The Triple H "Burying" Myth

Triple H is important to the history of the company as he was really the only bridge guy between the attitude era and our current product. Guys like Austin, Rock and Mankind were gone and guys like Angle and Jericho would eventually leave. Now guys like Undertaker, Kane and Big Show aren't built for this. So Hunter was really the only guy (besides Michaels when he came back) who could put over the top young talent. Guys like Benoit, Orton, Batista, Cena and Sheamus have all been helped to various degrees by Hunter putting them over.

Does Trips politic? Sure. What wrestler who has had the ability to hasn't? But at the same time he has the best interest of the company in mind and it shows with all the guys he has helped build into superstars.
Hogan buried people - he made guys who were threat to him in perception of greatness job out endlessly (Flair, Savage), reduced guys to undercard filler, keeping the main events to himself, even after putting them over (Goldberg up until he faced Nash), or refused to give anyone a clean victory, allowing them only the most ludicrous screw job finishes to protect his character (Sting).

Now I will say Hogan cleanly put over Ultimate Warrior (boy did Warrior blow that momentum). He gave non title wins that were semi clean to Piper in 96 and Giant in 98, and did drop the title to Flair (albeit in somehat screwy fashion, a First Blood Match that doesnt have to end unless someone bleeds profusely, no matter who bleeds first, and in fact ended in a pinfall as both guys were covered in blood). He did put over Luger clean, though he beat him for the title right after that at the next PPV.

Most of the guys HHH has put over where given real opportunities to take the ball and run with it (unlike Goldberg in 98) and usually they were not in crazy, self saving fashion (like Sting in 98, Flair in 99, Yokozuna in 93). Guys like Batista & Randy Orton became major stars by teaming with, wrestling against, and eventually beating HHH, much like Luger & Sting did with Flair in the 80s. HHH has also put over Cena cleanly in addition to taking losses for his "Buddies" like Taker, HBK & Flair (all of whom he has also beaten, a give and take with each one).

Plus, unlike Hogan and few others over the years, when have you ever heard a story where HHH was asked to lose a high profile match or put someone over and refused, regardless of why ? Bottom line, when Vince & Creative have said they want HHH to drop a big match he has, often to the delight of fans since he usually plays a heel.
That is true, off the top of my head, I can't think of an instance in which Triple H refused to drop the title to a worthy contender when creative/Vince asked him to. He's a company man, and wants what's best for the company. I don't think he's as difficult as HBK or Hogan, for example, backstage when it comes to planning things out creatively. When the time calls for his title reign/time at the top to end, he allows it to and moves on, and gets back to the top eventually. Sure, he has himself and his own career in mind besides the company's best interests, but over the years, he's been putting the company first. A great example of this is when you consider his record against John Cena. I can't think of a key HHH win over Cena, and Cena is pretty much the face of the WWE's present and future. Triple H has constantly put him over. As I said, he does what's best for the company, and putting Cena over as he has in the past has certainly been good for Cena/the WWE. Triple H can be selfish at times (like any guy in his position), but he almost always has the best interests of the company in mind, and often puts people over that deserve the push.
Yeah I gotta agree with the OP here. HHH has put over quite a few people, and even helped some on that list become stars. Heck, even if he is putting over people he "likes" its still putting people over. The only time I can think of that I thought he should have lost and didn't was in his match against CM Punk. Not really sure why HHH had to go over there. At the time I thought the feud would continue and HHH would return the favor. I think the hatred for HHH took over and people judged him based on his run with evolution. He didn't lose a whole lot then, but I think he adequately made up for it in the last 3 or 4 years.
I just read here on WZ a few days ago an article where both CM Punk and John Cena stated that Triple H and Vince McMahon wanted them fired years ago. Vince I can understand since WWE is his company. But who on earth is Triple H to have any real say in either man's firing. There are not many stars other than Cena and Punk who've been given a chance since Rock and Austin to shine through as much as Triple H. And you all know how I feel about Triple H's star 'drawing' power. So you have two of perhaps the top 2 wrestling entertainers of the past 10 years ON RECORD stating that they were pretty close to being fired because the owner of the company and his son-in-law didn't like them or see any potential. In fact, I believe someone within the company in both situations pleaded their case for them and that's the only reason they weren't BURIED.

So I'm going to go on and on here because the OP and thread is fucked and some posters here just don't want to hear the evidence. I've read 10 or 20 posts here with just as much evidence supporting the so-called myth of Triple H burying other wrestlers as there is so-called evidence that debunks it. Just because you're the OP and you think you have the final say on an issue you think you have an answer for, doesn't give you the right to think you have the authority to say the case is closed. If anything's clear here, it's that there is a percentage of people out there who believe Triple H has buried wrestlers directly or indirectly throughout his entire career. In past posts I've given at least 10 examples where other wrestlers went on record to say they were buried by him. I can also give examples of guys I don't believe Triple H buried. Here are both lists.

Buried: (career diminished, stalled, terminated, overshadowed, badly booked or dominated in a feud)

1 Bret Hart. Hitman didn't say it. It was Trips buddy Michaels who said the Screwjob idea was proposed to McMahon by none other than Triple H. Since that day, WWE's fortunes have been through the roof. Before that day, it appeared WWE would reach its demise. I believe Vince thinks Triple H saved his legacy and he forever owes him for helping him figure out how to put it to Bret Hart. I believe Vince saw a younger, cutthroat version of him in Triple H when this decision was made, and this has lead to everything Triple H has ever accomplished. Cronyism.

2 Owen Hart. If I remember correctly, he was the last little piece of Hart turd that needed to be flushed out of the WWE. Owen was world title material till his feud with Triple H. He should have feuded with Shawn to avenge his brother. Instead he was reduced to the Blue Blazer gimmick.

3 Marc Mero. Go look up a RAW from a few years ago. You get a pretty good idea from what Triple H says to Dusty Rhodes that he had no use for the guy.

4 Steve Austin. Is Austin not around anymore because of his health or is he not around because he knows that Triple H is really the one running the show? If you were the top dog in perhaps the history of wrestling, then how would you maintain that legacy with a legacy parasite like Triple H and his wife dictating everything from 2000 on? You'd quit.

5 The Rock. Truth is the guy wouldn't have maintained the legacy he has had he not left. He'd still be considered huge but not the same. Had Rock stuck around, Triple H and the booking team would try everything in their power to diminish The Rock to make Triple H look bigger.

6 Hulk Hogan. Hogan came back to WWE and got to beat Triple H for the world title. Yes, even Triple H jobbed to the greatest of all time. He didn't bury him there. But in the year or two later, Hogan and WWE had a falling out with Trips whispering in Vince's ear the whole time. I bet Shawn overselling the legdrop of doom was all Triple H's idea. Triple H and Shawn have that kind of sway, they were the two members of the Cliq that stayed loyal to WWE and they've been rewarded ever since. But Triple H moreso because he had absolutely no conscious about what happened to Bret Hart. Anyway, Hogan and Bischoff now run rival company TNA and Triple H and Stephanie run WWE. It's the battle of the biggest control freak 'barriers' in all of wrestling.

7 Jeff Hardy. Hardy gets canned from WWE for his addiction to drugs that help him through the physical pain he feels every day of his life due to putting his heart and soul into every physical demanding match he's ever been part of. WWE has no health plan for its wrestlers, so the guys who put it all on the line have to find ways to alleviate the pain. Guys like Randy Orton who do what they do to improve their look can stay because they're good buddies with the boss of bosses. But a guy like Hardy who is outspoken about Triple H gets canned because WWE does not want to take responsibility for another death connected to drugs. To alleviate pain. Pain caused by years of selling your soul to WWE. Triple H can float on by wrestling in simple Hogan like matches because of his 'clout'. Triple H can pass roid testing because of who he is while no one else can.

8 Mr Kennedy. This guy is a perfect example of being buried. You may ask, 'how do i know Triple H had anything to do with burying him'. Ask Mr. Kennedy, look him up on
youtube or go read what he had to say when he was let go.

9 Scott Steiner: Same as above. Steiner was old though and looked like shit in the ring. Steiner had an awful lot of shit to say about Triple H 7 years ago, just like he's saying about Hogan now.

10 RVD. It's no secret that RVD doesn't like Triple H. He outed Triple H more than most people and he directly holds Triple H responsible for his career momentum stalling.

11 Kurt Angle. You can tell Angle is too classy to come right out and say anything but his firing had to do with the concern Vince had for his health. I bet if Triple H didn't have the power he has in determining legacies, we'd hear about a 'hacked' tweet from Angle bashing Triple H and calling him out. Angle was one of the biggest threats to Triple H's status as top heel and Mr. Levesque stood to gain the most from Angle leaving. I can't say Angle was 'buried', but he definitely had his legacy devalued when he was let go by WWE. I know, you Triple H-obsessed marks believe that's his own fault. But, like I said about Hardy above, Angle put his body on the line like almost no one for so long for Vince. Triple H did not have to exert himself anywhere near the same extent. So guys like Triple H can walk around relatively healthy with their snobby heads held high because they never exerted themselves to the extent of everyone else to make Vince rich as hell. But it's the charismatic guys like a Scott Hall, a Randy Savage, an Eddie Gurerrero, a Kurt Angle or a Jeff Hardy who had to pay the price. All that hard work for Vince's company and Triple H's future company wasn't really worth it, just to end up fired, dead or toiling in TNA with a diminished legacy.

12 Shawn Michaels. Yes, even his best buddy was to some extent buried. Watch the old DX segments. Michaels come across as a girly buffoon, while Triple H portrays himself above his buddy. Shawn had to make Triple H look big in their feud. Shawn was allowed one world title in his 8 years back while Triple H won about 8 in the same time frame. Michaels got to wrestle some of the best ever Wrestlemania matches but not in the main event like Triple H. I don't know if that's exactly burying, but it definitely is 'lessening' Michael's legacy. Shawn is a reformed Christian and will not speak out against being second fiddle. The old Shawn wouldn't let his buddy walk all over him but that's what Triple H is all about. Where's the proof Triple H did this to Shawn? His wife was head of the booking team for the past 10 years and has always been able to veto anything to do with her husband. To me, that's a conflict of interest. Triple H has Hulk Hogan-like creative control over WWE and has had it for twice as long as Hogan ever had.

13 Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Not like they were primed for stardom. But Triple H was one of their best friends and he basically turned his back on them because he 'outgrew' them. You can add Chyna to this list, as Triple H cheated on her with Stephanie and then they just fired her. She's nuts now, probably always was, but she'll go on record to say Triple H was responsible for her WWE demise.

14 CM Punk. There's no denying that this guy had more momentum than anyone last summer. Then Triple H came back. I block out last fall because things were getting so good and then CM Punk got put on the backburner. Sure, he won the title at Survivor Series. But it wasn't a legacy-defining moment. I barely even noticed it and it was overshadowed by the main event. To me, Punk is the perfect example of being buried. He can be champ and beat everyone, but the time to do this was either before Survivor Series or at Wrestlemania. Triple H took center stage as the COO, he took Punk's place against Nash to beat him. There was a segment where Triple H was in the ring with Punk and Triple H was talking down to him and you could see in CM Punk's eyes that Triple H was putting himself over in the segment just to diminish Punk. Of course, Punk will never come out and say what he honestly thinks about Triple H. If he did, everything he has now will be lost. That's what's so hypocritical about Punk's character. The guy is suppose to be a no bull shit kind of guy, but he has to put up with bullshit just like everyone else.

15 Goldberg. He ran into the same wall with Triple H as he did with Kevin Nash when 'the streak' abruptly came to an end.

Guys who I believe were NOT buried..but were still nonetheless also used to elevate Triple H's undeserved legacy

1 Randy Orton. Friend. Triple H did advance his career but made sure that he never outshined him. So, in a way, Triple H did prevent Orton from reaching his level. Triple H realized the potential and let him realize some of it but at the same time got in his way. I wouldn't exactly call this burying though. Orton would have been nothing had he not befriended him though. Cronyism.

2 Batista. Same as Orton except Batista was lower in the pecking order. He had to leave to try and re-establish himself like Lesnar.

3 Chris Jericho. Triple H did elevate Jericho, there's no denying this. He did this in the ring and these guys worked really well together. I believe Jericho should have had 13 world titles instead of Triple H though. As for backstage stuff, I bet Jericho has deep down contempt for Triple H. You would too if somebody with less potential or charisma who was about your age was calling all the shots and held your career and legacy in the palm of your hands. Jericho has to go and reinvent himself in pop culture every couple of years because sticking around WWE for any length of time means taking a subservient role behind Triple H as the #2 heel.

4 Edge. This guy accomplished more than I ever thought he would in the late 90s. Triple He did not stand in his way. He didn't have to, Edge put his body on the line so dangerously that he had to retire at 37 years of age. Guys like Edge, Mick Foley, Benoit or Eddie who were better at playing the 'face' and liked to destroy their bodies didn't always pose that big a threat to Triple H as those like Angle or Kennedy who could have had much longer careers as dominant heels.

5 Cena. John Cena is only at where he's at because he is the best workhorse in the history of wrestling and he can be milked better than anyone. If Cena had any attitude, lack of energy or lip service for Triple H, the plug would be pulled and no more Cena. I think Triple H has tried to stand in the way of Cena and it just doesn't work. Cena is one case where Triple H has to just fuck off when it comes to determining what happens with his company. Cena is a cash cow.

6 Taker. There is no way Triple H could 'bury' Taker although he had three Wrestlemania chances to do so. Triple H needs Taker. Taker's gimmick will go down as the best gimmick in wrestling of all time. Triple H needs Taker to attach himself to him because he will go down as one of the top 10 best ever. In order to have one of the best legacies, Triple H needs guys like Taker who are contractly-obliged to make him look legendary.

7 Sheamus. This guy is likely the biggest butt kisser in the new era of wrestling and Triple H loves it. This guy gets a great push and hasn't really done anything to deserve it. There's no way a pale Irish guy will ever surpass Triple H. So his push is not interfered with.

8 Booker T. Truth is though that a lot of wrestlers from WCW that came to WWE and were buried in the beginning. I don't think a lot of the WCW guys should have been getting big pushes though so I don't really think Booker T was buried. I think he was over pushed in the later years of WCW.

9 Jeff Jarrett. I don't really think his career was buried so much as he wasn't that big a deal anyway. Fact is, he left WWE too many times and was not allowed back.

10 Ric Flair. He was not buried whatsoever. He was brought in and aligned with Triple H to help build Triple H's legacy. Flair got to have his career revived but really Flair's old age push was essentially done to make Triple H look like a new age Flair.
Some very interesting posts here. Very, very interesting.

I personally believe that some of the decisions in the past 12 or so years have had a lot to do with HHH being selfish although he can try to justify it being whats best for the company.

Back when the Undisputed title was being split he was handed the belt like it was nothing. At the time RVD, Kane and Booker T were huge, any of them could have won it and started a great title reign, but HHH stopped it and took the belt for himself.

I also believe that he stuck himself in feuds with HBK just so he could prove to everyone that he was "better". But he wasn't and never will be. It's also interesting how the title only went to HBK once over the course of all these feuds. HHH wanted to cement himself as a greater champion then his friend and he did a good job at that thanks to his relationship with Stephanie. He did however put certain superstars over occasionally. Mainly Benoit and Batista though. Other than those 2 everything else felt cheap. Just because he often lost at wrestlemania doesn't mean he wasn't selfish as hell. Cena was already the top guy when he beat HHH, so really that was no surprise.

HHH is to be feared I believe. He's got a direct line to everything that happens within the WWE which is why we've had so many boring Orton reigns.
Some very interesting posts here. Very, very interesting.

I personally believe that some of the decisions in the past 12 or so years have had a lot to do with HHH being selfish although he can try to justify it being whats best for the company.

Back when the Undisputed title was being split he was handed the belt like it was nothing. At the time RVD, Kane and Booker T were huge, any of them could have won it and started a great title reign, but HHH stopped it and took the belt for himself.

I also believe that he stuck himself in feuds with HBK just so he could prove to everyone that he was "better". But he wasn't and never will be. It's also interesting how the title only went to HBK once over the course of all these feuds. HHH wanted to cement himself as a greater champion then his friend and he did a good job at that thanks to his relationship with Stephanie. He did however put certain superstars over occasionally. Mainly Benoit and Batista though. Other than those 2 everything else felt cheap. Just because he often lost at wrestlemania doesn't mean he wasn't selfish as hell. Cena was already the top guy when he beat HHH, so really that was no surprise.

HHH is to be feared I believe. He's got a direct line to everything that happens within the WWE which is why we've had so many boring Orton reigns.

I wouldn't say that RVD, Booker, and Kane were ever huge in the WWE. Sure, they were fairly hot in the early 2000's, but so was Triple H. He was in his prime during this time and was thus winning a lot. Being "given" the title was for heelish purposes. Watch a clip and see the heat it drew. Triple H didn't stop any of those guys. None of those guys could have been long-term champions at the time. They were better served as PPV opponents for HHH to run through with the help of Evolution.

As far as sticking himself in feuds with HBK... well, they certainly drew quite well, as they headlined PPV's. Obviously, lots of people would want to see two megastars who used to be aligned for years go at it in hardcore matches. I wonder why. Also, he wasn't trying to prove he was better, HBK got just as many wins over HHH if not more at the time. Let's not paint HBK to be a 12 year old girl here, he's certainly business-savvy- I'm sure he wouldn't and didn't agree to any booking that made him look far insuperior. Don't forget HBK won the World Championship from Triple H at this time.

So you bring up Kane, RVD, and Booker not being able to win the title from Triple H as the crux of your first argument, but you deem it as not very important in your HBK argument. Hmmm.

You also gloss over the fact that Triple H put over guys like Batista, Orton, Benoit, and Cena during this time. Let's do some logic here, what's the difference between the first group and the second group you mentioned. Obviously, it's age. Besides Benoit, everyone in the second group is far younger than those in the first group and were/are a part of the WWE's future. If HHH were to put over a certain group, it makes sense to put over the second, younger group, and he did.

But according to you, you wanted him to put over literally everyone and practically never win a match himself.

Another thing you're foolishly glossing over because it doesn't work for your argument: his Wrestlemania jobs. You're really gonna pretend that those don't matter? The most important and most-watched shows of the year, and those jobs convenietly don't matter or give him any credit? Your logic is flawed and your argument is ludicrous.

And finally, as for your shot at HHH for being a "feared" executive. If anything, since Triple H has had a role backstage in the past couple of years, the product has gotten better in terms of better talent and storylines. The mid to late 2000's weren't great, but since 2010 or 2011, WWE's been good, and Triple H has been partly behind that.
Hunter worked damn hard to earn his spot. after the MSG incident with Nash and Hall, he took a lot of crap for something that wasn't 100% his fault but worked through it. i think that maybe he did use his stroke a little more than other to get his way but he is by no means the worse offender. i don't think he necessarily buried talent, he just wouldn't put them over. for example, i remember when him and jeff hardy were feuding on smackdown just before hardy won the belt for the first time. if i remember right, hunter was the champ and lost to edge at the ppv and then at the next one, edge lost to hardy. nothing against edge but why didn't hunter lose to hardy? in the end, it didn't hurt hardy but winning the belt from hunter would have been bigger than beating edge at that time. it is stuff like that which earned hunter a bad reputation with some fans.
I'm a big fan of HHH, but there's little denial that he has held back talent either directly or indirectly. He may have just learned this after being in the politico-machine that was WCW and then coming into the kliq. Keep in mind he was originally scheduled to win the '96 KOTR and possible run a program w/ then champion HBK. Instead his push was delayed by about a year as Austin and the Rock jumped over him into the main event scene. His squash match against Warrior at WM 12 probably didn't help his politics either.

In 1999 he made his big heel turn and singles push toward the world title. There were many rumors at that time of Austin not wanting to drop the belt to Hunter at Summer Slam, thus the intermediary in Mankind. Even after that, he had trouble gaining heel heat and it took the DX reunion, alliance w/ Stephanie and retiring of Foley to really get HHH over. Even then, WM 2000 featured Foley and Big Show in the main event and furthered giving HHH heat by making him the first heel to win the main-event at WM.

HHH was arguably the best wrestler of 2000 and into 2001 (until injury). His fueds were all great and matches some of the best of the time. in 2001 him and Stephanie got serious and his backstage sway became apparent. Here are some talent that were arguably held down.

Chyna: She never deserved the IC title. However she also didn't deserve her exit from WWE and subsequent non-existence that WWE shows now. She was a founding member of DX and actually a good personality, even if untalented as a wrestler.

Y2J: Jericho as far as I know has never cleanly beat HHH one-on-one. His "title win" in 2000 could have made him into a superstar as he was just as over as The Rock at the time. Once Jericho became the first undisputed wrestling champion in 50 years, he was relegated into an almost-comic, 2-bit fued involving Stephanie and Hunters dog. After HHH beat Y2J more he went back down to the mid-card while HHH became the main heel on Raw for years. Would Jericho even have become first undisputed champion if HHH was there for the invasion angle?

RVD: Less obvious, but while HHH fueded with Kane, RVD was regulated to his tag team partner and kept at mid-carder status. RVD was over huge from 01-03 and could've easily won the title and been considered a legit champ.

Booker T: This one is easy. Booker was massively over in 2003 in his tag-team w/ Goldust and proceeded to eliminate the Rock at a battle royal cleanly. HHH talked shit on him about WCW being a "lesser" company and pulled every classic heel tactic in the book. The fued was built up well but the ending sucked. Booker should've won the match, being vindicated and established as a superstar.

Jeff Hardy: HHH and his fued for the IC title was Jeff's first opportunity into the main event, but it was ended abruptly with HHH crushing him. Undertaker did the same thing w/ Hardy a year later.

Goldberg: built-up immensely and won the title. This was probably included in his contract w/ WWE but he then soon lost the belt back to HHH. Why did you bring Goldberg in to begin with?

Randy Orton: Won the "big one" against Benoit and did the impossible. Began to surpass HHH as the top heel on Raw. Any fan could look at the situation and see Orton "kicking out" the "over the hill" wrestler in HHH and turning him face ala The Rock and Faarooq in the NOD. Instead we saw Orton turn into one of the lamest babyfaces of all time. Took years to recover.

Brock Lesnar: Not really a "burying," but still fishy. Lesnar became undisputed champion and then signed w/ SD exclusively. In this way HHH became the de-facto heel of Raw. HHH receiving the title was also extremely poor as they should've held a tournament for it instead. Tournaments are great for adding reputation to a belt. WM IV with Savage's first reign, the Deadly Games tournament w/ the Rock's first reign and even WCW's Nitro/Mayhem tournament that gave Bret Hart his first reign in that promotion.

These are a few examples. He has helped few people in the business, but those are more the exception than the rule. I think he's helped but over Benoit and Batista. But if you compare him to The Rock who will put over anyone WWE asks him to it becomes apparent. His politics are very akin to Nash, HBK and Hogan in the 90's.
"10 RVD. It's no secret that RVD doesn't like Triple H. He outed Triple H more than most people and he directly holds Triple H responsible for his career momentum stalling. "

ok on this one I agree to an extent. Vince also doesn't like RVD for the reasons you stated. RVD had the balls to say no and that was not acceptable to them but he still got his world title etc because of his sheer popularity!

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I just read here on WZ a few days ago an article where both CM Punk and John Cena stated that Triple H and Vince McMahon wanted them fired years ago. Vince I can understand since WWE is his company. But who on earth is Triple H to have any real say in either man's firing. There are not many stars other than Cena and Punk who've been given a chance since Rock and Austin to shine through as much as Triple H. And you all know how I feel about Triple H's star 'drawing' power. So you have two of perhaps the top 2 wrestling entertainers of the past 10 years ON RECORD stating that they were pretty close to being fired because the owner of the company and his son-in-law didn't like them or see any potential. In fact, I believe someone within the company in both situations pleaded their case for them and that's the only reason they weren't BURIED.

So I'm going to go on and on here because the OP and thread is fucked and some posters here just don't want to hear the evidence. I've read 10 or 20 posts here with just as much evidence supporting the so-called myth of Triple H burying other wrestlers as there is so-called evidence that debunks it. Just because you're the OP and you think you have the final say on an issue you think you have an answer for, doesn't give you the right to think you have the authority to say the case is closed. If anything's clear here, it's that there is a percentage of people out there who believe Triple H has buried wrestlers directly or indirectly throughout his entire career. In past posts I've given at least 10 examples where other wrestlers went on record to say they were buried by him. I can also give examples of guys I don't believe Triple H buried. Here are both lists.

Buried: (career diminished, stalled, terminated, overshadowed, badly booked or dominated in a feud)

1 Bret Hart. Hitman didn't say it. It was Trips buddy Michaels who said the Screwjob idea was proposed to McMahon by none other than Triple H. Since that day, WWE's fortunes have been through the roof. Before that day, it appeared WWE would reach its demise. I believe Vince thinks Triple H saved his legacy and he forever owes him for helping him figure out how to put it to Bret Hart. I believe Vince saw a younger, cutthroat version of him in Triple H when this decision was made, and this has lead to everything Triple H has ever accomplished. Cronyism.

2 Owen Hart. If I remember correctly, he was the last little piece of Hart turd that needed to be flushed out of the WWE. Owen was world title material till his feud with Triple H. He should have feuded with Shawn to avenge his brother. Instead he was reduced to the Blue Blazer gimmick.

3 Marc Mero. Go look up a RAW from a few years ago. You get a pretty good idea from what Triple H says to Dusty Rhodes that he had no use for the guy.

4 Steve Austin. Is Austin not around anymore because of his health or is he not around because he knows that Triple H is really the one running the show? If you were the top dog in perhaps the history of wrestling, then how would you maintain that legacy with a legacy parasite like Triple H and his wife dictating everything from 2000 on? You'd quit.

5 The Rock. Truth is the guy wouldn't have maintained the legacy he has had he not left. He'd still be considered huge but not the same. Had Rock stuck around, Triple H and the booking team would try everything in their power to diminish The Rock to make Triple H look bigger.

6 Hulk Hogan. Hogan came back to WWE and got to beat Triple H for the world title. Yes, even Triple H jobbed to the greatest of all time. He didn't bury him there. But in the year or two later, Hogan and WWE had a falling out with Trips whispering in Vince's ear the whole time. I bet Shawn overselling the legdrop of doom was all Triple H's idea. Triple H and Shawn have that kind of sway, they were the two members of the Cliq that stayed loyal to WWE and they've been rewarded ever since. But Triple H moreso because he had absolutely no conscious about what happened to Bret Hart. Anyway, Hogan and Bischoff now run rival company TNA and Triple H and Stephanie run WWE. It's the battle of the biggest control freak 'barriers' in all of wrestling.

7 Jeff Hardy. Hardy gets canned from WWE for his addiction to drugs that help him through the physical pain he feels every day of his life due to putting his heart and soul into every physical demanding match he's ever been part of. WWE has no health plan for its wrestlers, so the guys who put it all on the line have to find ways to alleviate the pain. Guys like Randy Orton who do what they do to improve their look can stay because they're good buddies with the boss of bosses. But a guy like Hardy who is outspoken about Triple H gets canned because WWE does not want to take responsibility for another death connected to drugs. To alleviate pain. Pain caused by years of selling your soul to WWE. Triple H can float on by wrestling in simple Hogan like matches because of his 'clout'. Triple H can pass roid testing because of who he is while no one else can.

8 Mr Kennedy. This guy is a perfect example of being buried. You may ask, 'how do i know Triple H had anything to do with burying him'. Ask Mr. Kennedy, look him up on
youtube or go read what he had to say when he was let go.

9 Scott Steiner: Same as above. Steiner was old though and looked like shit in the ring. Steiner had an awful lot of shit to say about Triple H 7 years ago, just like he's saying about Hogan now.

10 RVD. It's no secret that RVD doesn't like Triple H. He outed Triple H more than most people and he directly holds Triple H responsible for his career momentum stalling.

11 Kurt Angle. You can tell Angle is too classy to come right out and say anything but his firing had to do with the concern Vince had for his health. I bet if Triple H didn't have the power he has in determining legacies, we'd hear about a 'hacked' tweet from Angle bashing Triple H and calling him out. Angle was one of the biggest threats to Triple H's status as top heel and Mr. Levesque stood to gain the most from Angle leaving. I can't say Angle was 'buried', but he definitely had his legacy devalued when he was let go by WWE. I know, you Triple H-obsessed marks believe that's his own fault. But, like I said about Hardy above, Angle put his body on the line like almost no one for so long for Vince. Triple H did not have to exert himself anywhere near the same extent. So guys like Triple H can walk around relatively healthy with their snobby heads held high because they never exerted themselves to the extent of everyone else to make Vince rich as hell. But it's the charismatic guys like a Scott Hall, a Randy Savage, an Eddie Gurerrero, a Kurt Angle or a Jeff Hardy who had to pay the price. All that hard work for Vince's company and Triple H's future company wasn't really worth it, just to end up fired, dead or toiling in TNA with a diminished legacy.

12 Shawn Michaels. Yes, even his best buddy was to some extent buried. Watch the old DX segments. Michaels come across as a girly buffoon, while Triple H portrays himself above his buddy. Shawn had to make Triple H look big in their feud. Shawn was allowed one world title in his 8 years back while Triple H won about 8 in the same time frame. Michaels got to wrestle some of the best ever Wrestlemania matches but not in the main event like Triple H. I don't know if that's exactly burying, but it definitely is 'lessening' Michael's legacy. Shawn is a reformed Christian and will not speak out against being second fiddle. The old Shawn wouldn't let his buddy walk all over him but that's what Triple H is all about. Where's the proof Triple H did this to Shawn? His wife was head of the booking team for the past 10 years and has always been able to veto anything to do with her husband. To me, that's a conflict of interest. Triple H has Hulk Hogan-like creative control over WWE and has had it for twice as long as Hogan ever had.

13 Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Not like they were primed for stardom. But Triple H was one of their best friends and he basically turned his back on them because he 'outgrew' them. You can add Chyna to this list, as Triple H cheated on her with Stephanie and then they just fired her. She's nuts now, probably always was, but she'll go on record to say Triple H was responsible for her WWE demise.

14 CM Punk. There's no denying that this guy had more momentum than anyone last summer. Then Triple H came back. I block out last fall because things were getting so good and then CM Punk got put on the backburner. Sure, he won the title at Survivor Series. But it wasn't a legacy-defining moment. I barely even noticed it and it was overshadowed by the main event. To me, Punk is the perfect example of being buried. He can be champ and beat everyone, but the time to do this was either before Survivor Series or at Wrestlemania. Triple H took center stage as the COO, he took Punk's place against Nash to beat him. There was a segment where Triple H was in the ring with Punk and Triple H was talking down to him and you could see in CM Punk's eyes that Triple H was putting himself over in the segment just to diminish Punk. Of course, Punk will never come out and say what he honestly thinks about Triple H. If he did, everything he has now will be lost. That's what's so hypocritical about Punk's character. The guy is suppose to be a no bull shit kind of guy, but he has to put up with bullshit just like everyone else.

15 Goldberg. He ran into the same wall with Triple H as he did with Kevin Nash when 'the streak' abruptly came to an end.

Guys who I believe were NOT buried..but were still nonetheless also used to elevate Triple H's undeserved legacy

1 Randy Orton. Friend. Triple H did advance his career but made sure that he never outshined him. So, in a way, Triple H did prevent Orton from reaching his level. Triple H realized the potential and let him realize some of it but at the same time got in his way. I wouldn't exactly call this burying though. Orton would have been nothing had he not befriended him though. Cronyism.

2 Batista. Same as Orton except Batista was lower in the pecking order. He had to leave to try and re-establish himself like Lesnar.

3 Chris Jericho. Triple H did elevate Jericho, there's no denying this. He did this in the ring and these guys worked really well together. I believe Jericho should have had 13 world titles instead of Triple H though. As for backstage stuff, I bet Jericho has deep down contempt for Triple H. You would too if somebody with less potential or charisma who was about your age was calling all the shots and held your career and legacy in the palm of your hands. Jericho has to go and reinvent himself in pop culture every couple of years because sticking around WWE for any length of time means taking a subservient role behind Triple H as the #2 heel.

4 Edge. This guy accomplished more than I ever thought he would in the late 90s. Triple He did not stand in his way. He didn't have to, Edge put his body on the line so dangerously that he had to retire at 37 years of age. Guys like Edge, Mick Foley, Benoit or Eddie who were better at playing the 'face' and liked to destroy their bodies didn't always pose that big a threat to Triple H as those like Angle or Kennedy who could have had much longer careers as dominant heels.

5 Cena. John Cena is only at where he's at because he is the best workhorse in the history of wrestling and he can be milked better than anyone. If Cena had any attitude, lack of energy or lip service for Triple H, the plug would be pulled and no more Cena. I think Triple H has tried to stand in the way of Cena and it just doesn't work. Cena is one case where Triple H has to just fuck off when it comes to determining what happens with his company. Cena is a cash cow.

6 Taker. There is no way Triple H could 'bury' Taker although he had three Wrestlemania chances to do so. Triple H needs Taker. Taker's gimmick will go down as the best gimmick in wrestling of all time. Triple H needs Taker to attach himself to him because he will go down as one of the top 10 best ever. In order to have one of the best legacies, Triple H needs guys like Taker who are contractly-obliged to make him look legendary.

7 Sheamus. This guy is likely the biggest butt kisser in the new era of wrestling and Triple H loves it. This guy gets a great push and hasn't really done anything to deserve it. There's no way a pale Irish guy will ever surpass Triple H. So his push is not interfered with.

8 Booker T. Truth is though that a lot of wrestlers from WCW that came to WWE and were buried in the beginning. I don't think a lot of the WCW guys should have been getting big pushes though so I don't really think Booker T was buried. I think he was over pushed in the later years of WCW.

9 Jeff Jarrett. I don't really think his career was buried so much as he wasn't that big a deal anyway. Fact is, he left WWE too many times and was not allowed back.

10 Ric Flair. He was not buried whatsoever. He was brought in and aligned with Triple H to help build Triple H's legacy. Flair got to have his career revived but really Flair's old age push was essentially done to make Triple H look like a new age Flair.

Not seen this thread for a long time, last commented over a year ago and amazed to see it's still going...

As to your points some had nothing to do with Triple H as you say but Jarrett screwed himself by demanding $250k to drop the IC belt to Chyna as he was out of contract by a day. That wasn't Triple H's call, that was Jarrett's and the only other guy to ever hold up Vince like that was Warrior and Trips actually jobbed to him in 12 seconds...

Goldberg was done the moment he got choked out by Chris Jericho. It hit the sheets and his aura was destroyed. Trips didn't make Goldberg mouth off to Jericho, he didn't help Jericho beat him but he certainly wouldn't have stopped it or shed any tears for Bill...he dug his own hole...

RVD screwed himself by getting busted for drugs right when he had forced the push that Vince never wanted to give him. You don't get the WWE and ECW titles unless there is some potential there. you might have had to spend a long time paying dues and convincing Vince to get them but getting busted weeks later just proves you were never worthy. Trips wasn't in the car with RVD and Sabu, he didn't narc on them.... RVD for a long time even before that made clear his pro-weed beliefs were more important than his career and that more than anything is why Vince had a problem with him. He was the kind of guy who would pay the fines upfront and just do as he pleased rather than tow the line and that would drive Vince nuts...

Jeff Hardy was in real danger health and legalwise when WWE let him go both times and Angle was a genuine concern too. The phrase "on death watch" was used quite a lot and that Vince let Angle go was a pretty big moment. It was the moment that the WWE as a company said "We're not gonna let our guys destroy themselves on our show"... now that's not much comfort after what later happened with Benoit and the still dubious physiques of some of the roster, and WWE certainly hasn't taken more responsibility to making sure their guys are looked after (Would it not have made sense for Swagger to have a driver till Mania? Just sayin') but what company does? They let their employees go out there and live their lives until their lives interfere with their work by getting convicted of a crime or they cannot do their job. Angle and Hardy have both had "meltdowns" since being in TNA, Hardy to the point where he was lucky to ever work again. Those wouldn't have happened in the WWF - and it would have been nothing to do with Triple H.

Triple H hasn't gone out of his way to bury anyone in a long long time. He may have stalled Punk's momentum but that would not have been his intention, he just wanted in on it and to try and ride it's tails a bit and it backfired as so much WWE does these days manages to do. He wrestled Taker twice at Mania but HBK did that first, he's worked with Brock for a long time but Lesnar is on such a limited contract that they want to wring every dollar from his presence so that means fighting the top guys and rightly or wrongly, Triple H is still a top 10 guy in the WWF but that he is now top 10 rather than top 2 or 3 is telling.

I am sure he wanted Punk and Cena to not be as big when he was still on top, that's been the way of all wrestlers since the year dot but ever since it became official he was the heir apparent, he wants as many guys over as possible cos his money (and share options) is more based on them succeeding now than his ring exploits.

Yes he has buried people, but most people who got buried dug their own hole first... Booker T, he has a right to be pissed off about his early career in the WWF, so does Chris Jericho but both turned it round later on in spite of Trips' early interference...that guys like Billy Gunn and Kennedy couldn't says more about their talent levels than Trip's success in burying them.
15 Goldberg. He ran into the same wall with Triple H as he did with Kevin Nash when 'the streak' abruptly came to an end.

HHH earned that spot, but undoubtetly he did a lot of politics. Lot of guys hates him because of it and they have their legitimate reasons to do it. Wouldnt go that far to say that all he does is "burying" and dont care for bussiness(because its a fact that isnt true) but its not exactly a secret that he used and still using his politicness to influence some things backstage. To be fair probably all "top dogs" do it, but surely Goldberg and lots of other guys dont just say that HHH is infamous for that just for nothing...
I cant believe this is still going on!!!

Punk had a 350 plus day title reign and headlined The Royal Rumble vs Rock with HHH in control of creative

If HHH wanted to bury The Rock between 1998-2002 he did a terrible job what with Rock winning all those World Titles, headlining WrestleMania multiple times, and even beating Hulk Hogan

Speaking of Hogan, HHH didnt bury him. WWE wanted Hogan to work a heavier schedule like Flair, and also like Flair they wanted him to be willing to work undercard feuds and even lose once in awhile, not be relegated to the back burner or the job squad but not to dominate every TV show and PPV. Hogan wanted to work less, with higher profile, and almost no losses. Hogan did put over Angle & Lesnar during his return and was treated to reigns as World Heavyweight & Tag Team Champion as well. In the end he didnt want to work if he wasnt top dog so he left, returning once a year for a big WM or SummerSlam match where he would be prominently featured and allowed to win. That wasnt HHH's fault and Hogan wasnt treated badly at all.

Jeff Hardy & RVD screwed themselves with drugg issues and a lack of reliability. RVD was in the middle of a huge push, World Champ, when he was fired after a drug arrest. HHH didnt stop that push from happening but RVD killed it with his out of ring behavior.

Ric Flair wasnt buried. He was in his mid 50s and as big a draw as he still was he wasnt capable of carrying the company full time. He was given various high profile feuds with top stars, winning more often than not, the rest of the time either helping to elevate younger talent in the ring or in his secondary role as a manager. It was a great way to maximize his potential at that age, treat him respectfully, but not damage the roster in the process. Flair put over RVD, Jericho, as well Rock, Taker (WrestleMania) and Austin while beating Foley, HBK, HHH, and winning matches but helping to elevate Carlito & MVP. Was a major boast to Edge and Randy Orton. He may not have come in and won his 17th title but he won a lot of matches, grabbed a couple secondary titles, and helped elevate some careers. He wasnt buried.

HBK is almost ditto

Cena's rise to prominence came at HHH's watch.

Batista was on top of the company when he left. He didnt like the travel and wanted less involvement in the industry, he wasnt being buried or chased away, he was practically World Champ when he left.

Jericho hurts himself by refusing to work full time, instead hotshotting a couple of feuds over a short time and then taking long sabbaticals. He isnt a Flair or HBK or Hogan or Taker type legendary performer to merrit that kind of schedule and still get top billing constantly. Still, he wins more than he loses and is paid well for chosing to be a part time employee with little interest in a long term commitment to the company.
I've read this whole thread and it's been great. Some people I agree with and others I don't. IMO, however, I do believe that Trips has buried two people throughout his entire career. Only two and nowhere near the number of people some of you think it is.

First off, he definitely buried Booker T during the WM 19 angle. This has been discussed at length within this thread so I don't think that I need to elaborate on it. All I will say is that by the time WM took place, Booker T was hot as hell and if he had have won the title; he would've spent x amount of months in the main event feud defending his title against HHH. I don't see why HHH would've had an issue with this. He still would've been in the main event facing Booker T for the title until their blow off match in which HHH could've regained the title. I think there was money to be made with this feud.

Secondly, he buried Randy Orton in 2004 after he won the title from Benoit. Orton was white hot after his title win and he was set to go on one hell of a face run with the title. That didn't happen though because HHH completely destroyed him in all of their title matches that year and I think that it set Orton's main event career back for years.

Those are the only 2 instances that I can think of though.

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