier to watch. It was less a mix of stupid gimmicks and the Attitude era was starting to really come full circle.

All that soap opera admiration aside, yeah it's time for these guys to step down.

They did a decent job of injecting new life into the tag team scene, and they made the Usos look like the real deal. I'm really digging the Usos now, so props to everyone involved in making that a reality.

I would much rather see a different tag team get pushed in these few weeks we have left to push anybody before Wrestlemania, and compete for the tag titles at Wrestlemania.

I would put money down on Cesaro winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, so I'd rather see him in that than competing for the tag titles.

My next favorite tag team on the list would be Rowan and Harper. If they win it's a feather in Bray's fedora, if they lose then the Usos look stronger than ever.

I really don't want a four way tag team match, those don't legitimize a winner in my opinion. I can accept those kinds of matches for RAW or Smackdown! but not for a PPV. If you get the win at a fatal four way, it's likely that you took advantage of someone who was lying prone after suffering from someone else's spots. I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, these kinds of matches have just never impressed me.
Normally I would approve of a fatal 4 way for the tags, but since most of the teams I care about will have their members in that Battle Royal I'm ok with just a regular match between the Usos and NAO. Sure it won't be a stellar match and there are better teams on the roster then the NAO, but WM needs filler matches and this will most likely be one of them.

Usos retains in a quick match that will probably feel shorter than Road Dogg's pre-match intro.
They are embarrassing.

It's not their time anymore. They cant run with the belts.

It's really sad to see them, it's embarrasing.
It seemed like a multi-team title match was being foreshadowed on Smackdown tonight.

Or possibly The Usos versus The Rhodes brothers. Which would be great.
I wish they'd just do a fatal four way at Wrestlemania. Rhodes Bros, Rollins/Reigns, Rowan/Harper Usos. It would be a good match.

I don't know how the Usos could have a legit run as tag champs when there's hardly any heel teams

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