The Ultimate Opportunist


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
So this one is going to be a huge stretch... but stick with me until the end.

With Punk winning the title off Hardy, that means he's going to be on Smackdown from now on, right ??

That also means that Raw is down a man (Batista), right ??

Jeff Hardy also beat Edge for the title, right ??

Batista defeated Orton for the strap, but he has a torn bicep, so he has to give up the belt on Monday, we think, right ??

So Raw will need a champion and Vicki Guerrero is the GM who's also the wife of Edge, right ??

So, lets do the math......

Raw (flagship show) - one superstar (Batista) - a vacant title (we believe) + Vicki (Edge's wife) = Ultimate Opportunist = Edge as the new WWE Heavyweight Champion, right ??
....You do realize that Punk was DRAFTED to Smackdown and has been there for a while, right?

Yeah, I know. But Punk isn't going to cash in on the Raw title and with Batista hurt, they need another top star - it is the "flagship show" supposedly.

That's why I say Punk will be on Smackdown permanently, or for a quite a while at least.
Yeah I agree and what happened with Edge threatning a divorce? Does that mean that Vickie will try to do it to "get him back?"
Yeah I agree and what happened with Edge threatning a divorce? Does that mean that Vickie will try to do it to "get him back?"

Absolutely !!!!

The last time Edge threatened a divorce, Vicki threw him in the title picture and he won. Remember, he came back looking like Captain Caveman and won the belt at Survivor Series ??
ztwhite I agree with you 100% on this, I never thought of that until I read your post about it. Edge has needed to get off Smackdown now for awhile IMO and what a way to get back there then to have your wife pull a fast one and get you the title. I mean I am not a Batista fan but it does suck he is hurt but it may work out for EDGE!
Absolutely !!!!

The last time Edge threatened a divorce, Vicki threw him in the title picture and he won. Remember, he came back looking like Captain Caveman and won the belt on Raw ??

Yeah, I could see that happening again (minus the captain caveman look), actually, I hope thats whats happening, cuz if not its going to be a Orton/Big Show and/or Cena angle at 'The Bash', and who do you think would win that one *chough -Cena*

**BTW, he won the belt at Survivor Series
I think the Edge threatening a divorce could be a way to turn Edge face possibly? Maybe Vicki does bring Edge over and he gets the title on raw, then turns on Vicki and divorces her anyways and this starts a big edge vs vicki feud? Although I still don't see Edge coming to raw, especially with Undertaker on the shelf on SD. Its much more likely to see HHH or HBK return to Raw with Batista hurt.
I mean I am not a Batista fan but it does suck he is hurt but it may work out for EDGE!

I would hope it dont go to edge. He is always in the title picture. This would be the perfect time for Shawn Michaels to return and grab the title for one last time. I would hope they leave it vacant to allow build-up for the title match and not the usual "stripped of the title" and "given to someone".
nah i just think hhh will come back and once again fued with orton....yawn. cant see edge being drafted in any way as he is the top heel on smackdown and its pretty much twice now hes been involved in cm punks championship victories. a measure of revenge is surely needed
This thread gives me unbelievable amounts of hope that Edge's 10th Heavyweight Championship reign is a mere 24 hours away. But alas, I don't honestly think it's going to happen that way.

A couple reasons come to mind on why.

First, People have really begun to complain and bitch over Edge's constant Ultimate Opportunistic ways. They no longer like that hes always, only, winning Championships when they're practically handed to him. And in all fairness, it IS beginning to make him look weaker than he truly is.

Second, those who've mentioned Smackdown's depleted roster is correct. Edge, be him a face or a heel in the coming weeks, is needed more on Smackdown than he is on Raw.

Raw has a ton of top talent just waiting to step up. M.V.P and Kofi Kingston instantly jump to mind. And it would make perfect sense, to have Orton opportunistically, and sadistically, put Batista back on the shelf come tomorrow night's Raw.

It could even create a mini-tournament, in which Orton regains his Championship - making him seem slightly more worthy to even be IN the Main Event picture these days. Regardless, Raw still has John Cena, Big Show, Miz, M.V.P, Kingston, Orton and even Triple H and Shawn Michaels waiting in the wings on reserves. Edge coming over would be overkill at this point.

Another issue is, no one even knows if Batista will for sure drop the title. I mean, the Company did know he was injured and yet they still put it on him. So what are the odds they'll play off allowing him to keep the title, by way of only working very short, squash-like matches?

In the end.. I'd love nothing more, on a personal note, than to see Edge come to Raw and win a 10th Heavyweight Championship. But I just think it's truly wishful thinking at this point. He'd have no business on Raw, with all the over-stocked Main Event talent once others begin to return.. and he'd either get lost in the shuffle, or even more People would begin to bitch and moan that he's only on top, due to Vickie.

I'd rather see where this divorce angle goes, and especially if it leads to Edge finally returning to winning on his own, by his own ways.
yeah Batista is going out and Raw will need another top man in the roster so it would make sense for Edge to come to raw, BUT lets not forget HHH should be returning soon so he could be in this mix for the WWE title.

can we please see edge with a title run that lasts at least 2 mths, personally i wanna see at least a 6 mth reign

i mean whats the damn point of him being champ if he wins it at one ppv then loses it at the next but wins one of two title belts at the ppv after that

thats pretty much been the cycle since survivor series

& at this rate he'll easily catch up to HHH & even pass Ric Flair's 16 time title reigns by the end of 2010
Ughh dude, Vickie and Edge got kayfabe divorced last night in a backstage segment so there not "Married". So I think thats highly un-likely!
Still though, i can see the storyline of Vickie Guerrero doing anything to get Edge to come back come to play. But then again, Doesn't edge get a shot at CM Punk's title, as he lost it. Doesn't that also mean that Jeff Hardy should get a shot for it as well. I can see Edge and Hardy being wrapped up in that feud at The Bash. That will leave Batista's title open for anyone else who wants it.
Ughh dude, Vickie and Edge got kayfabe divorced last night in a backstage segment so there not "Married". So I think thats highly un-likely!

I can't imagine this is your first wrestling rodeo, so you have to understand what a swerve is, right ??

It's obvious Vince and the WWE brass knew Batista tore his triceps last night before the match, and I may be giving creative way too much credit, but it's not impossible for them to have to played the swerve card by mingling a few storylines together - hence the whole divorce thing last night.
So I'm not ready to let this one die just yet.

I still say Edge becomes the WWE Heavyweight Champ next Monday.

Now he has to prove that he can win the belt without Vickie's help.

And I still say that if Vickie wouldn't have given her notice to the company, it was a very legit possibilty that Edge would have somehow been involved in the title (wink, wink) match last night.

That's why he was in the building !!!!

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