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The Top 10 Gimmick Matches of All-Time


Vote Hogan, Savage, Rocky and Thesz
My guess is a lot of people will change this based no their own definition of what a gimmick match is, and there are so many, I'm sure I forgot an obvious one or two. Anyways, here are my top 10 favorites.

10. Iron Man match-The Iron Man match is interesting. It can be pretty hit or miss. The most famous one of current era is probably Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels in a classic at Wrestlemania 12. Given today's instant gratification society, this match is hard to pull off, especially with the short attention spans of many. That said, everybody is excited during the last five minutes.

9. Submission Match/"I Quit" Match-This match, like the Iron Man, has a unique strategy and psychology to it. A lot of today's fans automatically don't like the idea of the match, many of them are bored by the mat wrestling game. That said, two of my favorite matches from the Attitude Era were both "I Quit" matches, the Mankind-Rock 'I Quit' Match, and the famous Steve Austin-Bret Hart match at Wrestlemania 13. This match elevated Steve Austin from star wrestler to superstar.

8. Texas Death Match-The original hardcore match, you don't hear it called this much anymore, but it was a great blow out match to a feud. Made famous in Texas (obviously) by the Funks, the Death match has made it's way around the world, and deserves a spot on this list, if only for really bringing weapons into the match as legal.

7. Casket Match-I originally had this as a Hair vs. Hair match, then switched at the last second. It says a lot about the impact of a superstar that I have rated so highly a gimmick match that he pretty much is required to be in, but then again, when it's the Undertaker, all bets are off. This match was from a different era, and was a very popular match given it's less realistic time.

6. Loser Leaves Town Match-A great match, and it was more important during the territory days. Usually used as the end of the feud, there was always a lot of tension in this match, as it meant that somebody was leaving, never to be seen again...until their dramatic return!

5. Tag Team Elimination Match (Survivor Series)-The other team oriented match, the original gimmick behind the Survivor Series PPV, and one I sorely miss. This match was also made famous during a different era, where stables were prevalent, and people joined forces to battle bad guys more often. Still, a fond memory from my childhood, and something I think should be brought back to the Survivor Series!

4. War Games Match-In my opinion, one of the greatest things the NWA/WCW/Dusty Rhodes ever gave to the business, and that's saying a lot. This match had it all. It was brutal, it meant something, it involved great and unique psychology. What a match. I would love to put it higher, but I don't think you can realistically put it over any of the top 3.

3. Ladder Match-Oh the ladder match. Including the TLC and Money in the Bank variations, this match has brought exciting and awesome matches as well as spotfests (which, after all, have their place in wrestling as well). Utilized frequently in Stampede Wrestling, but originally created in the '70s, this unique match really gets fans going with the built-in tension of the slow climb up the ladder towards the belt. The most famous match is probably Shawn Michaels-Razor Ramon, as well as the Hardy Boyz vs. the Dudley Boys vs. Edge & Christian.

2. Steel Cage Match-Probably the most utilized gimmick match of all time, and for good reason: it makes a lot of sense in storylines. This obviously includes the Hell in the Cell match, but I miss the old Big Blue cage, even though I know the wrestlers prefer this modern cage. Some might argue I should include War Games, but I really felt that match deserved it's own spot. I miss the stupidity (yet excitement) as some stupid face climbed the cage for no reason when they could use the door, which of course the hurt heel would slowly crawl for...but who would make it out first? Tis match also provided us with two of the greatest moment in pro wrestling history: Superfly off the top of the cage, and Mick Foley off the top of the cell!

1. Royal Rumble-Just my favorite gimmick match of all time, and I still enjoy watching it. They need to bring back the official countdown clock, though.
I like the thread. Listing is my favorite form of debate. so here's mine.
10. Hardcore match. Plain, simple and to the point. when done with poor wrestlers it makes it watchable, with two (or more) good workers can really take it to the next level
9.Submission Match. A match for anyone who likes good work. Particularly the Benoit-Angle Royal Rumble match.
8.Triple Threat/Three way dance. whatever you want to call it, a truly innovative match that really provided some neat finishes and action.
7.Evening Gown match. i think of the Brisco/Patterson classic. KIDDING. this match made my list because i like watching divas roll around getting down to their bra and panties. Hey i don't say "Puppies!" but i'm not complaining about seeing a little more of some of the ladies.
6.Scaffold Match viscious, violent, scary spots. whats not to love?
5. Ladder match. Innovative, breathtaking, poetry in (violent) motion. one of the best.
4. Elimination Chamber. Like war games, hell in a cell, and the royal rumble. epic.
3. War Games. this beats the Elimination Chamber due to the team concept which was always a cool part for me
2.Iron Man Match. Like the Submisson match, this one is one for anyone who loves epic technical work, but you also have pins, can get a little hardcore, play mindgames, etc.
1. I agree with the original poster THE ROYAL RUMBLE. my favorite PPV of every year and just a cool concept. 30 guys one ring til one man is left standing.

Honorable mention
Ultimate X. can be really hit or miss. in all honesty i probably should've included this over the evening gown match, but i can't stress enough how much i love women.
Without a doubt, the best gimmick match ever is the Royal Rumble. Innovative, always fresh, and always exciting. It builds new stars and brings instant intrigue to the title scene in WWE.

Who could forget about the Bra & Panties Match? As long as it doesn't involve Mae Young or Moolah, there's nothing boring about seeing hot women stripping each other down to their unmentionables.

And just for fun, who remembers the Kennel From Hell? Al Snow and the Big Boss Man locked in a cage with several vicious, bloodthirsty Rottweilers. Except they weren't vicious or bloodthirsty. More like lethargic, smelly, and horny. Yes, two dogs copulated in the cage and the announcers acknowledged it. Not quite the desired result but hilarious anyway.
This is a thread I can definitely get into, because gimmick matches just add to the experience, if done correctly of course.

10. Traditional 20 man Battle Royal - I remember going to Madison Square Garden and seeing an awesome battle royal that had every major superstar from the Undertaker to Hulk Hogan. I used to love seeing the ring so overcrowded, with arms and legs flying everywhere. I think this match has become a lost art.

9. Fatal 4 way Elimination - I always enjoyed watching 4 top stars go at it at once. The match is fast paced, and always has a lot going on. How can you not love the temporary alliances made, that would dissolve in a split second. I remember a very good Fatal 4 way at In Your House Between Bret Hart, Psycho Sid, Vader and Steve Austin. A very long time ago.

8. Ladder Match - If you have the right superstars such as the Hardy's, Edge and Christian and the Dudley Boys, expect a lot of incredible ladder moves. That's why I love these, because it inspires any participating superstars to come up with new and innovative ways to make sure the crowd gets their money's worth. Sacrifices are always made in a Ladder match.

7. Hell In A Cell - I will never forget the Badd Blood Pay-Per View where we saw this match for the very first time. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker gave us everything they had in this very dangerous, yet innovative main event. This very first Hell in a Cell match also gave the world Kane.

6. Ironman Match - The whole attraction of this match is that the two participating superstars needed to be in extremely good cardiovascular condition. I know that there are rest holds used in all matches, but the superstars still had to be in that ring for an hour. These have been around quite a while, don't forget all of the one hour time limit draws between Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat back in the day. These were Ironman matches without any pinfalls.

5. Texas Death Match - This match has simply been re-named a street fight, a falls count anywhere match a hardcore match, and many other names. I saw a very good Texas Death Match in Madison Square Garden between Hulk Hogan and Harley Race many years ago. These matches are fun for me to watch, because the superstars can do whatever they want to each other. Think about someone falling down some steps, going through a table, wrecking a souvenir stand, tables and chairs everywhere, what's not to like ?

4. Survivor Series Match - I always loved this 5 on 5 slug fest with all of the top superstars in the company. "Teams of Five, Strive To Survive" the great Gorilla Monsoon used to say. This match would also unite the Main Eventers with the mid-card talent to give them exposure. Fun to watch, especially when my family and I would run polls to see who the sole survivor or survivors would be.

3. I Quit Match - My very first I Quit Match was Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard in a Steel Cage. I thought it was great when one of the fellas held a microphone to his fallen opponent, and tried to make him quit then and there. Hearing them scream in pain over the loud speakers was very entertaining. Years later The Rock would make these matches even more enjoyable, by ripping his fallen opponent, spitting water in his face, and then try to make him quit.

2. War Games - Anothert 5 on 5 slugfest, but this one is inside a huge steel cage and consists of one 5 minute period and several 2 minute periods that would give one team an advantage if they won the coin toss. The only way to win is to basically knock out your opponent. This match would also bring the Main Eventers together as a team, but not focus on involving mid-carders like the Survivor Series does. The action would always be intense and you got to see many superstars trapped inside a cage at once. I'm still wondering why Vince hasn't incorporated at least one War Games match yet.

1. Royal Rumble - Just like others on this thread, this is my favorite match. 30 guys go at it, until one man stands victorious to get the Main Event at Wrestlemania. "The Luck of The Draw" is still the tag line to this day.
I really like this thread topic. anyway, here goes.

1. Submissions match- This has been a hit or miss for me, but the ones that have hit have been home runs. Im a huge fan of technical wrestling and love seeing guys like Kurt Angle and William Regal go to work. Ditto for the deceased Chris Benoit.

9. Steel Cage Match- I love the concept that there are so many ways to win the match, with pinfall, submission, escaping over the top, or climbing out the door being viable options. It adds to the suspense of the match. I remember seeing the dudleyz vs the hardyz in a steel cage match where they still used tables as well and was won over big time.

8. Iron Man Match- From HBK/Hart, to HBK/Angle, to Cena/Orton just this past year, I think this is one of the most underutilized matches in WWE history. When done properly, it makes you feel like no time has passed at all. These matches always come down to the last second and you have no idea whose going to win often times. That's what makes it effective.

7. I quit Match- I love this match due to it's brutal nature. JBL actually had a good match with John Cena at Judgment Day 05 in this environment. Even without the blood, the Cena/Orton Match at Breaking Point was vicious and well done. The brutality of this match does it for me.

6. TLC Match- Ive never seen a bad one. From the classic E&C vs The Hardy's, to the triple threat one where benoit won the straps with a frickin broken back, these matches always seem to entertain. The spots are crazy, and I mark out for them big time. Punk and Hardy had a hell of a TLC match at Summerslam as well. Just a great concept.

5. Hell In a Cell Match- Before WWE watered it down, this was just a great match. Being from Pittsburgh, Im well aware of the famous Foley-Taker HIAC match. The atmosphere was insane, and it got crazier when Foley fell of the cell. Some of my favorite matches of all time came inside Hell in A Cell.

4. Extreme Rules Match- Im talking from the original ECW days, or even when they brought the concept back at first. I like the anything goes, anyone can get involved type of mentality. There were tims I thought men were knocked out or dead for sure from some of the spots. while Im glad they weren't, it made for a compelling watch.

3. Elimination Chamber Match- What an innovative concept from Bischoff. The genius of it is just astounding. The superstars expressions entering the chamber says it all- they know their bodies are getting torn up. Its a cluster eff in a good way as you never know when someone is going to be eliminated. It also allows all the match participants to showcase their skills, and execute their finishers, like they did with Umaga in 08.

2. Royal Rumble Match- I know this is the consensus at nmber one, and Im not slighting it by putting it at number 2. It's a phenomenal concept, and really leaves you in many years on the edge of your seat wondering who is going to win. ii like having the ring fillled up with superstars, and it even gives the stars you know who aren't going to win showcase their skills in a big way.

1. Ladder Match- I don't think Ive ever seen a bad one. The HBK-Jericho one in 08 could go down as the best of all time, and had me on the edge of my seat. I like that this is generallly a one on one match rather then a tag or multiple man match, although Ive loved how theyve incorporated the Money in The Bank match to keep it fresh. Due to the diferent uses of the ladder match, and the crazy spots that arise from it, this is my favorite stipulation match of all time.
10) Strap Match: Rarely is the winner of a match determined without a pin or submission. A strap match is a match that isn't often used in wrestling which gives makes brutal match a special feel.

9) Submissions Match: I'm a big fan of technical wresting, and often submission matches involve two very technical wrestlers whose specialty is primarily submissions. A wrestling fan can't ask for anything more than witnessing two people shine at what they do best in the ring. Even when the match involves one submission expert and a big name brawler, an excellent story is built up before, and told during the match.

8) 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Another match that tells a powerful story from start to finish.

7) Ultimate X Match: While mainly regarded as a "Spot Fest" today, at its beginning, the Ultimate X Match was truly a way to see some of the best high-flying, fast pace wrestling. There have always been spots within this match, but when done properly this gimmick match is non-stop, edge of your seat excitment.

6) Triple Threat: A match filled with the perfect blend of storytelling and wrestling psychology.

5) Ladder Match: The ladder match is a match that is always full of drama, and exciting spots. The ladder match inspires wrestlers to create new ways to incorporate new uses for the ladder and in a sense, trying to make each ladder match better than the ones before.

4) Hardcore Match: Simple match concept: Do anything and everything you can to ensure yourself the victory. Nothing is off limits in this no disqualification, no count out match. Anything can be used as a weapon, and the pin or submission can occur anywhere thus always making it an enjoyable match to watch.

3) Cage Match: Possibly the most used of all of the gimmick matches. Never is a cage match anything but brutal for both competitors inside the steel structure.

2) TLC Match: Same concept and reason as the Ladder Match listed above, but with added weapons made legal in tables and chairs.

1) Royale Rumble: Aside from Wrestlemania, this Pay-Per View is the biggest. No other match provides you with the opportunity to witnessing 30 superstars in a single match. Most wrestling matches are one on one which gives you a 50% change of predicting the outcome. With the Royal Rumble, you're chances of picking the winner decrease dramatically and become a 0.0333% chance.

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