The Truth Is No Longer Awesome

yeah I called this in a different post that these two would break up after survivor series. Now the question is that after the match these two would enviably have who is going to be the face and who's gonna be the heel? Now at their current state these are probably the two best heels on raw at the moment and they had been getting good heel heat. At first they probably gonna make r truth the face because he got hit with the SCF but he just turned heel and he had been entertaining. The Miz is been getting good reactions and lately people have been liking the antihero lately so he would be the one getting the cheers. They could both just stay heel and not fight each other but that doesn't seem likely.
I actually expect both Miz and Truth to remain heels, at least for now. Perhaps even a (very brief) heel vs heel feud, it could work since both are very entertaining.

Then I expect Miz to feud with CM Punk for the WWE Champion. I look forward for their promos - I could see this going all the way to the Rumble - or even longer, if Miz manages to win.

Truth will probably hang around the same spot he was before, an upper midcard that has no problem participating in main events from time to time. As long as he keeps his insane gimmick, he'll do just fine. It might need to be tweaked a bit from time to time to keep it fresh, but it should last long enough.
Man, you guys dont give R-Truth enough credit at all. Truth was over with the crowd tonight. The guy has been in the game a long time, he's a worker in the ring, and he should stay on the main card after this
I have a feeling that we might find out that R-Truth is taking a 30 day break today. There was a report on another website that someone in the Survivor Series main event had failed their drug test.
I really really wanted Awesome Truth to have a Tag Title reign. Very disappointed right now.

I'll be even more disappointed if they de-push R-Truth because of a possible wellness violation. He has one of the freshest, best executed gimmicks among all the full timers right now. I think he will be fine as a face if that's the way they go, but I'm afraid he will disappear after his feud with Miz.

I'm not ready for a face Miz right now however. He's a good heel but he needs to beat some people soon because it seems like he always loses lately. He needs his own Barret Barrage. I think he'll probably destroy Truth in their feud to prep him for his main event push.

It's sad when I think where Awesome Truth was 2 months ago, beating down 3 main eventers in an exciting PPV main event run-in. Right now I kinda have the same feeling I had when I realized the momentum from Punk's famous RAW promo had been mostly wasted.
Few points i'd like to say here.

First off... Those who are saying Truth will be buried, come on now. Seriously? They've built him up for 8 months, to now bury someone who gets a crowd reaction?

Second, those who are saying Miz vs Punk... Wishful thinking. How does that match come about in 3 weeks with no build.

Its blatently obvious that there are 2 possible title matches.

1. ADR who is the former champion..... duh.

2. Dolph Ziggler. Why else give Dolph a 15minute match where he looked like pure gold against "the best in the world" ????

Next point, Cena caused the split today, who's to say it won't be a triple threat match between Cena/ Miz/ Truth for contendership??

I wouldn't actually dig that match alot.

As for ADR, well I'm kinda over the guy. I was a big fan but his matches bore me and he isn't the same cocky guy that debuted, he is repetitive. Give his spot to Ziggler, Truth and Miz - they are much better prospects then ADR, especially Ziggler who I think could be the biggest star of all the current generation stars.
I think this makes sense splitting them up right now. Not that I want them to split up but seems WWE's hands are tied.

Del Rio will get his rematch against Punk at TLC, and that will probably be it. I can't see it having legs up until the Royal Rumble.

Who does that leave to challenge CM Punk for the gold? Ziggler (who he just faced last night) and Miz and R-Truth.

The smart money is Miz will become number 1 contender and go into a programme against Punk. If he doesnt', and R-Truth gets the rub, then you have your Mania match IMO - Punk vs Miz.
Boy, that sure was a hastily conceived way of splitting them up. Ultimately though, I'm fine with it. The Miz and R-Truth never really meshed well for me; their characters are totally different from one another.

I think both guys have a legitimate future now. R-Truth is one of the more gifted guys they have both on the mic and in the ring, but being an older guy, I could see him taking a backseat. I think he'll still get a legitimate opportunity though. In fact, I wouldn't be altogether surprised to see him main eventing soon in a triple threat against The Miz and Cena.
This was one of the most idiotic break ups of a team I've ever seen. This was like TNA logic (with Russo running things) or WCW in the last days. You mean a team's gonna break up cause Cena threw a couple of statements out and they believed; unbelievable. I can see this being the beginning of the break up but please.
This can still be fixed, though. They have to keep R Truth heel. If R Truth turns full face he's gonna end up being a comedy act. I say throw Nash and Triple H in the deal. Nash aligns himself with Miz, telling him that with his experience he can set him up for a fast track to the title. They eventually attack Cena & Triple H comes out to help. This sets up a tag match at TLC with R Truth a special guest referee. At the end Truth helps Nash and Miz win. The Awesome Truth had a lot of potential & Nash does too. This can be slvaged if done properly.
So on Monday Night Raw we witnessed some tension between Miz and R-Truth eventually leading to Miz turning on truth and delivering a Skull Crushing Finale to truth. This obviously is the breakup of Awesome Truth. What are your thoughts on the breakup and the impact (no pun intended) the awesome truth has made in the WWE?

WWE breaking these guys up is absolutely ******ed, thought their win/loss record on PPV is 1-2 which isn't exactly "awesome" they did get their sole win over HHH and Punk. I would of have had them stay together until Rumble and officially break up at Elimination Chamber and feuded headed into WrestleMania 28.
This is a tag team that was created with a short duration in mind, perhaps with the simple goal of providing opponents for Rock and Cena in the Survivor Series. This way, the company could indulge the Rock while not sacrificing the push of anyone else.

Miz and R-Truth were both talkers, both front men. It always seemed awkward having one step back while the other delivered the verbal message; both of these guys did better work alone than they did together. Not that they were bad a team; they were more entertaining than expected.

I doubt either man was displeased by the tag-team assignment; it got main event exposure for both guys. Now, they can move on to something else.

Note: Although we witnessed an apparent break-up last night, we know enough not to be surprised if they continue to team for a few weeks; they might show up as a unit next week as if nothing happened.

But something did happen...... and they won't be together much longer. It will be interesting to see what roles Miz & Truth get next.
After a great RAW, it ended on a crappy note.

Too soon to break them up. They were rocking as a heel tag team and I love Truth as a much better than a face.

To me it felt like TNA style booking similar to what TNA did to Beer Money. Instead of having tension amongst them, they just fight and break up immediately.

My question is...where does WWE go from here? Unless they are going to feud against themselves, it would only work as a face/heel dynamic...yet neither of them need a turn.

I would like for them to air the issues out next week and have Miz tell Truth that he only hit him with the SCF to stop him and try to reason with him. Is it lame? Yes. BUT we have seen worse from WWE.
After going back and reading a post from THE PATRIOT I got to thinking...

What if this is a swerve from WWE? What if they want us to THINK Awesome Truth is breaking up? What if Miz and Truth WANT Cena to think that his words got to them and made them fight each other?

Let them feud without actually fighting each other, THEN they can attack Cena when he least expects it. Punk did this when Mason Ryan joined his Nexus.
I don't think Truth is going face. I think Miz is the one that is going to turn but not completely. I think he'll be a tweener.

If they don't put him into the title picture with CM Punk (which by the way, would be AWESOME as both a great on the mic) right away, then I see him being built up as a tweener. It makes the most sense. In fact, now would be the time to have Miz feud with Cena again. That would definitely put Miz over as a tweener as Cena is getting major heat.
After going back and reading a post from THE PATRIOT I got to thinking...

What if this is a swerve from WWE? What if they want us to THINK Awesome Truth is breaking up? What if Miz and Truth WANT Cena to think that his words got to them and made them fight each other?

Let them feud without actually fighting each other, THEN they can attack Cena when he least expects it. Punk did this when Mason Ryan joined his Nexus.

That's a great point! I don't think WWE is going to do that though, especially if Truth is the one that failed the drug test.

What if Miz and Cena were playing Truth and all the Lil Jimmies and they're in cahoots with each other? If they keep Miz a heel, that would be the perfect way to get Cena completely over as a heel.
I think they should atleast got the tag belts they didnt do much tag team work after given the awesome truth name so why give them a name if they were just there for cena to talk about and have cena rock beat them up. i think they were broken up because of writers they had no direction to take them in. Awesome truth was based on cena and conspiracy against wwe and hhh no more hhh no more cena feud no more awesome truth
yah its a damn shame i really liked awesome truth they didnt even stick around long enough for a cup of coffee!! Sometimes the E makes me bang my head on the wall it goes to show that they dont care what the fans want they dont even freaking care to listen!!! Its always the same situation you know!! I was looking forward to them having a long tag team title reign hell it was on a silver platter with Evan being suspended!! I for one think this is complete bullshit on the WWEs part!! Complete and utter BS. I dont want truth to be a face much better as a heel gets a reaction with his over the top character!! Go Little Jimmy
What if Miz and Cena were playing Truth and all the Lil Jimmies and they're in cahoots with each other? If they keep Miz a heel, that would be the perfect way to get Cena completely over as a heel.

HUH????? Thats a terrible idea and doesn't make ANY sense.

Why would Cena and Miz be working together...especially to let it go on this long? If THATS the case Cena would've turned at SS and him and Miz would've beat down Rock. THEN Monday turn on Truth after they make him believe that its the three of them now.
HUH????? Thats a terrible idea and doesn't make ANY sense.

Why would Cena and Miz be working together...especially to let it go on this long? If THATS the case Cena would've turned at SS and him and Miz would've beat down Rock. THEN Monday turn on Truth after they make him believe that its the three of them now.

WWE storylines hardly ever make sense. They could feed us that people would ask questions for a week and then they'd drop it and everyone would be so enamored with Cena as a heel. Sure it makes no sense but come on, making sense is not part of WWE's gameplan.
WWE storylines hardly ever make sense. They could feed us that people would ask questions for a week and then they'd drop it and everyone would be so enamored with Cena as a heel. Sure it makes no sense but come on, making sense is not part of WWE's gameplan.

Yeah it is! Where have you been in the last 6 months...or the last year for that matter!?

Since the start of the summer everything has made sense. Have there been hiccups? Yes. But since Punk cut his promo the WWE has been...for the most part...GOOD.

Every fan knows WWE needs a solid storyline to keep interest peaked over the summer. Enter Punk and his expiring contract. From there they went and did the conspiracy angle (a hiccup in planning). A short feud with HHH/Punk. It also brought in the team of Awesome Truth.

That transitioned into Nash/HHH. It was able to take Punk out of the equation without damaging his character. He went on to take care of Del Rio from an ending feud with Cena (another hiccup in planning). Awesome Truth at this time were staying relevant by having a short program with AirBoom.

Cena broke away from the title picture to start his feud back up with Rock and lead-in SS. This is where Awesome Truth came back into the picture (another hiccup in plannin...this time for Awesome Truth).

Come around to MNR. Cena is done for awhile with Rock...Miz is done (for now) with Truth. The ending to RAW was also a hiccup in planning. WWE got GOT with the suspension of Truth.

Now we are back to "tune in Monday" to see what's going to happen next.

*cheesy 70s sitcom voiceover* "What happens now to Awesome Truth? What's next for John Cena? Will Del Rio win back the championship? Will Zach Ryder finally get his US title match? AND whats with the creepy Kane promo? All these answers and more, on next weeks addition of Monday Night RAW!"
What are your thoughts on the breakup and the impact (no pun intended) the awesome truth has made in the WWE?

I would have liked for them to have stayed a team for a little bit longer, until the conspiracy angle ends, because they had a good run together and I wanted to see more. From what I've heard half of the reaon is Truth's violation and the other half is that they want to push Miz into the world title scene again. It's painfully obvious that Miz would have gotten the better push out of the two when they split up but Truth's violation only further proves that theory. He's finished. They were an entertaining team and a tag team title run might not have been a bad idea. All good things come to an end though and now Miz will move on to a potential promo war with Punk over the WWE Championship while Truth is in danger of getting future endeavoured.

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