The Thunder-Blog

Urghhh! I think the coin was worth 50,000 dollars? I know the restaurant was called Big Pete's House of Munch.
Was it $50,000. Haha. Good guess really.

OK, my question is: Which show did Peter tell Chris to pretend he was sick to save?
Since this is a blog, I thought I would say something about my life.

So, for a while now I have had my eye on a girl at work. I was going out with someone else from my work before this and when we broke up, she was there for me and made it really easy for me to get over my ex-girlfriend. Here is a side-note, people were merciless with me when I was in school for working as a checkout operator. They would say that it is a girly job and that I was sad for doing it. The good thing is that they are right. Women seem to dominate the job which means good news for me. I have had my pick of the girls there and it has been a blessing in disguise really. Nevertheless, The gurl was there for me after my breakup, which was quite hard on me to say the least.

For a while, I was happy being single and I told her that. She seemed interested in me but I wasn't in that place yet. We hung out and went out at weekends but she knew that I wasn't in that place and things were all right for a while. The problem is that I am ready to see someone again and I thought that she was interested in me. I asked her out a few months ago and she told me that she didn't think that she could forgive me for rejecting her a few weeks before that. Bottom line, she rejected me and I was heart-broken again. I really don't want this to sound sappy or a bitch-fest but this is where it gets sappy. I was gutted for a while after that and I started seeing another girl and was moving on.

I still hung out with the girl from work but obviously not as much and it seemed that we were growing apart in some way. I was seeing someone else and she is moving away soon for a few years. The next time that we went to the same party, the girl that I was kinda seeing decided that she didn't want to go and I went by myself because it was a 21st party and it was for one of my friends from work. Naturally, a lot of people from work were there and so was the girl that I asked out. We sat together for the full night and talked about things. After the party, we went out to a club and we were the only ones from work there. Things led to other things and I took her home. When I woke up the next day, she was gone and wasn't in work later that night. When i eventually talked to her, she was in a mood and didn't want to talk to me. She is moving to another country in a few weeks and said that she doesn't want to be with me.

My question is: What the fuck is going on and why is it when I am beggining to moveon does she pull this shit? Mainly, why does an event like this remind you of feelings that you had all along?

No offence aimed at Becca, Rebecca, etc. But women are mind fucks, you can't make a good decision unless it's a decision they like. The fact she was selfish about the rejection when you were ready just showed that something wasn't right, it's like, if she liked you, she would have waited, not used the fact you were ready as a grudge.

I think the matter of her distancing herself is because of the fact that she's moving away, she managed to get close to you, but she's closing you off because she doesn't want to be hurt by moving away and not being able to see you. So it's more she's keeping herself away so she can't get hurt.

Sorry she's messing with your mind abit. Hope it helps abit.

FGQ. Why was 'Surfin Bird' removed the from 1950s diner jukebox?
because, Dave. It is a nineteen-sixties song.

My friends told me she was a tease after she rejected me because she was really interested in me. Now, I can't help but think that they were right. You may be right, Dave. But I am absolutely gutted again. It's like she knew how I felt about her and she knew what I had been through and then used it against me. At least, I got sex though.
Not really sure I can join in full heartedly with the Phoenix woman hating :)

But yeah, its always hard to tell what these things are fully like when you only hear about them through someone else. I would say that she must have been quite hurt by your initial rejection. Its not a tease if she rejected you after you did the same to her- she stuck by with you after and maybe expected you to do the same.

With relation to the club though- how can you blame her for that? One thing led to another/ alcohol and something was done. If she hadn't planned on doing it- if she didn't want to get with someone she really liked because she was leaving soon- can you not see why she fled and why she might not be able to really talk about it?

As I say this is only the view I get from reading your perspective- she may indeed be a tease. Teases rairly take so much time comforting someone who has reccently been rejected though...
Not really sure I can join in full heartedly with the Phoenix woman hating :)

But yeah, its always hard to tell what these things are fully like when you only hear about them through someone else. I would say that she must have been quite hurt by your initial rejection. Its not a tease if she rejected you after you did the same to her- she stuck by with you after and maybe expected you to do the same.

With relation to the club though- how can you blame her for that? One thing led to another/ alcohol and something was done. If she hadn't planned on doing it- if she didn't want to get with someone she really liked because she was leaving soon- can you not see why she fled and why she might not be able to really talk about it?

As I say this is only the view I get from reading your perspective- she may indeed be a tease. Teases rairly take so much time comforting someone who has reccently been rejected though...

She wasn't drinking because she was driving and I never really had too much either. I wasn't drunk by any means. I can see why she done it though but I hope you can see my perspective. She knew that I had had a tough time with the woman prior to her and then she did that. I mean, it was amazing and it was everything that I hoped it would be but she broke my heart and she knew that I was getting over her. That is why my friends called her a tease. She also knew that I was getting over her. I don't know, I am just very confused.
Thunder, I know I've said this before, but that's the fun of college, mate. Don't worry... For every girl playing tricks with you, there's ten lovely hunnies waiting to hang on your.... Neck.... So don't worry buddy. I trust, you'll find yourself in a good position soon.
I'm sure I will too.

Also, I will reply to your PM later on... ;)
Not really sure I can join in full heartedly with the Phoenix woman hating :)

Sorry Nitafrog, forgot about you :). I'm not a woman hater, I just have two mindfuck splits (or rather dumps) in the past and they continued to play the games afterwards. Don't hate women, just hate what they do post-relationship wise.
Sorry Nitafrog, forgot about you :). I'm not a woman hater, I just have two mindfuck splits (or rather dumps) in the past and they continued to play the games afterwards. Don't hate women, just hate what they do post-relationship wise.

Why is it that women always seem to come off more immature than men, post break-up?
What does Peter say when he gets out of the shower for the first time after his liposuction?
Why is it that women always seem to come off more immature than men, post break-up?

I think it's more to do with power than anything. I've known a number of guys to do it too, but it seems to be more the person who breaks it off, purely because the other won't attack due to them having good feelings still to the person who dumbed them and the dumper being the person who has the power and control of the situation because they made the move.
Wow! Great question. Too bad I just watched that episode :lmao:

"I see you...Hahahahaha"

Great question though, had I not seen it like a day ago, I would have been stumped.
Damn that was freaky.

What flash back memory does that Brian have which stops him from telling Stewie to drink his cup which is full of tobacco spit?
"Where's my money"


Who are the two boxers in the boxing match that Brian bets on?
Mike Tyson and Carol Channing

How many times has Peter's schenanigans destroyed Cleveland's house when he's taking a bath?
See post above for next question, also bonus points for what destroys his house on each occasion

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