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The Triple H "Burying" Myth

Triple H from 2002-2005 had the WHC 5 times, and no one else had it twice.

Wrestlemania 20- put over/lost to Benoit
Got the world title back later that year from Orton who had it for one month. Then had it vacated just to win it again so he could get 10 world titles.

Wrestlemania 21- put over/lost to Batista
Only time I can see where he legitimately lost to someone and put them over.

Wrestlemania 22- put over/lost to Cena
Cena was already over and Triple H would later beat him

Wrestlemania 23- (injured, did not compete)

Wrestlemania 24- put over/lost to Orton
He didn't take the Pin fall, Cena did. Orton only beat Triple H one on one ONCE in 2007 during their Last Man Standing match, and they protected Triple H by saying he had to wrestle 2 other matches while Orton had one. Triple H would win the title one month later. Orton would beat Triple H in 2009 in a freaking 6 man tag, because for some reason one on one would have been stupid.

Wrestlemania 25- defeated Orton (but he built up Orton during the preceeding feud, as Orton had dominated him, attacking him at his home; plus, Triple H was the face- it made sense for him to finally notch the win)
Triple H attacked him at his home too. Who cares he could have put him over on the biggest stage?

Wrestlemania 26- defeated Sheamus (but eventually lost the feud to him culminating at Extreme Rules, leaving after that due to an injury at Sheamus' hands

Triple H had to be ATTACKED FROM BEHIND by Sheamus to "lose" to him at Extreme Rules. I guess losing clean to him would be impossible. Sheamus beating Triple H at Mania would have done far more for him. Sheamus had no credible wins against top stars during his heel run. It was a total joke.

Wrestlemania 27- put over/lost to Undertaker
Undertaker had to be "put over" for some reason? You must be joking.

Wrestlemania 28- most likely will put over/lose to Undertaker
See Wrestlemania 27.
Night of Champions HHH buried Punk
Kevin Nash
Randy Orton early in his career
Booker T
Ted Dibiase Jr
The WHOLE Spirit Squad
The Miz and R-Truth (who have NEVER been the same since)
Big Show
Jeff Hardy
Great Khali

These are just the people I can think off the top of my head. I'm sure there's MANY MANY MORE!

I still remember the days of HHH in WCW losing to Alex Wright. He was a mid-carder at best in the WWE until he started dating Stephanie. Then all of a sudden he's a main eventer. He's probably one of the most over rated stars in the WWE's history. Even with his ego Michaels had to take a back seat to him.

While the WCW missed with a few wrestlers like Austin they really didn't miss the boat on HHH!
Night of Champions HHH buried Punk
Kevin Nash
Randy Orton early in his career
Booker T
Ted Dibiase Jr
The WHOLE Spirit Squad
The Miz and R-Truth (who have NEVER been the same since)
Big Show
Jeff Hardy
Great Khali

These are just the people I can think off the top of my head. I'm sure there's MANY MANY MORE!

I still remember the days of HHH in WCW losing to Alex Wright. He was a mid-carder at best in the WWE until he started dating Stephanie. Then all of a sudden he's a main eventer. He's probably one of the most over rated stars in the WWE's history. Even with his ego Michaels had to take a back seat to him.

While the WCW missed with a few wrestlers like Austin they really didn't miss the boat on HHH!

Thanks for giving a random list of names with nothing to back it up. Triple H was not a mid-carder when he started dating Stephanie. He had already been world champion. I'd love for you to go back and give examples of how Triple H buried all of those guys so I could give you a proper response. Just remember BEATING SOMEONE IN A MATCH IS NOT THE SAME AS BURYING THEM.
Plenty of people on this forum vehemently believe that Triple H buries people to no end and is the worst "burying" culprit of all-time. However, many people such as myself don't believe this to be true, and see it for what it is: a phony myth created and pushed largely by ignorant and angry IWC members. I created this thread to address this myth and have a discussion about to hopefully talk some sense into people, and see if anyone actually has any kind of valid counterargument.

First off, let me say this: I understand that Triple H beats a lot of people, and probably has buried some in the past. But here's the thesis of this thread: Triple H has not buried any more people than any normal superstar of his caliber/position in the company as a top guy.

In order to prove my point, I'll attack the main argument of the believers of the myth- they believe that Triple H never puts anyone over and is constantly burying people in his way. Well, that's obviously not true, and I'll give you plenty of examples to support my claim. Let's start this off by taking a look at some of the past Wrestlemania's:

Wrestlemania 20- put over/lost to Benoit
Wrestlemania 21- put over/lost to Batista
Wrestlemania 22- put over/lost to Cena
Wrestlemania 23- (injured, did not compete)
Wrestlemania 24- put over/lost to Orton
Wrestlemania 25- defeated Orton (but he built up Orton during the preceeding feud, as Orton had dominated him, attacking him at his home; plus, Triple H was the face- it made sense for him to finally notch the win)
Wrestlemania 26- defeated Sheamus (but eventually lost the feud to him culminating at Extreme Rules, leaving after that due to an injury at Sheamus' hands)
Wrestlemania 27- put over/lost to Undertaker
Wrestlemania 28- most likely will put over/lose to Undertaker

So, on the biggest stage of the year, Triple H has largely (if not entirely) put over guys, often younger, and made them look great the past several years. A lot of these were title matches that HHH lost to his opponent, making them look like gold in the process. He & HBK gave Benoit a career-defining moment, he cemented Batista as a bonafide main-eventer, he tapped to Cena, he put over and added credibility to Orton in a surprise loss, he was involved in high-profile, elevating feuds with Orton & Sheamus that made them look great and they came out of them for the better, and, most recently, has added to the legacy of Undertaker's streak, providing him with yet another credible win (and he's most likely about to put him over for the third straight time at Wrestlemania this year, making 'Taker 3-0 against HHH at WM all-time).

Next, let's take a look at all of the talent that Triple H has personally built up over the past several years. Here are just a few BIG names that come to mind:

Batista-Groomed him in Evolution until he was ready to go over him in a high-profile, elevating feud. Helped him get to where he eventually got. Gave him A LOT of credibility. Personally showed him the ropes of the business, aiding him in getting to the top. Batista has stated in the past that Triple H & Flair were INTEGRAL in the success of his career.
Randy Orton- See Batista.
John Cena-Although they didn't interact that much, Cena always seemed to get the edge more often than not, often getting the wins. Furthermore, Cena ALWAYS looked good. Got a key win against HHH during his more formative main-event years at WM22 as previously mentioned with a very impressive submission victory.
Sheamus-Although he was beaten at 'Mania, he eventually took out HHH at Extreme Rules, winning the feud, gaining championship credibility, & putting HHH on the shelf for quite some time in the process. HHH has been a key supporter of Sheamus behind the scenes as well, aiding him in getting to the top.

I could go on and state more names, and I could probably even go on further in my argument, but I believe I've stated enough solid evidence in this opening post. Triple H often gets a bad rap for this "burying" myth, but it's simply unfounded and baseless. Like I said, he's definitely not done it any more than anyone else, like the Rock, Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, HBK, Bret Hart, Goldberg, and pretty much every other top guy. And don't even get me started about TRUE buriers like a Hogan or Nash. Guys like that are in their own class. Triple H is no where near those guys and has the best interest of the business/the future of the WWE in the forefront of his mind at all times because he truly loves it. That's why he's currently a WWE executive in charge of scouting talent, because he wants to aid the WWE in its future.

The whole Triple H "burying" myth is just that- a myth.

How many of these guys are HHH's personal friends? Batista, Orton, Sheamus; if these are your examples of putting guys over, they are not good ones given his ties to them.

And lost to the Undertaker? Are you kidding me? Of course he is going to lose to the Undertaker. He is undefeated. Do you know what kind of shit storm the WWE would bring upon themselves if they let him lose?
I did think the IWC ended its hatred towards him but I see I am wrong. Triple H is one of the most unselfish wrestlers in history. He has jobbed at WM more then anyone. He did go on a long run as champion in 2000 and 2002 as WHC. Did anyone complain about Flairs runs in his day? We need dominate heel runs thrown in once in awhie. He also cheated to win a lot of those matches and didnt go over clean all the time. I too, think he should have dropped the WHC to Booker T at WM19 but I dont think he was holding him back by any means.

Triple Hs first run in 99/2k he put over Big Show, Vince, and The Rock. Everyone wanted the Rock to be champion which was Triple Hs job to have the face over and have everyone hate him. Then late in his run everyone wanted Benoit,Jericho, Angle and the newcomers to be champion. Building those guys up and waiting to put the belt on them was the right call. How much more special was Benoits win at WMXX because it was his first time?

Triple H got screwed as welll. He was scheduled to win KOTR96 and didnt, Austin wouldnt put him over at Summerslam 99, and he was in a lose/lose by being married to the boss' daughter.....everytime he wins the IWC says its because of his relationship. Triple H would go over because he was the best man to carry the ball.

As far as holding people down, if he is a part of creative or even just being a veteran, its his job to give his opinion. He didnt think CM Punk would get over, he was wrong, im sure he would put him over now. Of course he is going to push for the guys he thinks are going to get over. He was wrong about CM Punk but right with Cena, Batista, and Orton. He also attempted to elevate talent that couldnt get over, Shelton and Eugene.
HHH put and end to RVD, Kane, and Booker T's main event pushes within 6 months in 02-03. The three most popular guys on Raw at the time and he politiked to drop the title and fued with Michaels instead. How is this even a real question?
Actually after reading uberoffperters post I realize I am wrong. Its Triple Hs fault Funaki was never world champion. That bastard even buried Big Show and Randy Orton while dropping the title to them.
HHH put and end to RVD, Kane, and Booker T's main event pushes within 6 months in 02-03. The three most popular guys on Raw at the time and he politiked to drop the title and fued with Michaels instead. How is this even a real question?

If the guys are over in does not matter if you are Triple H, Hulk Hogan, or even Vince McMahon. They will get the run if they deserve it. Vince would put the title on me if he thought it would draw money.
Thanks for giving a random list of names with nothing to back it up. Triple H was not a mid-carder when he started dating Stephanie. He had already been world champion. I'd love for you to go back and give examples of how Triple H buried all of those guys so I could give you a proper response. Just remember BEATING SOMEONE IN A MATCH IS NOT THE SAME AS BURYING THEM.

Why? He squashed them what examples do you need? Its not a random list and they're quite well known and talked about in the wrestling circles.

Here's a few:

Punk- All his ego did was ruin one of the greatest momentum in the WWE in decades. Punk actually put the WWE in the mainstream again. Then here comes HHH to ruin it to further his own ego.

Chis Jericho- Wrestlemania 18 enough said

Jeff Hardy-squashed him on RAW the night after Hardy beat him. Took Hardy YEARS to recover.

Steiner- one of the HOTTEST NAMES to come into the WWE in years HHH beat once and loss to by DQ (shockingly I know) only to have him buried to a mid-card spot)

Test- the whole married to Steph angle.

Big Show- Pretty much buries him every time they wrestle. Wonder why he's on SD?

Booker T- Won't even argue with you because you in other comments won't accept it.

At least you didn't disagree he's extremely over-rated. The ONLY people he put over are his buddies. Sheamus was buried also remember after HHH came back. He couldn't win for the longest time then HHH left again. Carlito had it right on what he said about HHH and why he married Stephanie:

"My opinion is that it was a smart move by HHH. I think that's why he's champion now and has been champion in the past, it's easier to him. We, the real wrestlers, don't depend on people in the business. We don't have that benefit. We have to deliver the maximum in the ring. Others are given championships in a plate of gold or platinum, I'm happy for him."
Night of Champions HHH buried Punk
Kevin Nash
Randy Orton early in his career
Booker T
Ted Dibiase Jr
The WHOLE Spirit Squad
The Miz and R-Truth (who have NEVER been the same since)
Big Show
Jeff Hardy
Great Khali

These are just the people I can think off the top of my head. I'm sure there's MANY MANY MORE!

I still remember the days of HHH in WCW losing to Alex Wright. He was a mid-carder at best in the WWE until he started dating Stephanie. Then all of a sudden he's a main eventer. He's probably one of the most over rated stars in the WWE's history. Even with his ego Michaels had to take a back seat to him.

While the WCW missed with a few wrestlers like Austin they really didn't miss the boat on HHH!

This is completly ridiculous. Listen to how loud the pop is whenever HHH's music plays. Or go back and watch some video from whehn he was a heel, now listen to how much the crowd hate him. HHH is one of the greatest "ring generals" in wrestling history. To say something as stupid as saying he was a mid carder at best intil he started dating steoh make me think you either just recently started watching wrestling, or you have no idea what a mid-carder is. Once shawn michaels retired (shawn michaels took a backseat to no one btw) and HHH became the leader of DX, and it took off, he was not longer JUST a mid-carder. HHH being the top star of the company was a sure thing, especially after rock and austin retired. It doesn't matter who he was dating, he was all they had left on raw. Now on to your list.

CM Punk: HHH buried CM Punk? When did that happen? If I'm not mistaken, hasn't CM Punk main evented just about EVERY PPV since MITB? Isn't he going in to Wrestlemania as champion? You're right though, in there 1 match together, he was buried.

Kurt Angle: Kurt Angle won the WWE championship after only being a professional wrestler for I want to say 1 year, maybe less. He went into and walked out of the armageddon hell in a cell match as champion. A match which included HHH, the rock, austin, undertaker, and of course rikeshi. He's main evented 2 manias, and had the match of the year/night at WM21. Buried? Not even close.

Kevin Nash: hey everyone, did you know that HHH buried his real life best friend? I didn't.

Goldberg: if you want to define difficult to work with, look no further. From what I've read, Goldberg didn't like HHH at all, and didn't want to do anything they were suggesting for him to do. He wanted to be goldberg from WCW, not happening. Goodbye goldie.

Carlito: that serious?

Orton: In 2004 the 23 year old Viper wasn't ready to be the top babyface. Benoit didn't work as champion. They wanted to set up a feud for HHH to get back the title, while turning Orton babyface. Why did they want the title back on HHH? Because he wanted it so bad? Or because IT WAS THE BEST OPTION AT THE TIME!

Jericho: when making a list of wrestler who have gotten buried, maybe don't include some of the biggest wrestlers of all time. If you're reffering to the episode of RAW where jericho won the title only to have it reversed. You probably think that when HHH was yelling at earl hebner to change the decision that it was a shoot, don't you? You probably think the whole thing was orchistrated by the evil HHH, right? Puh lease. If you're reffering to WM 18 than you're just plain dumb.

RVD: you honestly think RVD could have legit been a top star?

Kane: this one I can see as maybe being legit.

Booker T: as stated above, Goldberg was debuting soon after mania 19. Was it to feud bwith Booker? I doubt it.

Edge: See, chris jericho.

Steiner: that's just being ridiculous.

Umaga: I guess a babyface HHH who had JUST returned a month earlier at Summerslam from a quad injury going over the samoan bulldozer in a street fight after umaga had completly dominated the whole summer is a burial. John Cena beat umaga that year too, maybe he should be accused as well.

Christian: have they even touched?

Chyna: real life burials don't count.

MVP: aaaaaaaaand fatigue is starting to set in. Really? MVP?

Ted Dibiase Jr.: Didn't know HHH and Orton were the same person. Maybe teddy's just not that good. Maybe the fact that they stuck him with his dads gimmick instead of taking there time to find a character that fits him had something to do with how he's turned out. Maybe ted dibiase jr should step up his game. He's buried hmself.

The spirit squad: because they were a legit threat to the newly reformed DX. They weren't a group of OVW wrestlers brought up for DX to beat up or anthing. Dude, they were all still in OVW, none of them.even had there own characters yet. You really think dolph ziggler would be where he's at right now if he was still NICKY!!! Or whatever the shit.did you ever think that maybe the spirit squad was a way to see which of there putstanding young talents were ready for the main stage? I remember seeing one of them get superkicked and thought to myself "goddamn, I've never seen anyone sell a superkick that good." The rest as they say is history.

Miz and r truth: miz and r truth beat HHH and CM Punk. Did you forget about that?

Test: test was used to establish HHH as a legit heel. HHH wasn't even close to being the top guy yet. I don't even think ha had been champion yet.

Big show: when did this take place? When HHH won a fatal 4 way at WM2000 in thmain event which shoould have been rock vs hhh? K.

Jeff Hardy: Jeff Hardy pinned HHH CLEAN at survivor series in a number 1 contenders match for a shot at the WWE championship at the royal rumble. That's hardly a burial.

Great khali, chavo, funaki: now you're just being dumb, not that you weren't before.
Actually after reading uberoffperters post I realize I am wrong. Its Triple Hs fault Funaki was never world champion. That bastard even buried Big Show and Randy Orton while dropping the title to them.

LOl how long have you been watching wrestling? HHH has creative control like Hogan does.

The point is they put all this time building up people only to have them face HHH and being the baby he is doesn't want to job SO he either destroys you, loses by DQ, or drops the belt to "friends". But most of the time destroys you liek he did with Jericho and Umaga.

Many many former WWE employees and wrestlers have talked non-stop what a little B*tch he is. And he DID bury Orton earlier in his career as well as the Big Show MANY MANY TIMES.

As I said prior I can live or die without HHH. But the facts are the facts
This is completly ridiculous. Listen to how loud the pop is whenever HHH's music plays. Or go back and watch some video from whehn he was a heel, now listen to how much the crowd hate him. HHH is one of the greatest "ring generals" in wrestling history. To say something as stupid as saying he was a mid carder at best intil he started dating steoh make me think you either just recently started watching wrestling, or you have no idea what a mid-carder is. Once shawn michaels retired (shawn michaels took a backseat to no one btw) and HHH became the leader of DX, and it took off, he was not longer JUST a mid-carder. HHH being the top star of the company was a sure thing, especially after rock and austin retired. It doesn't matter who he was dating, he was all they had left on raw. Now on to your list.

CM Punk: HHH buried CM Punk? When did that happen? If I'm not mistaken, hasn't CM Punk main evented just about EVERY PPV since MITB? Isn't he going in to Wrestlemania as champion? You're right though, in there 1 match together, he was buried.

Kurt Angle: Kurt Angle won the WWE championship after only being a professional wrestler for I want to say 1 year, maybe less. He went into and walked out of the armageddon hell in a cell match as champion. A match which included HHH, the rock, austin, undertaker, and of course rikeshi. He's main evented 2 manias, and had the match of the year/night at WM21. Buried? Not even close.

Kevin Nash: hey everyone, did you know that HHH buried his real life best friend? I didn't.

Goldberg: if you want to define difficult to work with, look no further. From what I've read, Goldberg didn't like HHH at all, and didn't want to do anything they were suggesting for him to do. He wanted to be goldberg from WCW, not happening. Goodbye goldie.

Carlito: that serious?

Orton: In 2004 the 23 year old Viper wasn't ready to be the top babyface. Benoit didn't work as champion. They wanted to set up a feud for HHH to get back the title, while turning Orton babyface. Why did they want the title back on HHH? Because he wanted it so bad? Or because IT WAS THE BEST OPTION AT THE TIME!

Jericho: when making a list of wrestler who have gotten buried, maybe don't include some of the biggest wrestlers of all time. If you're reffering to the episode of RAW where jericho won the title only to have it reversed. You probably think that when HHH was yelling at earl hebner to change the decision that it was a shoot, don't you? You probably think the whole thing was orchistrated by the evil HHH, right? Puh lease. If you're reffering to WM 18 than you're just plain dumb.

RVD: you honestly think RVD could have legit been a top star?

Kane: this one I can see as maybe being legit.

Booker T: as stated above, Goldberg was debuting soon after mania 19. Was it to feud bwith Booker? I doubt it.

Edge: See, chris jericho.

Steiner: that's just being ridiculous.

Umaga: I guess a babyface HHH who had JUST returned a month earlier at Summerslam from a quad injury going over the samoan bulldozer in a street fight after umaga had completly dominated the whole summer is a burial. John Cena beat umaga that year too, maybe he should be accused as well.

Christian: have they even touched?

Chyna: real life burials don't count.

MVP: aaaaaaaaand fatigue is starting to set in. Really? MVP?

Ted Dibiase Jr.: Didn't know HHH and Orton were the same person. Maybe teddy's just not that good. Maybe the fact that they stuck him with his dads gimmick instead of taking there time to find a character that fits him had something to do with how he's turned out. Maybe ted dibiase jr should step up his game. He's buried hmself.

The spirit squad: because they were a legit threat to the newly reformed DX. They weren't a group of OVW wrestlers brought up for DX to beat up or anthing. Dude, they were all still in OVW, none of them.even had there own characters yet. You really think dolph ziggler would be where he's at right now if he was still NICKY!!! Or whatever the shit.did you ever think that maybe the spirit squad was a way to see which of there putstanding young talents were ready for the main stage? I remember seeing one of them get superkicked and thought to myself "goddamn, I've never seen anyone sell a superkick that good." The rest as they say is history.

Miz and r truth: miz and r truth beat HHH and CM Punk. Did you forget about that?

Test: test was used to establish HHH as a legit heel. HHH wasn't even close to being the top guy yet. I don't even think ha had been champion yet.

Big show: when did this take place? When HHH won a fatal 4 way at WM2000 in thmain event which shoould have been rock vs hhh? K.

Jeff Hardy: Jeff Hardy pinned HHH CLEAN at survivor series in a number 1 contenders match for a shot at the WWE championship at the royal rumble. That's hardly a burial.

Great khali, chavo, funaki: now you're just being dumb, not that you weren't before.

Are you kidding me? He completely buried PUNK at Night of Champions. It was well known he and VMK didn't like Punk and figured he'd be out of favor with the fans.

The rest of your rational is just proof you have a thing for HHH! With Christian they didn't face each other, he buried him with words. I applaud Sting for never going to the WWE! They'r bury him also and he's a bigger icon then HHH!

I don't even get WHY people can defend him. Even his closest friends have said straight out he buries people and used Stephanie to get what he wants.

It's no different than what Hogan does or what Flair did but at least NO ONE denies they do it. But everyone seems to get their panties in a bind if anyone brings up HHH has buried talent. I don't hate or like HHH I'm very neutral with the guy.
Read my name, now read my words. HHH did not bury CM Punk at night of champions. He won via outside interferance. And like I said in my last post cm punk has either main evented or been involved in huge storylines in every ppv since MITB. That is NOT burying someone. Burying someone is what Goldberg did to chris jericho in WCW. Burying someone is when you hold someone down in such a way that it changes the course of their careers. Had goldberg and jericho had a PPV match, and they let jericho rise above the cruiserweight ranks, he may have never jumped ship. I don't see where the huge setback was in cm punks career.

I don't think HHH and shelton benjamin are friends, benjamin pinned HHH clean on Raw. Wrestlemania 18 was not a burial by HHH, it was a stupid storyline by creative. HHH was winning that match no matter who his opponent was. It could have been austin, and HHH would have won. Its what the people wanted to see. And its what he deserved. There's no argument possibly that could convince me that HHH ever buried chris jericho.
Read my name, now read my words. HHH did not bury CM Punk at night of champions. He won via outside interferance. And like I said in my last post cm punk has either main evented or been involved in huge storylines in every ppv since MITB. That is NOT burying someone. Burying someone is what Goldberg did to chris jericho in WCW. Burying someone is when you hold someone down in such a way that it changes the course of their careers. Had goldberg and jericho had a PPV match, and they let jericho rise above the cruiserweight ranks, he may have never jumped ship. I don't see where the huge setback was in cm punks career.

I don't think HHH and shelton benjamin are friends, benjamin pinned HHH clean on Raw. Wrestlemania 18 was not a burial by HHH, it was a stupid storyline by creative. HHH was winning that match no matter who his opponent was. It could have been austin, and HHH would have won. Its what the people wanted to see. And its what he deserved. There's no argument possibly that could convince me that HHH ever buried chris jericho.

Yes. I misread the Punk part! it wasn't a huge setback in his career but it destroyed a lot of momentum that the WWE had with Punk. The whole bury was pointless honestly. I think now a days the crowd cheers a lot louder for Punk then HHH.

NO WAY Goldberg didn't bury Jericho lol WCW AKA Bischoff buried Jericho actually. They never liked him and that was A HUGE MISTAKE. I loved him back then with the man of a 1001 holds.

As I said I don't love or hate HHH. BUT its well known the he does bury people no different than what Hogan or Flair does. Just when people bring up his name and burying its like you're breaking a Commandment. lol

Benjamin as I said was an oddity. I think he was pushed to quite all the "racist" complaints by African American wrestlers in the WWE. As soon as all that talked died down, he was back to the midcard.
LOl how long have you been watching wrestling? HHH has creative control like Hogan does.

20 years, did I miss something before I started? Creative control does allow you to do anything with what anyone else does.

The point is they put all this time building up people only to have them face HHH and being the baby he is doesn't want to job SO he either destroys you, loses by DQ, or drops the belt to "friends". But most of the time destroys you liek he did with Jericho and Umaga.

Thats called working heel.

Many many former WWE employees and wrestlers have talked non-stop what a little B*tch he is. And he DID bury Orton earlier in his career as well as the Big Show MANY MANY TIMES.

I too am shocked that FORMER employees are not happy about being cut and having to play in the minor leagues (TNA). How exactly were they buried?

As I said prior I can live or die without HHH. But the facts are the facts

The problem with your facts is....there not facts, they are opinion.
Punk- All his ego did was ruin one of the greatest momentum in the WWE in decades. Punk actually put the WWE in the mainstream again. Then here comes HHH to ruin it to further his own ego.

I dont understand. He is still the champion

Chis Jericho- Wrestlemania 18 enough said
They made the right call here. I personally would have liked to have Jericho go over but HHH was way to popular coming back (See Jan7/02 raw)

Jeff Hardy-squashed him on RAW the night after Hardy beat him. Took Hardy YEARS to recover.
Pinned him cleanly

Steiner- one of the HOTTEST NAMES to come into the WWE in years HHH beat once and loss to by DQ (shockingly I know) only to have him buried to a mid-card spot)
You think he should have had a run...really? A head case like him with the strap....after what he did to Vince? Not a chance

Test- the whole married to Steph angle.
The biggest angle of Tests carrer

Big Show- Pretty much buries him every time they wrestle. Wonder why he's on SD?
Put him over numerous times. Dropped the title to him TWICE.

Booker T- Won't even argue with you because you in other comments won't accept it.
I do think Book should have come out champion at WM19 but faces cant win every match. You need a heel to go over once in awhile. And they do make the wrong descision sometimes.
Yes. I misread the Punk part! it wasn't a huge setback in his career but it destroyed a lot of momentum that the WWE had with Punk. The whole bury was pointless honestly. I think now a days the crowd cheers a lot louder for Punk then HHH.

NO WAY Goldberg didn't bury Jericho lol WCW AKA Bischoff buried Jericho actually. They never liked him and that was A HUGE MISTAKE. I loved him back then with the man of a 1001 holds.

As I said I don't love or hate HHH. BUT its well known the he does bury people no different than what Hogan or Flair does. Just when people bring up his name and burying its like you're breaking a Commandment. lol

Benjamin as I said was an oddity. I think he was pushed to quite all the "racist" complaints by African American wrestlers in the WWE. As soon as all that talked died down, he was back to the midcard.

Creative dropping the ball on the feud, and HHH burying Punk are two different things. IT WAS NOT A BURIAL. Buried is also when people don't want you to be in a certain position. HHH starting a McMahon vs Austin like feud with CM Punk does not constitute a burial. You are just plain wrong here.

Watch jericho's dvd, read jericho'ss 1st book, Goldberg did NOT want a match on PPV with Chris Jericho. Buried.

Shawn Michaels did NOT want a match with the rock. Attempted burial.

HHH wants to feud with WWE's brand new shining star who just went over John Cena two PPV's in a row. Not a burial.
Everyone claiming that HHH is one of the all time greats is so far off base. I'm not saying HHH wouldn't have been a star if it weren't for marrying Stephanie, but come on, if he never marries her then he is no where near as big as he is.

HHH is the beneficiary of nepotism. Plain and simple. HHH used his family pull backstage to make himself the star he is.

You know why he gets such loud pop and why the IWC hates him? Because the WWE forces him down the throats of their fans. The "WWE Universe" likes him because the WWE forced them to like him.

I'm sorry but, he won 4 out of 6 chambers. There is enough said right there. And now all of his buddies like Randy Orton will get to continue to burry people for years to come.

What he did with CM Punk at Night of Champions was a joke. Any strand of respect I had for him, i lost that night.
I haven't heard of the Angle thing in the past. I'd invite you to present some evidence of that, because I have no recollection of that happening. In fact, Angle was pushed pretty heavily almost right out of the gate in his WWE career, and traded wins with HHH. I don't think he was against Angle's build. If he was so against Angle, why would he get into a high-profile feud with him (the one that involved Stephanie McMahon). As for Kennedy- I think you are severely overrating him, and any dislike for him (if HHH did have any) was definitely shared by many others. If they really liked him, then they wouldn't have canned him after the Orton incident, but they did. He wasn't overly impressive in any area, his work ethic had been criticized (Kennedy admitted this), and was obviously relatively unsafe in the ring. Thus, they let him go, even after trying to push him. And TNA's not making the WWE look wrong- after winning the title there, he's pretty much floundered. I think you're overrating him, a mistake that the WWE/Triple H (apparently) did not make.

As for the stuff about Angle, it's out there I just don't want to go on a wild goose chase to find it. Look, obviously you're a Triple H fan which is fine, but don't try to rewrite history or give the impression that Triple H is something that he wasn't or sway him more to an area which he wasn't. Let's be honest he's quite good in the ring, a good brawler, a good technical guy but he did bury some people and has it has came up in interviews and talks with other people. I was a huge Ultimate Warrior mark growing up, he was one of the most exciting wrestlers of all time, but I'm not going try and make a post and say he was something he wasn't just because I'm a fan.

Personally I think if you have an oppurtunity to help anyone in anything you should, that's what I think especially if you they can help bring the business to new heights. If HHH truly thought he was the man he wouldn't try and hold anyone back. As for Anderson, I am a big fan, he reminds of the Rock, has a lot more charisma and superior promo skills. Some may say he's overrated but no one can deny he has something going for him when it comes to promo skills. I do sympathize with Orton over the predicament, I also believe if Orton wasn't so vocal over what happened Anderson would still be in the WWE. Obviously WWE did have faith in Anderson if he planned to get a WWE title shot at WM 24 and was planned to be Vince Mcmahon's son before he got injured and it was given to Hornswaggle. (Just read about that in Inside Wrestling/The Wrestler magazine, good interview.)

All in all when it comes to burying people HHH did it, according to other wrestlers, it's not a myth, other wrestlers around HHH said it happened. He admitted he worked the system. He probably wasn't the first guy to do it and won't be the last, but he has become a bit infamous for it and it is what it is, so don't try and make him look like something he wasn't just because you're a fan, especially when it seems you don't have all the facts. Just ain't fair.
Concerning the case of HHH vs. Shelton Benjamin. I remember marking out HUGE when Benjamin pulled off that first surprise pinfall victory over HHH and the pop he got was incredible. The next two wins were flukes (and only DQ and count-out victories) before the mini-feud culiminated with HHH settling the score and cleanly pinning Benjamin after a pedigree in the middle of the ring. That rapidly growing momentum was shot dead in the water with that three-count.
ok. we get it. you're a major triple h mark, and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
its just that there is a hell of alot of evidence that points to triple h being a major burier of talent over his career. and many other people above have already posted examples of such times in great detail.

As others have said, from his burials of the hot properties of the time(radicalz, chris jericho, booker t, brock lesnar) to his verbal bashings of talent of the day.(his 'better match with a broomstick' line was completely unprofessional and just self serving.) hhh certainly does has previous.

you ask for evidence. well i strongly suggest you just have a look for some shoot interviews from over the years. the general perception in the industry on the whole is, though a very talented wrestler who would've/could've reached the top without politicking. his insecurities have made him feel the need to stand in the way of many wrestlers over the years. he is labelled by many as a backstabbing, two faced liar with a streak of real cowardice. which seems to wind up people even more. if this were one or two voices with a history of tall tales i could let it slip. but the truth is, that you'd find it alot harder to find industry voices who have good to say about the man.

Regardless the past is the past, whats done is done. he donned the suit, and seemingly hung up the boots. i thought all this shit may be in the past. but no. it came back once again, when he returned to destroy the summer of punk.(which seemed to purely be a vanity mission from hhh) there's no way him beating punk in the way he did, was the right thing for anyone.....aside from triple h. he killed the hottest angle in many years, dead in its tracks. and for what? just seemed like another bit of ego stroking from him and his grey haired buddy boy kevin nash.

i also have trouble with his current bit with taker.(which i cant believe UT is happily being part of) if anyone didn't know who'd won last years mania, they'd swear it was triple h. even in defeat he has to come across as the man. they've made taker come across as the weak desperate man who somehow fluked a win against the mighty game, and even then the underlying sentiment is 'he may have won, but triple h was the real winner. as taker had to be carried out. and only now has he returned. and returns seeking revenge. against the only man that matters.' Me oh my. talk about ego stroking! even at the end of his career he still bounds out of his suit to make sure everyone knows he's the top dog, always will be.

You're obviously oblivious to a lot of things, such as what the term buried means. Please tell me when Triple H buried Brock Lesnar. I'd love to know how he buried him, please. And as for going against any kind of counterargument- you are wrong yet again- nothing that legitimate has been presented to me as a counterargument, but nice try. Actually, it was a terrible try. All those shoot interviews you're talking about are low-level guys that I believe either Brain or Nate touched upon that're just complaining instead of looking in the mirror. Notice how all of them are mostly out of a job? HHH's fault though, I'm sure.

And there's plenty of people who have talked glowingly of HHH. Cena, Orton, Batista, Flair, Undertaker, and sooo many more have nothing but great things to say about him. And your comments about the Undertaking "unwillingly" going about their WM feud is absolutely laughable and suggests you know nothing about the inside of wrestling. If you actually think 'Taker gets forced into things at this stage of his career, your are delusional.
I did think the IWC ended its hatred towards him but I see I am wrong. Triple H is one of the most unselfish wrestlers in history. He has jobbed at WM more then anyone. He did go on a long run as champion in 2000 and 2002 as WHC. Did anyone complain about Flairs runs in his day? We need dominate heel runs thrown in once in awhie. He also cheated to win a lot of those matches and didnt go over clean all the time. I too, think he should have dropped the WHC to Booker T at WM19 but I dont think he was holding him back by any means.

Triple Hs first run in 99/2k he put over Big Show, Vince, and The Rock. Everyone wanted the Rock to be champion which was Triple Hs job to have the face over and have everyone hate him. Then late in his run everyone wanted Benoit,Jericho, Angle and the newcomers to be champion. Building those guys up and waiting to put the belt on them was the right call. How much more special was Benoits win at WMXX because it was his first time?

Triple H got screwed as welll. He was scheduled to win KOTR96 and didnt, Austin wouldnt put him over at Summerslam 99, and he was in a lose/lose by being married to the boss' daughter.....everytime he wins the IWC says its because of his relationship. Triple H would go over because he was the best man to carry the ball.

As far as holding people down, if he is a part of creative or even just being a veteran, its his job to give his opinion. He didnt think CM Punk would get over, he was wrong, im sure he would put him over now. Of course he is going to push for the guys he thinks are going to get over. He was wrong about CM Punk but right with Cena, Batista, and Orton. He also attempted to elevate talent that couldnt get over, Shelton and Eugene.

Exactly, a lot of people don't want to think about the fact that plenty of other guys had lengthy reigns where they beat the cream of the crop around them and stayed dominant for a while. Brock Lesnar did it in the early 2000's. JBL did it for an entire year on Smackdown. John Cena did it in the mid-2000's. There's SO many other examples. And Triple H did it in the early 2000's on Raw. BUT WOAH! That Triple H, that was SO different compared to all the rest of my examples right??? It's actually the exact same thing. He got a dominant run like numerous people in the past, present, and future, but for some reason people blindly and unfairly single out HHH and his run as different. Apparently he buries people, but all those other guys made people look great, right? No, it was the same type of dominant run, but not many will see it or admit it.
As for the stuff about Angle, it's out there I just don't want to go on a wild goose chase to find it. Look, obviously you're a Triple H fan which is fine, but don't try to rewrite history or give the impression that Triple H is something that he wasn't or sway him more to an area which he wasn't. Let's be honest he's quite good in the ring, a good brawler, a good technical guy but he did bury some people and has it has came up in interviews and talks with other people. I was a huge Ultimate Warrior mark growing up, he was one of the most exciting wrestlers of all time, but I'm not going try and make a post and say he was something he wasn't just because I'm a fan.

Personally I think if you have an oppurtunity to help anyone in anything you should, that's what I think especially if you they can help bring the business to new heights. If HHH truly thought he was the man he wouldn't try and hold anyone back. As for Anderson, I am a big fan, he reminds of the Rock, has a lot more charisma and superior promo skills. Some may say he's overrated but no one can deny he has something going for him when it comes to promo skills. I do sympathize with Orton over the predicament, I also believe if Orton wasn't so vocal over what happened Anderson would still be in the WWE. Obviously WWE did have faith in Anderson if he planned to get a WWE title shot at WM 24 and was planned to be Vince Mcmahon's son before he got injured and it was given to Hornswaggle. (Just read about that in Inside Wrestling/The Wrestler magazine, good interview.)

All in all when it comes to burying people HHH did it, according to other wrestlers, it's not a myth, other wrestlers around HHH said it happened. He admitted he worked the system. He probably wasn't the first guy to do it and won't be the last, but he has become a bit infamous for it and it is what it is, so don't try and make him look like something he wasn't just because you're a fan, especially when it seems you don't have all the facts. Just ain't fair.

Please tell me who HHH has buried, who's careers has HHH completely swayed off course? All of my facts are just that, facts. You call me a HHH fan, when you clearly admit that you're defending Kennedy because you are a fan of his. The hypocrisy is terrible man. Let's not turn this into a Kennedy debate, because you can say he's great all you want, but he doesn't have that much talent, and saying your name really loud doesn't qualify as mic skills. But please, if you think you have some semblance of facts, please tell me who you think HHH buried, and then Brain, I, or someone else can point out all of the flaws in your argument. Again, remember the thesis of my argument in my main post. I'm a Triple H fan, but I'm also a realist. You're obviously bitter at Triple H for some reason.
Punk- All his ego did was ruin one of the greatest momentum in the WWE in decades. Punk actually put the WWE in the mainstream again. Then here comes HHH to ruin it to further his own ego.

Wait, when did Punk make wrestling mainstream again? I must have missed that. I remember him cutting a promo using insider terms that got a rise out of a bunch of internet marks. It resulted in some discussion on forums like this one. He did not make wrestling mainstream. Nobody outside wrestling knows CM Punk. Besides, why wouldn't Triple H come back to feud with Punk. Punk specifically called him out. Of course Triple H was going to respond.

Chis Jericho- Wrestlemania 18 enough said

Enough said. Always a good argument. I remember WM18 being the first mania since Vince took over WCW (technically WM17 but it was only a week before). At that event Chris Jericho walked to the ring for the main event with the WCW title over one shoulder and the WWE title over the other. That seems like a pretty big deal to me. Upset Triple H won? Yeah why would he win? He only came back from a career threatening injury to one of the loudest ovations any of us have ever heard. But sure, he should lose to the cheating heel champion at mania.

Jeff Hardy-squashed him on RAW the night after Hardy beat him. Took Hardy YEARS to recover.

You've got to be kidding. Triple H made Jeff Hardy a main eventer. Their feud in 2007 (or was it 2008?) made Hardy look like a million bucks. Just being able to hang with Triple H made Hardy a big deal? Although it wouldn't have had Triple H already been jobbing to every other flavor of the month like everyone wanted him to.

Steiner- one of the HOTTEST NAMES to come into the WWE in years HHH beat once and loss to by DQ (shockingly I know) only to have him buried to a mid-card spot)

:lmao: Perhaps you didn't notice but Steiner sucked in 2003. Did you not hear how the fans turned on him mid match due to how terrible he was? Steiner got a good opportunity by feuding with Triple H upon his arrival. He blew it.

Test- the whole married to Steph angle.

It was odd that Test was pushed to the backgound and forgotten about in this story. Although this was before Triple H had his backstage stroke so I don't know that we can blame him here.

Big Show- Pretty much buries him every time they wrestle. Wonder why he's on SD?

I'm not remembering any lengthy programs between these two. If HHH won though then he must have buried Show. What if Show won? Would you accuse him of burying HHH?

Booker T- Won't even argue with you because you in other comments won't accept it.

Took a midcarder and gave him a good title match at WrestleMania. What an asshole.

At least you didn't disagree he's extremely over-rated.

I didn't because I have so much more to argue in this thread but I can if you want me to.

The ONLY people he put over are his buddies. Sheamus was buried also remember after HHH came back.

You mean when the returning babyface legend got revenge on the heel who took him out? Who would think something like that would happen in wrestling.

Carlito had it right on what he said about HHH and why he married Stephanie:

"My opinion is that it was a smart move by HHH. I think that's why he's champion now and has been champion in the past, it's easier to him. We, the real wrestlers, don't depend on people in the business. We don't have that benefit. We have to deliver the maximum in the ring. Others are given championships in a plate of gold or platinum, I'm happy for him."

Says the son of Puerto Rican legend Carlos Colon.

"Hey kettle, you're black"--pot
He squashed Kane,
Rob Van Dam,
Randy Orton,
Scott Steiner (although I'm grateful for that one)
Edge, Christian,
Chris Jericho,
MVP, Shelton
The Spirit Squad,
Sheamus (btw, Sheamus beat Triple H after assaulting him backstage, and it took multiple finishers to keep him down for three seconds, did you see how many Pedigrees it takes to put down Sheamus? One) and not to mention, Mick Foley.

Triple H also buried Carlito extremely badly, even to the point that people couldn't even see the supposed "feud" between them to be anything worth noting. It is most noticeable how badly HHH destroyed Carlito in the HHH vs. Vince McMahon and Carlito match, as after the match ended, HHH literally destroyed Carlito for over three minutes to serve no real purpose. It was even to the point that the fans didn't even react to it.

Triple H also destroyed Brian Kendrick and Paul London. It was already bad enough that HHH defeated strong Tag Team Champions in Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade, but then to also destroy two people that were supposed to be assisting him when he was getting attacked boggles my mind.

In his return from his first major injury as well, HHH buried Chris Jericho and made his status as Undisputed Champion mean almost nothing compared to him, not to mention that Jericho being the champion was put below his storyline with Stephanie McMahon.

But, I also remember how he buried everyone. In 2002-2004 during his reign as Face of Raw, he ruthlessly buried RVD, Kane, Scott Steiner, and Booker T. Their WWE Career went nowhere after losing to Triple H especially Steiner. It also took so long for RVD and Booker T to recover from this ruthless burial, in fact they won their first World Title in WWE in 2006. I gave him credit for putting over Goldberg and Chris Benoit, though. But, I hate the fact he gets WHC back in the end. I also gave him credit for putting over Batista in 2005.

But in 2007-2008, he did those horrible things again. He buried King Booker at Summerslam 2007 by squashing him. King Booker would lose a lot of credibility and gets fired a few months later. Also, Carlito, Triple H also squashed him and he eventually never recovered from the burial and released.

Later, Triple H would bury Umaga, beating him everytime he met and made him look a human. So WWE built up Umaga for 1 year just for Triple H to destroy with ease. Umaga never recovered either.

He would later win his 12th World Title in 2008 and winning every PPVs for 7 months. He buried Randy Orton by beating him everytime. Later, he would head to Smackdown and buried everyone there. He squashed MVP, Chavo Guerrero, Kenny Dykstra, and Matt Hardy who all get released eventually. He also buried The Great Khali.

That's really my two cents.

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